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Twelve-year-old Koushi Nagumo's life takes a bad turn when his father leaves him

behind after their house burns down, such disgusting villian dad .

Alone, Koushi collapses on the street, but a college chick finds him and takes him
to a girls's dorm called "Megami-ryou."

the girl, who is filling in as the dorm manager, learns about Koushi's tough
situation and offers him a job as the dorm mother.

But Koushi soon discovers he has to deal with the dorm's residents, who are all
quite eccentric, and guys i think he is going to clap all the girl in this dorm.

until ,Koushi is going to clapping ,make sure you are to subscribe for more
intresting and funny recaps.

One day, Koushi was so hungry that he passed out in the middle of the street.

Luckily, a college chick named Mineru with green hair found him.

She explained she was a researcher and could see that Koushi was in trouble. So,
she took him to her dormitory.

Mineru cooked a tasty meal for Koushi, and after eating, he felt much better.
Mineru then offered him to use the bathroom to freshen up.

Excited, Koushi hurried to the bathroom, but when he opened the door, he was
surprised to find three girls inside which are bathing —Serene, Kiriya, and Frey—
who also lived in Mineru's dormitory.

Koushi was very happy to see them and his rocket also ready to take off ,sorry guy
i mean he is embarrassed by the unexpected encounter.

Koushi made a quick exit from the bathroom, but then suddenly he collided with
Atena, a girl with pink hair who was also part of the dorm crew.

They both ended up on the ground, and Koushi’s face landed in a very awkward
position, as you imagine in your dreams guys, Atena got a nosebleed and fainted on
the spot.

The other three girls were shocked at how quickly Koushi landed in such a
predicament on his very first day.

At the girl’s University goddess dormitory, Koushi met the whole gang: Mineru, a
confident fourth-year student managing the dorm temporarily; Kiriya, a tough
second-year who's been into martial arts forever; Frey, a third-year student
passionate about cosplay and crafting costumes; Atena, a shy first-year who only
talks to girls and gets nosebleeds around guys; comment guys why she got the
nosebleed and Serene, the quiet one who’s been around so long she can’t even
remember when she arrived on Earth.

After a while, Koushi opened up about his difficult situation. Atena was still in
her room recovering from her nosebleed when he shared his story: no money, no
family, and nowhere to stay.

He mentioned his desire to go back to school but was stuck due to financial
constraints. That’s when Mineru came up with a great idea: they could hire him as
the official dorm supervisor since they didn’t have one.

Koushi was thrilled and immediately agreed to the plan, eager to start working. The
other girls also supported the idea, hoping it would help organize their dorm life.

However, there was just one problem: Atena. When the girls went to inform her,
hoping she’d be supportive once she heard Koushi’s story, they were in for a shock.

Atena strongly objected. Having been raised in all-girl environments her whole
life, she was adamant about not changing that now. If Koushi was going to work
there, she declared she would leave—no questions asked.

Koushi was puzzled, scratching his head trying to understand why Atena was so
determined against his hiring.

She quickly packed up her things and left, while the others watched her go.

Mineru explained Koushi about Atena's situation: she had never really spent time
with boys before.

The first time she did, it was accidental and uncomfortable when she saw her
roommate with her boyfriend,who is clapping his friend, which led to her feeling
strange and having a nosebleed.

Since then, Atena had been very uneasy around guys.

Mineru thought hiring a boy as a supervisor might help Atena overcome her fear, but
it backfired—Atena only became more scared, and things didn't improve.

Despite not fully understanding Atena's fear, Koushi didn't want to take away
someone else's home. Knowing what it was like to be without a place to stay and
hungry, he dashed after Atena as she walked away.

He caught up with her and convinced her to return to the dorm—it was her home after
all. Koushi promised he would figure something out for himself.

Atena returned to the dorm, but Koushi found himself back on the streets again,
facing the same difficulties.

Koushi turned down a job opportunity that could have provided him with a home and
put him back in school because he didn't want Atena to suffer.

His life remained difficult, finding a spot in the park to sleep for the night,
feeling cold and alone.

Meanwhile, as Atena was heading back to the dorm, she remembered what Mineru had
told her about Koushi's house burning down.

It struck her deeply, realizing that Koushi was genuinely selfless, sacrificing a
chance for a better life so that Atena wouldn't have to be homeless.

Fortunately for Koushi, who had fallen asleep in the park, Atena showed up to
rescue him. She carried him back to the dorm on her back.

When Koushi woke up, he felt Atena's warmth and caught a pleasant scent. As he
reached out his hand, he accidentally touched her watermelons, triggering Atena's
nosebleed and causing her to pass out. Now, Koushi had to carry Atena back to the

In a surprising turn of events, Atena finally accepted Koushi working there. She
was trying to be brave and help Koushi out too.

The very next day, Koushi was excited to start his new job, but he found the dorm
in total chaos and looks like a shit, except for Atena's spotless room.

He decided to start by cleaning up Mineru's room first. When he knocked on her

door, Mineru opened wearing just a shirt that showed all the stuff that you want to
i am unable to reveal on youtube guys.

Koushi's face turned red and his rocket wanna take off , and he asked her why she
was dressed that way.

Mineru explained it was for convenience, helping her work better or something.
Flustered, Koushi said he'd wait outside until she was done changing and quickly
walked away.

However, on his way, Koushi was unexpectedly pulled into Frey's room.

Frey, who loves cosplay, saw an opportunity to dress Koushi up and insisted he try
on a maid uniform because it was part of the job, claiming she didn't mind helping
anyone find the right outfits.

While stuck in the maid outfit, Frey made another request—she wanted him to measure
her plot armor size,guess the size guys in the comment.

Koushi couldn't really refuse, thinking it was part of the job, but he felt
incredibly uncomfortable and turned red as a tomato.
While trying to complete this awkward task, he lost his balance and tumbled, with
Frey ending up on top of him.

Amidst this mess, Mineru burst into the room in a hurry, announcing that something
had gone wrong with one of her experiments, and toxic gas was spreading through the

All three of them dashed outside, and Koushi, feeling worried, realized that these
girls were usually laid-back and didn't think much about consequences. He gave them
a little lecture about being more careful.

Koushi realized he might have been a bit too harsh with the girls, considering they
were older than him. So, he quickly apologized before making his exit.

Surprisingly, Frey appreciated his responsibility in calling out her actions and
gave him some respect for it.

Meanwhile, Koushi was still strolling down the street in his maid get-up and
attracting quite a bit of attention.

However, he was experienced in the street life and managed to score a blanket for
Mineru and Frey.

It was cold outside, and both Mineru and Frey were not in a condition to handle the
chilly weather, so the blanket came in handy while they waited for the gas mess to
clear up.

As the only boy in the dorm and kind of like the dorm mom, Koushi felt it was his
responsibility to keep the girls safe and warm.

Suddenly, Frey and Mineru rushed up to him and gave him a big hug—but there was
more to it than meets the eye.

Unfortunately, Atena witnessed the scene with Frey and Mineru hugging Koushi, which
caused her to have one of her famous nosebleeds and faint right there on the spot.

Late at night, Koushi was sleeping peacefully when he was jolted awake by a crazy
noise from above—like someone stomping on the ceiling. Suddenly, the ceiling gave
way, and Kiriya came crashing through into Koushi's room.

