The Last Summoner

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Jie was a ugly poor child, who was believed to be cursed with the stone

god blessing and hid destiny that could destroy the world.

He accidentally caused his mother's death at birth.

Throughout his life, the other children bullied him severely, and even his father
regretted having him, thinking he was a demon.

Just when the kids were about to kill him, his supernatural powers surfaced and
inadvertently killed them.

The villagers then saw him as a dangerous monster and banished him from the
village, chaining him to a rock where he survived by eating whatever he could find,
including ,a even it's a dog shit.

However, one day, he met the most beautiful girl who was the first person in 3,000
years to give him food and talk with him nicely.

But as she started to leave, she asked him to keep their interaction a secret.

Overwhelmed by emotion, jei cried because this was the first time someone had shown
him kindness since he was born.

In the following months, the girl, named Kori, learned how to cook various meals
for him and became his only friend. She brought warmth and hope into his life,
which he cherished deeply.

As the years went by, jei's body grew stronger and began to overcome the curse.
However, a severe drought caused a famine in the village, and the elders blamed
jei, believing he was draining the soil's life.

They vowed to kill him, but Kori defended him, insisting he wasn't a monster. In
their rage, the elders attacked both Kori and jei. During the assault, a witch
from the crowd fatally stabbed Kori.

Seeing the girl he loved dead, jei's grief unleashed the immense power within him.

He broke free from his chains and, in his fury, killed the woman who murdered Kori
with the same boulder that had restrained him.

His powers were so great that he inadvertently destroyed the entire village, but
none of this could bring Kori back.

Mourning her death, jei placed a flower that had grown on his arm next to her, and
the blood from the villagers turned into a field of red flowers.
jei's mystical powers then transferred his soul into a new body, and a mysterious
goddess awakened his dormant powers, setting him on a path to potentially destroy
the world.

Four billion years in the future, Jie was reborn as ugly lonely life than before.

He ended up with abusive parents and eventually used his powers to kill them,
squandering all their money on gambling.

He struggled socially and also he remain a virgin ,because he was busy doing
masturbating all day .

Living in a home that smelled as a shocks of your shoes, he tried to survive by

cooking ramen.

But then, a rift in space-time opened, and a hot naked goddess appeared in front of
his virgin eyes. She transformed into smaller version like baby and started eating
his ramen.

When he questioned her identity, she introduced herself as dora and demonstrated a
unique ability ,she is going to sucking his whole food.

He tried to flushing the 3 year old dumb, down to the toilet, but she kept coming
back to bother him.

As he biked to class to escape, he wondered how he had summoned a 3-million-year-

old goddess. Despite his attempts to get rid of her, she teleported to follow him,
promising to grant all his wishes.

He tried throwing her in front of a bus, but she continued offering him favors,
even her own body,in that thing all of guys would be say yes, but this virgin boy
rudely declined by insulting her appearance. In class, she appeared again,
splashing onto his window.

Despite closing the window, she begged him to make a contract with her, insulting
him further.

After all the troubles of the day, he yelled at her to shut up, startling everyone
in class.

The teacher then yelled at him,who's the fuck idiot is shouting and start blaming
his attitude for being the only failure in school, which made everyone laugh at

After sitting down, he realized he was the only one who could see her. He decided
to sneak out of the class while she was asleep.

But when he got outside, a girl with a Karen haircut ran up to give him a love
letter, how the fuck this is possible this virgin loser got a love letter.

Just then, dora emerged from his backpack, teasing him that this was his only
chance to get a date.

jie snapped, threw down his backpack, and yelled at her to leave him alone. The
girl ran away crying, and jie realized he might stay virgin for the rest of his

A few hours later, Jie came with a box of snacks, offering them to dora in hopes
she would leave him alone.

However, she started crying and explained that a goddess rejected by her master is
doomed to wander alone for eternity, i don't why my editing gets hard,comment guys
if you know.

Before she disappeared, she asked if she could take one last walk with him,
promising to cherish their final moments together.

As they walked, she held his hand—though he found it repulsive—and transferred her
mystical energy to his eyes, allowing him to see the truth about their world.

An aura emanated around the people they saw, and dora explained that everyone has
the potential to become a Summoner.

However, Jie was the last Summoner ever to be born in history and possessed the
power of the 12 Gods to either destroy the world or save it, depending on his

From inside the tree, a cat named Meow appeared, and dora asked Jie if he would
change the destiny of the universe to become a Summoner and explore the new world
with her.

As he reached out his hand, she took it, locking their fingers together and forming
a seal between them. This act disrupted the flow of gravity. After their contract
was sealed, she teased him for falling into her trap, saying she would now never
leave him alone.

However, Jie was actually pleased with this turn of events because it meant dora
had become bound to him and had to obey his commands. But upon hearing this, she
jumped onto his back, summoned her wings, and flew him around the city.

Despite the thrill, they nearly crashed into a building when dora exhausted her
energy and started to pass out, causing them to slowly descend. That night, dora
considered it a miracle they survived, especially as the power went out in Jie's
house—he hadn’t been paying any bills after losing all his money in gambling.

In response, dora decided to awaken a secret power within him. An energy sphere
rose into the sky, exploded into thousands of illuminating particles, and as these
particles fell, they began healing his body.

Jie, amazed by her powers, asked if she really was a goddess. With that, she
decided to reveal everything to him.

Three million years ago, a devastating war between the gods and Titans led to the
destruction of the world.

During the conflict, she was chained in the middle of the void, isolated and alone
for all those years.

The memories of the pain she endured took a toll on her, affecting her mind.

Jie tried to ensure she was okay, but also realized this gave him a break from her
constant presence.

Nonetheless, he covered her up and pondered what his new life as a Summoner would
entail, unaware that a mysterious and attractive chick was watching him from the

The next day at school, dora was flaunting her appearance to Jie, reassuring him
that he was the only one who could see her like this.

Just then, the news broadcasted a story about a "mysterious, ugly, loser, who look
like a geek" seen flying across the sky, which left Jie wondering why even the
newscasters would never miss a chance to Roast him.

dora wants a white stuff , so she asked Jie to apply lotion on her back,but he puts
his headphone on like gigachad.

dora begged Jie to rub lotion on her, even offering a massage as an incentive, but
their interaction was abruptly interrupted by a tentacle monster that captured dora
and began to attack her.

In the chaos, dora tossed the lotion bottle at Jie, but he was too stunned to catch
it as he watched the monster seemingly devour dora, only to spit out her melon
protection, onto his face.

As Jie pursued the plant monster that rolled away with dora, she yelled out that
she and her powers are usless, unless she was close to her Summoner.
Jie made a desperate leap to save her, but the plant monster blinded him and sent
him crashing into a wall, narrowly avoiding a disastrous outcome.

The monster managed to escape into a festival, and as Jie tried to navigate through
the crowd to find dora, he realized he had completely lost track of her.

Before he could leave the scene, a large man dropped from the sky, demanding Jie
apologize for rejecting his hot sister in a rude manner.

Jie retorted insultingly about the man's sister's appearance and quickly ran away
from the escalating situation.

As Jie continued running, dora's voice began to fade. She warned him that she was
close to death and needed his help soon.

Amidst the urgency, a random child who's is kicked out from approached Jie,
attempting to interest him in becoming a Jehovah’s Witness. Frustrated, Jie
dismissed the child harshly and continued his pursuit.

Racing towards what he thought was the source of dora’s voice, Jie mistakenly leapt
onto a cactus, only to realize it was actually an innocent girl.

Redirecting himself, he followed the distinctive music emanating from dora's

location, recognizing it as the sound of a specific band known for their awful

Arriving at a screamo concert, Jie sensed dora’s presence intensifying, but her
responses began to wane as she lost energy.

