Mar Final LP Demo G 9

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to
a. Identify common unintentional injuries
b. Give proper first aid procedures for common unintentional injuries
c. Value the importance of proper first aid in our daily lives


Topic: First Aid for Common Unintentional Injuries
References: PE and Health Learner’s material
Instructional Materials: Laptop, TV screen/Projector, PPT

A. Preliminary activity

● Prayer

● Greetings

● Checking of attendance

● Classroom rules

B. Review
The teacher will ask the students about their previous topic/lesson.

C. Motivation
The teacher will show a pictures and the students will be identify what kind of
unintentional injuries is it. Students will filling out the missing letters.
D. Lesson Proper
1. Activity
The teacher will give a scenario and the students will answer the questions given
based on that scenario.
● In one household, things are not properly arraged. Knives are put in a place
where children can easily reach.
● Fruits and vegetables peelings are not properly thrown.
● Detergent bars or other laundry material have no labels
● A child is playing in the living while the mother is cooking.

1. Present one unintentional injury that can be possibly happen in the

2. If you were in the situation when injury happened, how are you going
to help the victim?

2. Analysis
● What is your observation about our activity?
3. Abstraction
First Aid for Common Unintentional Injuries
First Aid for Common Unintentional Injuries
1. Fracture
● Check vitals signs
● Do not move the injured part
● Stop bleeding if there is any
● If you have to move the person, immobilize the broken part by splinting
● Seek medical help immediately
2. Dislocation
● Call for help immediately
● Splint the affected part
● Do not try to move the dislocated part or force it back into place
● Apply ice on the injured part to induce swelling
3. Sprain/Strain
● Rest the injured part
● Apply ice
● Compress the injured part
● Elevate
4. Heat Exhaustion
● Transport the victim to a cool place
● Give him plenty of water
● Check for vital signs
● Seek for medical help
5. Food Poisoning
● Help the person to lie down and rest
● Give him plenty of flavorless fluid and bowl to use if he vomits
● Call for medical help if the condition worsens
6. Choking
● Ask the person if he is choking
● Encourage him to cough
● Give him 5 back blows if he cannot speak or stops coughing
● If it falls, try abdominal thrusts
● Check his mouth for instructions
● If not clear, call for ambulance
7. Drowning
● Lay the person down
● Check breathing and open the airway
● Give CPR if necessary
● If he is breathing, place him in recovery position
● Treat for hypothermal by removing wet clothes and cover with dry blanket
8. Heart Attack
● Help the person sir or lie down with head elevated
● Call for medical help
● If he is conscious, give full-dose aspirin and advise to chew slowly
● Monitor vital signs
● Give rescue breaths and chest compression if necessary
9. Chemical Burns
● Make sure that contact with the electrical source is broken
● Flood with plenty of water
● Wear gloves and place sterile dressing or bandage
● Call for medical help
● Treat for possible shock
10. Burns
● Flood with cold water and cover if minor
● For severe, help the person to lie down and douse the burn with cold liquid
● Do not delay medical help
● Wear gloves and gently remove accessories/clothing the cover
● Monitor vital signs and treat for schock
11. Heat Stroke
● Move to a cool place and loosen clothing
● Call for medical help
● Wrap in cold wet sheet until it returns to normal body temperature
● Monitor vital signs
12. Stroke
● If conscious, help the victim to lie down with head and shoulder
● Place a towel on shoulder to absorb any dribbling
● Call for help
● Loosen tight clothing
● Monitor vital signs
● Be ready to give rescue breaths and chest compressions
4. Application
Short Role play
Students will choose one type of common unintentional injuries. They will act the scenario
with performing the first aid.

I Multiple Choices:
1. What is First Aid?
a. Is a bridge that fills the gap between the victim and the physician
b. It ends when the services of the physician begin
c. It is not intended to compete with or to take place of the services of the
d. It is an immediate and temporary care given to a person who suddenly gets
I'll of injured
2. Which of the following is the correct procedure in applying first aid for Sprain?
I. Apply ice
II. Compress the injured part
III. Rest the injured part
IV. Elevate the injured part
3. Which of the following is NOT a common unintentional injury?
a. Sprain
b. Childbirth
c. Drowning
d. Fracture
4. What do you call a common unintentional injury that is impartialor complete
displacement of the bones?
a. Dislocation
b. Choking
c. Heat Exhaustion
d. Fracture
5. Which of the following is the BEST statement on the importance of knowing the skills
of first aid for common unintentional injuries?
a. To gain an income
b. To be known and popular
c. To help and save live of injured persons
d. To boast the skills acquired

II. Essay
1. What is the role of First Aid?
2. Why is it important to learn the skills of First Aid?

In one short bond paper, make a slogan related to our topic “First Aid for Common
Unintentional Injuries”.

Prepared by: Checked by:

Pre- Service Teacher Resource Teacher

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