Chapter 1 For Students Course Module On TTL1 Revised Version Feb2024

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Technology for Teaching and Learning 1 Page| 1

Introduction to Technology for Teaching and Learning


Technology brings essential changes that can be critical in attaining the effectiveness
and efficiency of teaching and learning. Technology, which serves as a means to assist both
teaching and learning, fills classrooms with digital learning tools such as computers and
handheld devices; and extends course options, experiences, and learning resources.


At the end of this Chapter 1, you are expected to:
❖ illustrate the basic concepts and roles of ICT in teaching and learning
by creating an infographic.


A. Meaning of Technology and other related concepts

B. Roles of Technology in Teaching and Learning


Technology for teaching and learning describes communication, information, and

technological tools used to enhance learning, teaching, and assessment. This may involve
computer-based learning or multimedia materials used to supplement in-class activities.
Technology help students increase their self-responsibility, can act as an extension of their
individual and collaborative learning, and empower students to take part in higher-order
learning to understand how knowledge is used beyond the classroom.
Technology came from the Latin word “techne” which means art, craft, skill. The
Elder Sophist used the term “techne” to refer to the process of applying knowledge
systematically to the practical art of instruction. While Paul Saettler, a well-known historian
of educational technology, states that “the world technology does not necessarily imply the
use of machines, as many seem to think, but refers to any practical art using scientific


Technology for Teaching and Learning 1 Page| 2

The Association for Educational Communications and Technology has defined

technology in education as “the study and ethical practice of facilitating learning and
improving performance by creating, using and managing appropriate technological
processes and resources.” Examples are the use of interactive screens in classrooms, online
training sessions or online classes during the pandemic.
Technology helps us make quick decisions by giving us the ability to divide
something into smaller parts through massive amounts of information or what we call as the
processed data. In short, we need technology to process data while we need information to
make decisions. These two words (technology and information) when combined together
give us the term information technology (IT) which is used in many fields such as business,
medicine, agriculture, and of course in education.
It is the networking of computers that gave birth to Information Technology (IT).
The term "IT" was first coined by authors Leavitt and Whisler in the Harvard Business
Review in order to make a distinction between purpose-built machines designed to perform
a limited scope of functions and general-purpose computing machines that could be
programmed for various tasks. Their definition is broken down into three main parts:
Processing information rapidly using computers.
Applying statistics and math to make decisions and solve problems.
Simulating higher-order thinking with computer programs.
The Information Technology Association of America (ITAA) gives us a more
general definition of IT, describing it as the "study, design, development, application,
implementation, support, or management of computer-based information systems." What Is
Information Technology (IT)? (

An extensional term for information technology (IT) that stresses the role of unified
communications and the integration of telecommunications (telephone lines and wireless
signals) and computers, as well as necessary enterprise software, middleware, storage and
audiovisual, that enable users to access, store, transmit, understand and manipulate
information is called Information and Communications Technology (ICT). Information
and communications technology - Wikipedia

The United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization

(UNESCO), defined ICT as the range of technologies that are applied in the process of
collecting, storing, editing, retrieving and transfer of information in various forms
(UNESCO, 2002). Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in education is the
mode of education that use information and communications technology to support,
enhance, and optimize the delivery of information. Worldwide research has shown
that ICT can lead to an improved student learning and better teaching methods.

Nowadays, technology integration has gone through advancements and

revolutionized our society, completely changing the way people think, work, and live
(Grabe, 2007). As part of this, schools and other educational institutions should integrate


Technology for Teaching and Learning 1 Page| 3

Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in courses that are meant to educate students
to live in a “knowledge society” curriculum (Ghavifekr, Afshari & Amla Salleh, 2012).