Koushi, being a good guy, rushed to help break her fall, but things got super
awkward when they collided in mid-air, and Kiriya ended up landing right on top of
him, you can imagine the situation guys.

As Koushi looked around, he spotted a book nearby that Kiriya was trying to hide,
looking shy. It turned out to be a special book for her—the very first one she
bought when she started at the university.
Coming from a family dojo where fighting was the norm, discovering this romance
book made her feel soft inside and drew her into a new world.

Sometimes, when she read, she'd get so emotional that she'd punch the wall to
release those pent-up feelings.

In that moment, Koushi figured out why Kiriya had broken through the ceiling—she
was a shy girl who loved mushy romance books and occasionally let out her emotions
by punching things.

Kiriya apologized for the incident and asked if she could sleep in Koushi's room
because she was afraid of falling through her own ceiling. Koushi, curious but
understanding, agreed to let her stay.

He realized that Kiriya was comfortable sharing a room with a boy because she was
used to it, having younger brothers back home. So, Koushi said, "Alright, we can

When the lights went out, Kiriya tried to have a deep chat with Koushi. She told
him that whenever she looked at him, she was reminded of her younger siblings whom
she used to spar with in the dojo.

Koushi, just trying to sleep, found himself caught in Kiriya's longing for her
sparring sessions with her brothers.

She started attacking him as if they were in a real fight, which got wild enough
for Koushi to feel genuinely in danger.

However, he didn't dwell on it too much because he had come to realize that the
girls in the dorm were all unique in their own ways.

Koushi told Kiriya that even though he reminded her of her siblings, he was just a
regular boy, and he hoped she understood that.

After saying this, Koushi felt embarrassed and quickly left the room, leaving
Kiriya to sleep there.

He arranged to sleep in Kiriya's room instead, feeling a bit shy himself after
being called "cute" for the first time.

However, Koushi wasn't thinking about cute things; he was worried that Kiriya might
turn his room into a mess like she did with hers and hoped it wouldn't happen.

While Koushi was catching some sleep, Serene sneaked into the room looking for
Kiriya about some job matter.

To her surprise, she found Koushi instead and noticed the hole in the floor. Serene
made a deal with Koushi: if he agreed to be her servant, she would use her "Moon
Tech" to fix the hole.

Half-awake and not fully understanding what was happening, Koushi agreed, just
wanting to get his room back and have Kiriya return to hers.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, Serene approached him closely and clapped him under the

It sounds like Serene went over to the window where the moon was shining and
appeared like a white rabbit.

This imagery suggests a serene and perhaps whimsical moment, evoking the enchanting
nature of the moonlight.

The next day, Koushi wakes up to find the floor magically fixed, although he's
clueless about what happened.

He doesn't mind and heads off to make breakfast because, as the dorm supervisor,
he's responsible for feeding everyone.

To everyone's amazement, the food he cooks turns out to be incredibly delicious.

The girls are thrilled and express their gratitude—Mineru offers him some medicine
she whipped up, Frey suggests an outfit for him to wear, and Kiriya is eager to
spar with him.

After they enjoy the meal, Atena is surprised by how quickly Koushi has bonded with
the girls, especially since he just started working there.

She wonders if something shady is going on while she was away.

Even more surprisingly, Koushi has managed to win over Serene, who Atena never
expected would warm up to someone new. This all seems suspicious to Atena.

Later on, Koushi is put in charge of cooking and handling the grocery money.

Despite Koushi's growing responsibilities, Atena remains unconvinced and can't

understand why the girls trust him so quickly.

When Koushi goes grocery shopping for dinner, Atena insists on coming along to see
if he's truly trustworthy. However, due to Atena's fear of boys, they have to take
back streets to avoid running into anyone.

After some challenging moments, they managed to buy everything they needed for
Koushi was really impressed by how brave Atena was in confronting her fear of boys
directly. Most people would avoid it, but she faced it, which made him happy.

He had noticed her kindness and courage not just now, but throughout the day since
his arrival at the dorm.

He was very thankful for her welcoming nature, which made him feel comfortable
staying there.

Atena, meanwhile, wondered if Koushi had forgiven her for leaving that day,
thinking this might explain why she's been more open with him lately.

She figured that might be how Koushi earned the trust of all the other girls.

As they walked, they accidentally bumped into two guys.

Atena got so frightened she almost had a nosebleed, but Koushi acted quickly,
claiming she was his sister to get them away from the guys.

They then decided to relax at a nearby cafe. Atena was quiet, but Koushi apologized
for how he handled the situation earlier.

To his surprise, Atena wasn't upset; in fact, she is really liked being called
"sis" and asked him to call her that again in different ways, which made her really

Atena, feeling close to Koushi and seeing him like a little brother, declared she
wanted to protect him.

But suddenly, her dress slipped off, causing her to be extremely embarrassed. She
tried to fix it but slipped and fell right onto Koushi, this boy goes heaven
everyday, and the shock made her faint from a nosebleed.

After a while, they head back and Koushi apologizes for any trouble and thanks
Atena for going to the store with him.

Atena tells him there’s no need to thank her. Initially, she had her doubts about
him, but now she sees that he’s earned the trust of the girls through his kind

She wants to support him and be like a big sister to him. Back at the dorm, Atena
shares her thoughts with the others. Just then, Mineru walks in and tries to flirt
with Koushi. Atena quickly steps in, deciding she’s going to look out for him and
treat him like her little brother.
koushi was thinking how the dumbass she is ,and When the others hear Koushi call
Atena "sis," they all want him to call them the same way, koushi was thinking his
plan got fucked.

Two weeks have flown by since Koushi moved into the dorm, which is now full of
life. Koushi has been handling his responsibilities well and has even earned enough
trust from Mineru to do her laundry, which makes him blush at first, but he goes
ahead with some fun.

However, after being so caught up, he realizes he hasn’t been to school since
orientation day and misses his friends.

So, after making breakfast, he gathers everyone downstairs.

Before atena comes downstairs, she sets a condition: Koushi must call her "sis." He
agrees, and when she hears it, she’s thrilled.

She’s about to pat his head in gratitude but then remembers her fear of boys.

She tries hard to overcome her anxiety to get close to him without panicking, and
Koushi notices her effort, although it puts him in an awkward position as her
closeness inadvertently brings her right into his personal space.

While Koushi is processing this, Frey sneaks up behind him and catches him in the
awkward moment.

She starts teasing him about liking atena’s outfit, which resembles her sleepwear.
Frey even jokes about designing a see-through outfit for him, making things more

atena quickly steps in, determined to shield Koushi from any more teasing, even
though she was the one who insisted on being called "sis."

Mineru notices the interaction and watches the dynamics unfold. Meanwhile, Kiriya
steps in, expressing her desire to also be a big sister because she already has
experience with a little brother.

koushi may be thinks,if you have already brother, so why you want me to your

They began to argue about who should be considered Koushi's "sis" and eventually
decided to settle the matter with a contest to determine the most suitable

After breakfast, the competition kicks off. Frey is the first to showcase her
sisterly affection by dressing Koushi in a pink outfit, much to his confusion.

Frey emphasizes cuteness above all else and suggests that little brothers are like
their sisters' playthings, but Koushi strongly disagrees, leading to Frey's quick

Next is Mineru's turn. She wants to prove herself as a good sister by asking Koushi
to test one of her concoctions. However, Koushi's reluctance to be her guinea pig
leads to Mineru's disqualification as well.

