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Exercise 1

1. Jane could visit Switzerland next year

2. I may take Spanish lessons

3. They must be home by now.

4. James can't be eighteen yet!

5. The weather might be sunny tomorrow.

6. Mrs. Smith can't have left home.

7. She might have gone to stay with her mother.

8. Mr. Smith may have committed a crime.

9. He must have buried something in the garden.

10. He could have won the lottery.

11. He must have bought a new car.

12. Mr. Smith might have murdered his wife.

13. She must be at home.

14. She can't be Janet—she's in America.

15. She must think I'm stupid.

16. I must look silly in this coat.

17. They must have a lot of money if they're always buying new cars.

Exercise 2

1.You needn ́t take a jacket.

2. You should see a dentist.

3.You must not talk during the exam.

4. You cannot park here.

Mateo López Meilán 1 BAC D

5. You should study harder.

6. He has to go to the police station twice a week.

7. Tom can speak Spanish.

8. He was allowed to go to the party.

9.That can't be our plane.

10. You needn ́t take a thick coat.

11. I should have paid for half of the meal.

12. Jake may be in his room.

13. We may not see them at the weekend.

14. I may not go to the concert.

15. Bringing up children can ́t be easy / must be hard.

16. You needn ́t come.

17. He should give up smoking.

18. Students must not eat chewing-gum in class.

19. We had to turn off the mobile phone.

20. I couldn’t cook when I was younger.

Exercise 3

1. I should have studied more.

2. He must have finished the exercise.

3. They needn ́t have reserved the tickets.

4. Ridley Scott must have not directed this film.

5. You should have written as many words as possible.

6. You shouldn't have gone to that party.

7. She could have run faster but she didn't.

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8. It must have been a disaster.

9. The government shouldn't have applied all those economic measures.

10.Your boyfriend must have not begun smoking.

Exercise 4

1. Even though he had an accident, he still wants to ride his motorbike.

2.She couldn’t buy the new car because of its price /high price

3. In spite of being dangerous, he has decided to take the job.

4. I don’t like talking to him since he thinks he knows it all.

5. As a result of forgetting/ having forgotten the chicken in the oven, it got burnt.

6. I failed the exam owing to its difficulty.

7. It was such a hot day that we decided to stay at home.

8. She didn’t have John’s number so she couldn’t/ didn’t telephone him

9.As they didn’t have a street map, they got lost in London.

10. Despite being tired, she kept on working.

11. She went to the police station because she had lost her purse.

12.He broke his left hand due to a skiing accident.

13. Contrary to/ In contrast to my brother, I like Harry Potter ́s books.

14. As the weather was bad, they lost the match.

15. As a result of/ because of being hungry, she ate a few biscuits.

16. Since she missed the bus, she had to take a taxi.

17. Besides, he bought a new coat for his wife,.

Mateo López Meilán 1 BAC D

Relative clauses

1. Join the sentences using a relative pronoun to make one single


1. The book (which) I am reading at the moment is really good.

2. My aunt and uncle, who have two dogs, live in Ireland.

3. The museum (which) we want to visit closes at eight o ́clock.

4. The lady that/who lives next door is from Japan.

5. My dad has a computer which is very old.

6. My best friend, who is 18, doesn ́t go to my school.

7. I saw Steve, who went to university with you.

8. James works for a company that/which sells bicycles.

9. The train which goes to the airport leaves every 20 minutes.

10. I lost my glasses, which were on top of the television.

2. Rewrite the sentences using relative clauses and the words given.

1. That is the man whose sister is my new English teacher.

2. We stayed in a lot of hotels, which were excellent.

3. The new office, which is enormous, is on the first floor.

4. That is the lady who is my new doctor.

5. That is the hotel (which) a friend of mine recommended.

6. Oxford, which is a famous university town, is where my brother lives in.

7. Andrew, who travels a lot for his job, is often away from home.

8. The new sports centre, which is going to open next week, will offer lots of different sports.

Mateo López Meilán 1 BAC D


1. It is three weeks since I last saw my best friend.

2. Ian has been smoking for a few months.

3. The Browns came to live in Seattle three years ago.

4. It has been a year since I met my boss.

5. The last time I travelled abroad was last summer.

6. Joseph started playing the saxophone ten years ago.

7. I haven ́t played chess for a week.

8. William hasn ́t seen a doctor since 2018.

9. James stopped drinking alcohol last Christmas.

10. My sister has not met her boyfriend for two months.

11. Mika has performed in Galicia twice.

12. Before Bob read a comic, he had finished his homework.

13. By the time we switched on the TV, the news had already finished.

14. It ́s the first time we have ever visited Bath.

15. I had never read such an interesting novel.

16. How long ago was it that they moved to Liverpool?

17. My best friend began studying Japanese six months ago.

18. I have never read this magazine before.

19. It is the first time we have been in this situation.

20. It was the largest city they had ever visited.

21. I had never eaten such a tasty omelette.

22. When did you begin studying English?

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23. Kelly turned the radio on after she had washed the dishes.

24. Scott fed the dog when he arrived home.

25. As soon as Rose put the children to bed, she watched a film.

26. After Oliver had made breakfast, he texted his girlfriend.

27. In those days we used to spend the summer in the mountains.

28. I had never listened to such a beautiful song before.

29. My brother used to play football almost every day when he was young.

30. When I arrived Liam had already left.

Mateo López Meilán 1 BAC D

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