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1. Linear Classifier
2. Multilayer Neural Networks
3. Convolutional Neural Networks

1 Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AIS) LAB

Linear Classifier
 Linear Discriminant Functions and Decision Surfaces
 Discriminant function
g (x) = wt x + ω0
 2 class classification
w : weight vector x1 x2
: class 1 : class 2
ω0 : threshold weight S1 1.2 2.3
S2 1.0 2.2
Two-Category Case S3 1.5 2.9
S4 4.0 3.0
g (x) > 0 → select ω1
g (x) = 2x1 − 3x2 − 5 S5 5.0 4.2

g (x) < 0 → select ω2 S6 6.0 5.0

g (x) = 0
g (x ) is linear → decision surface is hyperplane

출처: Pattern Classification, Richard O. Duda, Peter E. Hart, and David G. Stork, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2001

2 Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AIS) LAB

Linear Classifier
 Linear Discriminant Functions and Decision

g (x) = wt x + ω0
w : weight vector
ω0 : threshold weight

출처: Pattern Classification, Richard O. Duda, Peter E. Hart, and David G. Stork, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2001

3 Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AIS) LAB

Linear Classifier
 Multicategory Case
1) two-class problems:
2) every pair of classes:
regions with no classification

출처: Pattern Classification, Richard O. Duda, Peter E. Hart, and David G. Stork, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2001

4 Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AIS) LAB

Linear Classifier
 Two-Category Linear Separable Case
n samples y , K, y ∈ {ω , ω }
1 n 1 2

find the weights a in g (x) = a y t

→ weight vector that classifies all of the samples correctly

→ if such a weight vector exists
→ samples are said to be linearly separable

출처: Pattern Classification, Richard O. Duda, Peter E. Hart, and David G. Stork, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2001
5 Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AIS) LAB
Linear Classifier
 Two-Category Linear Separable Case
yi → ω1 if at yi > 0

yi → ω2 if at yi < 0

normalization all samples labeled

by their negatives
find a weight vector a
at y > 0 for all of the samples

separating vector or
solution vector

출처: Pattern Classification, Richard O. Duda, Peter E. Hart, and David G. Stork, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2001
6 Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AIS) LAB
Linear Classifier
 Gradient Descent Procedures
a * = min J (a )
solution to the set of linear
inequalities at yi > 0 a

Gradient Descent Procedure a (k + 1) = a (k ) − η (k )∇J (a (k ))

η : learning rate

Algorithm 1. (Basic Gradient Descent)

1 begin initialize a, threshold θ , η ⋅ , k ← 0()
2 do k ← k + 1
3 () ()
a ← a − η k ∇J a
4 until η (k )∇J (a ) < θ
5 return a
6 end

출처: Pattern Classification, Richard O. Duda, Peter E. Hart, and David G. Stork, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2001
7 Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AIS) LAB
Linear Classifier
 Minimizing the Perceptron Criterion Function
a * = min J (a )
 J(a) 결정 solution to the set of linear
inequalities a yi > 0
 The Perceptron Criterion Function
J p (a) = J p (a; y1, K, yn ) =  - at y ( )

Y (a ) : the set of samples misclassified by a

Geometrical interpretation of J p (a ) :
proportional to the sum of the distance from the
misclassif ied samples to the decision boundary

 =  - y update rule : a k + 1 = a k − η k ( ) ( )  (- y)
 ∂J p 
∇J p =  ( ) ( )
 j  y∈Y
∂a y∈Yk

Yk : the set of samples misclassified by a k ()

출처: Pattern Classification, Richard O. Duda, Peter E. Hart, and David G. Stork, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2001
8 Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AIS) LAB
Linear Classifier
 Minimizing the Perceptron Criterion Function
Algorithm 3. (Batch Perception)
1 begin initialize a,η(⋅) , criterion θ , k ← 0
2 do k ← k + 1
3 a ← a + η(k )  y Use all samples
y ∈Yk
for parameters update
4 until η(k )  y < θ
y ∈Yk
5 return a
6 end
Algorithm 4. (Fixed-Increment Single-Sample Perceptron)
1 begin initialize a, k ← 0
2 do k ← (k + 1) mod n Use one sample
3 if yk is misclassified by a then a ← a + yk for parameters update
4 until all patterns properly classified
5 return
6 end