Then it's Serene's turn. Known for her laid-back demeanor, she surprises everyone
by lying on the floor and resting her head on Koushi's lap, almost like a pet
rather than a sister.

Finally, Kiriya steps up. With experience from having a younger brother at home,
she effortlessly handles the contest.

Kiriya playfully attacks Koushi to show her affection and eventually makes him pass
out, leaving atena concerned when she sees Koushi lying on the floor.

atena checks on him, adopting a more motherly than sisterly role to reassure him.

The other girls tease Atena as she leans over Koushi, making it look like she's
about to feed him like a baby,

When Atena turns to talk to the girls, Koushi wakes up and accidentally grabs her
clothes, causing her to have a nosebleed.

After the chaos settles down and Koushi takes a bath, everyone comes to apologize
for causing trouble.

Despite the chaos, Koushi is starting to understand what having an older sister
feels like, and he's okay with it. The girls are pleased that Koushi sees them as
his older sisters.

Mineru announces that after the upcoming long weekend, Koushi can return to school.
She and Frey have taken care of the necessary paperwork for him.

The next day, Koushi returns to school excitedly because he finally has his own
shoe cabinet. However, he is suddenly kicked in the face by a girl named Sutea, his
childhood friend and classmate known for her quick temper.

She knew about his house burning down and was worried about him.

She asks him why he didn't send her a message to let her know he was okay.
Initially, it seems like she wants to express her concern, but then she changes her
attitude and claims she wasn't concerned at all.

She quickly runs away, feeling conflicted about how she treats him. Despite her
outward behavior, Sutea genuinely cares about Koushi but struggles to express it
Whenever Koushi tries to be friendly with Sutea, she brushes him off, which upsets

However, Koushi knows his friend well and isn't easily deterred by her cold
behavior. He plans to talk to her and share about his house burning down and
finding a new place to live, but he decides not to reveal everything due to his new
sisters' eccentric behavior, fearing they might misunderstand.

Koushi tries to stop Sutea by reaching out his hand, but she gets really mad and
scolds him for touching her hand. She leaves, and Koushi realizes she's upset
because he forgot about her condition.

Sutea's body is highly sensitive to high temperatures, whether it's warmth from
objects, hot weather, or even people's body heat. It makes her feel uncomfortable,
dizzy, and she can even faint if it gets too intense. This is how they became
friends when they were little in kindergarten.

Back then, while all the other kids played in the sun, Sutea sat alone in the
shade. Koushi noticed her and asked her to play, but she declined because she was
afraid of getting dizzy.

Koushi took her hand to invite her again, but the warmth from his hand made her
feel uncomfortable and anxious. She told him about her condition, and he understood
right away.

He rushed inside and grabbed an ice pack to cool his hands down. If his hands were
cold, it would be okay for them to hold hands. Sutea thought his hands would warm
up quickly,

which annoyed her, and she pushed him away. However, he touched her face with his
cool hands, calming her down. That memory of Koushi's cool touch stayed with her
while she sat alone on the rooftop eating her lunch.

Sutea can't figure out why her reactions always seem different from how she really
feels, but Koushi was persistent and never gave up on her.

While Sutea is thinking about her condition and feeling dizzy sitting in the sun,
Koushi suddenly appears and gently puts his cold hands on her cheeks, surprising

She realizes that he never forgot about her condition, and he shows her the ice
packs in her bag.

Koushi even asked Mineru for help to make sure he could keep her cool whenever she
needed it. It becomes clear to Sutea that he was always thinking about her well-

Later, after Koushi finishes his story, Sutea expresses a desire to see the
dormitory for herself.
However, as she tries to get up, she feels dizzy and staggers, losing her balance.
They both stumble and fall on a bed in what could be misconstrued as an indecent
position. Anyone who saw them might misunderstand the situation.

Koushi tries to get up, but Sutea surprisingly stops him, indicating that she wants
him to stay close.

However, before she can finish her sentence, her attitude changes again, and she
pushes him off the bed, hiding her true feelings once more. Sutea didn't mean to
slip and push him off, but it happened, and she's not happy with herself about it.

In the afternoon after school, Sutea still wants to visit the dormitory with Koushi
for an inspection, but Koushi doesn't think it's necessary.

Seeing that he doesn't want her to visit, Sutea wonders if he feels guilty about
something. She believes that if there's nothing to hide, there's no reason to be

When they arrive at the dormitory, an explosion goes off because one of Mineru's
experiments failed again. Both Mineru and Frey run out to save themselves from the
toxic gas.

Sutea sees them in their natural state and is left speechless. When the house is
safe to enter again, everyone steps inside.

Koushi introduces the girls to Sutea, and then atena arrives and receives her own
introduction. Koushi adds that atena is the only "normal" one in the house.

Spotting Sutea, Frey is struck by her cuteness and wants to give her a makeover.
She makes a move to do so; however, Sutea, sensitive to body heat because of her
condition, is swiftly protected by Koushi.

He quickly explains Sutea's condition to Frey, feeling embarrassed because he's

defending her. Sutea, caught off guard, kicks him away, blushes, and turns away,
regretting her impulsive reaction.

The dorm girls noticed Sutea's embarrassment and found it amusing. It became clear
that Sutea has feelings for Koushi, and they playfully suggested that atena now has
a rival for Koushi's attention. atena tried to explain, but no one paid much

Later, Sutea decided to inspect the dorm to see if it's suitable for Koushi. When
they stopped at Koushi's room, it appeared quite ordinary, so Sutea didn't feel too

atena, never having seen his room before, was quite curious. Witnessing Koushi and
atena having an intimate conversation, Sutea felt a pang of jealousy, though she
didn't voice it.

Onto the second room, Mineru's room was filled with toxic gas from her experiments,
making it impossible to enter.

Seeing this room reminded Sutea of the rumors circulating around the school about
the poisoner of the Women's University, making her wary of the dorm's condition.

They proceeded to Frey's room, where there was an outfit that seemed perfect for
Sutea. Frey eagerly helped Sutea change into it, and the scene caught Koushi's

He quickly averted his eyes as Frey's enthusiasm got a bit over the top, prompting
atena to step in as Koushi's self-proclaimed older sister.

Next up was atena's room, which looked pretty regular, so Sutea started feeling
less cautious and relaxed a bit.

Koushi, for the first time, took a close look at atena's room, which he had never
seen before.

It was cozy and smelled nice. When he complimented atena on how well she's kept it,
she blushed. Sutea noticed this and instantly became wary again.

Then came Kiriya's room, packed with romance books. Koushi and atena were surprised
that Sutea had let her guard down so much around Kiriya.

However, things changed when Kiriya began reading a book right in front of Sutea.
Just as usual, Kiriya couldn't contain her excitement and punched the wall, setting
off alarms in Sutea's head.

Sutea concludes that this dormitory is extremely risky for Koushi, especially
considering her discomfort.

Serene offers her a piece of cake, but upon remembering correctly, Sutea realizes
that the cake has gone bad, adding to the dorm's perilous reputation.

As it's getting late and everyone wants to make up for their mistakes, they decide
to have Sutea stay overnight.

They'll all live together under one roof, but the big question is whose room Sutea
will choose, since all the other rooms seem dangerous.

