The Foolish Angel Dances With The Devil

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Akutsu is the most ugly boy have you ever seen in the anime history ,he is joining

a new class.

His classmates are surprised by how ugly he looks and with this look he is not
thinking about any girl friend,

The teacher explains that when Akutsu was young, he mistakenly used his father’s
hair tonic, which turned out to be hair removal cream.

Akutsu introduces himself in a sad way but says he hopes to make new friends, and
everyone tries to cheer him up.

Later, we find out that Akutsu made up the whole story because he thinks people are
too easy to fool.

Then, the teacher notices something on Akutsu's head and discovers it's just a wig,
revealing that Akutsu actually has a full head of hair.

The teacher feels almost died, and Akutsu, in a panic, making useless excuse ,that
claims his hair grew back suddenly and even tries to pull it out to prove it.

After causing a commotion, the teacher tells Akutsu to sit down. Akutsu thinks
nobody suspects his true identity.

Then, he notices a girl who he finds incredibly cute, and when she smiles at him,
he instantly falls for her, feeling excited and jittery.

During their break, Akutsu can't stop thinking about the girl, fantasizing about
her being his girlfriend and wondering how to ask her out.

Just then, another boy confesses his feelings to her, but she quickly rejects him.
This boy's friend, Yuuya, apologizes for the disruption.

We find out that the boy who confessed is named Hirota and the girl's name is Lily.

Akutsu gets to know Yuuya and Hirota better and asks them about Lily. They reveal
that she, too, is a transfer student and Hirota describes her as an angel.

Akutsu is unsettled when he hears Hirota has already been rejected five times but
is still determined to try again.

Although Hirota wants to pursue Lily again, Yuuya persuades him to hold off and try
another day.
Akutsu admires Lily's ability to captivate people and thinks she could be perfect
for a goal he has in mind.

As he walks home, pondering how to approach her, he unexpectedly runs into her.

When he asks what she was doing in an alley, she tells him she just got lost.

Unsure of how to continue the conversation, Akutsu reintroduces himself. Lily finds
him amusing and introduces herself again.

Noticing her sleeve is torn, likely from their bump, he offers to make it up to

She reassures him not to worry and, acting playfully, invites him to have tea with

He instantly accepts, and as they talk while walking, they discover a shared
experience of living alone, which helps them connect further.

As Lily crosses the road, Akutsu sees that truck kun is coming for her so,he jumps
to save her, undergoing a transformation in the process.

He manages to protect her, and while Lily is initially shocked to see his
transformed face, she secretly smiles.

A crowd begins to gather around them, prompting Lily to quickly pull him away to a
nearby park.

In the park, Lily asks if he needs to go to the hospital, but Akutsu assures her
he's fine.

She thanks him for saving her life and starts to question his true identity,
wondering how he could be unharmed after such an incident and suspecting he might
not be human.

Realizing his secret is out, Akutsu is devastated that he has blown his cover so
quickly but notices that Lily doesn’t seem frightened by him. Seizing the moment,
he confesses to her that he's a demon.

Akutsu reveals that he came to Earth on a mission because Hell is facing a crisis.

There is a power struggle with the angels, and the demons are losing because they
all are fucking lazy ,like all of you guys,

His superior tasked him with finding a charismatic leader who could inspire and
rally the demons.
Akutsu, convinced of Lily's potential, asks her to be the leader the demons
desperately need.

However, Lily is overwhelmed, struggling to accept the reality of demons and

doubting her own capabilities despite recognizing Akutsu’s kindness and protective

As Akutsu reassures her that she would be embraced by the demons, Lily suddenly
restrains him with chains and pins him to the ground.

Shocked, Akutsu watches as Lily reveals her true form, sprouting wings and
declaring herself an angel.

Feeling betrayed, Akutsu is stunned, but Lily seems amused by his reaction.

Despite his efforts to break free, Lily informs him that the chains are her
creation, under her control in strength and length.

She mentions her annoyance, revealing she had to fight another demon earlier that
day—a beast-type demon which had torn her sleeve and which she had humiliated and

Angered by the humiliation of his fellow demon, Akutsu unleashes his power,
breaking free from the chains.

He attacks Lily, but she dodges with ease and counters with a powerful kick,
sending him flying.

She recaptures him with her chains, lifting him and slamming him to the ground.

As she summons a scythe, ready to finish him, she offers him a chance to save
himself by disclosing the demons’ plans.

Akutsu refuses to betray his mission, leading Lily to prepare for the final blow.
However, she stops abruptly, blowing in his face and changing her mind.

Instead of ending him, Lily proposes a deal: she will spare his life if he agrees
to work for her.

Akutsu struggles with trust, wary of her intentions, while Lily threatens to leave
him chained for the public to ridicule online.

With no real alternatives left, Akutsu reluctantly agrees to Lily's terms.

She produces a special collar, and despite Akutsu's attempts to resist, she
skillfully pins down his arms and secures the collar around his neck.

Akutsu realizes that with this collar, he is effectively cut off from returning to
Hell and is now bound to Lily as her servant.

Lily outlines her plans to use other demons, but Akutsu refuses to cooperate,
explaining that demons adhere to a moral code that prevents them from betraying
those who have assisted them.

However, Lily is indifferent to his explanation.

Akutsu maintains his stance, refusing to engage in any form of betrayal, and
attempts to remove the collar.

But the collar not only nullifies his demonic powers, it also leaves him powerless
and prone on the ground.

Lily explains that the collar gives her complete control over his physical actions,
making his consent unnecessary.

A fearful Akutsu is now at her mercy. Lily presses him to reconsider his refusal,
warning that non-cooperation would compel her to punish him.

Caught in this dire situation, Akutsu must navigate his new reality under Lily's
control, facing the challenge of adhering to his moral principles while being
physically bound to obey.

With the collar controlling him, Akutsu finds that he cannot resist Lily's
commands, even when they force him to say things against his will, like inviting
her to issue more orders.

When she asks him to fetch a drink, he complies, but with a twist.

Unable to carry the drinks normally due to not having a bag, Akutsu creatively
decides to store them inside his body, unintentionally warming them.

Lily, frustrated by his literal interpretation, throws a shoe at him as punishment.

Later, as part of his servitude, Akutsu arranges a throne for Lily, who decides to
reward him for his efforts.

The collar manipulates him to request a kick as his reward, which embarrasses Lily,
but she complies.

Just as she is about to kick him, a policeman intervenes, scolding them for their
inappropriate public behavior.
Startled, Lily runs away, dragging Akutsu with her to hide in an alley.

Once they're out of sight, Lily gets serious and demands Akutsu's cooperation,
threatening more public humiliation if he doesn't comply.

Despite this, Akutsu remains defiant, preferring to be exorcised rather than assist
her. However, Lily reveals she won't exorcise him as she needs him for her own
goals—specifically to point out other demons due to his ability to sense them.

While this arrangement is sufficient for Lily, she warns of consequences if Akutsu
fails to inform her correctly. She promises to make him a "decent and honest man"
as a reward, a prospect that does little to meet his expectations.

Lily ponders what might truly motivate a teenager like Akutsu and decides to think
on a more appealing reward.

However, their discussion is cut short as the policeman reappears, forcing them to
flee once more.

This chaotic dynamic sets the stage for a complex relationship, with Lily wielding
control but Akutsu still trying to navigate his own moral compass and personal
resistance within the bounds of her demands.

This time, when Akutsu goes back home, he starts thinking about the collar.