출처: Pattern Classification, Richard O. Duda, Peter E. Hart, and David G. Stork, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2001
9 Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AIS) LAB
Multilayer Neural Networks
• Classifiers: input units connected by modifiable weights to
output units
• With clever choice of nonlinear func3ons → decision region
leading to minimum error → difficulty in choosing the
appropriate nonlinear functions
• ex) choose a complete basis set such as all polynomials
→ too many free parameters to de determined from a
limited number of training patterns
• ex) use prior knowledge relevant to the classification
problem → guide our choice of nonlinearity

Goal: a way to learn the nonlinearity at the same time as the

linear discriminant → mutilayer neural network or multilayer

출처: Pattern Classification, Richard O. Duda, Peter E. Hart, and David G. Stork, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2001
10 Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AIS) LAB
Multilayer Neural Networks

출처: Pattern Classification, Richard O. Duda, Peter E. Hart, and David G. Stork, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2001
11 Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AIS) LAB
Multilayer Neural Networks
 Multilayer Neural Networks: Feedforward Operation and
d d
net j =  xi ω ji + ω j 0 =
i =1
 i ji j x
x ω
i =0
≡ wt

i : indexes unit in the input layer

 j : indexes unit in the hidden layer

ω ji : input - to - hidden layer

 weights at the hidden unit j

출처: Pattern Classification, Richard O. Duda, Peter E. Hart, and David G. Stork, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2001
12 Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AIS) LAB
Multilayer Neural Networks
 Multilayer Neural Networks: Feedforward Operation and

출처: Pattern Classification, Richard O. Duda, Peter E. Hart, and David G. Stork, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2001
13 Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AIS) LAB
Multilayer Neural Networks
 Multilayer Neural Networks: Feedforward Operation and
y j = f (net j )
 1 if net ≥ 0
f (net ) ≡ Sgn(net ) ≡ 
- 1 if net < 0
activation function
() 
f ⋅ → " nonlinearity" of a unit :
serve as a ϕ function

nH nH
net k =  y j ωkj + ωk 0 =
j =1
 j kj k y
y ω
j =0
= wt

z k = f (net k )

출처: Pattern Classification, Richard O. Duda, Peter E. Hart, and David G. Stork, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2001
14 Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AIS) LAB
Multilayer Neural Networks
 Multilayer Neural Networks: Expressive Power

• Sufficient number of hidden units → any function can

be represented
• Every decision can be implemented by such a
three-layer networks?
• “yes”
• any continuous function from input to output
can be implemented in a three-layer net,
given sufficient number of hidden units, proper
nonlinearities, and weights
• any posterior probabilities can be represented
by a three-layer net

출처: Pattern Classification, Richard O. Duda, Peter E. Hart, and David G. Stork, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2001
15 Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AIS) LAB
Multilayer Neural Networks
 Multilayer Neural Networks: Expressive Power
 nH d  
g k (x) ≡ z k = f  w kjf   ω ji xi + ω j 0  + ωk 0 
 j =1  i =1  
Kolmogorov : any continuous function g (x)
defined on the unit hypercube I n (I = [0,1] and n ≥ 2 )
can be expressed in the form
2n +1
d 
g (x) =  Ξ j   Ψij (xi )
j =1  i =1 

Fourier’s theorem: any continuous function can be

approximated arbitrarily closed by a possibly infinite sum of
harmonic functions

출처: Pattern Classification, Richard O. Duda, Peter E. Hart, and David G. Stork, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2001
16 Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AIS) LAB
Multilayer Neural Networks
 Multilayer Neural Networks: Expressive Power

출처: Pattern Classification, Richard O. Duda, Peter E. Hart, and David G. Stork, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2001
17 Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AIS) LAB
Multilayer Neural Networks
 Multilayer Neural Networks: Expressive Power

출처: Pattern Classification, Richard O. Duda, Peter E. Hart, and David G. Stork, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2001
18 Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AIS) LAB
Multilayer Neural Networks
 Multilayer Neural Networks: Backpropagation
• The simplest and most general method for supervised
training of multilayer neural networks
• Natural extension of the LMS algorithm for linear systems

training error : J (w) ≡  (t k − z k ) = t − z

1 c 2 1 2

2 k =1 2
t k : desired output

z k : actual output
1) weights are initialized with random values
∂J ∂J
2) ∆w = −η or ∆w pg = −η
∂w ∂w pq
3) w(m + 1) = w(m ) + ∆w(m )

출처: Pattern Classification, Richard O. Duda, Peter E. Hart, and David G. Stork, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2001
19 Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AIS) LAB
Multilayer Neural Networks
 Multilayer Neural Networks: Backpropagation