Sutea picks atena's room. As she goes in to prepare for bed, she keeps giving atena
stern looks. However, this is atena's chance to make amends with Sutea.

She assures Sutea that this will be a memorable night for her and starts asking
about Koushi's past and what kind of person he is, since Sutea has always been by
his side.

atena is quite sure he's a kind and dependable person.

On the other hand, Sutea has one question for Atena: What's everyone's relationship
with Koushi? Atena was caught off guard by the question.

Just as she was about to explain, they suddenly heard Koushi screaming. They
hurried downstairs to check on him and found him trying to clap Kiriya. They tried
to explain what happened.

While Koushi was taking a bath, he started feeling dizzy.

Despite this, he decided to finish and when he came out, he accidentally bumped
into Kiriya who was heading for a bath herself, leading to the awkward situation
they found themselves in.

Kyria had already showered earlier, but since she was practicing martial arts by
her bed, she got sweaty and wanted to take a bath.

Accidentally, she ran into Koushi. Sutea was super shocked and asked Kyria directly
what was going on, making Atena blush.

Atena looked around for a moment in embarrassment too. It should have been nothing,
but Sutea found it weird that the girls were blushing even though they were older
than Koushi. She thought it was unfair, especially when no one could explain why.

Several days passed, and Kyria and Atena acted distant and less lively. They even
forgot to bring lunch to school because they wanted to avoid Koushi. Frey got
suspicious of their behavior and asked what happened between the three of them.

Although Koushi realized it might be related to what happened the night Sutea
stayed over, he didn't say anything.

Frey mentioned that the girls would go hungry because they didn't have money to buy
lunch, and they wouldn't get their allowances until the next day.

Koushi couldn't figure out how they would manage without money, and their class
schedule meant they wouldn't be home until late in the afternoon. Missing lunch was
not an option.

Frey suggested that Koushi should bring them lunch to school. Frey was worried
because it was an all-girls school, and he wasn't sure if Koushi could get in as a

So, Koushi had to dress up like a girl to enter the school. Koushi agreed and went
to the school in his girl disguise. As soon as he entered, all the girls noticed

They thought he was cute and wondered whose little sister he was. Two older
students eventually figured out he was actually a boy, but they didn't seem to

They wanted to hang out with him and have some fun. They stuck around him, but he
managed to slip away and find Atena, who was in economics class.

Just as he turned a corner, he accidentally bumped into the two older students

They were excited to be talking to a boy, which drew even more girls' attention,
and they surrounded him, making it hard for him to escape. Luckily, Atena came out
and saw him in that situation. Seeing that he was in high demand and to stop the
girls from bothering him, she quickly pulled him away.

Koushi explained everything about the lunch situation to Atena and mentioned he
brought lunch for Kiriya too.

Atena then led him to Kiriya's location. As Atena walked without looking where she
was going, she accidentally bumped into Kiriya, who was carrying a bucket of water.

They both ended up getting wet and had to change their clothes.

Koushi decided to wait outside. The two older students from earlier followed him to
that spot.

When they saw this, Atena decided to let him stay inside since he was dressed as a

He was Atena's little sister for the moment, so there was no need to be

But he still turned away to prevent Atena from seeing some of her clothes since
Atena didn't have any to change into.

However, even though they were nice clothes, they didn't fit Atena well in the bust

After they finished changing, Koushi looked at them and was quite shocked to see
Atena in Kiriya's small shirt.

The shirt was so tight that a button popped off and hit him in the face, causing
him to have a nosebleed. Atena also got a nosebleed and fainted.

They all made it back to the dormitory, and the girls comforted Atena for her

Mineru and Frey felt relieved to see that Atena and Kiriya were less tense than
they were in the morning, but they didn't quite understand why they felt that way.
Finally, Mineru decided to have a talk with Atena and Kiriya about their behavior
towards Koushi, who had been worried about them.

Atena responded that there was nothing to worry about and quickly suggested a trip
she had been thinking about for a while. She wanted Koushi to invite Sutea to come
along if possible.

As they all discussed the trip, Serene started acting strangely and hurried
upstairs, which concerned the girls, especially Atena who had come up with the

However, they assured her that the plan was perfect and that they'd have a great
time. Mineru told Koushi to do his duty as a supervisor and go talk to Serene.

Koushi went to Serene's room, but since he'd never been in it before, he didn't
know what to expect.

When he opened the door, he found that it was dark and filled with clutter, and
Serene was nowhere to be seen.

As he stepped in, a cabinet toppled over, knocking Serene onto him. He wondered why
she kept so much stuff in her room and offered to clean it up right away if she

However, Serene explained to him that it wasn't clutter; everything in there was a
collection of tools that harnessed technology from the Moon to absorb its power.

Koushi couldn't quite understand what she was talking about, but when she mentioned
the moon, he remembered the night Serene had entered his room and clapped him.

He had thought it was a dream, but now he knew it wasn't. He asked her if she had
also visited Kiriya's room that night. She didn't deny it, confirming that it truly
wasn't a dream.

Serene knew he had come to talk about the trip. She didn't disagree with the idea,
but her activities were limited to the dorm and the school; she had never stepped
outside that area, so she was quite anxious.

She said that the moon's power was strong in this region, bringing a sense of
tranquility for her livelihood.

Koushi didn't quite understand, but he wanted to help her so that they could all go
on the trip. He went to share everything with everyone, and they all started
looking for a solution to Serene's problem.

Now they needed to find something that Serene could consider a part of her, acting
as a safe zone, something she could bring on the trip but still feel at home.

Koushi had an idea that maybe it could be something from the moon or something
similar. Everyone joined forces to create a mobile safe zone for Serene.

The next day at school, Koushi saw Sutea walking to school. She was struggling
because of the hot sun; in her condition, it was already summer and the heat was

Everyone was dressed for the weather, and Sutea looked lovely in her summer
uniform. Koushi was mesmerized by her, but he quickly noticed that she was getting
dizzy. He took out two ice packs and placed them on Sutea's face to help her cool

When they got to school, Koushi invited Sutea to join the group for the trip, and
she agreed. However, she wanted to supervise it, not to have fun. She wanted to
make sure that nothing suspicious or inappropriate happened.

Back at home, Frey had designed a special outfit related to the moon. She went to
show it to Serene, and it was a Sailor Moon cosplay costume. Just the thought of
Serene cosplaying excited Frey.

However, for Serene, wearing a cosplay outfit in public went against her sense of
modesty. Even though this disappointed Frey, Serene remained firm.

Mineru came up with another idea. She had brewed a potent moonlight sake that could
help Serene leave her room and join the trip without any problem. All Serene had to
do was take a whiff of it, and it would tempt her immediately; she wouldn't be able
to resist.

Unfortunately, Mineru accidentally revealed Frey's plan to Serene about the sake,
and Frey became intoxicated, losing control of her actions. Mineru had no choice
but to deal with the situation she had inadvertently created.

Later that evening, when Koushi returned home, he found Kiriya and Serene
practicing a Tai Chi technique involving yin and yang, which related to the
vastness of the universe.

Since the moon is part of the universe, Kiriya hoped that this practice would help
Serene with her power. However, Serene's essence was tied to the moon, making the
immense power of the universe almost overwhelming for her. She stopped practicing
and collapsed to the floor.

