Writhing Activity

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B) Imagine you are Harry. Complete the mail to Kathie.

Use the past simple to talk about the

problem and the past perfect to explain what happened.

Hi, Kathie,

How are you? I’m not so good. Last weekend, I held a surprise party for Jim, you know he is my best
friend.,but it was a total disaster.

First of all, there weren't many guests at the party. I had expected a big turnout, but unfortunately,
only a few people showed up. It was disheartening and made the atmosphere quite dull.

To make matters worse, I realized that I had forgotten to send out the invitations. It was a major
oversight on my part, and I deeply regret not taking care of this important task. Without the
invitations, many of our friends didn't even know about the party.

Additionally, there was no birthday cake for Jim. I had planned to order one from the bakery, but
when I went there, it was already closed. It was a huge letdown, as the cake is an essential part of
any birthday celebration.

I feel incredibly sorry for Jim and for the disappointment that the party turned out to be. It was
supposed to be a special celebration for him, but I let him down and I feel terrible about it.
Furthermore, I completely forgot to go grocery shopping for the party. As a result, there was nothing
to eat or drink for our guests. It was embarrassing and made the party feel incomplete.

To add to the list of mishaps, the DJ I had hired had an accident on the way to the party and couldn't
make it. We were left without any music or entertainment, and the party finished early as a result.
Overall, it was a series of unfortunate events. I feel terrible for letting Jim down and for the
disappointment the party turned out to be. I take full responsibility for these mistakes.

I wanted to share this with you, Kathie, and apologize for the disastrous outcome. I will make it up
to Jim and ensure that future celebrations are better organized and more successful.

I hope your weekend was better.

See you soon.

c)Imagine you are Kathie. You also had a terrible weekend. Write a reply to Harry. Use the past simple
and past perfect to describe the events that happened to you.

Hello, Harry,

Thanks for reaching out, and I'm sorry to hear about the disastrous party. Looks like we both had a
rough weekend. Let me share what happened to me.

On Saturday morning, my car broke down. It had been making weird noises, but I hadn't taken it to
the mechanic yet. I had to call roadside assistance and they towed it to the repair shop.

As if that wasn't enough, I also had a water leak in my apartment. It caused damage to my house
and neighboring units. It was a real nightmare to deal with.
To make matters worse, there was a power outage in my area. It lasted for hours, leaving me without
electricity and basic services.

So, it was quite a challenging weekend for me as well. I'm sorry I couldn't make it to Jim's party due
to these unexpected events. Let's hope for better times ahead.

Best regards,


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