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The effectiveness of smartphone use for English-majored university juniors in

learning English is investigated by this study. A survey was conducted among 80
students at HUFLIT University in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. The findings showed
that students perceived smartphones as valuable tools for enhancing their English
language learning, particularly in improving listening comprehension and
pronunciation. Popular methods included using English learning apps, interacting with
AI chatbots, and engaging with entertaining English content. The convenience,
flexibility, and accessibility of smartphones were noticed as main advantages.
However, limitations acknowledged the short survey time, limited participant pool,
and inability to give actual ennhancement in English proficiency. In general, the study
stated that smartphones can be a beneficial supplement to conventional English
language learning methods, but further research is needed to fully understand their
long-term impact and effectiveness.
Key word: smartphone use, English learning, English proficiency, convenicence,

The outcomes of fast achievements in technology have been observered in all
dimensions of human’s life from art and entertainment to education and finance.
Smartphone is one of the most popular and useful items technology widely utilized in
this era (Nihat, 2020). In oreder to make studying English more easier and more
flexible the standard was requested 4 main features: small size and light wieght,
moderate screen, easy internet access anytime and anywhere, versatile features to
download documents or files in need. As a result, Smartphone is strongly
recommended to support students in learning English (Šimonová, 2016). These
interesting poduction can be made a contribution to udating functions attached on
smartphones that support students to watch academic videos, look up vocabulary in
offline or online dictionaries, interact with online platforms, listen to songs,
accomplish language tasks, or evaluate their ability by doing language tests (Nihat,
2020). English language is ubiquitous from school environment to daily life
(Sepyanda, 2017). Therefore, this study aim to investigate how effective smartphones
can be to English-majored juniors in learning English.
2. Literature review
The disparate forms of human life have been revolutionized by the ubiquitous
existence of mobile phones, consisting of educational institutions. This review will
discover the upcoming advantages of smartphone use for third-year students in college
which can raise their experience of learning English. Firstly, the smartphone plays an
active role in growing amenity and receptiveness. this digital gadget allows users to
access information 24/7 from varied English documents (Jurkovič, 2019). Mobile-
assisted language learning (MALL) which is generated to facilitate peer access to
language materials and resources through the numerous utilization of mobile gadgets,
for instance, cellphones, and tablets (Mobile-assisted language learning, 2023). Due to
the portability and flexibility students do not need to stay in the classroom or sit at
computer hours. It allows students to study in different ways which is more
convenient and flexible, which means they will not have to rely on geographical
distance and students have many chances to learn English anywhere and anytime
(Nuraeni, 2020). Moreover, one of the most interesting things about holding-hand
devices is can be used to maintain the desire to learn languages and boost motivation
through interactive applications and apps that gamify learning English. Learners will
find it more enjoyable and approachable to be consistent in studying. “It enhances
learner’s participation, motivate actions, efficiently improve their academic
performance as well as effectively facilitate language learning.” (Thurairasu, 2022).
Nowadays, many English apps are available on Appstore on IOS and Google Play on
Android which is supportive of connection among multi-cultural countries and
collaborative learning. It gives pupils a lot of opportunities to engage with their
partners and teachers, no matter who they are and where they live.
3. Objective
This research has the potential purpose of exploring the positive and negative
efficiencies of taking the benefit of smartphones in learning English with third-year
learners at university.
Research question:
How effectively smartphone can assist the student in learning English context?
What are the advantages of support students while they use their smartphones to learn
What are methods of students in learning English when they use smartphones?
4. Research Gap
The findings of studies investigating the effect of smartphone use for juniors to study
English have been mixed. The study by (Nihat, 2020) and (Tao, 2023) just indicated
the pros of the utilizing smartphone in learning English, while (Dejan, 2011) showed
that positive benefits is quite general since the database collections are individual
opinion. Although a lot of studies have been done to date. However, many research
need to ascerntain effects of smartphone use for English-majored in studying English
in what extent it affects to their achievement in learning performance.
5. Organization
The first part of this research paper is an operation about hand-held equipment and an
introduction to the powerful capacity it ensures delivery. The following Literature
review and method is a neck-to-neck component conducted. Afterwards, Drawing the
study findings and discussions. The research mark the end of plenty of
recommendations to conclude the pros of smartphone use in learning English for
junior university pupils.

