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Second conditional

The second conditional is used to express future ideas, but, in this case, there is not a real
possibility for these ideas rohappen. It is used for more imaginary and hypothetical situations.
We can use it to give advice and we may atso use it to imagine that our lives or someone's life is
If clause (condition)
Main clause (result)
If + simple past
would + infinitive
• If I went to Rome, I would visit the Pisa Tower.
• If I didn't have to work, I would go to the beach today.
If + simple past
could + infinitive
• If I lived in Switzerland, I could eat chocolate every day.
• If I didn't have such lovely parents, I couldn't be so happy.
There is always the possibility to use negative form, in one of the sentences, or in both, it all
depends on what you want to say, the situations that are being shown, etc.
Extra mile
A common expression used to give advice which is used with the second conditional is the
expression "If I were you, I would...", meaning "in your situation, this is what I would do".
If I were you, I would forget him.
If I were you, I wouldn't spend so much money on shoes.
Second conditional and verb to be
When we use the verb to be, the past form is were for all the subjects, even for the third person
of the singular (he, she, it), especially in formal and written situations.
• If 1 were you, I would call him later.
If she were richer, she could help all the homeless people.
We could go for a walk if it weren't so cold.
But in more informal situations, ich as song lyrics, it is normal to ar was instead of were,

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