Suddenly, he notices he's not wearing it anymore. Instead, he sees tattoos on his

Lily forgot to tell him about this, and it really bothers him. It messes up his
plans to go to the pool.

Akutsu realizes he has to do something about it. He thinks he needs to get rid of
the collar and talk to Lily about it.

Meanwhile, Lily is preparing her daily report but decides not to mention Akutsu to
her bosses.

She believes she has found a valuable demon and wants to show that she can control
his powers, hoping to impress the higher-ups in heaven and make them regret how
they treated her. Their goals conflict, so the only thing they agree on is trying
to make each other fail.

In a flashback, we see Akutsu talking to Liz, his boss, who tells him he's being
transferred to the human world. Liz is worried about the demons being lazy and
wants to tackle the constant angel attacks more aggressively.

She believes Akutsu's charisma could motivate others. She explains to him how
demons are humiliated by angels, a situation similar to his experiences with Lily.

She then gives him a made-up story to win sympathy from his classmates, a plan
Akutsu found unconvincing at the time.

Reflecting on all that went wrong, Akutsu tells himself to keep going. Then, he
watches a TV program that sparks a new idea in him.

The next day, Akutsu comes to class radiating a completely different vibe, and his
friends are intrigued. It turns out that he spent the entire night studying fashion
and beauty magazines, planning to make Lily fall in love with him so she would
remove the collar.

However, Lily arrives looking even more stunning and sweet than usual, which takes
Akutsu by surprise.

She watched the same TV program as him and followed the same beauty routine,
causing his plan to backfire.

Surprisingly, Lily didn't anticipate Akutsu looking so radiant either, and their
matching strategies unintentionally work out, frustrating both of them.

As they prepare for a confrontation, the school bell interrupts them. They can’t
fight in the classroom, so their battle becomes a competition to see who can win
the other over first.

Lily uses the old trick of accidentally touching hands while handing back an
eraser, pretending to be embarrassed, which works well.

Taking the lead, she gains the upper hand, but Akutsu isn’t ready to back down. He
pretends to find something in her hair as an excuse to touch it, countering
effectively as if he landed a punch.

After class, the teacher asks Lily to take papers to the staff room. They seem
heavy, so she looks at Akutsu with a cute expression, asking for his help.

The pressure feels like a direct hit to Akutsu, but he withstands it, pretends to
be strong, and rolls up his sleeve, showing off his veins.

Impressed, Lily didn't expect such a response and gives him a smiling look.

This kicks off a ufc match between them, filled with constant flirting that lasts
the entire day, leaving them both exhausted from the effort. The day ends in a

Eager to win their ongoing battle, Lily decides to deploy her final tactic during a
classroom activity. As she goes up to solve a problem on the board, she plans her
next move carefully.
Returning to her seat, she feigns a trip and falls into Akutsu's chest, hoping her
“kamikaze attack” paired with a sweet apology will secure her victory.

Just as it seems Lily might have won, the teacher intervenes, fed up with their
constant flirting, and they reluctantly agree to a truce.

A few days later, an irritated Lily is seen waiting for Akutsu. She scolds him for
his tardiness, mistaking two strangers for him.

Just then, Akutsu appears, defending her and schooling the men on how to treat
women, earning their admiration.

Despite his heroic entrance, Lily is annoyed and hits him for making her wait.
Akutsu, confused, asks what's going on.

Lily explains that there have been a series of attacks on women, presumably by a
wild dog, but she suspects a demon is responsible.

She shows him a map of the attack sites, and Akutsu explains the range of his
detection abilities, which vary based on the demon's strength.

Realizing they must approach weaker demons to stay under the radar, Lily feels
frustrated, considering this strategy almost useless.

While searching for the demon behind the attacks, Akutsu and Lily initially don't
find anything and decide to take a break at a cafe.

During their break, Akutsu teases Lily about how much she eats, which annoys her.

Just as they are bickering, Akutsu senses a disturbing presence again, stronger
this time.

Lily suspects it might be one of his tricks, but she too feels something is off.

Suddenly, they see Hirota banging his head against the cafe window, driven by
jealousy after spotting the two together.

His actions startle the passersby, prompting Akutsu and Lily to invite him inside
to calm the situation. They concoct a story that Lily was merely showing Akutsu
around the city.

Hirota explains he came over as soon as he saw them, even though he was supposed to
be in the bathroom while on a date.
His date, a girl named Yuka, appears outside the window. She comes across as
unfriendly and instantly taunts Lily by calling her a "shrimp," implying she looks

Yuka is surprised that Lily is the girl Hirota often talks about, thinking she
looks like an elementary school student. This comment hits a nerve with Lily, but
she keeps her cool outwardly.

Hirota introduces Yuka as his childhood friend, but she quickly corrects him,
stating she is his girlfriend.

Seeing an opportunity to stir trouble, Lily feigns disappointment, hinting that

Hirota had asked her out numerous times, even while having a girlfriend.

This revelation infuriates Yuka, who drags Hirota away for a serious discussion.

Afterwards, the scene shifts to Akutsu and Lily hunting a demon, with Lily planning
to humiliate the demon before exorcising it.

However, the scene abruptly ends as we realize it was all just a nightmare that
Akutsu was having.

The next day, Lily learns that Yuka also attends their school. Yuka approaches her,
claiming she wants to apologize for the elementary student comment.

Lily senses Yuka's provocation but plays along by also apologizing for implying
Hirota had asked her out.

Yuka then reveals she was joking about being Hirota's girlfriend and mentions she
studies in the class next door, expressing a hope that they can become friends.

Meanwhile, Akutsu feels troubled as he recalls the nightmare about the demon and
Lily’s words.

His friends notice his unease and join him, questioning if he’s alright. Unable to
disclose his true feelings, Akutsu avoids the topic.

His friends speculate whether he might be in love, which makes Akutsu nervous.
Remembering Lily, his demeanor suddenly shifts, amusing his friends who tease him
for acting like an elementary school kid.

Amidst this, Akutsu contemplates whether Hirota would mind his feelings for Lily.
Hirota, overhearing this, reassures him that everyone is free to love whomever they

He confesses he’s never had a girlfriend, so he's not the best at giving advice.
Just as they are talking, Yuka appears, disrupting the conversation and causing the
girls to disperse.
Akutsu, thinking of a potential resolution to his troubles, considers the
possibility of dating Yuka.

However, Hirota quickly explains that there are certain complications preventing
him from pursuing a relationship with her, hinting at deeper issues yet to be

During lunch break, Lily encounters Yuka, who approaches her with a deceitful

Despite suspecting Yuka's ulterior motives, Lily chooses to engage, and even texts
Akutsu about her company.

Unfortunately, Akutsu is asleep and misses her message.

The two decide to go clothes shopping, an activity Yuka manipulates to her

advantage by selecting outfits that are clearly too large for Lily, subtly mocking

As they hop from store to store, they trade sarcastic jabs, their rivalry palpable.

Yuka then suggests they visit a photo booth, a first for Lily.

Initially planning to use this as another chance to tease Lily, Yuka finds herself
backing off when she sees how genuinely excited Lily is about the experience.

At the cafe afterward, Lily is thrilled with their photo and contemplates where to
display it.

This unexpected display of innocence and enthusiasm leaves Yuka taken aback by
Lily's charm.

Yuka confesses that she invited Lily out because she wanted to better understand
her "enemy," recognizing that men seemed to favor Lily for qualities she herself

Although she admits she doesn't want to lose to Lily, Yuka also acknowledges that
they might actually get along.