I. Utilizing smartphones in studying English.

1. The supportive tool for students in learning English.

Students have many ways to accept educational materials and prestigious resources
through using superior devices which is a wonderful alternative to traditional
methodologies and facilitates e-learning (Hashim, 2020). (Zulkafly, 2011) claimed that
mobile and portable device learning is illustrated by taking advantage of conducive
hand-held technology for academic educators and learners. There are a lot of
beneficial features of hand-held can facilitate the learner carrying out their study of
language without hindrances about the restriction of time and geographical place. That
means no matter where students are, whenever learners have spare time, they also can
learn flexibly and constantly. Alzubi, (2019) stated that these helpful tools proposed
plenty of options depending on educational establishes from formal academics such as
high school, university, and college to informal learning settings like home and
workplace. Regarding the English language, students are capable of raising their
phonological ability and enhancing vocabulary, and reading skills (Plester, 2009). The
digital camera’ characters are demonstrated by collecting material visualization, taking
photos, and backing them up as visual documents. Moreover, Smartphones have
capabilities that contribute to improving listening skills as the effortless approach of
audio and visual resources appeals to learners who participate in hundreds of English
content and it is available on social platforms (Thomas, 2014)

2. Prevalence of mobile phone Use in Learning English

The over-popularity of versatile electronic devices has a tenant tendency leading to the
use of mobile technology in learning language. Generally, there is a remarkable
amount of English learners accepting smartphone use to study English due to it is
useful, helpful, interactive, and convenient. As a result, learning languages by using
mobile devices is paid an entire attention (Metruk, 2021). The conbination of using
mobile phones in educational institutions will be a helpful appliance to supply the
English language base via some types of tools for example Youtube, TikTok, etc. The
useful equipment can be evaluated as a mobile device giving a lot of benefits for
learners (Mortazavi, 2021). The reason for its over-popularity is. Firstly it offers so
many functions that are similar to computers or laptops it cannot only access the
internet easily but also be portable and flexible in any real-life situation. Secondly,
smartphones have set up significant power over other normal cellular phones, taking
downloading applications on a smartphone as an example the owner always feels free
to install plenty of apps on their phone via Google Play for Android and the Apps
Store for IOS. Last but not least, the overwhelming popularity and effortless
accessibility have developed in the current period, especially in the past decade, this
phenomenon implies that the users of this univeral mobile device are apparently
increasing. “The number of smartphone users worldwide today surpasses three billion
and is forecast to further grow by several hundred million in the next few years”.
Therefore, it is reasonable that people raise their expectations of smartphones to
contribute to the indispensable part of lecturing and studying foreign languages in the
following year (Metruk, 2021). Another reason for its prevalence as this hand-held
garment is often used to assist interactive society by accessing social media and
creating a collaborative learning environment (Hulme, 2008).

3. Using Mobile Apps in Learning English.

The rapid development of mobile phones, which is evolved strongly on features of

storage and executive functions, allow them to operate numerous range of
applications. Thank to the productiveness of applications on the phone brings up.
These cutting-edge technologies now are able to perform many task simultaneously.
However, there also have been caught problematic stuffs on the network connection,
unqualified materials, and the ability to access smartphone apps really depends on the
energy of the phone’s battery. According to Kovachev (2011) reported that every
phone people are using nowadays always have two types of applications: “Offline
applications” as known as “native applications”. This apps actually are available on
modern smartphones, its dominant advantage is able to access without the internet. On
the other hand, “Online Applications” is showed that the smooth combination of
cellular phone system and supportive software which made mobile as much as
prevelant as its powerfull and assistive characteristics. One of the most disadvantages
of Online Applications is can not utilize when the smartphones are disconnected to the
network connection.It is unavoidabe that the useful features smartphone applications
bring people life up especially in adopting foreign language. Recently, Being trained
by adopting mobile applications is strongly encouraged to assist language integration.
It seems that the combination of direct learning and online learning provides more
benefits than the conventional methods. Morover, this “Blended Learning approach”
leads faraway students to do their learning language more efficiently, cause their work
cannot allow them to join the face-to-face work-time classroom (Klímová, 2019)

II. Impacts of Smartphone Use on Learning Efficiency

Nowsaday, more and more smartphones are producted to meet the customer needs in
many aspects of life from entertainment to studying. However, the most concerned
issues when it comes to using smartphones is their effectiveness in learning English.
Every coin has two sides, the more positive impact mobile phones have, the more
negative effects they give.

