Debut Spiel

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1. Family and family, welcome to

2. Tonight, we celebrate not only the

passing of time but the blossoming of
a remarkable lady who stands on the
platform of greatness, armed with
ambition and fueled by passion.
3. Welcome to the 18th birthday
celebration of the most beautiful and
amazing lady of the hour,

4. Embrace the allure of this

momentous occasion as we all
shimmer and shine amidst the
enchanting ambiance of elegance
and sophistication. This is Geremy G.
Sanchez, it is an honor to be your host
of tonight`s extra ordinary occasion –
the commencement of Clarisse`
journey towards adulthood.

1. Opening spiel
2. Entrance of the Family
3. Entrance of the Debutant
4. Opening Prayer
5. Dance Number
6. Welcome Remarks
7. Game
8. 18 Bills
9. Games
10. 18 Gifts
11. Lighting of the mother candle
12. 18 Candles
13. Singing of the birthday song
14. Slicing of the debutant`s cake
15. 18 shots
16. Games
17. Words of Gratitude by the debutant
18. 18 Roses
19. Games

1. Candles: Candles symbolize the light

of knowledge and wisdom guiding
the debutant as they embark on their
journey into adulthood. They
represent enlightenment, clarity, and
the illumination of the path ahead.
2. Bills: In some cultures, presenting bills
or money during a debut symbolizes
prosperity, abundance, and financial
blessings for the debutant's future
endeavors. It represents the
community's support and desire for
the debutant to thrive and succeed
in all aspects of life.
3. Gifts: Gifts are tokens of love,
appreciation, and support given to
the debutant to commemorate their
special day. Each gift holds
significance, whether it be practical,
sentimental, or symbolic, symbolizing
the giver's well wishes and blessings
for the debutant's journey ahead.
4. Shots: Shots or toasts are often raised
in honor of the debutant, signifying
well wishes for their future success
and happiness. Each shot represents
a moment of celebration and
camaraderie among guests, as they
come together to support and uplift
the debutant on their special day.
5. Roses: Roses are timeless symbols of
love, beauty, and elegance. They
are often used in debut celebrations
to adorn the venue and honor the
debutant, expressing admiration and
affection for their grace and charm
as they transition into adulthood.

Birthday April 28, 2006
Zodiac Sign Taurus
Celebrity Crush Gabriel Guevara
Crush RJ
Ideal Man Respectful, Family – Oriented
Dream Job Interior designer
Fav. Movie: Culpa Mia
Fav Viand: Adobo
Fav. Color: Lavender
Fav. Song: We are never ever getting back together
Fav. Animal: Dog
Greatest insecurity: Height
Shoe size: 38
Nick Name: JC

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