In a desperate attempt to provoke a reaction from her, he shouted out his relief at
the thought of getting rid of her. Hearing this, dora surged with energy and fought
her way out of the plant monster's clutches.

The climax of his rescue attempt came with a dramatic scene, where Jie watched dora
beat up the plant, which then retreated back to a mysterious hot girl in the

As dora launched an attack, the girl vanished into air. Despite dora’s eagerness to
chase them, Jie advised against it,

suggesting they find them another day since the girl seemed very dangerous and
capable of controlling her summon while remaining hidden.

This suggested a more cautious approach was necessary for their safety.

At the same time, an old man advised the girl to ensure that Jie never escapes,
emphasizing the importance of witnessing the powers of the last god.
After she departed, the old man eagerly anticipated the moment when Jie would
manifest his divine abilities through reincarnation in his godly form.

The next day at school, a hot girl with captivating presence approached Jie.

Despite the attention she drew from all the guys, she ignored them and walked
straight to Jie's desk to slip him a note before leaving.

Once she was gone, the curious onlookers read the note, which said she'd be waiting
for him in the woods after school.

After class, many boys followed Jie to see what would happen with this mysterious

Along the way, the same man who had previously confronted Jie for rejecting his
sister and now for winning over the most attractive girl, yelled at him again.

Undeterred, Jie continued his journey to the forest, followed by a group of guys.

Inside the forest, he was relieved to see Meow again, ensuring she was safe in such
an environment. Suddenly, vines sprang up, entangling the intrusive followers and
allowing Jie to proceed alone.

He reached the spot mentioned in the note, but it seemed to be a dead end.

Just then, the trees parted, creating a path similar to dora spreeding his legs in
front of him. Walking through, Jie encountered the mysterious girl again.

However, their reunion was cut short by a plant creature that demanded he hand over
the "spirit" or risk his life.

Jie refused to hand over his new pet, explaining that he had grown attached to

His declaration, however, only fueled the girl's anger, prompting her to hurl a
vine-shaped like a rose at him, which scratched his cheeks with the force of the

In response, the girl intensified her assault by transforming a vine into a sword-
like weapon that slammed into the ground near Jie.

dora, struggling to maintain consciousness, scrambled to find a weapon of her own

to aid Jie. Meanwhile, as Jie dodged the attacks, dora assured him that she would
bring her weapon soon.

The girl's control over the plants became more aggressive. She summoned a giant
root that rose from the ground, and with a dramatic gesture, she unleashed
thousands of plant blades that surged toward Jie. The ground beneath him was also
under siege as vines erupted, aiming to cut him down.

Confident in her powers, the girl decided to escalate further by summoning a

massive tree from the ground, believing that using just 30% of their power was
sufficient to win.

As the enormous tree materialized, Jie quickly realized the gravity of his
situation, noting the apparent inferiority of his own summon.

Despite the dire circumstances, dora managed a narrow escape from the tree's
crushing blow and took to the air. However, the tree persisted in its chase,
relentlessly pursuing dora through the forest.

As Jie rushed to protect dora, two vines restrained her and the girl signaled for
the tree to finish her off. In his attempt to save dora, Jie was crushed under the
tree's palm.

When the dust settled, it appeared that Jie was dead, but then a circular light
shone through, and both he and dora emerged wielding her special cleavers.

The plant urged the girl to use all her powers, and the tree readied its fist to
strike at Jie. However, Jie asked dora to lend him her power, and with a forceful
punch, he managed to freeze the tree's hands before pushing it away.

When the tree attacked again, Jie used dora's crystal wings to dodge the blows and
managed to land on its arm.

Activating his crystal shoes, he rushed up the tree's arm, slashing it down. With a
final, powerful leap, he broke the tree's core, destroying it.

Once the dust settled, dora rushed over to hug Jie, while the girl went to make the
tree disappear.

As Jie observed the girl up close, he thought she was very pretty, which made dora
jealous and aggressive.

However, Jie protected the girl, explaining that she wasn't using her full power
during the fight and could have easily crushed them.

At that moment, they noticed an army of tree monsters ready to attack them, but the
plant declared that Jie alone had passed the test.

With tensions high, dora suggested they invite the girl and the plant home for
dinner as a peace gesture.

The plant dismissively remarked about dora's "worthless face" and declined,
claiming they weren't hungry, but then the girl's stomach growled, revealing her
That night, as they all shared dinner, the plant complimented Jie's cooking and
suggested they were better off as friends.

Jie inquired why they were attacked initially, and the plant revealed they were the
city's guardians who mistook him for an enemy.

The plant hinted that Jie should join their team, but the girl quickly stuffed food
into his mouth and left the house.

Jie followed her outside, attempting to get laid in hopes of impress her. She
introduced herself as Hana and, giving him a dark rose, told him she would be
watching him and dora to ensure their best behavior.

As dora and Jie dealt with the aftereffects of their supernatural encounter, the
atmosphere shifted back to their ordinary school life,

though not for long. Just when dora thought Jie's receiving of a dark rose from
Hana might lead to a romantic date, Jie revealed that the flower actually signified
ownership, hinting that he now belonged to Hana in some symbolic way.

A few days later, their classroom experienced a bizarre interruption: a giraffe

stuck its head inside, startling everyone with its sudden appearance.

The students, already unnerved, were pushed to the edge when a raccoon leapt into
the classroom, followed by several more that wreaked havoc, even managing to pull
down their already useless teacher.

The chaos escalated as Jie noticed more animals rampaging through the hallway,
transfomed in to a to a zoo.

He joined the fleeing students, and as they reached the exit, a panda blocked their
path. Jie managed to stop just in time, but squeezed past the panda to see that the
entire city was in utter disarray.

At a nearby basketball court, a chimp had joined a game, impressively playing like
a professional and even scoring on his first attempt.

This bizarre sight further unsettled the boys, who ran away instantly.

Simultaneously, an army of alpacas charged past Jie, and amidst this madness, an
instructor yelled for the students to seek refuge in the school gym.

As chaos unfolded with animals rampaging throughout the city, dora was adamant that
Jie should not seek refuge like everyone else.

Being a Summoner, she believed he had a responsibility to act rather than hide.
While processing this, Jie noticed that the animals had escaped from the downtown
zoo, as reported by a local journalist who was abruptly interrupted by a parrot.

In the midst of this confusion, Jie spotted a girl who appeared to be dangerously
close to a lion.

Believing she was in immediate danger, he tackled her to the ground for safety.
However, the girl was not grateful; instead, she grew angry, puzzling Jie until he
noticed a cat near her.

When he tried to take the cat away, thinking it might be safer, the cat clawed his
face and returned to the girl. dora warned Jie that there was something unusual
about this girl and to be cautious around her.

Simultaneously, from a nearby rooftop, Hana and her plant observed the scene.
Realizing that the girl had the power to summon monsters, Hana sensed an
opportunity for an easy victory.

They leapt into action, descending from the rooftop. As they landed, the plant
unleashed flaming bullets, causing smoke to envelop the area.

Amidst this dramatic entrance, Hana summoned a black rose, and her vines began to
restrain the rampaging animals, aiming to bring order to the chaos.

As the confrontation escalated, the girl managed a narrow escape, and with a snap
of her fingers, a large root lifted Hana and her plant ally into the air.

The plant demanded to know why she had freed all the zoo animals.

The girl claimed it was because the land originally belonged to the animals before
humans took over. Dismissing her argument as nonsense, the plant demanded she hand
over her summon spirit. Instead, she insisted on the release of her animals.

Her anger flaring, the girl suddenly appeared behind Hana, launching a kick, but
Hana blocked it.

The girl then prepared a powerful claw strike; Hana cast her aside, but she quickly
returned, nearly tearing off Hana's hair.

Despite Hana's evasive maneuvers, the girl continued her aggressive attacks,
managing to slash Hana's face, forcing her to retreat.