Lily, enjoying the day more than she expected, clarifies that she isn't interested
in Hirota, which relieves Yuka.

Nonetheless, Yuka declares that while they might become friends, she still intends
to compete with Lily as a rival.

As Lily and Yuka wrap up their day together, Yuka hands Lily some "growth medicine"
as a playful jab at her height.

Although slightly annoyed, Lily chooses to forgive her, appreciating the overall
positive experience they shared.

As Lily is heading home, she runs into Akutsu, who apologizes for missing her
messages because he was sick.

Suddenly, Akutsu senses a demonic presence and alerts Lily, prompting her to track
it down.

They find the demon lurking under a bridge, and Lily engages it in combat.

The demon, in the form of a wolf, is confused about why Lily is attacking him.

Lily explains she's investigating the recent attacks on women, and the wolf
proposes a deal: he'll reveal the truth if she can defeat him.

In an attempt to shift the battle in his favor, the wolf changes into pink
leggings, which unexpectedly reduce his combat abilities by 50%.

Lily, unable to take him seriously in his ridiculous outfit, strikes him

Amused by the situation but trying to remain concealed, Akutsu accidentally reveals
his presence.

The wolf accuses him of betrayal, but Akutsu denies this. Caught between his
allegiance to Lily and his reluctance to harm another demon, Akutsu is conflicted.

As Lily prepares to exorcise the wolf, Akutsu desperately intervenes, pulling out a
microphone and reciting poetry to convey the message of love, hoping to diffuse the

Giving turns to speak, Lily bluntly confesses her regret over meeting Akutsu,
blaming him for all the stress in her life.

Her words crush Akutsu, but he persists with his poetic interlude, hoping to calm
Lily and prevent her from attacking the wolf further.

His eccentric approach only serves to annoy Lily, as the chaotic scene unfolds with
both the demon and the hunter unsure of how to proceed amidst Akutsu's
unconventional methods.

Realizing Akutsu's genuine effort to diffuse the situation through his

unconventional poetic intervention, the wolf comes to a better understanding of
Prompted by Lily, the wolf reveals his peculiar motivation behind the attacks: a
newfound obsession with leggings, which led him to uncontrollably target women
wearing them.

Although Lily is annoyed by such a trivial reason, she decides it's time to
conclude the matter and opts to purify the wolf rather than destroy him.

As she performs the purification, the wolf transforms into a normal dog. Lily snaps
a few photos and then takes him to an animal shelter.

Confused, Akutsu initially thinks Lily has killed the demon, but she clarifies that
she merely sealed away his wicked thoughts and demonic powers, transforming him
into a harmless animal.

Akutsu is puzzled about the nature of the fight, and Lily explains that her scythe
attacks were merely illusions and that she had restrained her true power to avoid
real harm.

Akutsu reflects on another incident where Lily had seemingly humiliated a demon,
but she shows him a photo revealing that she had merely drawn eyebrows on it as a
playful reprimand for ruining her clothes.

This revelation shifts Akutsu's perception of Lily; he admits that she seems kinder
than he had initially thought. Although she reacts with feigned pride, his
acknowledgement means a great deal to her.

In a whimsical turn of events, Akutsu dreams of a moment where Lily is about to

kiss him, only to wake up to his teacher glaring at him for sleeping in class.

This jolt back to reality doesn't dampen his spirits; instead, it solidifies his
realization that he is utterly in love with Lily, marking a significant turn in his
feelings towards her.

At home, he kept thinking about her until the doorbell rang. It was Liz. Akutsu
opened and closed the door several times to make sure he wasn't imagining things
and apologized for accidentally slamming the door on her. He was surprised to see
her and asked what she was doing there.

Liz explained that she came to give him his winter uniform. She asked about his
mission, and he realized he had completely forgotten about it.

He mentioned that he found a candidate, but she was too problematic, so he had to
keep looking.

Liz understood and offered to help, but suggested they go to bed first.

Akutsu was nervous about sleeping in the same house, but Liz reassured him, saying
she brought everything necessary.

Lily gets ready, trying to look as cute as possible to charm Akutsu and make him
more attentive to her.

However, she soon becomes flustered because Akutsu is acting unusually appealing,
making him seem more attractive and dazzling than ever.

Realizing he’s trying to do the same thing as her, she decides to implement her
plan B.

She dashes down the hallway towards him in a cute manner, using the pretext of
asking for the teacher's location, thinking it’s a perfect tactic.

But her efforts are in vain as he dodges her approach effortlessly, responding to
her question normally and appearing completely immune to her charm.

Puzzled, she wonders if there’s something wrong with her, but she sees her charm
still works on others.

Undeterred, Lily tries again, changing her hairstyle and even unbuttoning an extra
button, but Akutsu doesn’t react to any of her actions.

Refusing to accept defeat and feeling out of options, she seizes the moment as he's
going down the stairs to chase after him.

In a surprising move, she runs along the wall like a ninja and throws herself at
him, making it look like an accident to use him to break her fall.

The plan works, but not as she hoped; Akutsu catches her hand in mid-air and holds
her close.

Overwhelmed by embarrassment, Lily tries to run away, but Akutsu won’t let her go
because he insists on taking her to the infirmary first.

Meanwhile, Liz reflects on Akutsu's progress and decides it's necessary to make
more visits, thinking the key is to blend in.

She experiments with a series of disguises until she's caught by someone walking in
on her, leaving her embarrassed.

At the same time, Lily attempts another tactic by trying to drink from Akutsu's
water bottle, hoping for an indirect kiss to sway him.

This move initially seems effective, but she catches Akutsu smirking and realizes
he anticipated her actions.

He pressures her to drink from the bottle, but Lily opts for a bold maneuver.

She throws the bottle into the air and cuts it with her chains, resulting in her
getting soaked. She thinks it's the perfect move, but Akutsu quickly offers his
jacket so she doesn’t catch cold, thwarting her plan. Defeated, Lily has no more
tricks to try.

At that moment, Yuka appears, and a desperate Lily asks her for advice on winning a
boy’s heart, seeing her as her only hope.

After thinking briefly, Yuka shows her the solution on her phone.

Meanwhile, Akutsu questions whether they are going to hunt monsters, but Lily
explains she changed the plan to reward him for his hard work by offering to cook
for him.

They head to her apartment, and Akutsu starts feeling nervous about being in her
space. Lily tells him not to be weird, and he is struck by how stunning she looks
in her apron.

To his surprise, the food is better than he imagined, with flavors so rich that he
can't stop thinking about them.

Lily tells him she's especially good at cooking pasta, which is why she prepared
several types for the occasion. She asks Akutsu about his usual meals, and when he
mentions bell peppers, she laughs, clarifying that she meant to ask about dishes,
not just ingredients.

The date progresses to watching a movie while they wait for dessert. Akutsu
suggests an action movie he wants to see, but they argue because Lily knows it's
full of errors.

Discovering this as a weakness of Lily, Akutsu smiles, but they end up watching a
romantic movie instead.

Akutsu notices how intently Lily watches, reminding him that despite being an
angel, she's still very much a girl.

This realization makes him uncomfortable, especially as the characters in the movie
begin to kiss. He wonders why Lily chose such a movie, seeing how engrossed she is
in it. When the scene ends, they both feel awkward.

Lily gets up to grab a drink but trips. Akutsu tries to catch her but ends up
falling with her, creating a perfect, intimate moment as they lock eyes and he
feels pulled towards her.
Just as it seems something might happen between them, Lily’s alarm suddenly goes
off. Caught in the interrupted moment, Akutsu announces that he needs to leave
because it's getting late.

