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Students’ Current Issues

Students’ health, especially the ones in high school and university, is a universal concern.
These young generations easily get stressed, aggressive, or exhausted by every external factors.
Their physical health is getting more vulnerable as a result of suffering depression for a period. They
also behave inappropriately toward their family and friends. The main factors that lead to students’
tension include intensive studying schedules, and peer pressure.
The excessive workload is directly responsible for students’ anxiety. The hours that students
have to spend on studying are significant. Studying shifts in the morning and afternoon at school
considerately account for most of the student’s time in a day. Besides, they are forced to do tons of
homework in the evening. As a result, it is challenging for students to handle such duties. In
Vietnamese education, it is common for students to present projects or research in class. However,
according to the facts above, they have a brief time to prepare these presentations. It can be inferred
that they only have weekends to decompress. In addition, minor subjects contribute to overloaded
work. Instead of focusing on their majors, students are obliged to learn other lessons, even though
they do not want to. The amount of time and the duties spent on these subjects are the same as the
main ones. Therefore, intensive hours of studying make students get stressed.
Students who are not as good as the excellent ones often feel anxious about their inferior
position. Peer pressure can appear in any field, especially in academic performance. Imagine
studying with innately gifted classmates will produce a great tension on the poor ones. They would
be envious of others’ performance, so they bury their head in studying to catch up. However, this
would strongly hurt their health. Furthermore, peer pressure can be observed in social communities.
A student can get stressed if their friends have more social relationships, status, experience, and
interests. They will consider themselves boring and lame. This common notion will directly result in
mental illness. Negative peer pressure also occurs when a student is pressured to behave in a way
that is harmful to them by other students such as being forced to drink or use illegal substances,
being bullied by the older students, being body shaming, and so on. As a result, student have to face
inevitable pressure from their peers.
In students’ daily lives, they have to encounter many challenges. Exhaustive hours of
studying and overloaded homework cause them have no leisure time to enjoy themselves. Moreover,
the tension from their skillful friends makes them feel their performance is worthless. Consequently,
long-term depression is what students have to deal with every single day. Therefore, they need to
modify their time reasonably, be more concerned about their health, and be confident about their
ability to reduce strain.

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