1. Positive impact of Smartphone Use on Learning Efficiency

According to (Amez, 2020) stated that mobile phones could take advantage of
perform better educational capability. The flexibility of smartphone permits learner to
learn apparently every time and everywhere just connecting with wifi or 3G. Thus, the
utility of functions are uncomplicated to accept the study-related documents supply
students many opportunities to find imformation instead of going back their home to
search for. Learns are able to explore related information, this instant searching
disposed of demands of the physical books as well as wasting time to find books on
the library. As a result, students collect the materials, documents rapidly and gather
relavant information effectively and logically, but they still ensure the dept of
proficient knowledge, and access up-to-date resources related to their field.

2. Negative impact of Smartphone Use on Learning Efficiency

The executive management system of the smartphone gives permission to users to

install and join many toxic contents as well as online games that cause learning
English harm. First of all, abusing the numerous utilities of translating apps such as
Google Translation, Tflat, QuillBot, etc. properly decreases critical thinking and
brainstorming in many aspects of their lives. Students might have a tendency to rely
on AI apps that drive passive thinking. Furthermore, overusing a smartphone for a
long period of time will promote mental health issues and depression. Because the
users spend a lot of their day using hand-held devices, it might shorten their attention
and concentration while learning English. Thus, Simon Amez (Amez, 2020) pointed
out that utilizing mobile phones can interrupt the learning environment. The gradual
adjacency of smartphones can be an attractive distraction, causing task-switching or
multitasking. This phenomenon shows negative behavior in education performance.
There are four main reasons that lead to multitasking or task-switching. First of all,
students may be driven to concentrate on the visual and audio notifications on their
phones during class time. Secondly, the syndrome was named FOMO (fear of missing
out), the feeling of attraction not to miss out on something in the surrounding
environment, which misleads concentration on unnecessary things instead of focusing
on good achievements. Thirdly, the distraction of individual life in working and
learning arises as a consequence of addictive abuse and overdependence on
smartphones. Subsequently, the feeling of unmotivated interest in studying that those
fancy apps on cutting-edge hand-held devices give quick and attractive entertainment
In cases of addiction, learning efficiency can be affected by smartphone overuse when
students spend more time on screen activities, such as using social media before going
to sleep. This destructive habit impacts the quality of sleep and causes insomnia
(Ibrahim, 2018). As a result, students’ daily lives can be affected by a lasting lack of
sleep, and another bad habit is the sedentary hobby, defined as a lack of physical
activity, which is the main reason for obesity and uncontrolled weight gain in
teenagers. “Screen time is a time of high caloric consumption and low physical
activity, the perfect combination for weight gain and obesity” (Jackson, 2011).

