Keeping Up With The Medical Literature Why, How, and When

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International Section for Early Career and Training

Keeping Up With the Medical Literature: Why,

How, and When?
Joseph Kamtchum-Tatuene , MD, MRes; Joseline Guetsop Zafack , MD, PhD

o remain competitive throughout their career, clinicians medical literature is the constant improvement of patient
and researchers must keep abreast of new publica- care and outcomes. Awareness of new developments in
tions in their field. This represents a major challenge a specialty is also needed to provide adequate answers
due to the exponential growth in the number of publica- to patients’ questions during consultations.
tions powered by the academic publish-or-perish culture Literature watch also makes it easier to know leaders
and the ever-growing availability of the internet favoring in a field, find collaborators or mentors, choose fellowship
the emergence of online-only publications.1–3 For example, destinations, update lecture notes for students, and select
a search on PubMed, which is only one of the many exist- reviewers when submitting manuscripts to journals.
ing sources of biomedical literature, reveals that >30 000 Furthermore, witnessing the expansion of a spe-
articles containing the word stroke were indexed in the cialty and the emergence of new subspecialties helps
platform in 2020, which is 2.3× higher than in 2010 and to develop professional humility as one acknowledges
5× higher than in 2000. It is obviously impossible to read all that building strong collaborative networks bears more
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relevant articles published in a field every year while main- durable benefits than trying to be a jack of all trades.
taining a sound work-life balance. The coronavirus disease
2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has created additional pres-
sure to perform a timely curation of new publications in USEFUL STRATEGIES TO KEEP UP WITH
the context of a rapidly evolving public health emergency. THE MEDICAL LITERATURE
Here, we share some strategies (Table) to help students Journal Surveillance
and health professionals to keep up with the medical litera-
ture and fulfill their training or professional requirements One of the most popular means of keeping up with the
without harming their physical and mental health. The topic medical literature is to consult scholarly journals either
of this article has also been discussed on other platforms, actively by regularly logging onto their website or more
notably the Nature and Science Magazines.4–8 passively by subscribing at no cost to their electronic table
of contents. Through its Journal Watch Series,9 The New
England Journal of Medicine provides an acceptable alter-
native by having experts review the literature in various
fields, select the most important articles, summarize the
THE MEDICAL LITERATURE? findings, and discuss their clinical implications. Of course,
Medicine is likely the scientific discipline where knowl- this is limited to clinical medicine, the article selection is
edge moves at the fastest pace with instant repercus- most likely biased by the experts’ preferences and opin-
sions on clinical care practices and guidelines. Therefore, ions, and some comments are made available online sev-
one obvious advantage of keeping abreast with the eral months after the release of the original publications.
Key Words: education, medical, continuing ◼ maintenance ◼ publications ◼ social media ◼ work-life balance

The opinions expressed in this article are not necessarily those of the editors or of the American Heart Association.
Correspondence to: Joseph Kamtchum-Tatuene, MD, MRes, Neuroscience and Mental Health Institute, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Alberta, 4-065
Katz Group Bldg, 114 St & 87 Ave NW, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2E1. Email
The Data Supplement is available with this article at
For Sources of Funding and Disclosures, see page e748.
© 2021 American Heart Association, Inc.
Stroke is available at

e746   November 2021 Stroke. 2021;52:e746–e748. DOI: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.121.036141

Kamtchum-Tatuene and Zafack Keeping Up With the Medical Literature

Table. Strategies to Keep Up With the Medical Literature developments in a specialty or a research field. His-
Category Available strategies torically, this has been done in person through con-
Journal surveillance Subscription to electronic table of contents
ferences. However, over the past decade and more