출처: Pattern Classification, Richard O. Duda, Peter E. Hart, and David G. Stork, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2001

20 Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AIS) LAB

Multilayer Neural Networks
 Multilayer Neural Networks: Backpropagation
∂J ∂J ∂net k ∂net k
= = −δ k
∂w kj ∂net k ∂w kj ∂w kj
 ∂J 
 δ k = − : sensitivity of unit k 
 ∂net k 
 ∂J ∂J ∂z k
 δ = − = − = (t k − z k )f ′(net k )
∂net k ∂z k ∂net k

 ∂net k = y
 ∂w kj j

∆w kj = ηδ k y j = η (t k − z k )f ′(net k )y j

출처: Pattern Classification, Richard O. Duda, Peter E. Hart, and David G. Stork, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2001
21 Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AIS) LAB
Multilayer Neural Networks
 Multilayer Neural Networks: Backpropagation
∂J ∂J ∂y j ∂net j
∂w ji ∂y j ∂net j ∂w ji
∂J ∂ 1 c 2 ∂z k
( ) ( )
=   k t − z k  = −  t − z
∂y j ∂y j ∂y j
k k
 2 k =1  k =1

∂z k ∂net k
= − (t k − z k ) = − (t k − z k )f ′(net k )w kj
c c

k =1 ∂net k ∂y j k =1

δ j ≡ f ′(net j )w kj δ k

k =1

c 
∆w ji = ηxi δ j = η w kj δ k f ′(net j )xi
 k =1 

출처: Pattern Classification, Richard O. Duda, Peter E. Hart, and David G. Stork, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2001
22 Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AIS) LAB
Multilayer Neural Networks
 Multilayer Neural Networks: Training Protocols
Three most useful training protocols: stochastic, batch,
and on-line
• Stochastic training: patterns are chosen randomly from
the training data set, network weights are updated for
each pattern representation
• Batch training: all patterns are presented to the network
before learning takes place
• On-line training: each pattern is presented once and
only once, no use of memory for storing patterns

출처: Pattern Classification, Richard O. Duda, Peter E. Hart, and David G. Stork, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2001
23 Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AIS) LAB
Multilayer Neural Networks

 Multilayer Neural Networks: Learning Curve

출처: Pattern Classification, Richard O. Duda, Peter E. Hart, and David G. Stork, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2001
24 Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AIS) LAB
Multilayer Neural Networks: Toy Problem(1)


-1 -1 -1
-1 1 1
1 -1 1
1 1 -1

parameters: ( , , ,( , , ,( , ,

25 Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AIS) LAB

Multilayer Neural Networks: Toy Problem(1)

z: network output
t: label/ground truth

parameters: ( , , ,
( , , ,( , ,

26 Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AIS) LAB

Multilayer Neural Networks: Toy Problem(1)

parameters: ( , , ,
( , , ,( , ,

27 Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AIS) LAB

Multilayer Neural Networks: Toy Problem(1)

parameters: ( , , ,
( , , ,( , ,

28 Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AIS) LAB

Multilayer Neural Networks: Toy Problem(1)

Getting parameters
(1) random initialization
(2) update parameters

( )

parameters: ( , , ,( , , ,( , ,

29 Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AIS) LAB

Multilayer Neural Networks: Toy Problem(2)

30 Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AIS) LAB

Multilayer Neural Networks: Toy Problem(2)
(1) parameters initialization

(2) parameters update

(1) forward

(2) Backward:

0.249 0.1 0.248 1

31 Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AIS) LAB

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)
∞ ∞
 Convolution:
(f * g )(t ) =  f (τ )g (t − τ )dτ = −∞f (t − τ )g(τ )dτ

출처: https:/ / en.wikipedia.org/ wiki/ Convolution

32 Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AIS) LAB

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)
 Convolution

image mask result

# of learning parameters: 3X3X3(weight)+1(bias)

33 Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AIS) LAB

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)

from: Fei-Fei Li, Justin Johnson, and Serena Yeung, http://cs231n.stanford.edu

34 Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AIS) LAB

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)

from: Fei-Fei Li, Justin Johnson, and Serena Yeung, http://cs231n.stanford.edu

35 Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AIS) LAB

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)

from: Fei-Fei Li, Justin Johnson, and Serena Yeung, http://cs231n.stanford.edu

36 Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AIS) LAB

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)

from: Fei-Fei Li, Justin Johnson, and Serena Yeung, http://cs231n.stanford.edu

37 Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AIS) LAB

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)

