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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Caraga Administrative Region
District III
San Juan, Surigao City

Name: Cianna Roch F. Eupeña Subject : Reading & Writing
Princess Shanley C. Vales
Grade and Section: XI - MENDELEEV Subject Teacher: Mrs. Sylvia Jacob

Our Stand on the West Philippine Sea

On January 22, 2013, the Philippines filed a complaint of international arbitration against the
People's Republic of China concerning a territorial and maritime dispute in the South China Sea,
also known as the West Philippine Sea.
The issue of Spratly Island has been long overdue. China claims to own that island as the
Law of the Sea Convention and China's so-called "nine-dash" line are supported by China's
claim to the sea. This line extends over 2,000 kilometres of the Chinese continent, covering more
than half of the ocean where, in fact, China's "nine-dash" line is a territorial claim not valid
mainly because it is against the law. It endangers the sovereignty of several countries in the
South China Sea that have exclusive economic zones. The exact location of the West Philippine
Sea is located 124 nautical miles west of Zambales and is within the Republic's 200 nautical-mile
Exclusive Economic Zone as clearly stated by the United Nations Convention on the Law of the
Sea (UNCLOS) and the Philippine continental shelf. The West Philippine sea is located in the
Philippines. It is part of the Philippines. Therefore, the West Philippine Sea belongs to the
Philippines. This means that the Philippines has exclusive rights over the use of marine resources
and to the construction of artificial structures in that area. China's decision to build a military
base is a slap in the face of this exclusive right, particularly in view of the Hague ruling on the
subject. They do not own the island, but they claim it as if it only belongs to them. They also
blocked the Filipino fishermen from fishing on the island that upset the Filipinos.
China is making us their puppet because they know we don't have the power to start a
war. They know that they are more powerful because the Philippines are only a third world
country and do not have the equipment or the power to fight. So far, the Philippines continues to
face threats from China's actions against this problem. The West Philippines is so rich in marine
life that also consists of more than a hundred small islands and reefs surrounded by rich fishing
grounds and possibly gas and oil deposits, the reason why China claims to own this island. China
has a large population that is why it claims to be theirs because it needed the minerals
surrounding the island. As Filipinos, we have the right to fight against this issue. We have the
right to speak. The Philippines has all the evidence to prove that we own the island, but we know
that China will not back down. The only way to reclaim the West Philippine Sea is to start a war.

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