The alarm was actually a reminder for Lily to give her daily report to her
superiors. After completing the report, Lily finds herself unable to stop thinking
about the moment she shared with Akutsu.

Her heart races, and she's consumed by thoughts of their encounter, marking the
first time she's felt this way. Meanwhile, as Akutsu heads home, he too can't shake
off the thoughts of Lily.

He reflects on how she is not only an angel but also incredibly cute. As they both
replay the events of the evening in their minds, they come to a realization
independently: they are in love with each other.

The next day, Lily is noticeably sleepy in class due to a restless night, haunted
by thoughts of Akutsu.

Glancing over, she notices that he looks just as tired, suggesting he too had
trouble sleeping.

During class, Lily dozes off and finds herself dreaming she's in a park, but even
in her dreams, she can't escape from Akutsu. He appears as a character from a
dating game, prompting Lily to think she needs to "win" the game to wake up.

However, the dream takes a bizarre turn when only Akutsu's bald head appears,
eating ice cream—an apparent glitch since the options to choose from become

Despite her attempts to press one, it only causes multiple Akutsus to appear.

Back in reality, the real Akutsu curiously watches the sleeping Lily but is
startled by her troubled expressions due to the nightmare.

He decides it's best to pretend he didn’t notice. Meanwhile, in her dream, Lily
manages to progress in the game through trial and error, reaching a date event with

She feels torn between waking up and continuing the dream, which now excites her.

As the dream unfolds, Akutsu suddenly declares his love for Lily and asks her to
close her eyes, presenting her with options that might lead to a kiss.

Overwhelmed and paralyzed by the choices, Lily hesitates on what to do next. Then,
abruptly, a samurai appears, claiming to take Akutsu back to Hell.
As Akutsu starts to fade away, he confesses his wish to have seen her smile one
last time but expresses happiness for having fallen in love.

The dream date ends in tragedy, stirring strong emotions in Lily as she wakes up,
deeply affected by the intensity and bizarre nature of her dream.

Suddenly, Akutsu and Yuka awaken Lily, who has been visibly distressed in her
sleep, causing her to tear up at the sight of Akutsu.

Yuka immediately suspects him of being the cause and they decide to take Lily to
the infirmary for some rest.

After a while, Lily wakes up and begins to reflect on her recent overwhelming
feelings, but she struggles to control them.

Her introspection is interrupted by Akutsu, who comes to check on her.

Feeling nervous, Lily pretends to continue sleeping and inquires about his
intentions. Akutsu begins to remove his tie, which prompts Lily, misinterpreting
his actions, to use her chains to restrain him, thinking he intends to take
advantage of her.

Akutsu clarifies that it was all a misunderstanding; he merely wanted to ask her a
favor—to remove his tattoo so he could enjoy going to public baths.

He explains that he wants to appreciate his time in such a beautiful place, despite
her possibly not understanding since she lives in a "bright world."

Convinced of his genuine intentions, Lily agrees to help him and attempts to
rewrite the necklace with her powers.

However, as she begins, her chains break and a girl wielding an axe suddenly
appears, attacking Akutsu.

He narrowly escapes, and when he asks who she is, Lily reveals that the girl is her
Avatar, an anti-demon weapon hidden within his seal in case he tried to betray her.
It appears she was accidentally freed during the process.

Unexpectedly, the Avatar also turns on Lily, who manages to dodge the attack.
Confused why her Avatar would attack her, Lily suspects it's malfunctioning after
being confined within a demon's body for an extended period.

Suddenly, after hearing the commotion, the teacher enters the scene and becomes the
next target, but Lily and Akutsu quickly step in to save him from the Avatar's
Lily uses her chains to restrain the Avatar and hurls her against the wall, urging
Akutsu to escape with the teacher.

The teacher, however, feigns death dramatically, claiming he won't make it. Akutsu
realizes he's actually unharmed and is impressed by the teacher's act. Meanwhile,
Lily, annoyed by their slowness, drags the teacher away with her chains.

They jump out the window to the courtyard, drawing the Avatar into an open space.
Here, Lily creates a barrier with her chains to isolate the battle and prevent
others from getting involved.

As they confront the Avatar, she manages to break through Lily's chains, surprising
Lily with her unexpected strength. During the battle, Lily notices a tattoo on the
Avatar's back, revealing why she is stronger than usual.

As the Avatar kicks Akutsu away, he urges Lily to run, but seeing the mark, Lily
loses hope.

Akutsu, however, refuses to give up, defending Lily and reminding her of their
mission on Earth, which they cannot abandon until completed. This reignites Lily's
will to fight, realizing that even a demon reminded her of her purpose.

Lily devises a plan needing Akutsu's assistance. She speculates that the Avatar is
being controlled by someone else and needs Akutsu to distract her so she can break
the control.

Akutsu creates a diversion by striking the ground to raise a dust screen, allowing
him to attack from behind. Although he gets sliced by the Avatar's axe, it turns
out to be a clone created from Lily's chains.

This distraction holds long enough for Lily to access and undo the seal on the
Avatar's back, causing several snakes to emerge. With her remaining energy, Lily
manages to destroy them, and the Avatar vanishes.

Exhausted, Akutsu notes his body feels heavy, and Lily admits that the fight would
have been easier if his powers hadn’t been sealed, apologizing for her earlier
actions. Overcome by fatigue, Lily then passes out.

Meanwhile, the woman responsible for controlling the Avatar observes from afar.
Impressed by Lily’s strength, she decides to send her brother to conduct further
investigations, intrigued to see if Lily has always been this formidable.

At night, Akutsu takes care of Lily, covering her with a blanket. Just as he's
about to leave, Lily grabs onto him and asks him not to go.

Akutsu is taken aback, questioning whether she wants him to stay the night. Seeing
her hand shaking, he decides to stay, reflecting on the long day they've had and
his unfulfilled goal of changing his collar.

While contemplating, Akutsu remembers Lily mentioning that her Avatar was being
controlled, which makes him wonder if there might be bigger issues at play,
possibly even in heaven.
Despite realizing he is aiding an angel—and that he should have perhaps abandoned
her to avoid complications—he didn't want to see her harmed and considers himself a
good person for it.

However, his reflection is interrupted by a figure who suddenly appears, looking

just like him. This doppelganger introduces himself as AK, causing Akutsu to wonder
if he's dreaming.

The figure dismisses the question of reality and probes Akutsu's motives,
suggesting that beyond being just a "good guy," his actions might be driven by
love, given that Akutsu is a demon and Lily an angel.

Disturbed by this suggestion, Akutsu argues it isn't true, but the doppelganger,
seemingly knowing everything about him, insists not to get angry as he has a real
chance with Lily.

AK suggests that Lily's request for him to stay might indicate that she, too, is in
love with him. Akutsu ponders whether Lily was merely scared, but the doppelganger
has a different theory.

As this tense conversation unfolds, Lily starts stirring on the bed. Akutsu turns
to look at her, hoping to see her face, but when her eyes open, it's actually his
teacher's face looking back at him.

Both Akutsu and the teacher are terrified by this bizarre twist, and the situation
escalates as they get attacked. This sudden turn of events throws Akutsu into even
greater confusion and peril.

After waking up, Lily realizes she's back at home and heads to the bathroom for a

When she emerges, she finds Akutsu sitting on the floor, looking distraught after
his bizarre encounter with the teacher.