As the fierce battle raged, dora, armed with her cleavers, deliberated on whom to
support. Hana

owever, Jie suggested that they stay out of the fight for now.

Meanwhile, Hana tried to fend off the girl using vines to block and repel her

The girl dodged an attempted whip but got her ankle caught. Hana then dragged her
across the building until she slammed her into the ground, showing the intensity
and danger of their conflict.

The battle underscored the volatile dynamics among these powerful characters, with
each asserting their control over the situation in their unique way.

As the confrontation escalated, the girl managed a narrow escape, and with a snap
of her fingers, a large root lifted Hana and her plant ally into the air. The plant
demanded to know why she had freed all the zoo animals.

The girl claimed it was because the land originally belonged to the animals before
humans took over. Dismissing her argument as nonsense, the plant demanded she hand
over her summon spirit. Instead, she insisted on the release of her animals.

Her anger flaring, the girl suddenly appeared behind Hana, launching a kick, but
Hana blocked it. The girl then prepared a powerful claw strike; Hana cast her
aside, but she quickly returned, nearly tearing off Hana's hair.

Despite Hana's evasive maneuvers, the girl continued her aggressive attacks,
managing to slash Hana's face, forcing her to retreat.

As the fierce battle raged, dora, armed with her cleavers, deliberated on whom to
support. However, Jie suggested that they stay out of the fight for now. Meanwhile,
Hana tried to fend off the girl using vines to block and repel her attacks.

The girl dodged an attempted whip but got her ankle caught. Hana then dragged her
across the building until she slammed her into the ground.

Even though the girl wouldn't give up and charged at her, Hana started using her
whip just as the girl activated her eagle eye power, which made Hana's movements
seem slow to her.

As she moved closer quickly, Hana summoned a large vine. However, the girl turned
on her leopard speed, darting around swiftly.

Seeing her chance, she then used the strength of a bear, but Hana dodged her
powerful attack. The bear's attack flipped the road, yet Hana stopped it with her
whip and a plant.

Her plant warned her that it was weakening, so she summoned a tree monster to
finish the battle. The monster charged and threw rubble at the bear, but the bear
didn't back down, and they grappled.

At that moment, Hana's plant merged with the tree, and she strengthened it with a
spell. The tree's eyes lit up, grew extra arms, and launched a barrage of punches
at the bear, finally knocking it away.

Before the bear hit the ground, the tree grabbed and crushed it in a tight hug
until it shattered into a hundred pieces.

However, the pieces reassembled into a pack of wolves that immediately attacked the
tree monster, tearing at its limbs.

Hana felt each attack as if it were her own wound. She quickly transformed the tree
into a piercing weapon, spinning powerfully and scattering the wolves into bits.

Just as those bits came together to form a giant snake, it constricted the tree,
ripping off one of its arms.

The tree managed to throw the snake against a wall. As both monsters refused to
back down, jei noticed Hana's arm was injured, and she was close to losing

In that moment, the cat unleashed a ferocious attack, and both monsters were ready
to destroy each other. Realizing the need to stop the fight, jei asked dora for a
non-lethal weapon. Quickly, they used soul shackles to restrain both creatures.

jei then told Hana to reflect on her actions, pointing out her recklessness. As the
girl transformed back to her human form and tried to continue the fight, jei
dismissed their struggle as meaningless.

jei lifted the cat, revealing that she was the real summoner, and the spirit
disappeared. He criticized Hana for not considering all possibilities before
fighting, suggesting that the cat had a reason for causing trouble.

He then started treating the cat's wound. Despite the cat's pain causing her to
bite him, jei finished treating her and named her Meow, recalling when he first
cared for her.

As peace settled over the group, dora told Hana that they would take Meow with
them, but the plant demanded that the cat be handed over immediately.

However, Jei remained firm in his decision, stating he would only hand over the cat
once she was fully healed.

When the plant tried to confront him, dora threatened it with her cleaver,
declaring she would chop it up like a useless weed.

Realizing they had no other options, Hana decided to back down and made the tree
monster disappear before walking away.

That night, they learned that all the animals had been captured and the reporter
looked as if she had been hit by a bus.
As Jei puzzled over how a cat could become a Summoner, the girl Meow explained that
any animal could be a Summoner, mentioning her brother was the coolest Summoner of

However, her mood darkened as she recalled how he had abandoned her several years

She had tried to find him, but her summoning powers were temporarily lost after she
sustained injuries in her desperate search.

In a bid to attract his attention, she decided to release all the animals into the

However, her attempt turned out to be as futile as Jei's expression. Yet Jei told
her not to feel sad.

Meanwhile, a crow was spying on them from outside. Soon, it flew off and rejoined a
swarm of a million other crows, amongst which her brother was revealed,which is
more like the itachi .

A few days later, as Jei answered the door, he was surprised to find a group of
ugly green alien-like creatures.

One of them informed him that Hana had invited them for dinner, though Jei
suspected they might actually end up being the dinner.

He tried to shut them out, but they revealed their weapons, leaving Jei with no
other options. Soon, they were escorting him and his companions to a helicopter,
and they quickly arrived at a mansion.

As Hana welcomed them, they realized that the mansion was almost like paradise.
Suddenly, they noticed a fire monster grilling pork, which made Jei wonder if all
the beings there were summoned spirits.

The plant, however, clarified that they only had one Summoner. Inside the house,
they saw a large statue, and the plant explained that it depicted the first leader
of the Watchers.

As they began to ascend the steps, Jei heard his mother's voice and thought the
statue was speaking to him. In a moment of bewilderment, he realized he had entered
a new world and saw his mother waving at him.

However, dora stopped Jei from walking closer, and the plant dismissed his
experience as just daydreaming.

Before long, they arrived in the dining room where an old man introduced himself as

He was Hana's grandfather and the head of the Black Rose family. dora initially
thought he was just a regular old man, but he commanded them to sit with a mere
gesture, revealing his incredible aura.

As Harlon apologized for summoning them, he began to explain that a crystal was the
source of all their spirits, describing it as both a god and a devil.

He shared that for centuries, human Summoners had waged wars over this crystal,
creating a division between two factions: the Watchers and the Destroyers.

The Destroyers were a sinister group aiming to take over the world. As Harlon
shared this, Jei wondered which faction he might belong to.

Jei tried joking that his parents had always warned him to stay away from old men's
groups, but Harlon decided to reveal the truth about Jei's past.

He told Jei that his parents had actually abandoned him when he was only five years
old and had since disappeared without a trace.

Harlon admitted he had dyed his hair in a desperate attempt to hide his identity,
suggesting that Jei probably felt uneasy on the inside. Harlon then shared that
Jei's life was not a coincidence and that he had managed to summon dora because he
possessed a special ability within him.

Just then, dora, while rifling through Jei's wallet, found his childhood photograph
and realized he was actually blonde, confirming Harlon's story.

Shocked by this revelation, they wondered how Harlon knew so much.

A few minutes later, a giant ball began falling towards the mansion and crashed
through the roof.

Harlon struck it with a powerful blow, causing the windows to shatter from the
collision. At that moment, they discovered a man standing before them. Harlon
revealed that the man was a Destroyer.

As the Destroyer prepared for an attack, Harlon realized that the Destroyers had
been spying on them and readied himself for battle.

He summoned a flame and declared his intent to eliminate all of them. Their blows
collided, igniting a great flame.

As the Destroyer lunged to finish him, Harlon evaded and froze the attacker's arm,
then struck his back before following up with lightning, briefly electrocuting him.
However, the big guy wouldn't go down easily and unleashed a mighty power that
destroyed the mansion.

Harlon managed to contain the blast, but he quickly realized that the mansion was
no longer safe and urged everyone to leave immediately, hoping that Hana would
protect Jei.