We need to understand that today there is really a need for the ICT in order to meet
the demand for a world class education system that would fit for the new millennium. In this
case we need to first recognize that we are agent of revolutionary change. Second, we need
tools to help us do things in a better and inexpensive manner. Third, it is also important that
we acquire knowledge and set of skills/competences on the use and application of ICT in
teaching and learning. To better apply and develop our capabilities in ICT we also need to
know that ICT can be a subject to be studied and it can be used to study other subjects.
The following are some basic ICT terms related to Scan the QR Code below and
technology in teaching and learning that you need to know download Understanding the Basic
as you continue to learn the lessons in this Module. Concepts in ICT for the brief
description of the terms.
1. Educational 12. Web access
Technology 13. Web quest
2. ICT Literacy 14. Productivity tools
3. Digital Literacy 15. Technology tools
4. Digital Learning 16. Blog
5. Online Digital 17. Wiki
Tools and Apps 18. Flipped
6. Offline Digital classroom
Tools and Apps
19. Podcast
7. Instructional
20. Google apps
8. Software 21. Vlog
9. Multimedia 22. Facebook
10. Internet 23. VOIP
11. World Wide Web

Lesson exercise
1. In 1-2 sentences, describe in your own words each of the following terms: a) technology;
b) information technology, and c) information and communications technology in relation to
teaching and learning.
2. From the list given above, define at least 10 of the basic terms related to technology.


Technology for Teaching and Learning 1 Page| 4

After learning the meaning of technology and some related terms, it is now necessary for us to
discuss the roles of technology in teaching and learning. So, prepare yourself for our next lesson .


Technology serves as a tutor, and a tool for teaching and learning (Stosic, 2015).

Now, let’s discuss the roles of technology for teachers and students.

B.1 Roles of Technology for Teachers and Teaching

There are numerous roles that technology plays in the job of teachers. As a tool,
technology has opened wider avenues in management of resources and management of
learning. Likewise, it has modernized the teaching-learning environment in schools.
1. Technology provides enormous support to
the teacher as the facilitator of learning.
It transforms a passive classroom to an active and
interactive one, with audio-visual aids and models,
smart classrooms, e-learning classrooms which
motivate and increase attention level of learners.
Many of these can be searched on the web. Source: images of technology as facilitator of learning -
Search (
2. Technology has modernized the teaching-learning
The teachers are assisted and supplemented with
appropriately structured instructional materials for
daily activities. There are varied available
technology-driven resources which can be utilized for
remedial lesson or activities. Likewise, there are also
a lot technology- driven resources that can be used for
Source: Learning with Technology Clip Art - Search
enrichment purposes. You may search for examples (
on the web.

3. Technology improves teaching-learning process

and ways of teaching.
This will make the act of teaching more efficient and
effective. There are arrays of teaching methods and
strategies that can use technology which are found
compatible with learning styles. The multiple
intelligence theory of Howard Gardner tells us that
there is a genius in every child. This implies that there
must be varied ways of teaching as there are many
Source: Learning with Technology Clip Art - Search
varied ways of learning. All the learning styles can (
find support from technology, so that teaching will be
more effective and efficient.


Technology for Teaching and Learning 1 Page| 5

4. Technology adds to the competence of

teachers and inculcates scientific outlook.
Through the utilization of theories of learning and
intelligence, which are explained in references
uploaded in the net, the teachers are encouraged to
imbibe skills to source this information with speed
and accuracy. Source: Learning with
Technology Clip Art - Search (

5. Technology supports teacher professional

With the demand of continuing professional
development for teachers, the availability of
technology provides alternative way of attending
professional development online. For those who are
involved as providers of continuing professional
development like trainers, facilitators or organizers,Source: images of professional development in online -
they can level up or enhance their delivery systemsSearch (
with the support of technology tools.

Let’s have a short activity before we continue with our lesson.

Observe the pictures below and write in the 3rd column the number/s of the appropriate picture/s
that corresponds with the statements on the roles of technology for better learning.

1. 4. Technology enhances
communication skills
through social

2. 5. Technology upgrades
learners' higher-
order-thinking skills:
critical thinking,
problem solving and

3. 6. Support learners to
learn how to learn on
their own.


Technology for Teaching and Learning 1 Page| 6

This time, let us add a little more explanations to your understanding on the roles of
technology for learners and learning.