recently during the COVID-19 pandemic, social media
Alerts from PubMed, Google Scholar, and preprint
servers and online meeting platforms have played a more sig-
Audio summaries/podcasts
nificant role in supporting these interactions. Major
Interaction with rel- Conferences
biomedical journals, scientific societies, and pub-
evant scientific and lic health institutions maintain an official account on
Social media platforms
media communities social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn,
(online or in person) Webinars
and YouTube) and frequently post information about
Newsletters and websites of scientific societies new publications, recommendations, scientific state-
Websites of public health institutions (eg, World ments, guidelines, webinars, and other CME oppor-
Health Organization and Center for Disease Control)
tunities. Therefore, following their accounts is a good
Notifications from major news outlets and blogs (eg,
way of staying informed of hot topics in all aspects of
biomedical research. The American Heart Association,
Active membership of scientific societies (eg,
American Heart Association, American Academy of the European Stroke Organization, the World Health
Neurology, and European Stroke Organization) Organization, the Centre for Disease Control, and many
Services to journals Manuscript review other scientific bodies also have an official newslet-
Editorial work ter where they highlight key recent publications and
Institutional CME Journal clubs
advertise CME opportunities. Moreover, active mem-
opportunities bership of medical and research societies provides
opportunities to subscribe to their newsletters, join sci-
Collaboration on review and guideline writing
entific committees or research groups, and build strong
CME indicates continuing medical education. networks to support one’s career.
It is also beneficial to connect with leaders of scien-
With the increased availability of electronic devices tific communities on social media as they are often the
and internet connection, journals have developed other first to post new research findings and guidelines, trial
ways of delivering their content in more digestible for- results, and funding or job opportunities. Some promi-
mats, notably audio summaries for new issues, author nent researchers also have accounts on science-focused
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interviews, webinars, and podcasts (Data Supplement). social media like ResearchGate or where
Since February 2021, Stroke Alert podcasts (https:// one can follow the progress of their projects and access provide a monthly audio sum- their publications.
mary of key research articles in each issue of the jour-
nal Stroke, as well as in-depth discussions with selected
authors. Podcasts allow clinicians and scientists to com- Services to Journals
plete part of their continuing medical education (CME) Voluntary collaborations with biomedical journals, either
requirements while driving their children to school, cook- as a reviewer or an editor, are excellent opportunities to
ing, jogging, or traveling between home and workplace. get prime access to what is going on behind the scenes
Alerts from PubMed, Google Scholar, preprint serv- before the public sees the final formatted and published
ers, and major news outlets also represent a convenient articles. Reviewing manuscripts allows clinicians and
way of keeping an eye on the literature. Regarding pre- researchers to learn new methods and know what other
prints, there is an ongoing debate on the potential risks researchers are working on. It can, therefore, boost their
of using or reporting incorrect research that could be creativity as they prepare for grant applications. It is also
harmful to patients or society.10 To set up PubMed alerts, an alternative way for researchers to improve their sci-
one needs to create an account with the National Centre entific writing skills by learning from others’ mistakes
for Biotechnology Information. After running a basic or and getting a personal experience of what reviewers
advanced search, a create an alert link below the PubMed like and dislike. Moreover, reviewers are often invited
search box allows users to customize the alert and save to write Editorials on articles that they have assessed,
it into their account. Once done, PubMed will search the which gives them an opportunity to increase their schol-
literature regularly and send a list of new results directly arly output.
by email according to the chosen frequency and format.
Institutional CME Opportunities
Interaction With Scientific and Media Because it is challenging for an individual to curate the
Communities whole scientific literature regularly despite personal
Interaction with colleagues sharing the same inter- commitment and technological advances, because algo-
ests is another valuable way of keeping on top of new rithms can fail to bring the relevant information to their
Stroke. 2021;52:e746–e748. DOI: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.121.036141 November 2021   e747
Kamtchum-Tatuene and Zafack Keeping Up With the Medical Literature

users and because scholarly publications are subject to Staying on top of the literature is both a necessity and a
misinterpretations, discussions among colleagues within challenge. Therefore, clinicians and researchers must skill-
the same institution will remain an important way of fully combine classical and emerging strategies to stay on

keeping track of and digesting all the new knowledge top of it for patients, for themselves, and for their careers.
generated daily. Consequently, it is indispensable to save
some time in one’s busy schedule to participate in these
discussions that can take the form of journal clubs, grand ARTICLE INFORMATION
rounds, or seminars. The ideas discussed during a jour- Affiliations
nal club can eventually be incorporated into a Letter to The Neuroscience and Mental Health Institute, Faculty of Medicine and Den-
tistry, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada (J.K.-T.). Public Health Agency of
the Editor if the article of interest was published recently. Canada (J.G.Z.).
This represents another way to boost one’s scholarly out-
put. Collaborating on review projects every now and then Sources of Funding
is also another opportunity to make a focused in-depth
update of one’s knowledge on a selected topic. Disclosures
Dr Kamtchum-Tatuene is supported by the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry
Motyl Graduate Studentship in Cardiac Sciences, an Alberta Innovates Gradu-
BEWARE OF THE PITFALLS! ate Student Scholarship, the Department of Medicine Ballermann Translational
Research Fellowship, the Izaak Walton Killam Memorial Scholarship, and the Uni-
Keeping up with the fast-growing and ever-changing versity of Alberta Andrew Stewart Memorial Graduate Prize. The other author
medical literature is necessary to safeguard the quality reports no conflicts.

of patient care, and it helps researchers to remain at

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