Just then, the Destroyer lunged to finish Harlon, and the collision launched the
others outside. Hana managed to save them with her vines.

In that moment, they saw that the entire mansion had been destroyed. A servant
tried to warn them to run away, but before they could react, another Destroyer

This new enemy started shooting randomly, fatally wounding the servant and then
blasting the gardener as she savored her actions with a lick of her gun.

Hana, fueled by anger, tried to trap the Destroyer with her vines by striking the
ground, but the girl quickly summoned a gun and nearly shot Hana's face off. Jei
suggested that they fight together, but the girl responded by throwing dynamites at
them, which exploded instantly.

As Jei regained consciousness, he saw that Hana was trying to capture the girl.
Meanwhile, the cat spotted her brother in the distance.

At the same time, several alien-like creatures tried to attack him, but he prepared
a great bolt of lightning and destroyed them all in an instant.

Then, the fire monster unleashed a mighty flame, but the man released his crows to
devour it until he finally caught him and destroyed him instantly.

Just then, he noticed the cat, who suddenly spoke. As she asked why he had left, he
summoned a mighty crow that struck her head, turning her back into a cat. Seeing
this, jei rushed at the man, ready to destroy him with an energy blast.

But suddenly, a mysterious figure appeared and enchanted jei's mind, transporting
him to a strange world where he was a child again.

At that moment, his mother showed up, making him think his dream had come true. But
the happy illusion quickly broke, and he realized he was actually in the clutches
of a demon.

Meanwhile, dora was trying to wake Jei up in the real world but found out his soul
was trapped in another realm.

At the same time, Harlon was fiercely battling the Destroyer, tossing him around
like a ball.
He punched him high towards the moon, then followed with a flurry of punches before
slamming him to the ground.

Instantly appearing in front of him, Harlon summoned energy blasts and demanded to
know where his boss was hiding.

As Hana saw her grandfather dominating his battle, she activated the black rose.

The tree monster almost crushed her, but she managed to escape using her rocket

Just then, a creature with green eyes overwhelmed and destroyed the monster.

At that moment, Hana's clothes were torn, and the plant collapsed from exhaustion.
However, before Hana could recover from her injuries, a new girl appeared, ready to
kill her.

In a flash, she slit Hana's throat, and the plant screamed. Hearing the scream,
Harlon quickly unleashed a healing magic on her, closing up the wound.

However, the Destroyer used Harlon's distraction to attack with a powerful fist,
but Harlon froze him to the wall.

Just then, another Destroyer appeared behind Harlon and unleashed a mighty crow
that went right through him.

This allowed the evil girl to blast a hole in his head, and the plant screamed in
shock. Yet, the memory of his granddaughter awakened Harlon's full powers,
transforming him into a god.

As the Destroyer released a blast, the god countered with an energy blast of his
own, sending it deep into the forest.

Despite this, the Destroyer restored himself, and the group surrounded Harlon. Just
then, a new guy arrived, and the god tried to squash him, but he summoned the Grim
Reaper, who began absorbing the entire spirit until there was nothing left.

The Grim Reaper then ripped off his energy source, and his soul left his body as
the man crushed it.

One of the girls wondered if dora and the plant should also be annihilated, but he
decided to spare them.

As a great energy surrounded them, they vanished instantly, leaving a gaping hole
at the spot.

The following day, as they waited for Hana to regain consciousness, dora grew
angry, haunted by the memories of the previous night's defeat and wondering why
they were so ineffective against the enemies.

jei then explained that the Destroyers were stronger at night, suggesting that they
never really stood a chance against them. However, dora found this irrelevant and
began screaming for revenge.

jei managed to calm her down and revealed that he had found a lead—a video of
Harlon's fight. He explained that a mysterious person had streamed the entire
battle using satellite cameras.

Upon investigating, he discovered that this person knew everything about Summoners,
suggesting that finding her could give them an advantage against the Destroyers.

As dora pondered how they would find this person, jei revealed that she was having
a book signing event.

A few hours later, as they were ready to meet her, he instructed the plant to watch
over Hana, promising to return.

Meanwhile, in a faraway city, the mysterious girl abruptly stopped a train with her
device, unlocked the doors herself, and used her magic to force the escalator to
ascend, astonishing everyone around.

Upon arriving in the city, she changed all the public screens to display her face,
making herself an instant celebrity.

At her event, she announced the start of her book signing, though no one really
knew who she was.

Meow, with sharp eyesight, spotted her as jei wondered about her potential danger.

He suggested that the girls keep their distance for now, suspecting that she might
be very powerful, and they prepared for any necessary action.

In the meantime, the girl was exhausted from waiting all day and realized she was
far too ineffective to sell even a single copy of her book, which she now deemed

Just then, jei appeared before her, enthusiastically calling her book the next
"Twilight" series. Eager to impress her, he decided to buy all her books, making
her think that today was the greatest day of her life.
However, she already knew who he was and asked what he wanted. jei revealed his
identity, realizing the jig was up.

Suddenly, she began to summon dora and Meow, and they were puzzled about how she
knew them. She explained that she had been spying on them and revealed that they
had actually been attacked by seven Destroyers the previous night.

She disclosed that her special ability involved her phone, which could even peer
inside the White House.

As dora decided to take a look at the device, the girl warned them that her device
always alerted her in times of danger. Just then, it began warning them, and they
narrowly dodged an explosion.

As dora wondered who launched the attack, the device signaled a high-grade danger

The girl quickly informed them that several enemies were approaching. Before they
knew it, she ran off, and as they caught up with her, she confessed that she was
the target.

However, jei felt she was important to their group and declared that they would not
abandon her. Just then, she barely dodged a blast and they evaded another

Suddenly, a strange machine started flying towards them, so they jumped off a
bridge and landed inside a car that sped away instantly. When jei wondered how the
car was moving on its own, the girl revealed she was controlling it with her

Then, they noticed the machines were flying closer, and the girl identified them as

At that moment, they began firing at them. She reassured them that these machines
were low-ranking spirits that were not worth worrying about. She mentioned she had
cut off their wireless signal so they couldn't call for backup.

However, the machines continued firing and even hit a tire, but the car managed to
regain control. Realizing no one would come to rescue them, dora and Meow decided
to confront the threat themselves.

As Meow launched a claw wind at the machine, it quickly dodged, showing they were
faster than expected. So, dora decided to launch spirit swords, but the machine
evaded those too. Just then, the girl managed to electrocute it, giving them a
brief moment of victory.

However, the celebration was short-lived as other machines began closing in.

The girls launched more attacks, but the machines dodged them all and started
firing at the car.

jei then covered them with a shield to protect against the bullets. The machines
intensified their attack, doubling their ammo and weakening the shield with a
barrage of bullets and missiles.

The girl initially thought the missiles had missed their target, but jei realized
they were aiming for the road instead of the car.

The bridge exploded, and as they tried to fly over to the other side, the car began
to descend.

dora quickly unleashed her crystal wings, managing to catch everyone in a dramatic
rescue. However, her strength soon waned, and they plummeted to the ground. Before
they could recover, the machines rounded them up and began scanning their faces.

In a desperate move, the girl activated her device, and suddenly, the biggest
villain in the history Truck-kun comes towards the machine, striking it with enough
force to knock it back.

For a moment, it seemed like they might have a chance to escape into an alternative
world isakai world, but the machine quickly regrouped and fired missiles at the
truck, blowing them all away, leaving the group to face the harsh reality of their
dire situation.

Having reached her limit, the girl activated her device, transforming it into a
game pad and converting the truck into a battle robot.

She confidently took her position as the pilot, and the robot charged forward,
absorbing the incoming fire and swiftly knocking one machine to the ground.

She tried to celebrate her victory, but was quickly interrupted as another machine
fired at her. Without hesitation, she retaliated, destroying it and crushing its

The last machine attempted to flee, but she pursued it aggressively, deflecting its
missiles and ultimately capturing and crushing it completely.