Frey stepped out wearing the Sailor Moon costume she had for Serene, and Mineru
joined in the fun with her own costume.

atena arrived and gave Serene a special umbrella. On the inside, it was painted to
look like the moon and stars at night. When Serene opened it, she saw the pattern
and showed how much she liked it. She agreed to go on the trip with everyone.

After dinner, when Serene retreated to her room, Koushi quickly returned her jacket
to her. He had taken it while doing laundry and noticed that some seams were coming
apart, so he fixed it.

He had noticed her always wearing it and thought it must bring her peace, just like
the moon.
Serene had been worried about the unraveled seams, which might have caused her
feelings of unease, as the jacket was crucial to her. She was happy that he had
fixed it.

The next day, the group embarked on their trip. When they glimpsed the sea in the
distance, they grew excited, anticipating a beach destination.

However, as they continued towards the mountains, it became evident that Atena had
mistakenly booked a place atop a mountain.

She felt disappointed in herself, especially given the eerie and unwelcoming
appearance of the location. Despite this, they were unable to change plans due to
having already paid a deposit, so they proceeded with their stay for the night.

Later that evening, they all visited a hot spring. Mineru asked Atena why she had
suggested the vacation, considering her usual preference for solitude. Atena
explained that she wanted to make amends for the night Sutea had stayed over at the

After a while, Mineru and Frey decided to climb a wall to check on Koushi, who was
enjoying the hot spring alone. Concerned that he might be feeling lonely, they
intended to surprise him. When they arrived, Koushi was taken aback by their sudden

They seemed disappointed that he hadn't attempted to sneak a look at them. To ease
his nerves, they assured him they were properly covered with towels.

They proposed sharing a room to keep Koushi company. Unfortunately, Mineru's towel
slipped, but Atena quickly intervened to shield Koushi from any embarrassment.

Then, Frey accidentally dropped Atena's towel, undoing Atena's efforts to protect
Koushi. Witnessing all this, Koushi had a nosebleed and fainted in the bathtub.

When Koushi woke up, he found everyone sleeping around him with their vulnerability
exposed, which made it hard for him to rest.

Eventually, he noticed Atena leaving the room and decided to follow her. Mineru
also followed him because Atena had been gone for a while, and both Koushi and
Mineru started getting worried.

They searched all over the house but couldn't find Atena anywhere. The only place
they hadn't checked was the other creepy part of the place, which was temporarily

They decided to investigate, and as they walked in, they felt the space expanding
around them. Koushi looked around and started to feel scared.
He wanted to hold Mineru's hand, but when he reached for her, she had vanished. Now
he was even more frightened because he was all alone.

However, Mineru returned and held his hand. She admitted to being scared too but
vowed to protect him as the dorm supervisor.

She then declared that she would be the one protecting him as the older sister.

Because they weren't at the dorm at the moment, she said this as she leaned over to
him, making him blush. Koushi ran away to wash his face.

As Koushi was on his way to wash his face, he encountered Atena emerging from
another room.

She was looking for the bathroom but was disoriented and unsure of her location.

While they attempted to find their way back, they spotted a white figure that
resembled a ghost. Atena quickly grabbed Koushi's hand and pulled him away from
there. They sought refuge in another dark room.

Suddenly, Atena approached Koushi slowly, preparing to startle him. She reassured
him that she would protect him.

Koushi was taken aback by Atena's boldness and felt unsure of how to respond.

Just then, the lights were turned on, and Mineru entered, asking Atena why she was
bothering Koushi. This situation left both Koushi and Atena embarrassed.

Soon after, Serene walked in with Mineru, revealing that she was the "ghost" Atena
and Koushi had seen earlier.

The next morning, everyone prepared to leave. Koushi apologized to Serene for
mistaking her for a ghost the previous night. Frey still felt unsatisfied with the
trip, so they all decided to head down to the beach for some fun.

Beach time was enjoyable, and the girls played ball together in the water.

Sutea wanted to join them but felt self-conscious because everyone else seemed to
have stronger "plot armor" stats, which she also desired.

She glanced over at Koushi, who was sitting in the shade watching over the girls
through his binoculars.

He claimed it was part of his role as their dorm supervisor, but when Sutea looked
at him, she couldn't help but wonder if he was admiring their impressive melons.

Comparing her own lower "plot armor" stats, she felt like she didn't stand a
chance. It seemed like Koushi preferred "plot armor" with higher offensive stats
like the other girls had.

Koushi was so focused on his duties that he didn't notice when Sutea went into the
water to swim alone.

Some fish started to surround her, and she tried to evade them, but one cheeky fish
managed to get inside her swimsuit, making her flustered and unable to swim
properly. She ended up falling into the water.

Luckily, Koushi was still watching with his binoculars and quickly noticed Sutea's

He rushed over to try to help her, but since he couldn't swim, he asked Kiriya to
come and rescue her. After the incident in the water, Koushi went to check on
Sutea, but she got upset with him, telling him it wasn't his concern.

Kiriya explained that Koushi had been genuinely worried about Sutea and was the
first to notice that something was wrong.

He had immediately tried to assist and, realizing he couldn't swim, asked for
Kiriya's help. Kiriya mentioned that even if Koushi hadn't asked for help, she
would have done the same.

Sutea was delighted by this realization, recognizing that Koushi still cared about
her and had been paying attention.

Everyone discussed how surprised they were to learn that Koushi couldn't swim, but
they admired his quick action and care.

atena encouraged Koushi, reminding him that swimming isn't everything and that he
should be proud of his heroic efforts.

At that moment, Koushi decided to take a break and go buy something to drink. He
wondered why he suddenly had a warm feeling in his chest—it might have been the
thought of Atena's compliment. He didn't quite understand it, but it bothered him.

Since the weather was hot, Kiriya put ice packs on Sutea's face. These were
prepared specifically for Sutea, which Kiriya thought was a thoughtful gesture from

This made Kiriya a little jealous as she wondered what it would be like to be that
close to Koushi, recalling their childhood together.

Sutea apologized to Kiriya for her behavior the night she stayed at the dorm and
thanked her for saving her life. Frey asked Sutea about her long hairstyle during
the hot seasons, wondering if it was uncomfortable with her condition.

Sutea shyly whispered something to Kiriya, who then shared with the others that
Sutea kept her hair long because Koushi's first crush was on their preschool
teacher, who had the same hairstyle.
Sutea wanted to appeal to what he liked, even though she never really expressed it
to him directly.

Frey and Mineru were surprised by Sutea's innocence and cuteness.

Frey got so excited that she immediately lunged at Sutea and hugged her, which made
Sutea even more uncomfortable until she fainted.

Atena got worried and quickly ran to buy a snow cone for her.

As Kushi was returning to where everyone was, he saw Atena being harassed by two
guys who insisted that she join them for a swim.

They were holding her hand even when she refused. Kushi quickly stepped in and
pushed one of the guys' hands away, telling them that they shouldn't force a girl
into a situation she wasn't comfortable with.

The two guys looked down on him and asked if he was her boyfriend, but Atena told
them that he was her little brother. Kushi clarified that he was her supervisor,
then took Atena's hand and led her away from the two guys who were bothering her.

When they were at a safe distance, he quickly apologized to Atena for grabbing her
hand, but Atena didn't mind much because Kushi was different from other boys—he was
like a member of her family, a little brother.

After that, they went back to where everyone else was, but Kushi still felt
bothered by the heavy feeling in his heart.