3. The effect of Smartphone Use in Learning Performance

With many features in the smartphone, students can take note of their phone or other
applications installed in the smartphone that can help them review the lessons before
the examination and enhance their comprehension of the subject matter, especially in
English, which requires good note-taking skills such as grammar and vocabulary. The
flexibility of using note apps allows students to access them anywhere and at any
time, making it convenient for them to study on the go. This can remarkbly enhance
their academic performance and overall academic understanding. Many learners who
often take note have better performance on the examination than others who do not.
The importance of taking note can be shown by the 20% ability to understand more
knowledge in class than others (Titsworth, 2013). However, the rapid development of
the latest technical devices has promoted the abuse of these technologies every time
and everywhere they go. People intended to apply those in classroom. Though the
potential capacility to exploit for promising educational outcomes, current studies
report that these advanced technologies can affect learning performance and neglect
students if the users are rely on exceedingly (Wood, 2012). Smartphone use boosts
learners' desire to do exercises as well by promoting plenty of cues for task-related
information or some suggestions that assist students in keeping track of their
assignments. Many learners will have more motivation when they know how effective
smartphones are at helping them study better. Specifically, they will study and
enhance their academic performance (Rodríguez, 2020).
III. Improved Engagement and Interaction
1. Presenting and sharing ideas.
Smartphones are getting more and more practical and adaptable every day, helping
people with both their daily and work-related tasks. With the help of the Internet and a
plethora of reliable educational resources, users can learn with these convenient
devices. Sharing the knowledge while studying thus becomes quite easy and in fact
speeds the advancement of academic success (Shahrill, 2017).The importance of
mobile devices is shown by providing many opportunities for learners to interact and
have discussions with their instructors and classmates through social media platforms.
Moreover, students can personalize the educational information from lectures in class
and share it with their friends by instant message or share some lesson-related photos
in their friends' ground chat instead of noting all the lessons in papers to debate. These
activities contribute to making them feel a sense of connection and collaboration, as
well as generating environmentally friendly learning (Gikas, 2013).
2. Connection with native speakers.
English fluency and practicing pronunciation contribute to an important part for
English learners. However, it seems unpractical and uneffective to absorb theoretical
English lessons. If so, many instructors have proposed plenty of methods, but one of
the most approachable is Mobile Assisted Language Learning(MALL) which has the
ability to support learning a foreign language whenever people are and every time
they have as well (Sherine, 2020). Nowadays, modern mobile devices are compatible
with many special features, and they are also eager to install some English-related
applications. With a premieum account, users have wonderful chances to
communicate with English-speaking foreigners. It is magnificent for students to listen
to native speakers because they make progress in their speaking skills. Furthermore,
having communication with English-speaking foreigners helps hone students'
accuracy in pronunciation and decrease regular mistakes from mother tongue habits.
(Saran, 2009).
Chapter 3: Method
1. Overview
The research aim to examine the effects of smartphone usage for English junior
students at HUFLIT university in learning English. Questionnaires were created by
Google Forms, and those were distributed to social media in order to collect students’
database for this study. This survey was lasted in 2 weeks, from March 1st, 2024 to
March 18th, 2024.
2. Subjects
The participants in the research involved juniors at the HUFLIT(Ho Chi Minh city
university of foreign language and international technology) university as well as
being English major. Students joined in survey were picked randomly as long as they
met the required demands. The survey was conducted on 80 students despite of their
gender, background. There are 5 results were excluded since unsuccessful completion
or being skip is in open-ended question; 1 ones were excluded because the unreliable
responses in mutiple choice grid.

3. Material

The study included both quantitative and qualitative methodologies. The questionnaire
used in the quantitative method has 12 questions about research The types of
questionnaire were diverse, consist of mutiple choice questions, Likert scales, Matrix
questions, Partially-structure questions and Open-ended ones. There are 5 questions
about personal information. The survey was composed of 7 questions and focused on
students' opinions on the effects of smartphone usage for English junior students at
HUFLIT university in learning English. Personal information about the participant's
profession,habit and other characteristics were also collected. In the qualitative
method, interviews are employed, and 3 questions are used to survey the methods that
students applied when enforcing the use of a smartphone in learning English.
4. Procedure of data collection

The process of this study was divided into 4 step. First of all, The questionnaires was
generated on the Google Forms platform and completed on February 29 th, 2024.
Secondly, on March 1st, 2024 the questionnaires were distributed to HUFLIT’s
English-majored juniors through social media platform like Zalo, Facebook, Message.
Thirdly, the period of 2 weeks was spent for to do the survey. Finally, after two-week
conduction, on Febuary 18th, 2024, the information was collected and analyzed by
Google Sheets.

5. Statistical Treatment
The employed methods that HUFLIT students to English learning by using
smartphone were evaluated and ascertained the produtivity and effectiveness of
strategies by Google Forms. Afterward, the result were transferred to accurate
scientific studying using statistic, chart, percentages, and Excel.
Chapter 4: Results
After a two-week survey, the research survey collected 100 student responses via 12
questionnaires. Google forms platform will summarize the findings and start off data
analysis. This survey is for English-majored juniors at HUFLIT University. There are
6 majors in Foreign Languages department. The majority of Pedagology is dominated
with approximately 53%, the second major is Business English with 25,6% which is
another popular major, 11 percent of stundents majoring English Logistic. Translation
– Interpretation and Binglingual (English – Chinese) is occur respectively 7,3 % and
2,4%, and finally, with only 1,2 percent of students majoring Office administrative
Skill. Most of students joining the survey are in upper-intermidiate level with roughly
54%, 25,6 percent of students in Advanced level, 15,6% in intermidiate level, 3,7% in
beginner level and just a few student in Master level with only 1,2%.