The group was impressed by her prowess, but the triumph was short-lived as she soon
noticed a fuel leak in the robot. Moments later, the robot exploded, hurling her
far from the scene.

When the group located her, they were stunned to discover that she was actually a
boy. jei recognized him as the odd character he had encountered while searching for

As dora scrutinized his wig, she dismissed him as a filthy, disgusting psycho, and
Meow bluntly told him to go to hell.
Despite the harsh reactions from the others, jei saw potential in him and invited
him to join their group. However, the boy, named Stan, was hesitant about joining
what he perceived as a group of ugly morons.

The next day, inside Stan's van—which he revealed to be not only his home but also
his secret laboratory—Stan shared some crucial information with the group.

Despite dora still regarding him as a useless, disgusting psycho, Jei was curious
about how they could locate the Destroyers.

Stan explained that he had been monitoring fluctuations in spiritual energy. He

pointed out the green dots on his monitor, which marked all the unawakened summoned
spirits within the past month, and the red dots, which indicated the Destroyers'
activities across the city.

As Stan sped up the timeline on his display, the group could see that the
Destroyers consistently overwhelmed the summoned spirits.

This observation led Jei to realize that the Destroyers have been capturing the
powers of Summoners.

Stan then decided to show them a scan of Harlon's mansion from the night they were

As Jei examined the scan and saw all the summoned spirits, he deduced that the
mansion must have been storing them. This, he figured, explained why the Destroyers
attacked the mansion—to steal all the spirits inside.

Stan revealed another discovery: all the summoned spirits had awakened on a single

As Jei shared that dora was summoned on that very same day, Stan became intrigued.

He suggested that dora might be a special kind of spirit and decided to ask more
about her true identity, hinting at a deeper connection or purpose behind her

As dora grappled with memories that terrified her, Stan urged her to stay quiet,
promising that they might uncover the truth about what really happened at the

Pulling up at the site, they were met with the stark visuals of destruction. Stan
activated Recon mode, and a light dispersed around them, scanning the entire area.

During the scan, he spotted the family's camera spirit and decided to access its
memory in hopes of reconstructing the crime scene.

After processing the data, Stan presented a hologram and explained that the first
Destroyer was an earth Summoner who had descended from a portal to remain

He was confident that a dimensional Summoner had opened the portal to facilitate
this covert entry.

For the second attack, he disclosed that the attacker was an elemental Summoner
specializing in Fire Element guns, who seemed nearly unstoppable.

When he mentioned Meow's brother, whom he identified as Crow, an animal Summoner,

Meow began to suspect he might have been brainwashed.

As they delved deeper, Stan revealed another hologram, explaining that Jei's mind
had been hijacked by another man during the attacks. For the sixth member of the
attackers, he explained she was known as "Shadow" due to her ability to attack from
the shadows with her elemental powers.

Revealing the last hologram, Stan disclosed that Harlon was killed by a man capable
of absorbing spirits.

As they arrived at the gaping hole at the site, Stan proposed that the true motive
behind the attack was buried deep underground. Determined, he slid down into the
hole, and the others followed.

Observing the extent of the destruction, Jei speculated that the dimensional
Summoner involved must have been incredibly powerful to make half of the building

Stan scanned the area further and revealed a huge storage beneath them filled with
summoned Spirits.

He shared that Hana's family, known as the Watchers, had collected and sealed away
thousands of summoned Spirits, secretly locking them under the mansion.

As the hologram faded, Stan informed the group that Hana's grandfather had been the
strongest Watcher in the world, and he lamented that they were probably hopeless
now with his passing.

Just then, Jei noticed a fragment among the debris that seemed different from the
rest. When Stan scanned it, he identified it as a chunk from one of their enemies
and detected a special particle on its surface.

Meow decided to sniff the scent emanating from the fragment and recognized it as
coming from a flower she had encountered before—the Equinox flower.

Stan then revealed that this flower grows in the Stone Forest just outside the
city. He mentioned that a few hours ago, a fluctuation in spiritual energy had been
detected there, suggesting that one of the seven destroyers might currently be in
that location.
Meow speculated that the destroyer might be alone, which could present them an
opportunity to eliminate him. dora expressed confidence in their chances of winning
but pragmatically suggested they retreat if the situation turned against them.

Her strategy made sense to everyone, and they all agreed to leave before sunrise to
try and catch the destroyer off guard.

As they continued to watch the man, Meow sensed a thunderstorm approaching. Just
then, a rat emerged from the ground, startling dora and revealing their presence to
the man.

Realizing their cover was blown, Jei decided to approach him. The man seemed
surprised to have visitors, mentioning he hadn't had any in years.

Jei tried to explain that they were students conducting fieldwork, but when the man
looked around curiously for the others, Jei noticed that he couldn't see dora,
confirming that the man wasn't a Summoner.

The man kindly offered Jei tea, which Jei threw away, wary of the stranger's
intentions. However, the man persisted, returning with packed meals and even
offering snacks, though Jei stopped him from bringing more.

Jei then asked if the man lived alone, to which he replied that he had been alone
for many years and was just happy to have company, even if it was Jei's "ugly"

As the wind began to stir the flowers, Jei asked if the man had planted them

The man shared a touching story: the field was once barren and unable to support
any plant life.

However, a girl had persistently planted seeds in the ground for many years, hoping
to see flowers bloom, though she never saw the fruits of her labor.

Inspired by her determination, he continued her work after her demise. Within a few
months, he was amazed to find the flowers growing on their own, eventually covering
the entire area.

Meanwhile, Meow realized the storm had arrived, and the increasing wind started to
whip around them, adding a dramatic backdrop to the unfolding scene and deepening
the mystery and tension in their encounter with the man.

As they prepared to seek shelter from the storm, Jei noticed that the man had
fallen into a trance. The escalating wind began to scatter his flowers, and the
sight enraged him.

In a fit of fury, he tore off his clothes, and at that moment, Stan identified him
as one of the Destroyers. He urgently shouted for Jei to take action and eliminate
the threat.

Before they could approach him, lightning struck the man, sending a powerful blast
that knocked the group back.

As the energy overwhelmed him, a thick wall formed around his body. Despite his
attempts to call for help, his transformation into a ruthless monster was

As the smoke cleared, the group recognized him as the monster who had attacked the

Instantly, he lunged to attack Jei, but Jei's holy shield absorbed the impact,
causing him to stumble. Meow then intervened, striking his face with a kick and
activating her claw wind to scratch his back.

However, she quickly realized his skin was impenetrable, thicker than a wall.
Ruthless then charged at her, but as Jei and dora attacked from behind, their
weapons shattered upon contact and their marks vanished.

Realizing their conventional weapons were ineffective, dora decided to summon new
powers for Jei while requesting Stan to provide cover.

As they regrouped, they prepared to counter the formidable and seemingly invincible
Destroyer with a new strategy, hoping to find a vulnerability in his formidable

Despite the danger, Meow was determined to stay in the fight. She skillfully dodged
beneath Ruthless and clawed at his back before kicking him away.

Even as she continued her assault, she reassured Jei that she knew exactly what she
was doing.

However, Ruthless managed to grab her foot during another attack, slamming her into
the ground before kicking her away. Stan rushed to her side and found her badly
wounded from the encounter.

As Ruthless turned his attention towards Jei, Stan stepped up to the challenge,
declaring that he would hold off the enemy to buy them some time.

He attempted to access vital information about Ruthless, but the Destroyer quickly
punched him away and tried to crush him into the ground.

Miraculously, Stan reappeared behind Ruthless; it was revealed that Stan was using
a holographic shadow clone to distract him.