While Atena was taking a shower later on, Sutea joined her and apologized for her
previous behavior.

She explained that she had resented Atena for no good reason because she believed
that Atena was never there for Kushi when Atena and the others were there for him
during his darkest times.

Atena shared that she felt the same way as Sutea did—she wanted to protect Kushi,
but he always ended up protecting her.

It was Frey and Mineru who helped him with school. Atena revealed that the reason
she suggested the trip was to do something for him too.

She saw the similarities between her and Sutea's situations, and without thinking,
Kushi had agreed right away.

As they headed back home, they reflected on these conversations.

Sutea felt calm because she believed there was no reason to worry about Atena; she
was just Koushi's older sister.

Sutea glanced back and noticed Koushi looking a bit sad as he paused to admire the
sunset over the sea.

The next day, Koushi seemed distant and reacted nervously when Frey hugged him
while he was cooking. Frey pointed out that he seemed very distracted, causing the
pot on the stove to boil over.

After breakfast, Atena offered to help Koushi wash the dishes, but he refused
without even looking at her.

Frey noticed this change in his mood and wondered how she could cheer him up. She
thought that cosplay might be the best way to lift his spirits, so she took him to
a cosplaying studio.

At the studio, Frey and Koushi dressed up as characters from a popular game. Frey
played the role of a commander in a night order, while Koushi portrayed a knight in
the same order.

In their play, their characters had a story where the younger brother had feelings
for the older sister, who saw him only as family. They had to fight each other in
the game because their goals were different.

During their cosplay, Frey stayed in character and asked Koushi a series of
questions that he had to answer truthfully as they acted out their roles.

Frey sensed that something was bothering Koushi, and after a moment, he opened up
about the events at the beach. Someone close to him had said they felt safe around
him, like family.

Normally, Koushi would have been happy about this, but he was struggling with new
feelings that he didn't want to acknowledge because he feared it could cause
problems with his current relationships.

Frey encouraged Koushi to be true to himself, pointing out that he had been hinting
at his true feelings since he arrived. Koushi, however, was more focused on wanting
a warm home and a caring family like the one he had with his friends at the

Frey shared her own experiences with Koushi, revealing that she used to be
straightforward and sometimes came across as rude, causing misunderstandings.

When she moved to the dorm, she hid her true self to avoid hurting anyone.

Eventually, her dorm mates discovered her real personality, and she chose to
embrace who she was, even if it led to disagreements or disapproval.
She hoped that by being genuine, she might discover a different kind of love.

After confiding in each other, they headed back to the dormitory.

Today was the Women's University Festival, and Koushi and Sutea decided to attend
to see what everyone was up to.

The festival was open to everyone, including boys and children. As they entered the
festival, they bumped into Frey, who was part of the event's organizing committee
and responsible for providing costumes to some departments.

Frey, familiar with the campus, offered to give them a tour to show them the best

Their first stop was an unofficial drugstore hidden behind the school, not listed
on the official festival map, so not many people visited.

Mineru, the owner, sold homemade medicine to earn money.

The place looked a bit shady, much like Mineru's room, and it was unclear if the
medicine was safe to use.

Mineru proudly displayed her two most confident potions: an aphrodisiac stimulant
and a love potion, both of which were banned from the school, yet Mineru continued
to make them every year.

Another campus committee member stumbled upon Mineru, prompting her to quickly pack
up and leave. In her rush, she accidentally dropped a bottle of medicine onto
Koushi's back.

Afterwards, Frey took the two kids to visit a paranormal research club that claimed
to have discovered a mysterious creature in the school. They were investigating
this creature, which they referred to as a legend because they didn't know its true

Frey mentioned that Serene was part of their presentation, but in reality, Serene
was the mysterious being they were investigating.

Another club member rushed in and reported that Serene had been spotted near the
refreshment stand. Concerned that Serene might be subjected to experiments, the
three of them hurried to save her.

When they reached the courtyard, they found many girls engaging in mischievous
behavior. Koushi noticed a bottle of Mineru's medicine on the ground and realized
what might have happened.

A girl with glasses approached him, feeling like she had seen him before, and he
was about to deny it when Frey suddenly put a wig on him—the same wig he once wore
when he pretended to be a girl on campus—leaving him puzzled by her actions.

The fumes from the medicine began spreading and reached Frey, affecting her as

Many of the affected girls rushed toward Koushi, showing an intense desire to
approach him. sutea tried to intervene when she saw the harassment, but then the
girls shifted their attention to her instead.

In that critical moment, Serene suddenly appeared wearing black glasses and tapped
into her enhanced moon power.

She radiated a bright yellow light that blinded everyone around and cleansed the
area of the strange effects of Mineru's medicine. Quickly, everyone regained their
senses, but Serene collapsed on the ground due to exhaustion.

Koushi rushed to her side to help, and together they made their way to the medical

Meanwhile, Frey and Sutea headed out to buy some food, hoping it would help Serene
recover temporarily.

While in the medical room, Serene told Koushi that food alone wouldn't fully
restore her strength; the best way for her to recover completely was through direct
contact with her servants, which meant an intensive clapping session.

Koushi's mind raced back to the night when Serene visited him in sutea's room, and
he felt embarrassed about how to act around her, considering they had clapped

Serene reassured him that he wasn't the only one she had this kind of contract
with; in fact, almost everyone at the dorm was her servant in one way or another.

As she prepared to proceed, Koushi suddenly fell backward in his chair as Frey and
Sutea entered the room. Serene's attention quickly shifted to the food they had
brought, reminding her of the Galaxy.

After their eventful day, Frey realized they still had some time left and decided
to take Koushi and Sutea to visit atena at her workplace.

At the café where atena works to get to know other guys besides Koushi, she's
dressed in a maid outfit.

As she steps out in her uniform, all eyes in the café turn to atena, causing her to
blush. She tries hard not to have a nosebleed and faint like she usually does.

Frey, Koushi, and Sutea enter the café as guests and watch atena in action.

Koushi is impressed by her professionalism, and Sutea is fascinated by the maid

outfit. When their food is served, a mishap occurs, and atena trips, falling onto
Koushi's face.

Thankfully, Sutea manages to save the food from disaster. atena apologizes in a
manner befitting a genuine maid, leaving Koushi feeling awkward and unsure of how
to respond.

Meanwhile, at another table, some guys ask atena to spend time with them and show
them around the campus.

While she's struggling to prevent a nosebleed, she politely declines their offer.
Observing this interaction, Koushi is about to rush to her defense, but Frey stops

She explains to Koushi that atena is actively making an effort to interact with
other boys, and the best way he can support her is by letting her do her best while
he watches from a distance. Frey hints that atena may be doing this for someone
special, like Koushi himself.

atena retreats to the kitchen to catch her breath after the encounter. Her co-
worker notices Koushi and asks if she's doing all of this for him.

Although it's a bit awkward for her to admit her true intentions, atena eventually
accepts when her co-worker encourages her to spend time with Koushi.

She wonders who will take her place to balance the café's staff, and to everyone's
surprise, Frey volunteers Sutea to be the new maid replacement. Sutea eagerly
embraces the opportunity and adopts the role of a tsundere maid.

With some free time on their hands, Koushi and atena decide to visit a location
where there is a cross-dressing competition.

One of the judges turns out to be kiriya herself, who is very popular among the
girls because of her coolness and charm.