B.2 Roles of Technology for Learners and Learning

1. Support learners to learn how to learn on their own.

All teachers fully understand that subject matter or content is a means to achieve the
learning outcomes.
There are three categories of knowledge according to Egbert (2009): declarative
knowledge, structural knowledge, and procedural knowledge.
•Declarative •Structural knowledge •Procedural knowledge
knowledge - consists of facts or - is knowledge in action or the
- consists of the pieces of declarative knowledge of how to do something.
discrete pieces of knowledge put together It is based on facts but learned through
information that to attain some form of the process of procedural knowledge.
answers the meaning. Examples:
questions what, who, how to drive a car,
when, and where. It can be presented by: how to use a cell phone,
- concept maps, how to cook a certain recipe, or how to
It is often learned - categorization and speak English.
through: classification. It is indicated by a performance task or
- memorization of facts, graphical representation of a concept.
- drills and practice.
It can be learned by:
- simple mnemonics or
- conceptual maps.

There are varied programs that can be used by students’ offline or online. What should be
necessary is that the students are engaged, the tasks should focus on questions like how, why
and which in addition to who, what, when and where.

2. Technology enhances learners' communication skills through social interactions. This

is commonly described as the transmittal of information from one person to another as single
individual or groups of individuals.
According to Shirly (2003) in Egbert (2009), there are three basic communication patterns:


Technology for Teaching and Learning 1 Page| 7

• Point to point two-way or one-to-one like internet chat, phone

conversation or even face-to-face conversation.
• One-to-many outbound like a lecture or television. There is no social interaction.
• Many-to-many like group discussion, buzz session, heads together. This kind of
interaction provides opportunities for social interaction.

Social interaction occurs in two ways where the participants ask for clarification, argue,
challenge each other and work towards common understanding. Social interaction through
communication occurs through technology (directly between two persons via email, a cell
phone or other communication technology). It can also occur around technology like
students discussing about a problem posed by a software program or with support of
technology like teachers and students interacting about the worksheet printed from a
website. In all the three modalities, communication occurs and technology is involved.

For this particular role, the following are the benefits derived from technology-
supported communication:

• Enables any teacher to guide the learners virtually and making learning unlimited
because communication and social interaction go beyond a school day or a school
• Enhances students' freedom to express and exchange ideas freely without the snooping
eyes of the teacher face to face.
• Help learners to construct meaning from joint experiences between the two or more
participants in communication.
• Help learners to solve problems from multiple sources since there are limitless sources
of information that the teacher can direct or refer to learners.
• Teaches learners to communicate with politeness, taking turns in sending information
and giving appropriate feedback
• Enhances collaboration by using communication strategies with wider community and
individuals in a borderless learning environment.
• Develops critical thinking, problem solving and creativity throughout the

3. Technology upgrades learners' higher-order-thinking skills: critical thinking,

problem solving and creativity.
Twenty-first century learning requires the development of higher-
order thinking skills. Technology has a great role in the development
and enhancement of these skills.
Visit this link Roles of technology for teaching and learning
( to learn more on possible activities/strategies a future
teacher like you may consider to enhance learners’ higher-order thinking


Technology for Teaching and Learning 1 Page| 8

Activity 2 (25 points)

Discuss with your group (5 members) your understanding of the roles of technology
in teaching and learning.
After your discussions, summarize your learning through an infographic. Refer to
the Rubric below for your guide in accomplishing this task and the score that you
may get from doing it.