Ruthless frantically tried to attack the holograms, but to no avail, as a dozen

Stans taunted him, telling him he was going to hell.
Frustrated and enraged, Ruthless unleashed a mighty wind that shattered the ground,
blowing the real Stan away.

Jei managed to catch him and quickly cast a protective shield around them to shield
from flying debris and rocks.

Amidst the chaos, Jei noticed something alarming under the ground—skeletons,
hinting at a dark secret buried beneath them.

As Jei stared at the skeletons beneath the ground, he concluded that Ruthless must
have been responsible for the annihilation of the entire village, and he felt a
deep conviction that Ruthless deserved to face justice.

At that moment, Ruthless, sensing his impending doom, summoned rocks from the
ground and hurled them towards the group. Jei quickly cast a protective shield
around them to block the attack.

During the chaos, dora connected with Jei, sharing her energy and memories with
him, as well as the techniques of every weapon she knew. Empowered and ready for
battle, Jei charged forward with renewed vigor.

He wielded his silver lance, tearing Ruthless's arm from his body in a powerful
strike. Without hesitation, Jei continued his assault, slicing through Ruthless
with a sky-rending sword, and then knocking him back with a reverse blade.

At Stan’s direction, Jei plunged his blade into Ruthless's core and blocked an
incoming fist with the flat of his blade.

He then executed a series of precise moves, culminating in slamming Ruthless into

the ground with Thor’s hammer, cracking the armor that protected his core.

Exhausted and defeated, Ruthless lay on the ground, pleading for his life.

He revealed his name was Moduo and insisted that he must stay alive to prevent a
parasitic spirit from escaping, explaining that the core embedded in his heart was
actually a seal meant to contain it.

Just as Moduo finished speaking, the core began to crack, signaling impending

Stan alerted the others to a strong fluctuation in spiritual energy emanating from
the seal.

Suddenly, a sword with a large spike erupted from the core, indicating that the
parasitic spirit was attempting to break free.

Meanwhile, far away on a tower, the leader of the Destroyers noticed that Moduo’s
flame had extinguished, a sign that he had lost control.
Realizing the gravity of the situation, the leader ordered all Destroyers to be
summoned immediately.

Amidst the chaos on the mountain, the inner monster within Moduo revealed itself,
having completely taken over.

Stan grimly informed the group that Moduo was dead, replaced by this monstrous

The monster unleashed a surge of terrible energy, causing spikes to eject from the
rocks around them. The group managed to dodge these spikes and decided to

Jei launched a flurry of swords at the monster while Stan unleashed an energy

Meow, summoning her wolf fangs, attempted to bite the monster, but it vanished
instantly. In a swift and brutal counter, the monster reappeared and pierced Meow
with a stake, causing her to fall down in her cat form.

While Stan was distracted by Meow's fall, the Stone Beast delivered a powerful
punch that sent him flying.

Jei dodged an incoming fist from the monster and retaliated with his Thor hammer,
but in his continued assault, the hammer shattered into pieces. Undeterred, Jei
summoned a dozen swords and hurled them at the monster's face, but it remained

Refusing to give up, Jei then paired a silver lance and hurled it directly into the
monster's eye.

dora thought they had finally subdued it, but the monster merely pulled out the
spear, breaking it before their eyes.

Realizing that its body was nearly impregnable, Jei called for dora to focus all
her powers into a single strike.

dora unleashed all her energy while Jei prepared a great sword, reputed to split
anything apart.

He charged at the monster with this mighty weapon, but the monster blocked his
attack, shattering the sword. The monster then struck Jei, sending him flying into
a rock.

As dora rushed to Jei, trying to wake him, she found that he was trapped inside her
spirit prison.
Touching a chain, she dissolved it away just in time as the monster tried to finish

dora protected him with a shield, which the monster immediately began to destroy.
With quick thinking, dora cast another shield, determined to protect Jei.

As the monster confronted them, Jei, touching dora's crystal, released all her
stored energy.

The monster, noticing the crystal, was suddenly bombarded by a thousand swords
descending from the sky, pinning him to the ground. At that moment, a powerful
goddess with mighty wings appeared and summoned the Judgment of Heaven.

A great sword then descended from the sky, striking down on the monster with the
force of a nuclear blast, crushing it completely and draining its soul into the

As the dust settled and the sky cleared, Jei gazed upon the goddess and thought she
was dora.

When Jei woke up again, he discovered that the intense battle was over. Stan
informed him that everyone had managed to survive the ordeal.

Before long, they stumbled upon Moduo's body, confirming that he was indeed dead.

As they contemplated their next move, Stan expressed concern about how they would
locate the remaining Destroyers.

Jei, more certain of their enemy’s intentions, suggested that the Destroyers would
likely seek them out first. Thus, they decided to leave the area that night.

As they departed, the Destroyers arrived at the site and discovered Moduo's body.

Hart, one of the Destroyers, decided to read Moduo’s memories to understand what
had transpired.

The entire sequence of the battle flashed before his eyes, giving him a clear
picture of the events that led to Moduo's demise. After reviewing the memories,
Hart paid his last respects to Moduo and was filled with a resolve to avenge his

When he woke up, he found out everything was over and Stan said they all survived.
Soon, they found Moduo's body and knew he was really dead.

Stan was unsure how they would find the other destroyers, but jei said the
Destroyers would likely find them first. So, they left that night.
When the Destroyers arrived, they found Moda's body and Hart read his memory right
away. He saw everything that had happened, paid his respects, and hoped to avenge
his death.

Inside Stan's van, dora was trying to heal Jei because he was unconscious from
losing too much blood. At the same time, Stan noticed that Meow had a fever and
hoped the Destroyers wouldn't find them.

However, their device detected a huge surge of spiritual energy and a portal
opened. Shadow appeared and sliced the van in half with her Shadow Blade, putting
everyone's lives in danger.

Right then, Crow emerged from another portal, sending a flame that ripped through
their bodies and destroyed the van, sending them flying. Before they could react,
Flame appeared and instantly killed Stan and Meow.

As Jei hit the ground, he realized his friends were dead and all the Destroyers

Har called him a useless disappointment and told him to save his last words for the

Suddenly, Space cast a spell that tore him into pieces until his soul left his

When he woke up, he found himself in a strange dimension, facing a cloaked man who
told him he was dead in the real world and stuck in the gap between space and time.

The man also told him that his friends were all killed. Angry and blaming himself
for being too weak, Jei broke the glass in despair.

However, the man offered Jei three minutes to return to the past, apologizing for
neglecting him as a child.

As he revealed himself, he told Jei that he had forgiven him for burning down their
house and wished he could have been a better father.

He promised to meet him at the demon furnace. Suddenly, Jei woke up in the van and
dora tried to heal his wound, but he warned everyone that the Destroyers would soon

Minutes later, Shadow emerged from the portal, cast her Shadow Blade, and split the
van apart, but realized it was empty—it was a trap, and an explosive went off. Stan
confirmed the explosion was successful.
dora started to praise Jei as a genius, but he said their battle wasn't over yet
and suggested they rescue Hana immediately. Stan agreed and activated the Nitro
boost to speed up the car.

They quickly reached his home, only to find that Hana had disappeared. As dora
wondered if she had been captured, Jei found a letter from her, suggesting she left
on her own.

As they went outside, Stan told them the Destroyers were close by and summoned
Hana's family's helicopter for their escape.

Inside the helicopter, Jei read the letter and discovered Hana was headed to the
demon furnace.

Meow mentioned that it was on a faraway island, a holy site for training where
successful trial completers become full-fledged Summoners.

Legend said a mysterious spiritual energy in the deepest part of the demon furnace
could grant the ability to see past and future.

However, they were unsure of the island's location and felt hopeless about finding
it until Jei noticed coordinates on the letter.

Stan realized that these were indeed the location of the demon furnace, so without
further delay, they headed towards it.

