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J.M.J. Marist Brothers Name: Ella Justeinne Amor C.

Dayot Strand & Section: STEM 12- SPC

NDMU-IBED SHS Subject: General Biology 2 Date of Submission: 03/31/22
Koronadal City Teacher: Mia Joy Inocencio Score: _______/

Directions: Create a timeline and bullet the corresponding important events/features (minimum of 3 events) of
each period based on geologic time scale inside the box provided below (20 pts.)

Organization of ideas - 10
Visual impact - 10
Correctness of ideas - 10
TOTAL: 30 Pts.


• Rise of agriculture and civilization.

• Extinction of large mammals.
Holocene .01 • Rapid growth and impact of humans

• Glaciers formed repeatedly.
1.8 • “Great Ice age”
Pleistocene • Extinction of mammoths, mastodons,
ground sloths, and giant beavers
C • Development of ice caps
Pliocene 5 • Modernization of mammals.
E • Relatively warm period.

N Neogene • Rainforests began to decrease replaced

by dry forests.
P O Miocene 23 • Half of the mammalian families are
H Z • Drop in global temperature.
A O Tertiary • Appearance of first elephants
Oligocene • Expansion of grasslands
N 38 • Appearance of early horses
E • Replacement of mammalian orders by
R C Paleogene Eocene 54 modern one.
• Early rabbits, bats, carnivorous
O mammals, rats, mice, and whales.

Z • Cretaceous-tertiary extinction and
Paleocene- Eocene Thermal Maximum.
O Paleocene 65
• Continents moved closer; dinosaurs
wiped out.
• First flowering plants
146 • Rise of Rocky Mountains
M Cretaceous • Mass extinction
E • Remodeling the shape and life on
• Dinosaurs emerged
O Jurassic 208 • Rise on vegetations
Z • Abundant life
I • Dinosaurs walk on land
C 245 • Pterosaurs sailed in the sky and
Triassic ichthyosaurs & plesiosaurs swam in
the ocean.

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J.M.J. Marist Brothers Name: Ella Justeinne Amor C. Dayot Strand & Section: STEM 12- SPC
NDMU-IBED SHS Subject: General Biology 2 Date of Submission: 03/31/22
Koronadal City Teacher: Mia Joy Inocencio Score: _______/

• Earth’s crustal plates formed

Permian 286 • Reptiles replaced amphibians.
• Panthalassa

• Evolution of terrestrial plants and

Pennsylvanian 325 • Disappearance of the vast
P coastal coal swamps and
Carboniferous changes in plants and animals.
A • Limestone was deposited by
Mississippian widespread seas.
L • Slow mass extinction
E • Oxygen level 40%
• Development of roots, seeds,
O Devonian 410 leaves, and woody tissues.
• Ability of plants to anchor into
Z soil.

O • Evolution and diversification of

440 fish.
I Silurian • Rapid spread of jawless fish and
appearance of freshwater fish.
• Cambrian- Ordovician extinction
Ordovician 505 events.
• Climate change and Global
cooling and reduced sea levels.

• Diversity of life including many

Cambrian 543 major animal groups alive
• Vertebrates
• Modern plate tectonics
PROTEROZOIC EON 570 became active.
• Oxygenated atmosphere
• Evolution of eukaryotes
• Banded iron formations
• Ozone layer
ARCHEAN EON 2,500 • Oceans and continents

• Solar nebula
3,800 – • Earth’s earliest history
HADEAN EON 4,600 • Moon formation

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