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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Caraga Administrative Region
District III
San Juan, Surigao City

Name: Princess Shanley C. Vales Subject: Reading & Writing
Grade and Section: XI - MENDELEEV Subject Teacher: Mrs. Sylvia Jacob
Week: Module:

Topic Sentence

Thesis Statement


Food is an important part of our culture and society, although it always

requires some preparation. But nowadays, instant/processed food, those that are
packaged containing artificial colors, flavors or any other chemical that keeps them
fresh in their containers, has now been used to optimize the ease of consumption.
Although it can be used for convenience reasons, eating too many processed foods
can land a ticket on the hospital bed. Have you ever thought carefully about its
effects on our health if we consume them more than the amount of healthy food
we eat even in a month? Consuming too much processed foods has its negative
effects and should only be done in a moderate manner to lower the chances of
major health risks.

The concern about heavily processed foods has been strongly suggested as it is
the most common food people eat continuously and has many effects on health.
First, it can cause high risks of cancer. Second, it contains high amounts of sugar,
sodium and fat that when abused can all lead to obesity, diabetes, stroke and other
heart-related problems. Third, the more processed foods we eat, the poorer the
overall nutritional quality of our diet and health will be. Fourth, since it is fast to
digest it makes our body burn less energy and it later becomes addictive in a way
that makes us not realize that we have already stored these many calories. And
last, according to the Food and Drug Association (FDA) there are over 3,000
chemicals that have been known to be used for food processing, and some of them,
however, have never been tested to prove their safety. The above effects are only
a few of its various health problems that concern processed foods, but they are
already regarded as important facts.

Although it is almost impossible in today’s modern lifestyle to live without

processed foods. The most probable solution we can have against rising health care
concerns begins with what is on the kitchen table. Knowing what you’re consuming is
important, especially if you have health conditions such as high blood pressure or
high cholesterol. Though taste is usually a determinant of the foods we buy, one
should ensure that they go for quality and not taste and to slowly begin to get used
to the routine of reading labels of food in order to protect yourself and your body
to achieve a healthy lifestyle. In conclusion, excessive consumption of processed
foods has a negative impact on a person's health, which is why it should only be
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Caraga Administrative Region
District III
San Juan, Surigao City

done moderately to reduce the likelihood of major health risks. When in doubt,
just start with real food.

“Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.”

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