They reached the supernatural border and faced a mighty storm. Stan explained that
the island was hidden beyond the storm, and this part of the ocean was called the
Sea of Death because every plane that reached this spot disappeared.

As they ventured into the storm, doubts about their survival loomed, but dora
remarked grimly that their useless ends were probably near. Suddenly, they passed
through a light and emerged from the storm, spotting the island in front of them.

However, jei sensed a mysterious presence, and at that instant, Shadow appeared
behind him and tried to kill him with her Shadow Blade. jei cast his holy shield,
which deflected the blade causing the helicopter to explode.

As they began to fall, jei dodged another attack. Stan quickly activated his
gamepad and transformed the broken helicopter pieces into a robot, saving them as
they braced for battle.

jei launched his Mystic Cannon while the girls attacked together, but Shadow
vanished just then. meow then warned them about a new threat as Flame began firing
at them. The girls countered, but Flame dodged and continued his assault until the
robot was nearly destroyed.
At that moment, Crow flew towards them, and jei blasted him with the Mystic Cannon.
As Crow exploded, flaming crows fell into the robot, causing it to drop toward the

When it crashed, the Destroyers appeared before them, and it seemed like they were
doomed. However, a girl named Bonnie arrived and placed stickers on them, declaring
they had violated the island's rules. This was their final warning.

When Flame threatened to eliminate her, Bonnie bluntly told her this not your home.
She reminded them that they were at the Demon Furnace and killing was only allowed
inside the arena.

Shadow grew angry at Bonnie's reminder that killing was only allowed inside the
arena and threatened to annihilate her. However, Har, having been a former
participant on the island himself, stopped her from causing trouble.

As the aggressors decided to leave, they vanished instantly, and the group realized
how lucky they were to have survived.

Bonnie officially welcomed them to the island and expressed her hope to see them in
the arena. As jei attempted to ask her a question, she took off instantly,
prompting them to run after her.

After a few exhausting hours, just as they wondered if they would ever make it to
the town, a man appeared with an ugly monster and offered them a ride. He
introduced himself as Richard, a traveling merchant. With the others too exhausted
to speak, jei accepted his offer.

As they rode off on the monster, Richard noticed their disheveled appearance and
asked why they looked like "homeless brokies." dora explained that they were
running from the Destroyers.

To reassure them, Richard shared that the island was a safe haven where no one
could harm them. He told them about the island's history: it was built by the
ancient sures, away from the world, to ensure that battles between the Watchers and
the Destroyers occurred only inside the arena.

This arrangement had maintained peace on the island after a long war between the
two factions. Richard assured them that they would always be safe here.

As they entered the town, Richard led them to a pub where they drank a bottle of
green liquid. dora initially found it refreshing, but they all soon realized that
the drink was healing their wounds.

Richard explained that it was medicinal water from an underground spring, very
special indeed. Intrigued, the group requested more bottles.

However, after they finished, the owner presented them with a staggering bill of
over $200,000 for the drinks.
Overwhelmed by the amount, sei worried about how they could ever manage to pay it
back. Fortunately, Richard stepped in to cover the cost for them and suggested they
could repay him later.

As they walked through the town, Richard mentioned that it was mostly inhabited by
those who had lost at the Demon Furnace—revealing that they were all Summoners.

Feeling a sense of camaraderie with the locals, they then stopped at a store where
they decided to update their outfits.

Richard generously offered to pay for their new clothes but secretly whispered to
the seller to set a trap for later that evening.

Upon reaching the Demon Furnace, the setting struck dora as ethereal, almost like

They began their ascent to the top where Bonnie was already there, greeting all the
Summoners with enthusiasm, welcoming them to what promised to be a challenging and
exhilarating event.

As Bonnie prepared the Summoners for the upcoming contest, she explained that
registration required passing through one of four doors.

However, the group faced their first obstacle immediately: a robot at the first
door demanded a $2 million registration fee.

Overwhelmed by the amount, sei despaired about his ability to pay, but Stan stepped
up, revealing he had funded his fee by hacking and transferring money from a
Mexican cartel's bank accounts.

Suddenly, a boastful individual pushed past them, dismissively paying his fee in
cash to access the first door.

At the second door, the rule was different; only beautiful girls could enter.

dora instantly transformed into a stunning hot chick of herself and breezed
through, while meow attempted to follow but was rebuked harshly by the guard for
her looks.

The third door tested physical strength. A boastful man attempted to demonstrate
his power by striking wood but was outclassed when Meow obliterated the barrier
with the force of a bear, allowing him to proceed.

Finally, at the fourth door, Richard appeared, casually bypassing the entry

Intrigued, sei asked how Richard managed to enter so effortlessly. Richard

explained that his reputation had granted him a pass; this door was reserved for

When dora questioned what he was famous for, Richard evasively chose not to
disclose that he was actually an infamous criminal, known and wanted globally as a
notorious figure.

At that moment, Bonnie appeared before them and began explaining the layout of the
Demon Furnace Arena. "This place has 100 floors," she said, "and the first 20
floors are basically the beginner's level."

As they absorbed this information, one Summoner shared that he had only made it
past the fifth floor, and another admitted to barely scraping past the third.

Hearing this, Richard confessed that this was his fifth attempt and that he was
perennially stuck at the first checkpoint, never having gone beyond the ninth
floor. This revelation shocked everyone.

As they arrived at the first checkpoint, Bonnie explained that there was a
checkpoint every 10 floors, and if they failed the trial, they would have to start
all over again.

Shortly after, they reached a luxury hotel where Bonnie advised them to rest before
the first elimination round. Then, as swiftly as she appeared, she vanished.

Drawn by the scent of delicious food from the restaurant, Meow led the group to
eat. Later, as they relaxed in the bath, they caught sight of Hana on TV.

She was performing exceptionally well in the competition, having already reached
the 11th floor and being hailed as the competition's brightest star.

She had captured several monsters with a green ball, which impressed the group.
Motivated by Hana’s success, jei suggested they give their best effort in hopes of
encountering her.

However, the night took a sinister turn when they returned to their rooms. jei's
room transformed into a cell with spikes ejecting from the walls and the room began
to close in.

Panicking, jei tried the door, only to find it locked, and dora discovered that the
windows were sealed shut. In an attempt to rescue them, dora summoned her cleavers
to destroy the door, but they shattered to pieces.

Realizing the room was a designed trap, dora tried using a series of weapons, but
the walls kept closing in.

In a final desperate moment before the walls could crush them, jei suggested using
a skeleton key.

Miraculously, they managed to unlock the door and narrowly escaped outside,
breathing sighs of relief after the harrowing encounter.

At that moment, the group realized that every room was a trap. In their rush to
find Meow, they saw a green, ugly cockroach crawling out of her room. As Jei tried
to squash it, the cockroach transformed back into Meow, who explained that morphing
was the only way she could escape the trap.

Simultaneously, other Summoners started emerging from their rooms. Stan was the
last one unaccounted for, and as red paint spread from under his door, they feared
the worst and prepared to pay their respects.

Suddenly, Stan dropped from the ceiling, having escaped through the vents.

Just then, a voice boomed over the PA system. An ugly clown declared himself the
boss of the first floor. Instantly, the hallway erupted in explosions.

Jei and dora narrowly dodged the traps, and Stan almost met his maker for the
second time that evening. dora suggested a retreat to the lobby, and they sprinted
towards it, but the floor exploded again, sending a man plummeting into lava below.

Jei yelled for the others to run as the ground collapsed beneath them. Stan started
to fall, but dora unfurled her wings and swooped down to rescue him.

As she did, other Summoners clung to her, and Jei managed to save a few more.
Throughout the chaos, some of the Summoners broke down, crying for help, while
others adeptly avoided further traps.