Confused and unable to remember how she got home, Lily is shocked to see Akutsu in
her room and becomes embarrassed recalling what she had said in her sleep.

She considers erasing his memory but notices a cut on his hand—a reminder of how he
was injured protecting her during their recent battle. Moved by this, she decides
to treat his wound instead.

While tending to his hand, Lily wonders why Akutsu chose to save her when he could
have easily walked away.

She thanks him, though Akutsu mumbles something indistinct. When Lily yells that
she won't give him any reward, she recalls a promise she made jokingly: a hug for
every ten jobs well done.
Considering what he did was worth a thousand such jobs, she nervously acknowledges
he did well, but Akutsu mentions the word "hug," sparking her panic.

She asks him not to talk nonsense, realizing she was the one who brought it up
first. Not wanting to go back on her word because of her pride but finding the
situation too embarrassing, Lily struggles with what to do but ultimately decides
to give him a hug.

Finding Akutsu still asleep, she sees an opportunity to fulfill her promise without
too much awkwardness. As she carefully positions herself to hug him without waking
him, Akutsu, still dreaming, unexpectedly hugs her.

Startled, Lily thinks he's teasing her even in his sleep and begins to freak out,
but noticing his hands shaking, she assumes he's having a nightmare related to
their recent ordeal.

Soothingly, she hugs him back to calm him down and, in doing so, realizes that
being hugged feels comforting. This tender moment helps Lily see a softer side to
their complex relationship, deepening her connection with Akutsu.

She remembers that she didn't fix his collar, so she decides to change its color as
a reward.

Lily feels happy, but then she sees a hole that Akutsu made in her window, along
with a note saying sorry for not having money to pay for the damage.

She remembers how he carried her home in his arms, which makes her start panicking

The next morning, Akutsu wakes up chained but manages to free himself and decides
to head home.

He notices a bandage on his hand and realizes Lily put it there. When Lily wakes
up, she sees Akutsu making coffee. He asks how she's feeling, but she dismisses his
concern because he's a demon.

She wonders why he's there and then realizes he made breakfast as a thank you for
fixing his hand. Lily tells him she only did it because it's her responsibility as
his owner. Akutsu insists she eat, but Lily notices he's struggling to hold the
food, so she starts to feed him.

He's confused by her actions, and she quickly stops. Akutsu mentions the abundance
of bell peppers, and Lily clarifies she never said she disliked them, telling him
to be quiet.

They get ready for school, and Lily thinks Akutsu looks good, but he says goodbye
and starts walking the other way.
Confused, Lily hears him say he's skipping the first class for a shower. Lily finds
this unacceptable, reminding him that he saved her as part of his duty and that his
collar would have exploded if he hadn't helped. Akutsu is shocked, but Lily admits
she was just lying.

Akutsu gets angry when Lily tells him to be grateful and reveals that she changed
his collar while he was asleep.

Realizing this, Akutsu quickly thanks Lily, thinking he can now finally go to the
pools. However, their plans are interrupted when Yuka and Hirota see them and start
freaking out, assuming they spent the night together.

Lily quickly calls Akutsu to the terrace because they have a problem. She describes
the morning's events as a tragedy and explains that their class is in turmoil after
they were seen leaving her apartment together.

She can't believe the whole class already knows about it. Lily adds that after
Hirota and Yuka saw them, she tried to follow them, but they disappeared without a
trace. Hoping everything would return to normal, she then went to class.

Lily quickly realized that everyone was eagerly waiting for her arrival in the
classroom. Although she initially thought she could handle the situation because
they were just humans, as soon as she sat down, they metaphorically attacked her
like snakes.

Relieved to have survived the ordeal, Akutsu wondered how rumors could spread so
quickly. Lily explained that it was Hirota who, in shock after seeing them
together, kept repeating that Akutsu and Lily seemed to have slept together, which
everyone overheard.

Akutsu initially dismissed the rumor as irrelevant to his life, but then he
considered his job. He realized that if the girls at work thought he was dating
Lily, they might avoid him, so he decided to help her dispel the rumor.

However, noticing that Akutsu was extremely nervous about the situation, Lily
decided it was time to demonstrate "the theater of an angel and a demon" and put
her plan into action.

Back in the classroom, surrounded by questioning girls, Lily began to explain the
situation but paused to get a drink. When she opened the door, she and Akutsu acted
like they were just friends.

The class was skeptical, thinking it was a poor act, but a weeb named koya began to
analyze their behavior.

She pointed out that the natural distance between them was perfect for friends and
argued that if they were pretending, it wouldn't look so effortless. She suggested
that they keep observing them to be sure.
Realizing that Lily's plan was beginning to work, Akutsu thought to himself how
formidable angels could be. However, he overheard Yuka discussing Lily's earlier
excuse for why Akutsu was at her condo.

Lily had claimed he accidentally entered her condo and fell into a magical trap,
becoming encased in stone until she found and freed him.

Thinking the story sounded absurd, Akutsu shook out his uniform, producing a piece
of marble to lend credence to the tale, which seemed to help convince the skeptics.

During lunchtime, Yuka is relieved that Hirota is back to normal. She invites Lily
to lunch, which makes Lily suspicious of Yuka's intentions.

Yuka apologizes for being nosy and feeds Lily as a gesture of making up. Yuka then
mentions that Akutsu also likes being fed, leading Lily to think that Yuka's plan
is to have her feed him. Surprisingly, Yuka offers to feed Akutsu herself.

Meanwhile, we learn that koya's strategy involves making them feel jealous, while
Yuka wants to take advantage of the situation to make Hirota jealous too.

Akutsu doesn’t seem to mind the dynamics, but Lily emits an evil aura, which scares
Yuka, although Lily masks it with a fake smile. Yuka concludes that Lily and Akutsu
aren't dating, noticing how calm Akutsu is, but she sees Lily's annoyed reaction.

Curious about Lily’s irritation, which Lily convinces herself is just her not
wanting to see Akutsu with someone else, Yuka decides to be more forward.

She asks Akutsu out, and they go on a date, starting with buying glasses for her.
Although Akutsu finds Yuka a bit suspicious, he is impressed by her shirt and
enjoys her company, finding her pretty.

From a distance, Lily watches them and appears visibly angry. She tries to justify
her feelings by telling herself she’s on a mission to ensure Akutsu doesn’t reveal
anything problematic.

During an observation of Akutsu and Yuka having fun together, Lily brings along
Yuya for cover, so it doesn’t look like she's spying or on a date with Hirota. She
makes it clear that Yuya’s presence is optional, indicating she mainly needs him as
a decoy.

Yuya, observing Yuka and Akutsu, remarks on how good they look together, which
unexpectedly hurts Lily. He senses that Yuka might be trying to provoke Lily into
revealing her feelings, so he decides to aid in this endeavor, guiding Lily to
ensure she sees everything happening between Yuka and Akutsu.

As Lily watches them, she feels increasingly uncomfortable and starts questioning
her own reactions.

Yuya suggests that she should be more honest with her feelings, giving similar
advice to Hirota before he leaves. Curious about Yuya's comment, Lily questions
Hirota, who becomes nervous and excuses himself to the bathroom.

Reflecting on Yuya's insights about her jealousy, Lily is in denial, yet she can't
ignore her true feelings.

Meanwhile, Akutsu and Yuka suddenly appear near Lily, prompting her to hide in the
bushes where she unexpectedly finds herself in water. Forced to stay silent to
avoid detection, she overhears their conversation.