Figure 1: The time smartphone use in the day

4.1 How long did you spend on your smartphone during the day?

The figure 1 reveals the frequency of using smartphone of Huflit juniors in the
department of Foreign Languages. The pie chart shows us the fact that students
nowadays are able to use smartphone in their daily. Roughly 37% of survey students
claimed that they often spent 3-5 hours to make a use their handhold devices, with
amount of students equavalent to about 33,3% saying that they only use their phone 1-
3 hours per day. However, the moderate number of students utilizing their smartphone
over 5 hours per day that showed about 27,2%. From 3 figures shown above, we
definitely consider that smartphones are become a must-have item for the young
generation. Additionally, approximately 3% of joined juniors declaimed that they
used smartphone under 1 hour per day. In general, The period of on-screen phone of
third-year students indicates that the mass popularity of smartphone in their life, they
literally can take the advantage of smartphones’ features in many purposes especially
in educational settings such as complete their assignments let alone practice languages
skills. On the other hand, the overusing those handheld devices surely lead to a lot of
negative impacts like reduce the attention spans, FOMO, and so on.
4.2 How comfortable are you when using a smartphone for learning

Figure 2: The comfort of smartphone use for learning English

The figure 2 reports that the satisfaction of adopting smartphone for studying English
language. A glance at pie chart demonstrates that students claimed that they quite feel
comfortable and satisfied to apply their smartphones for learning English with the
huge number of surveyed those replied Extremely comfortable and Rather
comfortable equivalent to 43,9% and 34,1% ,respectively. These results mean
smartphone help English learners have good learning experiences, they firmly found
easier and convenient to study English by use smartphone. Nevertherless, there still
have amount of juniors assume that using smartphone is not quite comfortable with
19,5%, whereas, 2,4 percent of responds showed that it is not easy to apply
smartphone in learning English. In conclusion, the majority of those participated in the
research was familiar with learning English by smartphone, a minority of less than 3%
were not feel comfortable. And the rest of students showed the approval of
comfortably utilizing smartphone in learning English.
4.3 Which ability, in your opinion, is enhanced by using a smartphone to
study English?

Figure 3: The improvement of English skills

The figure 3 indicates the percentage of enhancing English abilities divides into 2
categories: Speaking and Writing skills which are productive skill, Listening and
Reading skills which are receptive skill. It is obvious to be seen that the two skills:
listening – reading are most enhanced with the rate of approximately 76,8% in
listening and 63,4% in reading. The understandable explanation for this is the global
integration of national culture leading to be esay to access English contents in social
media like Youtube, Facebook, Tiktok, and in English learning apps. Those support
learner absord English-related knowledges passively and easily. On the other hand, the
last two skills are productive skill with speaking and writing skills equivalent to
47,6% and 34,1%, respectively. Although these are in one type, the rate of writing
skills are slightly outnumbered by speaking skills. Since, speaking skills are
effortlessly enriched by listening skills, students may be good at this one if they listen
a lot, while writing skills require more efforts to master. To sum up, the tendency of
using smartphone of juniors in studying English potentially enjoys receptive skills
because it do not require too many effort and comfortably achieve proficency.
4.4 How would you AGREE your experience studying English with smartphone

