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Answer: Question 1

In my opinion from the story, the character that make the biggest sacrifice is Mr.
Loisel. This is because upon receiving the invitation his wife said she had nothing to wear.
Then he gave money to his wife to buy a beautiful dress. In addition, he also tried to borrow
jewelry for his wife to wear, this proves how much sacrifice he made. He has tried his best to
fulfill all his wife's wishes. Proof of the great sacrifice made by Mr. Loisel also we can see
that as soon as they return from the ceremony, when his wife tells about the loss of the
necklace that he borrowed from his friend, he tells his wife that he will walk back to the place
where he lost the necklace to find it. Even in a any situation end he still tried to find it. And as
soon as he didn't know what to do, he tried to borrow money with a thousand francs of one
to replace the lost necklace. This proves that a considerable sacrifice has been made by Mr.
Liosel, no matter what happened he still tried to replace her. That is the sacrifice made by Mr.

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