As the group made a dash for what they hoped was the exit, doubt crept in. They
wondered whether this supposed way out was just another setup for a trap, revealing
the treacherous and unpredictable nature of the Demon Furnace Arena.

The uncertainty loomed large as they approached the exit, wary of what might come

However, with no other options left, Jei decided to kick down the door, and to
their relief, they discovered that it indeed led to the lobby. As they entered, the
boss, who introduced himself as Ryal, welcomed them for passing the first trial.

Despite Ryal's welcoming demeanor, the Summoners were put off by his appearance and
impulsively tried to attack him.

However, Ryal quickly demonstrated his power by unleashing a powerful energy that
shackled them to heavy weights, rendering them completely incapacitated.

With a snap of his fingers, Ryal made a treasure chest appear before their eyes,
declaring it their reward for passing the first floor.

As each Summoner eagerly opened their chests, their fortunes varied: one man found
his chest stuffed with gold, Jei discovered a saffron ring in his, and Meow was
thrilled to find a rough diamond worth a million dollars.

However, Richard's luck brought him a pair of mismatched old boots. dora urged Stan
to open his box, hoping for something special, but to his dismay, it contained

Just then, Ryal revealed that the explosives were indeed their "real gift" for
surviving the floor and activated them.

Jei quickly cast his holy shield, but the explosion was so powerful it destroyed
the ground beneath them, causing them to fall into an abyss.

As they descended, a strange girl appeared before them, startling them enough to
nearly lose their composure.

To their surprise, it was Bonnie, who revealed that her frightening entrance was
just an act.

The group, frustrated and stressed, yelled at her for the scare. Unfazed, Bonnie
announced that she was the boss of the second floor, and the next trial was a race.
Suddenly, they realized they were on a huge racetrack.

Bonnie explained the rules: only the first 15 contestants to complete 20 laps would
qualify for the third floor.

Additionally, she informed them that the entire race would be streamed on TV,
adding another layer of pressure to the high-stakes challenge.

As they prepared for the race, Mao confidently declared that she would definitely
win, but dora believed she had the upper hand. However, it quickly became evident
that the repeat challengers, who came equipped with their own vehicles, would make
winning no easy task.

The race kicked off with Bonnie firing the starting gun. Meow immediately took the
lead with her cheetah-like speed. As a squirrel ninja tried to overtake her, Meow
realized he was also an animal summoner.

Soon after, dora and Jei joined the forefront, soaring towards the finish line.
Meanwhile, a wizard zipped past on a witch's broom, closely followed by a poison
master, with the rest of the racers struggling to keep up.

Suddenly, Bonnie's attention was drawn to a famous manga artist, seemingly out of
place and wasting his time in the race.

When a couple of racers asked for his autograph, he quickly dismissed them and used
his drawing skills to enhance his speed, streaking past the competitors. Another
racer accused him of cheating, but Bonnie dismissively insulted the complainer.

In a surprising turn, Stan rocketed past everyone on a military-stolen rocket,

explaining his incredible speed.
As the final lap approached, Jei warned the others that the repeat challengers were
plotting to eliminate the competition to ensure they were the last standing. Just
then, a racer named Dead Ey took aim and fired his "Calamity Trigger," knocking
several racers out of contention.

As Dead Eye prepared to target another racer, dora tried to dodge his "Six Shot
Slayer," but the bullets curved towards her.

Realizing they couldn't escape, they charged towards Dead Ey, forcing him to absorb
his own bullets. At that moment, the Poison Master unleashed a toxic mist,
disorienting the racers and causing one to nearly fall into the abyss.

Meow, in a desperate bid to save the racers, transformed into her venomous snake
form and attacked the Poison Master, who remained unaffected and arrogantly
declared himself "the air."

Suddenly, the squirrel ninja appeared, unleashing a powerful tornado that began to
absorb the Poison Master like dust, turning the tide of the chaotic race.

Amidst the chaos of the race, another deranged competitor wielding swords began
slashing at the other racers indiscriminately, aiming to cut them down as if they
were mere cabbage.

Two terrified racers pleaded for their lives, but the menacing swordsman deemed
them better off dead and moved to strike. In a desperate attempt to save them, Stan
steered his rocket towards the swordsman, but the attacker deftly sliced the rocket
apart, causing it to crash.

Just as the swordsman was about to deliver a fatal blow to Stan, the manga artist
hero intervened, blocking the attack.

He started reciting a lecture on life and friendship, which surprisingly morphed

into powerful spells that hit the swordsman repeatedly. Capitalizing on this, the
hero placed an electrifying spell on the assailant, who, in his agony, released his

Using this ink, the hero crafted a spell with an ink stroke slash that ultimately
shattered the swordsman to pieces. The group sighed in relief, grateful to see Stan

At that moment, Bonnie announced that only 15 racers remained. She declared that
they would all advance to the third floor once they crossed the finish line.
Energized by this news, the group raced off to secure their qualification.

Meanwhile, at the Destroyers' base, Flame and Shadow engaged in a fierce duel to
establish supremacy.

As they clashed, Flame narrowly dodged Shadow's attacks, returning fire with
bullets. Shadow, using her ability to merge with the ground, reappeared
unpredictably, making the battle intense and evenly matched.
Just as Shadow summoned clones to overwhelm Flame, the latter quickly annihilated
them with rapid gunfire. Shadow attempted a sneak attack, but Flame continued her
assault, forcing Shadow to retreat.

In a dramatic escalation, Flame summoned several guns, firing them simultaneously.

Shadow, undeterred, conjured a shield to block the onslaught.

The spectacle caught the attention of Space, who shouted at them to cease their
fight. As they stopped, Flame expressed her frustration and eagerness to storm the
Demon Furnace.

She voiced a fierce determination to eliminate all the competitors, specifically

targeting Jei, hinting at a deeper rivalry and her thirst for a real battle in the

However, Space revealed a recent attempt to penetrate the Demon Furnace shortly
after they left the island.

She explained that she couldn't even teleport inside before being chased away by
the security measures, suggesting that the walls of the furnace must have had an
invisible barrier. In a moment of mild frustration, Space mentioned that all she
managed to acquire was a "useless" TV.

With a snap of her fingers, the TV emerged from the ground. Turning it on, they saw
Bonnie on the screen.

Bonnie was providing highlights from the contest. The broadcast revealed that Meow
won the race, placing first, with sei closely behind in second place.

The third floor featured a cooking contest, where sei triumphed with his beef
ramen, impressing even the judge who couldn't resist devouring his dish.

Meanwhile, Meow managed to impress with her fruit-based dish, and Stan innovated by
creating a robot that served ice cream.

The fourth floor hosted a karaoke contest, where a metal rock star's performance
was so overpowering that it nearly knocked out the audience from the sheer noise.

Flame, growing impatient with watching the proceedings, shot the TV in frustration
and began to ponder how they could infiltrate the Demon Furnace.

Just then, Heartt arrived, and Dream suggested that the girls visit the island for
a few days, claiming the air would be good for them.

Agreeing, Heartt unveiled a powerful monster, suggesting they take it along as

their companion. Despite the formidable appearance of the beast, which frightened
even the girls, Heartt insisted it was his gift to sei, ominously hinting that it
was part of a plan to finally kill him and all his friends.
Meanwhile, Bonnie continued her role in overseeing the contest. She met with the
elders and reported that of the 92 contestants who had signed up for the trials,
only 15 had managed to reach the fifth floor.

Thanks to the contestants' use of their powers, Bonnie had been able to gather
thousands of units of spiritual energy. Utilizing this energy, she teleported 100
floors down within the Demon Furnace, arriving at a door that led to the chained-up
goddess Pandora, the source of energy for all the traps and challenges within the

Pandora had been in slumber for a long time, and Bonnie, hoping to rouse her,
injected all the gathered spiritual energy into her.

that's it for today's video and i will catch you in next one.

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