Even atena seems charmed by her. The place is packed with people, and Koushi starts
to feel hot, so he takes out a drink to cool down.

After finishing the drink, Koushi realizes it isn't water when he reads the label
and discovers it's one of Mineru's medicines meant to bring out the true
personality of the person who drinks it.

After the competition, kiriya meets up with Koushi and atena, thanking them for
their support. She offers an extra ticket to a labyrinth tour and invites them to

atena tries to decline due to her classroom responsibilities, but Koushi blurts out
that he wants to try it, like a kid. atena ends up agreeing, and they all go on the
tour together.

During the tour, whether it's due to the medicine or not, Koushi expresses emotions
that match his age, which atena appreciates.

The labyrinth is scary and dark, causing kiriya and Koushi to often cling to each
other for comfort while atena appears more fearless. Koushi acts like a protective
little brother even in his childlike state, and kiriya tells him she feels safe
with him around, as does atena.

As they walk, they end up in a dark area where they see nothing but darkness and
koushi clapped all the girls,sorry i mean stumble and fall.

When the lights came back on, Koushi found himself lying on top of atena and
kiriya, accidentally clapping them. Later, they returned to the café, and Koushi
gave Mineru the empty bottle of the "medicine" he drank, telling her that he had
consumed it by accident.

Mineru asked him how it was, and Koushi admitted that he had said incredibly
unbelievable and embarrassing things under its influence.

To Koushi's surprise, Mineru revealed that what he drank was actually purified
water—she had done it on purpose to see how he would react. The foolish things he
said and did throughout the day were of his own free will.

The café became lively after Sutea took over atena's place; her customer service
skills were top-notch. Suddenly, Serene rushed in, being chased by members of the
Paranormal Research Club.

The disciplinary committee also rushed in to capture Mineru. Due to Mineru's

potion, the girls in the school started to chase after kiriya. The scene became
nothing but chaotic at that moment.

On another day at the dorm, kiriya receives a call from her family informing her of
a problem back home.

kiriya's family owns a martial arts dojo especially for kids, and they usually host
a Christmas party every year.

However, this year, her family can't make it, so kiriya has to handle the party all
by herself. She feels a bit down about it because it's a big job, but it's a family
tradition she feels obligated to uphold.

When atena hears about this, she offers to help. She sees it as a chance to put
into practice what she's learned from her family economics and early childhood
education classes. Koushi also has some free time, so he decides to assist kiriya.

Before they head out for shopping, Koushi is assigned household chores to clean the

However, when he opens the bathroom door, he's surprised to find Sutea just getting
out of the bath.
Embarrassed, he quickly shuts his eyes and apologizes for not knocking. Sutea
apologizes as well for using the bath at that moment and tries to hurry, but in her
rush, she trips and falls on top of Koushi. Because she's not dressed, she gets a
nosebleed and faints.

When it's time to go shopping, atena doesn't have the energy to join Koushi and

Seeing Koushi and kiriya going shopping alone, Mineru playfully teases them, saying
they look like they're going on a date.

kiriya, feeling a bit awkward, punches the door and quickly heads outside. Koushi
follows her, and soon they reach the supermarket.

Inside the cafe, Kiriya and Koushi notice many other couples shopping together.
Kiriya is actually happy to be spending time with Koushi like this as they visit
different places and attractions throughout the day, just the two of them.

After a while, they decide to take a break at a cafe. Kiriya feels a bit shy,
almost like they're on a date, but to others, they look more like siblings. They
continue shopping together as planned.

As Christmas approaches, Kiriya usually dresses up as Santa Claus at her family's

dojo party. This year, since Kiriya is taking on the role, she doesn't want to wear
boys' clothes for it. They decide to ask Frey to make a special Santa outfit just
for Kiriya.

Kiriya also thinks atena would look really cute in these outfits, even cuter than
herself, despite atena's cool appearance during school festivals. Koushi suggests
that Kiriya should wear cute outfits more often, and she seems open to the idea.

When they return home, they ask Frey to create the outfits, which requires taking
measurements. Frey is about to measure Kiriya, and since Santa needs a reindeer,
Koushi tries to make a quick exit, but Frey stops him.

Frey proceeds to measure Kiriya, and although Koushi closes his eyes to avoid any
awkwardness, the process seems to take a while. To avoid further awkwardness, he
decides to go outside.

Their plan for the day is to visit Kiriya's hometown; however, when Koushi returns
inside, he accidentally sees atena taking a bath again, which means she can't join
them once again.

At that moment, Serene appears, talking continuously about the moon and how to
harness its powers to fix the door that Kiriya ruined earlier.

Seeing an opportunity, Kiriya asks for Serene's help and offers her a package of
cookies in exchange. With everything settled, the three of them board the train to
Kiriya's hometown, and after half a day of travel, they arrive.
Upon entering the martial arts dojo, a group of small kids surrounded them and got
introduced to Koushi and Serene.

They were taken to change clothes, and as a result, both Koushi and Serene ended up
joining the class together.

They took the judo class with the kids, and after the kids finished their practice,
it was Koushi's turn to train with Kiriya. During this time, their faces got quite
close, and Kiriya accidentally threw him down in embarrassment.

Later, they started getting ready for the Christmas party. Before Santa Claus
arrived, they all had to decorate the place, and the kids received special badges
for good behavior.

However, most of the kids were more interested in getting gifts rather than badges.

Kiriya noticed a girl sitting alone in a corner and decided to approach her to
start a conversation.

The girl expressed that she always felt like the weakest in her class, which made
her believe she didn't deserve to receive a gift. She lacked the confidence to
participate with the others.

Hearing this, Koushi could understand her feelings. He clarified that the badges
weren't about skills; they were meant for those who put in their best effort.

As long as she attended the classes and didn't slack off, Santa would come to her

After spending some time decorating, two cute and charming girls dressed as Santa
entered the room. Kiriya's little brother was surprised to see his sister dressed
in a Santa outfit, having abandoned shorts completely. He only recognized her after
getting hit, realizing it was indeed his sister.

Once the gift distribution was over, it was time for the main event,going to be
doggystyle,sorry guys i mean Riding on the "reindeer" , Kiriya's little brother
asked his sister to ride on Koushi's back.

Despite some initial hesitation, Koushi allowed Serene to go first. This caused
Koushi to feel a warm sensation as he suspected she wasn't wearing anything
underneath. Hurriedly, he took Serene to the changing room to put on clothes.

By the time they finished, it was late in the evening, and Koushi sat down to
admire the moon. Kiriya came over and sat close to him, and both of their faces
started turning red. As they were about to do something, Serene appeared, having
been eating cake the whole time.

Winter arrived, and the weather became quite cold. Mineru and Frey had prepared a
heater. It was Koushi's first time using it, so he was quite excited. kiriya wanted
to sit next to him, and atena's jealous expression was obvious.
They played a game of tapping each other's feet around the heater under the table,
where nobody could see what was happening.

It became chaotic as nobody knew whose foot was whose. Koushi realized that
everyone was creating a comfortable atmosphere, allowing him to feel the most
relaxed he had ever wished to be with his family.

However, his old home had burned down. atena wanted to console him, but Mineru beat
her to it. At Kiriya's house, they often sat with her younger siblings to study,
and as a result, everyone ended up falling asleep right there, studying in front of
the heater and doing homework with friends.