Yuka directly asks Akutsu if he likes Lily, and despite the teasing nature of the
question, Akutsu admits he finds Lily cute because she's strong, focused, and kind.
Yuka teases him for his serious response.

The conversation takes a deeper turn as Yuka asks if Akutsu would consider dating
Lily. His answer—that a relationship wouldn’t work because of their contrasting
goals and natural enmity—leaves Lily heartbroken.

Overwhelmed by her emotions and feeling devastated by Akutsu’s words, Lily flees
the scene, running away from the painful truth she just overheard.

As they hear a noise, Akutsu and Yuka spot Hirota, who inadvertently reveals that
the drink he's carrying was meant for Lily, suggesting he was spying on them.

Yuka punishes Hirota for his eavesdropping, and they decide to end their date.
Akutsu is left pondering whether Lily might have overheard their conversation,
worrying about her possible reaction.

Meanwhile, back at home, Lily contemplates the harsh reality that a relationship
between an angel and a demon like herself and Akutsu is impossible.

Feeling overwhelmed and distressed, she decides to go to bed early but struggles to
fall asleep as she keeps thinking about Akutsu's words. At midnight, her health
begins to decline, and she feels sick; her chains appear unexpectedly as her avatar
emerges out of nowhere.

The next morning, Lily doesn't show up at school due to her fever. Akutsu finds the
atmosphere peaceful without her, but he is stunned when he sees her avatar.

Yuya and Hirota are puzzled, wondering if Akutsu really knows Lily as her avatar
introduces herself as Lilia, claiming to be Lily’s older sister.

Lilia announces that she will attend class in Lily's place, which everyone finds
odd. When she approaches the teacher to seek permission to attend the class on
Lily’s behalf, he initially refuses. However, recalling a past incident where Lilia
attacked him, he quickly agrees out of fear.

The class celebrates the arrival of Lily's "new version," intrigued and delighted
by the mysterious and sudden change.
Akutsu is on edge, worried that Lilia might attack him at any moment, though he
feels powerless to do anything about it at the moment.

Lilia, maintaining her guise, pretends she has never met him before. She tells him
that her sister, Lily, has spoken a lot about him and mentioned feeling indebted to
him for his help.

Lilia explains that she is attending class because Lily fell ill, which Akutsu
suspects is a convenient excuse for her to skip class.

As the class begins, Akutsu notices that Lilia is just sitting there, which leads
him to believe she might have been sent to keep an eye on him.

He starts to wonder what she's plotting, but then sees her struggling just to load
lead into her pencil.

Thinking he might be overanalyzing the situation and finding her somewhat clumsy,
his guard is momentarily lowered—only for the lead to suddenly be launched toward
his head.

Lilia claims it was an accident, but Akutsu can tell her intentions aren't as
innocent as she pretends.

The class then moves to physical education, where everyone seems enchanted by

Embracing the opportunity to showcase her angelic powers, Lilia decides to

demonstrate her might.

She takes aim at Akutsu, who, sensing the impending threat, instinctively adopts a
fighting stance to defend himself.

Despite his readiness, Lilia's strength proves overwhelming, and he is knocked out.

As Akutsu sits on the bench, he's preoccupied with why Lilia might have called him
aside. He's concerned she might intend to harm him, but surprisingly, she
apologizes for attacking him previously.

Akutsu reassures her it's okay, acknowledging that she was being manipulated at the
time, which he believes absolves her of guilt.

Lilia remarks that he's an unusual demon, but he retorts that she is equally
unusual for apologizing to her master's enemy, suggesting she shares similarities
with Lily.

Lilia explains that avatars are influenced by their master's souls, inheriting both
their appearance and behavior when they merge.
However, she notes that some masters restrict their avatars' consciousness,
reducing them to mere puppets. Lilia reveals her own curiosity about school life
and her desire to experience it firsthand.

She shares that she can feel everything Lily feels when inside her and admits that
watching over Lily from heaven was painful.

Coming to Earth presented many challenges but also gave her a chance to enjoy life,
prompting her decision to attend school to see what had changed.

However, Akutsu is still puzzled by Lilia's earlier aggression, prompting her to

explain that it was a form of protest since Lily fell ill because of him.

Confused, Akutsu doesn't grasp her implication, leading Lilia to clarify that he
should have been aware of Lily's feelings for him, especially since he went on a
date with another girl while Lily watched.

Akutsu is stunned by this revelation, and just then, Yuka overhears the
conversation and decides to propose a visit to see Lily, smiling mischievously.

Reluctant to meet with Lily, Lilia tries to escape, but Akutsu grabs her, realizing
she hadn't asked Lily's permission to attend school.

He persuades her to join them, and they all visit Lily. Upon their arrival, Lily is
shocked to see Lilia but tries to maintain composure in front of Yuka, who notes
that Lily rarely talks about her.

Seizing the opportunity, Lilia begins revealing details about Lily's life, much to
Lily's dismay, leading Lily to test Lilia's patience further by sending her to buy
soap while she contemplates signing papers to send Lilia back.

While Lily steps away to get tea, she begins to regret making Lilia self-aware.
Yuka, seizing the opportunity, asks Akutsu to check on Lily, using her illness as a
pretext to give Lily and Akutsu some time alone.

Lily, still under the weather, is momentarily glad to see Akutsu as he prevents her
from falling. However, she quickly recalls his words to Yuka and becomes consumed
with jealousy.

Curious about her behavior, Akutsu inquires what's bothering her, prompting Lily to
ask him about his date with Yuka. When he admits he had fun, Lily's emotions flare,
and she angrily tells him to leave. Overwhelmed, she faints from the stress.

Lily wakes up next to Yuka, who apologizes for intruding without prior notice and
explains she has to leave but mentions that Akutsu will stay until Lilia arrives.

Before departing, Yuka comments that Akutsu is "cool" and advises him to "never say
never," hinting at the possibility of unresolved feelings towards Lily.
After Yuka leaves, Akutsu reflects on Lilia's previous comments about Lily's
feelings and his date with Yuka. He starts piecing things together, realizing Lily
must have overheard their conversation, which explains her troubled reactions.

As he contemplates this, Akutsu suddenly hears a noise coming from the room.
Remembering Yuka's parting words and concerned that something might have happened
to Lily, he rushes to check on her, anxious about her well-being.

The next day, Lily and Akutsu are in good spirits and make plans to go out and
celebrate Lily's recovery.

However, their moment is interrupted by the sudden arrival of a man who Lily
identifies as her brother's eye, revealing to Akutsu that he is also an angel. The
man, Zwei, is curious about Akutsu, who is too shocked to respond. Lily quickly
explains that Akutsu is just her classmate.

Zwei introduces himself and expresses his pleasure in meeting a friend of Lily's.
He mentions that he hasn't seen Lily in a while and wants to spend some family time
alone with her. Lily agrees, albeit with a hint of worry, and says goodbye to

As Akutsu watches them walk away, he reflects on the encounter, relieved that his
identity wasn't questioned. He ponders the nature of their family relationship and
recalls Lily's discomfort, wondering why she seemed uneasy but assuming that Zwei
must be a good person since he is her brother.

Meanwhile, Zwei creates a barrier to speak privately with Lily. Once isolated, his
demeanor shifts; he commands her to keep bowing and expresses surprise that she has
a friend, reflecting a more authoritarian attitude. Lily insists that her
relationship with Akutsu is merely that of classmates with no deeper connection.

Zwei then reveals the reason for his visit: he's acting on behalf of their older
sister and has questions about how Lily managed to defeat an Avatar blessed by
their sister.