Print your infographic and paste it onto the page with label “Roles of Technology in
Teaching and Learning Infographic”

Infographic Rubric

Criteria 9-10 7-8 5-6 3-4 1-2

Design ❖ Layout is ❖ Generally ❖ Layout could ❖ Layout is ❖ No layout

organized good layout use disorganized, or
❖ Layout and uses ❖ Has minor improvement no obvious scheme—
❖ Color consistent inconsistency ❖ Two or more organization just
Scheme style or one inconsistent ❖ Layout random
❖ Fonts ❖ Color distracting elements distracts elements,
scheme has element ❖ Hard to read from content colors,
visual ❖ Color fonts ❖ Color and fonts
appeal and scheme ❖ Layout scheme is
works with clashes distracts confusing
content from content
❖ Fonts are
legible and

Content ❖ Appropriate ❖ One or two ❖ Not enough ❖ Lacking in ❖ No real

terms, terms or terms, appropriate data or
❖ Terms, vocab, jargon used vocab, terminology facts are
Facts jargon incorrectly or jargon ❖ Not enough present
❖ Quantity defined and without ❖ Data is facts or data
of data used explanation sparse ❖ Data is from
❖ Quality of ❖ More than ❖ Adequate ❖ Data might poor or
data enough data amount of not not questionable
to make data demonstrate source
claims ❖ Data the trend or
❖ Data clearly demonstrate claim
demonstrate trend, claim, ❖ Data from
trend, claim, etc good source
etc ❖ Data from
❖ Data from good source
good source


Technology for Teaching and Learning 1 Page| 9

Infographic Rubric

Criteria 9-10 7-8 5-6 3-4 1-2

Clarity ❖ Claim, main ❖ Claim, main ❖ Claim, main ❖ Infographic ❖ Claim,

idea is idea is idea is made makes a main idea
❖ Makes a obvious and understandable ❖ Some poor initial is missing
claim easy to ❖ No graphics or impression
❖ Efficiency understand unnecessary visuals are ❖ Confusing
❖ Makes clear ❖ No graphics or unneeded
impression unnecessary visuals
graphics or
❖ Infographic
makes a
good initial

Representation ❖ Design ❖ Design ❖ Visualizations ❖ Design ❖ Design

elements are elements are fit the data and elements
❖ Design clearly clearly and the visuals and
complements informed by informed by claim are at visuals
content content content odds with convey a
❖ Careful ❖ Visuals show ❖ Visualizations the meaning
choice of connection fit the data content contrary
visuals to content and the claim or claims to the
❖ Data and create a being intent
visualization visual flow made
matches ❖ Visualizations
content and fit the data
claim and the

Submission ❖ Submitted ❖ Submitted 1 ❖ Submitted 2- ❖ Submitted ❖ Submitted

on or before day after the 3 days after 4-5 days 7 days of
the deadline deadline the deadline after the more
deadline after the

For additional information and explanations of your Chapter 1, you are required to
visit the following links:
Technology for Teaching and Learning 1 || Roles of Technology for Teaching and Learning - Bing
Evolution of Educational Technology 1870 - 2020 | History of Classroom Technology,
Documentary video - Bing video
The Roles of Educational Technology in Teaching and Learning Process - Bing video


Technology for Teaching and Learning 1 Page| 10


Ballado, Ronato S. (2012). Basic concepts in educational technology 1. First edition. Rex
Book Store, Inc.

Bernardo, A.S & Gonzales, H.T. (2017). Educational Technology 1. First edition. Rex
Bookstore, Inc.

Bilbao, Purita et al (2019). Technology for Teaching and Learning 1. Lorimar Publishing,

Molina, R., 2022. ICT Competency Standards For Philippine Pre-Service Teacher
Education. [online] Scribd. Available at:

Ghavifekr, S., Afshari, M., & Amla Salleh. (2012). Management strategies for E- Learning
system as the core component of systemic change: A qualitative analysis. Life
Science Journal, 9(3), 2190-2196.

Grabe, M., & Grabe, C. (2007). Integrating technology for meaningful learning (5th ed.).
Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin.

Shashoua, M. (2021, September 30). What Is Information Technology (IT)? Codecademy

News; Codecademy News.

Tabbada, Epifania V. and Buendia, Maria Mercedes (2015). Educational Technology 1.

Adriana Publishing Co., Inc. 2022. Roles of Technology for Teaching and Learning | Create

WebQuest. [online] Available at: <

Information and communication technologies (ICT) | UNESCO UIS. (2022).


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