Looking back, Koushi had never done anything like that before. atena was about to
invite him to study together, but Mineru suggested bringing Sutea over first.

The next day, Koushi invited Sutea to the dormitory after pleading with her many
times, though she initially refused due to her condition.

Eventually, she agreed on the condition that he buys her ice cream. He brought
Sutea to the dormitory, and when they entered, there was no one around. Koushi was
quite surprised that no one was using the heater. Normally, Serene would spend all
her time buried under that table.

With no one else there, both of them could focus on their studies and assignments.
Koushi almost fell asleep, and as for Sutea, she fell asleep completely— the
temptation to rest was too strong for Koushi, so he lied down and fell asleep.

Sutea woke up because it was too hot and was about to scold him, but then she
realized that he was already asleep and hadn't started his assignment.

Sutea helped him with it and turned off the heater. Since she turned off the
heater, Koushi felt quite cold. He tried to hide deep inside the covers and
accidentally kicked Sutea's private spot. His leg kept shaking, and Sutea enjoyed
the warmth from it.

Unexpectedly, atena sees this scene and freaks out, throwing the heater on Koushi.
Later, there's a big cosplay event, and Frey has to participate.

She says bye to Koushi and leaves for it. Kiriya decides to clean up the dormitory,
and Frey asks him to tidy her room before she leaves. She says it's not that messy,
but when he enters, it's actually quite chaotic. Seeing this, atena helps him while

They hear a noise from Serene's room, which seems about to explode. atena rushes
out and sees Serene hanging onto the windowsill.

When Serene slips, Koushi quickly rushes to catch her, and thanks to his quick
reaction, Serene lands safely. The room is quite dangerous now, and there's even
some liquid spilling out. atena tries once again to see if the door can be opened.

Just then, Sutea appears, relieved that Sutea arrived just in time since Frey had
to attend an event. Kiriya is having an end-of-year party, Mineru is in the lab,
and Sutea is happy that Sutea came.

atena is jealous because he didn't compliment her much despite her being the first
to help him. All three of them start cleaning together.

They go to clean Serene's room after dealing with Frey's. Serene doesn't want them
to; she protests that she's the first member of the dorm, and in over a year, the
others started coming to live there too.

Koushi and Sutea also started coming over more often, and within just a year, the
dormitory has become more joyful. Instead of neglecting a quirky person like
Serene, everyone started caring about her. But they still need to tidy up the room.

They decide to visit Mineru's room first and find that she's upgraded it into a lab
with a decontamination area. Sutea likes it very much, but Mineru tells them that
they will get a tour another day.

They go back to Serene's room, and atena uses snacks to persuade her to let them
clean it.

They find many valuable things that Serene keeps, which aren't trash like they had
initially thought. Mineru finds liquor and gets drunk.

She tries to persuade atena to drink with her just by smelling it. atena knows it's
strong liquor; even just smelling it makes her drunk.

As Koushi and Sutea clean, they run out of ties to bundle the things in. Koushi
goes outside to look for them.

Stepping out of the room, he sees the three girls are already drunk. Mineru and
Serene lean on him to sleep. atena doesn't want to be left out, so she joins in
too. When drunk, atena always speaks her mind.

She asks why he keeps thinking about Sutea all the time and can't understand why
it's not her who he thinks about. She also wants his attention.

Before she finishes speaking, she falls asleep. Koushi is in quite a dangerous
situation before he can enjoy much, Sutea finds him and he gets scolded by her.

The new year is coming soon, and Koushi is curious about everyone's plans. Mineru
intends to stay at the dormitory because she's more focused on research than
partying. Kiriya also plans to stay because she already visited her home during
Christmas, and if she goes back now, she'll be busy with her younger siblings.

Serene doesn't reveal her plans, simply saying it's not a big deal, so she's
staying too. atena has similar plans. All of this makes him realize that he's quite
content; he agrees with the sentiment.
Welcoming the new year with everyone is something he didn't anticipate after losing
his home due to the fire. He never thought he would reach the end of the year in
such a warm and connected place as the dormitory with everyone feeling like family.

Hearing this, Mineru decides to throw a memorable New Year's party. However, he
needs to buy ingredients for cooking, and going alone isn't ideal.

So, Mineru asks atena to accompany him, but atena is occupied with something else.
Kiriya steps in to go shopping with him instead.

atena stays behind to complete a New Year's gift for him, and he and Kiriya head to
the supermarket to purchase the ingredients.

Sutea wonders whether girls should know how to cook, and suddenly Koushi collapses
on the floor. Athena, who has just finished the gift, rushes in after Kiriya
reports that he fell in the supermarket. Frey hears the news and rushes back home,
wanting to hug him tightly, but Athena stops her due to his illness.

They check his temperature and discover he has a high fever. They start discussing
how to treat his cold, emphasizing the importance of rest, good food, and a "sexy
nurse," which they believe is vital for his recovery.

Upon hearing this, Frey immediately dresses up as a nurse, and Kiriya prepares some
apple juice for him. Serene finds the situation amusing and brings more fruits to
help. atena is about to cut open a durian, but they stop her.

sutea also rushes over upon hearing about his illness. She checks him thoroughly
and uses her forehead to gauge his temperature.

After taking his temperature, she presses her face against his, causing her to feel
embarrassed and fall on him. Sutea feigns sleep, so Mineru and Athena take her and
leave to rest in another room. As they depart, Frey somehow ends up on Koushi's

atena, hearing a strange noise, turns back and sees Frey acting seductively toward
him. She intervenes to ensure his well-being.

However, she slips, falls onto him, her clothes come off, and she starts bleeding
from the nose before fainting. To give him a chance to rest, Frey and Kiriya carry
Athena out of the room. Now that he has rested, they divide the household chores.

After a brief rest, he's feeling somewhat better when he steps outside his room and
bumps into Kiriya, who is doing laundry.

She offers to wash the clothes he's wearing; however, as she's about to smell them,
she decides against it due to the unique care he received from Frey and Serene. He
had run out of his room without clothes, so Kiriya helps him find something to
wear, but the clothes get torn, leaving him in shorts and a small T-shirt.

Athena wants to make a meal for him, but there are no eggs left in the fridge.
Serene, curious about the inside of an egg, smashed and ate them all because she
thought they resembled the moon.
Mineru advises Athena to use her new experimental seasoning, which she obviously
refuses, but Mineru insists, and while struggling, they accidentally drop the
seasoning into the food, causing an explosion.

Mineru's clothes also change color and state. Witnessing this, Koushi starts having
a running fever again. From morning until now, his fever hasn't subsided, and the
local clinics are all closed for the holidays, so they need to take turns caring
for him diligently.

Athena earnestly asks to stay and nurse him. She tends to him throughout the night,
but his fever doesn't decrease.

Koushi calls Serene's name; he holds her hand and reminisces about their encounters
from their first meeting to the present.

Gradually, he falls asleep. The next morning when he wakes up, Serene was lying on
him. He realizes she has cared for him all night after recovering from his illness.

He resumes his work, and Patina also presents him with a handmade gift—a pair of

Remembering that tonight is New Year's Eve, he needs to go shopping and invites
Athena to accompany him, which she readily agrees to.

Everyone else decides to join as well; they can't let Serene have all the fun. Just
then, sutea arrives, and they all set out together.

and that's it for today's video ,watch the following video and i will catch you in
the next one.

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