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Vincent Rodriguez Rodriguez 1

Julie Baker

English 1301

04 April 2024


In today's technological world, the use of artificial intelligence in internet development has

become a popular and growing area of research. In this peer-reviewed article titled "The Practical

Application of Artificial Intelligence Technology with the Development of Internet," by authors

Fan Rao, Xi Hu, and GuoHua Zhu they delve into the implications of AI technology in

improving efficiency and security within network engineering. This essay examines the

rhetorical strategies employed by the authors to effectively encourage readers to understand the

importance of AI technology in the context of internet development.

Thesis Statement:

Through the strategic use of ethos, logos, appeals to The audiences understanding, detailed

language analysis, and exploration of future implications, Fan Rao, Xi Hu, and GuaHua Zhu

convince readers to acknowledge the significant role of AI technology in improving network

efficiency and security.

The authors establish their credibility by affiliating themselves with the recognized

School of Artificial Intelligence at Jianghan University. This lends credibility to their research,

enhancing their ethos. Furthermore, the authors strengthen their arguments with sound reasoning

supported by proven evidence. By citing various studies and sources, they make a compelling

case for the advantages of AI technology in analyzing network data and enhancing the decision-
Vincent Rodriguez Rodriguez 2

Julie Baker

English 1301

04 April 2024

making processes. This combination of ethos and logos enhances the credibility of the authors'

points, as readers are more likely to trust the words of academics from a trustworthy institution

and appreciate the logical reasoning behind their findings. Further advancing their credibility, the

sources that they cite come from prominent researchers in the artificial intelligence field of study.

The authors effectively appeal to readers who are familiar with internet complexities,

highlighting the importance of AI technology in reducing error. By touching on the existing

knowledge and concerns, Rao, Hu, and Zhu make their points relatable and easy to understand.

They provide examples of AI applications in network engineering, and highlighting the benefits

for readers and catering to their desire for technological advancements. This approach promotes

reader engagement and increases the likelihood of reader acceptance, thus enhancing the overall

persuasiveness of the authors' argument. The authors also use clear and understandable language

in their presentation of their arguments to ensure that readers from many backgrounds can read

and understand their positions. To that end they do not bog down their article with complex

explanations and give their ideas in a straightforward manner.

Throughout the article, Rao, Hu, and Zhu provide examples and case studies to support

their arguments regarding the practical applications of AI technology. By grounding their

discussion in proven evidence, the authors strengthen the persuasiveness of their argument. They

provide instances where AI systems have successfully detected faults, optimized operations, and

enhanced security, thereby providing examples of AI's effectiveness in network engineering. This
Vincent Rodriguez Rodriguez 3

Julie Baker

English 1301

04 April 2024

use of evidence not only reinforces the the authors' claims but also makes the benefits of AI

technology easier for readers to ingest.

The choice of language and the tone employed by writers significantly influence the

development of their argument. When examining the language utilized in a piece taking into

account factors such, as its level of formality, clarity and specificity can offer readers a glimpse

into how the authors convey their thoughts. Furthermore delving into the tone of the text and its

impact, on shaping readers perspectives can yield understanding regarding the authors persuasive


Although the authors present a compelling argument for the benefits of AI technology in

network engineering, it is essential to critically evaluate their rhetorical strategies for potential

failures. By identifying any instances of rhetorical fallacies present in the article, such as logical

fallacies or appeals to emotion, readers can gain a better understanding of the authors'

techniques. The authors, in the article express their points clearly and logically steering clear of

errors linked to fallacies. Yet it's crucial to watch out for any weaknesses, in their arguments like

oversimplification or selectively choosing evidence. By examining the articles tactics readers can

better understand the depth of the authors argument and how much it leans on solid reasoning

and evidence.
Vincent Rodriguez Rodriguez 4

Julie Baker

English 1301

04 April 2024

A deeper understanding of why an author writes a text and who they are writing for can

give us important clues to why they make certain persuasive choices. By looking at how writers

change their writing to connect with their readers, we can see how effective their persuasive

techniques are. Throughout their article, the authors show that they really get who their readers

are and what they care about, and this shapes how they try to persuade them. They explain their

ideas in a way that's easy to understand and interesting, making sure that people from different

backgrounds can get why what they're saying is important. Also, the authors think ahead about

what objections their readers might have and deal with them before they're even raised, making

their argument even stronger.

It's important to think about the picture of what the authors are saying and how it could

influence advancements in network engineering and internet technology down the line. By

exploring areas, for research or new ideas based on what the article shares readers can get a

deeper grasp of why the authors discoveries matter. Throughout their work Rao, Hu and Zhu

emphasize how AI technology has the power to reshape network engineering methods and

improve efficiency and security overall. They touch on paths for exploration and progress such

as incorporating AI into automated network checks and using smart control technology.

Considering these points helps readers understand not what the authors are saying now but how

it shapes future advances, in this field.

In summary, through a comprehensive analysis of the rhetorical strategies used by Rao,

Hu, and Zhu in the article "Practical Application of Artificial Intelligence Technology in the
Vincent Rodriguez Rodriguez 5

Julie Baker

English 1301

04 April 2024

Development of the Internet", it can be seen that their persuasive skills are diverse. The

significance of the target AI technology is effectively conveyed to improve network efficiency

and security. Through the strategic use of ethos, logos, engaging audience understanding,

detailed language analysis, and exploration of future implications, the author successfully

convinces readers of the important role artificial intelligence technology will play in shaping the

future of technology. As advances in artificial intelligence continue to revolutionize network and

internet technologies, we must recognize the importance of these developments in improving

efficiency and security in an increasingly connected world.

Works Cited:
Vincent Rodriguez Rodriguez 6

Julie Baker

English 1301

04 April 2024

Rao, Fan, Xi Hu, and GuoHua Zhu. "The Practical Application of Artificial Intelligence

Technology with the Development of Internet." School of Artificial Intelligence, Jianghan

University, Wuhan, 430056, Hubei, P.R. China.

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