Lily recalls the incident with Lilia, explaining she summoned the Avatar out of
curiosity, which led to a life-threatening fight when Lilia attacked her.

She managed to disable the Avatar and remove the blessing, but not without
sustaining an injury, which she shows to Zwei.

This revelation makes Lily visibly nervous, and Zwei scrutinizes her story,
questioning its veracity and leaving Lily in a precarious position as she starts to
tremble under his intense gaze and questioning.

Zwei decides to let go of his suspicions, but he then shifts the topic to Lily's
mission in the human world, which was to defeat demons.

He expresses his disbelief that she has only encountered beast-type demons,
questioning whether she is being lazy or perhaps scheming something.
Lily explains that humanoid demons are more elusive because they possess their own
will and intelligence, making them harder to locate and confront.

Unsatisfied, Zwei accuses her of incompetence and brings up concerns that he and
their older sister harbored about Lily potentially harboring a grudge due to how
she was treated by them.

He admits it's hard for them not to be wary of her motives. Lily defends herself by
asking why he would suggest such a thing, asserting that she is grateful for the
assignments she received.

Zwei acknowledges her point and apologizes for doubting her, indicating that he
feels he has gathered enough information to report back to their sister. He
congratulates Lily on her work, and she thanks him for recognizing her efforts.

However, Zwei has one more question before leaving. He probes further, asking Lily
if she is certain that her summoning of the Avatar was just a spontaneous
occurrence and it simply went rogue.

He reveals that their sister had set a trap—a little prank—as part of the
summoning. He explains that this trap was designed to activate under specific
conditions, namely having a demon nearby when she summoned her Avatar.

Suddenly, Zwei's demeanor changes dramatically. He charges at Lily, pinning her to

the ground.

As he summons his sword, he demands to know if there was indeed a demon by her side
at the time she summoned her Avatar, hinting that her actions might have
inadvertently triggered the trap their sister had laid out.

This aggressive move puts Lily in a precarious and dangerous position, forcing her
to confront the implications of her sister's manipulative setup.

Inside Lily, Lilia struggles against the chains that bind her, a physical
manifestation of Lily's inner turmoil. Outside, Zwei intensifies his interrogation,
pressing Lily to stop lying and to reveal the identity of the demon she’s been

As Lily grapples with her predicament, thoughts of Akutsu race through her mind.
Meanwhile, Akutsu observes the confrontation from a distance, struggling to
maintain his composure and to avoid intervening prematurely.

He realizes the gravity of the situation, recognizing that Zwei is an angel far
more powerful than Lily, and is gripped by a mixture of fear and confusion over why
she is under such brutal scrutiny.

Feeling a mix of remorse and resignation, Akutsu begins to walk away. He calls his
boss, mulling over his perception of angels as cruel and brutal, which he had
almost forgotten due to his time with Lily.
He questions the nature of angels, including Lily, wondering if, despite her
different demeanor, she might ultimately share the same traits as other angels.

As Akutsu speaks to Liz on the phone, he explains he has encountered an angel and
his initial plan to flee from the overwhelming threat. However, in the midst of the
call, his resolve strengthens, and he decides he cannot abandon Lily. He abruptly
ends the call, telling Liz he has been discovered, signaling his decision to

Zwei, upon noticing Akutsu’s sudden appearance, recognizes him from earlier
encounters and realizes that he must be the demon he’s been seeking.

Zwei confronts Akutsu, who has now transformed, ready to defend both himself and
Lily. As the confrontation escalates, Zwei deduces that Lily has lied about her
association with Akutsu.

He declares that such deception warrants punishment, preparing to attack, while

Akutsu braces to defend Lily, revealing his true nature in the process. This moment
marks a critical turning point, as Akutsu's actions will dictate the outcome of
this dangerous confrontation and potentially redefine his relationship with Lily.

As the confrontation escalates, Zwei decides to prioritize dealing with Akutsu,

whom he sees as an immediate threat.

Akutsu, caught in the tension and unsure of how to escape, is suddenly restrained
by Lily's chains.

Lily, distressed, questions why Akutsu would risk himself by showing up, thinking
all was lost. Akutsu, moved by her distress and driven by instinct, tells her that
he couldn't stand by and watch her suffer.

After releasing him from the chains, Akutsu suggests they need to confront Zwei
without resorting to lethal measures.

Despite her doubts about Akutsu's ability to fight effectively due to the power-
limiting collar he wears, he resolves to try. Acknowledging Akutsu's resolve and
perhaps intrigued by his spirit, Zwei offers a challenge: if Akutsu can land a hit
on him, he will overlook their transgressions.

During the ensuing fight, Akutsu manages to dodge Zwei's attacks and even counters
with a kick.

When Zwei uses his saber, Akutsu charges again and breaks it, surprising Zwei with
his capabilities. Zwei, now finding Akutsu interesting, calls forth his avatars,
four girls as strong as himself, who quickly restrain Akutsu.

As the situation intensifies, Zwei calls Lily over and derogatorily questions her
partnership with Akutsu, insinuating that it must have been through seduction. He
cruelly decides to expose Lily's physical state to Akutsu, revealing marks and
scars hidden under her chains that run all over her body. Akutsu, seeing Lily's
distress and the revelation of her wounds, grows increasingly angry.

Zwei taunts them further by bringing up Lily's lack of wings, a symbol of an

angel's power, hinting that she is considered a fraud among angels.

He challenges her to reveal her wings, which when summoned, turn out to be just her
chains shaped like wings. Zwei cruelly cuts these off, mocking their authenticity
and reinforcing her perceived disgrace among angels.

As Zwei boasts about the true nature of angelic wings, intending to demonstrate his
own, he aims to demean Lily further in front of Akutsu, exacerbating the emotional
and physical confrontation.

This act not only increases the stakes of the encounter but also deepens the
personal connection and conflict between Akutsu and Lily, as he witnesses the harsh
realities and struggles Lily faces as an angel deemed a fraud.

In Hell, Liz experiences a sense of solitude as the place seems empty without

She recalls the phone call from him about encountering an angel and his subsequent
discovery, wondering about his well-being.

Meanwhile, back in the fray, Akutsu's anger at Zwei for the way he treated Lily
reaches a boiling point. In a surge of fury, Akutsu overpowers the avatars
restraining him, tossing them aside effortlessly and destroying them in his wrath.

As Zwei orders the remaining avatars to attack, they prove no match for Akutsu, who
easily smashes them to the ground.

When Zwei himself attacks, Akutsu manages to catch his sword, and to everyone's
shock, he begins to sprout wings. Zwei is stunned by this unexpected development,
unable to comprehend how a demon could manifest wings, and is forcefully blown away
by Akutsu's newfound power.

Despite Lily's pleas for him to stop, Akutsu is too consumed by rage to heed her,
and he continues to assault Zwei.

Just as Akutsu is about to deliver a potentially fatal blow, Lily throws herself in
front of Zwei, urging Akutsu to cease his attack.

She explains that such an action could provoke severe consequences from heaven, as
they wouldn't overlook the killing of an angel. She tries to convince him that he
has already proven his point, but in his furious state, Akutsu shoves her aside to
continue his attack.

Zwei, now angered by the threat to his life, tries to retaliate, but Lily uses her
chains to restrain him.

Akutsu, undeterred, aims another attack at Lily, who barely dodges. She is
bewildered as to why Akutsu's collar, which is supposed to control his powers,
isn't functioning. As Akutsu launches himself at her again, Zwei intervenes,
pushing him back.

