21st Century Literacy Skills and Instructional Design - Student

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Unit 4:

ICT in Various
Content Areas
By: Reina Joy Q. Balacuit

21st Century
By: Reina Joy Q. Balacuit

Integrate Technology in
various content area;

Demonstrate the 21st

century literacy skills.
What are 21st
Century Skills?
refer to the knowledge, life
skills, career skills, habits,
and traits that are critically
important to student
success in today's world

- 21st Century Skills

21st Century Skills
21st Century Skills

Understanding facts,
figures, statistics, and data
Information literacy is the
foundational skill. It helps
students understand facts,
especially data points, that
they’ll encounter online.

Understanding the methods and outlets

in which information is published.
Media literacy is the
practice of identifying
publishing methods,
outlets, and sources while
distinguishing between the
ones that are credible and
the ones that aren’t.
Understanding the machines that
make the Information Age possible
Technology Literacy
Technology literacy goes
another step further to
teach students about the
machines involved in the
Information Age.
Instructional Design
Gagne’s Nine Events of Instruction
ADDIE: 5 Steps To
Effective Training
Step 1: Analysis
Common question is: What is the point of the training?
Why are we doing it? What type of behavioral change is
desired? Will the training actually help?
Once this is done, you can generate a training plan that
Who, What, When, Where, Why, How?
The core of your training plan will be “How can we improve
the situation and achieve our goals through training?”.
Step 2: Design

This includes a strategy, delivery methods, structure,

duration, assessment, and feedback.

You should come out with: an overview of the course design

and storyboards/prototypes.
Step 3: Development

At this stage, you can begin to create the courses. You

will be heavily guided by the prototype/storyboards at
this point. Each element of the course should be
developed to match the design phase. The core of the
content has already been decided. All you need to add is a
level of detail and polish to the courses.

You should come out with: course content.

Step 4: Implementation

You should come out with: Your courses are live in the LMS
and learners can start to take and complete courses
Step 5: Evaluation

You should come out with: An evaluation report and

actionable changes for the current or future courses.

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