Figure 4: The experience of studying English with smartphone apps

The pie chart illustrates that the satisfactory of utilizing English apps in smartphone
among student replies. It is easy to see that percentage of satisfied responds is
dominated figure occuring three fourth in whole pie chart with 78%. This
overwhelming number demonstrates that students definitely find convenient and
comfortable to use smartphone apps as essential tool to learn English. In addition,
17,1% of surveyed students also agree using English through smartphone apps
brought strongly satisfied experiences as the reason before. Nevertheless, nearly 5%
of participated students stated that they feel quite dissatisfied to using apps in studying
English. One explancation for this case is the irritation while interact with small
screen cause some visual and healthy issues keep they out of using smartphone to
learn English frequently. And no one assume this irritation is unacceptable. In
consequence, the majority of responds is partially biassed in satisfactory in sampling
smartphone apps in learning English because its convenience and effectiveness.
Chapter 5: Discussions
5.1 Original hypothesis
The purpose of this study was to show off the effects of smartphone use for English-
majored juniors in learning English, especially positive benefits, its convenience and
flexibility in enhancing English proficency of HUFLIT juniors in department of
foreign languages. The suveyed students would have a better perspective of how to
use smartphone to benefit their language learning.
5.2 Findings and Explanations
5.2.1 What did you achieve by using your smartphone to study English?
The research study is based on a short survey from Ho Chi Minh City University of
Foreign Languages – Information Technology (HUFLIT). Based on the detail analysis
of poll data, the plenty of juniors recognise the value of smartphone use for English
learning. The majority of suveyed participants claim that taking advantages of
smartphone use play an important role in improving listening comprehension and
developing natural sense of pronunciation, and others encounter exposing themselves
more effectively than learning vocabulary traditionally. However, there is a small
minority of students nearly 3 students that they find easy to understand grammatical
structures and apply them in their real-life situations more accurately. This findings
demonstates that using smartphone to study English language on the daily base gave
students a lot beneficial effects especially support to enhace listening comprehension.
5.2.2 What METHOD did you apply to improve your english by using
According to the collected data analysis, the highest percentage of joined students
claimed that downloading English learning apps is the best choices. Another huge
number of students realize the effectiveness of AI chatboxes to improve productive
skills: Speaking and writing as the popularity of AI compatibility is attached to many
modern smartphones as well as being approachable to use with a free-use account.
Nevertheless, Studying English language does not mean people can not enjoy it,
therefore approximately half of surveyed students demostrate immersing themselves
in English stuff and playing English learning game are their method preferences while
learning English by smarphone. To sum up, although there are different ways to learn
English, English learners ofter access the most useful and convenient method to
maximize their progression.
5.2.3 What are the pros of using a smartphone to learn English?
Based on the survey findings, Overall assessment of the positive feedback of the
collected questions can be easily divided into 2 types. The first type of students
believes that the biggest advantage that most smartphones bring is that they are very
convenient in learning English, flexible and easy to use when needed, especially in
looking up information such as grammar vocabulary. On the other hand, the second
type of surveyed students claims that the biggest pros of utilizing a smartphone to
study English is leading the learning English to the entertain way, which keep their
motivation and do not make studying daunting or tedious. Therefore, smartphone is
a must-have item for third-year students, since the benefits of using a smartphone
support students a lot by accessing English-related information and contents
5.3 Limitation
Although the study has achieved its goal, there were still some unavoidable
restrictions and shortcomings. First of all, the survey was conducted in a short period
of time. Secondly, the population of participants also was limited, 80 students
completed the questionnaire. All participants are from the third year of the University
of Ho Chi Minh City University of Foreign Language and Information Technology.
The third, the researcher also only took the survey to get the answers within 1 week,
then collected and processed. And finally, That the researcher could not check the
students’ improvement in English proficiency was also a severe shortcoming of the
Chapter 6: Conclusion
This research explores the effects of smartphone use English-majored juniors at
HUFLIT University in learning English. The findinds demonstrates that smartphone
could be a helpful device for improving English language learning, specifically in
enhancing listening comprehension and pronounciation. Many surveyed students
indicated that smartphone provide convenient and flexible approaches to adopt
English learning materials such as: recreative English contents, AI Chatbots,
English learning apps. These useful resources supply students motivative and
enjoyable way to study English with burn-out. Nevertheless, the study also
encountered some limitations. The brief survey period with a limited surveyed
sudents (80 students from HUFLIT University) are not able to measure precise
progression in English Proficiency. To sum up this study suggest that smartphone
can be a helpful tool to traditional English teaching method. It offers convenience,
flexibility, and wide range of English materials. Hence students can boost their
English learning experience and obtain successfully their targets.
Unfortunately, this research was restricted in HUFLIT only. As a result, there must
be more further studies need to be carried out at other university in Viet Nam. The
lecturers should adopt smartphone as an essential tool for students to learn English.
Moreover, the limitation of this study is that it did not mention in depth the certain
benefits that the smartphone brought in studying English.

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