Observing the situation, Zwei notes that one of Akutsu’s wings is missing. He
theorizes that these wings, like angel wings, store energy and that Akutsu’s last
explosive movements might have been fueled by sacrificing one of his wings.

Lily, concerned about Akutsu's relentless and unusual behavior, wonders if he will
ever return to normal after losing his other wing.

Realizing they need to stall for time to figure out a solution, she contemplates
their next steps, hoping to calm Akutsu down and prevent further escalation of the

Zwei realizes that they can't keep running away because Akutsu is now stronger than
them. He decides to confront Four Wings while instructing her to handle the last

When Akutsu attacks, they try to restrain him with a chain, but it's not strong
enough. Zwei manages to punch Akutsu, but Akutsu retaliates by slamming Zwei's head
into the ground.

Despite this, Zwei manages to use his wings to seriously injure Akutsu. Akutsu then
pushes Zwei away, and Zwei leaves the rest of the fight to Lily. Lily moves towards
Akutsu, who thinks she's an easy target, but she's actually tricking him and
succeeds in destroying his last wing.

Remembering their past and how kind he can be, she pleads with him to return to his
normal self before fainting.

Akutsu then regains his senses, holds her, and decides to spare Zwei, warning him
that he'll be ready if Zwei returns.

As Zwei leaves, remembering the confrontation, akutsu takes Lily away, while Zwei
finds the whole encounter interesting.

Akutsu is nervous about how to remove Lily's dirty shirt because he likes to keep
his bed clean. He tries to call Lilia for help, but she doesn't answer, so he
considers doing it himself.

Just as he's unsure what to do, Lilia appears and starts changing Lily's clothes.
Akutsu is shocked and confused why Lilia would do that in front of him, but Lilia
acts as if it's normal.

Lilia puts Lily in bed and notices Akutsu hiding. Wanting to talk, she calls him
She shows him a bruise on her wrist, explaining it happened when Lily stopped her
from interfering during the fight with Zwei. Lilia reveals that she tried to escape
during the fight and got the bruise from struggling against Lily's chains.

Akutsu asks if she saw his behavior during the fight, and Lilia tells him that
although he looked terrifying as he attacked, laughing while overpowering an enemy,
she knows he wasn't himself.

Lilia assures Akutsu that he shouldn't dwell on the past because his actions, when
he jumped in to protect her, erased all of Lily's fear and anger.

This confuses Akutsu, who remembers suddenly becoming furious during the fight and
feeling like he wasn't in control of his own actions, suspecting something else
might have been controlling him. Lilia reassures him, emphasizing the positive
impact of his protective actions.

Akutsu wonders what Lilia wants to tell him, so she explains that Lily has been
struggling because her family in heaven is very strict.

Despite suffering injustice, Lily worked hard to earn their approval and survive,
eventually achieving her current position. However, Lilia believes everything is
now ruined because Akutsu intervened in the fight with Z.

She thinks Lily could have handled Z on her own, and now she can't return to her
former life.

As Lilia cries, she thanks Akutsu, believing that even though his intervention had
consequences, it ultimately freed Lily and saved her.

Akutsu feels conflicted because, by jumping in, he was inadvertently helping the
angels and lost control, but he still thinks it wasn’t a mistake.

Lilia, noticing her own tears, points out to Akutsu that a woman is crying in front
of him and suggests he should comfort her.

Confused at first, Akutsu follows her insistence and pats her head. During this
moment, Lilia takes a picture of them together, pleased with how it turned out.

Akutsu is bewildered by her actions and learns that she is gathering evidence,
threatening to show the photos unless he continues to protect Lily.

Realizing he's been set up, Akutsu wonders if everything Lilia said was a
manipulation. Lilia admits she couldn’t miss a great opportunity but insists not
everything was a lie.

Akutsu feels frustrated, thinking Lily will also be angry with Lilia for her
scheming. However, he acknowledges that despite the trickery, Lily is genuinely
important to her.
The next day, Lily wakes up and notices she’s in different clothes. Seeing Akutsu
and realizing she's in his apartment, she assumes he changed her clothes.

She then discovers her bra is missing, which deeply upsets her. Akutsu, noticing
her distress, tries to check on her, but Lily, feeling violated, prepares to lash
out at him. Akutsu attempts to explain, but Lily refuses to listen.

Just then, Lilia appears and reveals that it was actually her who helped change
Lily's clothes. Relieved to hear this, Lily, however, still feels betrayed by the
breach of her privacy and decides to punish Lilia. After settling things with
Lilia, Lily apologizes to Akutsu and asks him about what happened between him and

Akutsu explains that he let Zwei go after giving him a warning. As Lily begins to
inquire about his unusual behavior during the incident, Akutsu interrupts,
confessing he's unsure how he ended up acting that way.

With the misunderstandings cleared, Lily then asks Akutsu about his intentions
towards her now that everything is resolved.

Akutsu reassures her that he doesn’t want anything from her, but Lily, still
skeptical of the situation, asks him if he put something in her coffee, reflecting
her lingering mistrust and concern about the unusual circumstances.

Akutsu reassures Lily that he only brought her to his apartment because he was
concerned that Zwei might send someone to her place.

Although still suspicious, Lily accepts this explanation but questions Akutsu about
his wings, noting his poor skills at lying and her unfamiliarity with such power.

She wonders if his wings could be a secret weapon of the demons and thinks this
information could be crucial. Imagining that understanding more about it might help
her gain forgiveness, she contemplates claiming they fought against Zion to test
Akutsu's powers.

However, when Akutsu thanks her for helping him return to normal, Lily finds
herself unable to betray his trust. Noticing it's late, Akutsu suggests it's safe
for her to return home and offers to walk her to her apartment.

Yet, feeling nervous about potential traps at her place, Lily decides to stay with
him instead. Akutsu is surprised and a bit nervous since his apartment is small
with only one bed.

When Lily teasingly calls him a pervert and clarifies she's just being cautious,
Akutsu realizes he may have misunderstood her intentions.

Lily asserts that it's already decided she will take the bed, and Akutsu, though
resigned to sleeping on the floor, is offered the duvet cover by Lily.

Feeling the arrangement is settled, Lily then calls Lilia to shop for essentials,
allowing her to comfortably stay over, even though it's the middle of the night.

The next morning, both Akutsu and Lily rush to make it to class on time.

Lily is annoyed because Akutsu overslept, but he teases her back by pointing out
that she too woke up late. He jokingly wonders if she did anything unusual while he
was asleep, like raiding the fridge, which makes her flustered and she pretends to
be even more irritated.

As they meet up with their friends, Hirota mischievously suggests that Akutsu and
Lily might have slept together again, earning a scolding from Yuka, who accuses him
of just being jealous.

Despite the playful banter, walking to school with their friends brightens Lily's
mood. She reflects on how, since arriving in this world, she never anticipated
forming such deep feelings and friendships.

She credits Akutsu for these new experiences and quietly acknowledges her love for
him, hoping that one day he might reciprocate her feelings.

Throughout the school day, Akutsu finds himself unable to stop staring at Lily,
hinting that he might be ready to confess his feelings.

However, when it seems like he's about to say something significant, he instead
mentions that Lily forgot her ribbon at his house.

After school, Lily heads over to his place to retrieve it, but as she arrives, she
is shocked to hear Akutsu screaming. Her surprise turns to confusion when she finds
Liz clinging to him, leaving her to wonder about the circumstances that led to this
unexpected scene.

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