from: Fei-Fei Li, Justin Johnson, and Serena Yeung, http://cs231n.stanford.edu

38 Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AIS) LAB

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)

from: Fei-Fei Li, Justin Johnson, and Serena Yeung, http://cs231n.stanford.edu

39 Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AIS) LAB

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)

from: Fei-Fei Li, Justin Johnson, and Serena Yeung, http://cs231n.stanford.edu

40 Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AIS) LAB

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)

from: Fei-Fei Li, Justin Johnson, and Serena Yeung, http://cs231n.stanford.edu

41 Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AIS) LAB

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)

from: Fei-Fei Li, Justin Johnson, and Serena Yeung, http://cs231n.stanford.edu

42 Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AIS) LAB

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)

from: Fei-Fei Li, Justin Johnson, and Serena Yeung, http://cs231n.stanford.edu

43 Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AIS) LAB

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)

from: Fei-Fei Li, Justin Johnson, and Serena Yeung, http://cs231n.stanford.edu

44 Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AIS) LAB

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)

from: Fei-Fei Li, Justin Johnson, and Serena Yeung, http://cs231n.stanford.edu

45 Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AIS) LAB

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)

from: Fei-Fei Li, Justin Johnson, and Serena Yeung, http://cs231n.stanford.edu

46 Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AIS) LAB

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)

from: Fei-Fei Li, Justin Johnson, and Serena Yeung, http://cs231n.stanford.edu

47 Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AIS) LAB

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)

from: Fei-Fei Li, Justin Johnson, and Serena Yeung, http://cs231n.stanford.edu

48 Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AIS) LAB

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)

from: Fei-Fei Li, Justin Johnson, and Serena Yeung, http://cs231n.stanford.edu

49 Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AIS) LAB

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)

from: Fei-Fei Li, Justin Johnson, and Serena Yeung, http://cs231n.stanford.edu

50 Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AIS) LAB

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)

from: Fei-Fei Li, Justin Johnson, and Serena Yeung, http://cs231n.stanford.edu

51 Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AIS) LAB

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)

from: Fei-Fei Li, Justin Johnson, and Serena Yeung, http://cs231n.stanford.edu

52 Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AIS) LAB

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)

from: Fei-Fei Li, Justin Johnson, and Serena Yeung, http://cs231n.stanford.edu

53 Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AIS) LAB

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)

from: Fei-Fei Li, Justin Johnson, and Serena Yeung, http://cs231n.stanford.edu

54 Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AIS) LAB

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)

from: Fei-Fei Li, Justin Johnson, and Serena Yeung, http://cs231n.stanford.edu

55 Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AIS) LAB

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)

from: Fei-Fei Li, Justin Johnson, and Serena Yeung, http://cs231n.stanford.edu

56 Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AIS) LAB

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)

from: Fei-Fei Li, Justin Johnson, and Serena Yeung, http://cs231n.stanford.edu

57 Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AIS) LAB

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)

from: Fei-Fei Li, Justin Johnson, and Serena Yeung, http://cs231n.stanford.edu

58 Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AIS) LAB

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)

from: Fei-Fei Li, Justin Johnson, and Serena Yeung, http://cs231n.stanford.edu

59 Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AIS) LAB

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)

from: Fei-Fei Li, Justin Johnson, and Serena Yeung, http://cs231n.stanford.edu

60 Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AIS) LAB

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)

from: Fei-Fei Li, Justin Johnson, and Serena Yeung, http://cs231n.stanford.edu

61 Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AIS) LAB

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)

from: Fei-Fei Li, Justin Johnson, and Serena Yeung, http://cs231n.stanford.edu

62 Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AIS) LAB

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)

from: Fei-Fei Li, Justin Johnson, and Serena Yeung, http://cs231n.stanford.edu

63 Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AIS) LAB

CNN Structures

from: Fei-Fei Li, Justin Johnson, and Serena Yeung, http://cs231n.stanford.edu

64 Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AIS) LAB

CNN Structures

from: Fei-Fei Li, Justin Johnson, and Serena Yeung, http://cs231n.stanford.edu

65 Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AIS) LAB

CNN Structures

from: Fei-Fei Li, Justin Johnson, and Serena Yeung, http://cs231n.stanford.edu

66 Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AIS) LAB

CNN Structures

from: Fei-Fei Li, Justin Johnson, and Serena Yeung, http://cs231n.stanford.edu

67 Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AIS) LAB

CNN Structures

from: Fei-Fei Li, Justin Johnson, and Serena Yeung, http://cs231n.stanford.edu

68 Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AIS) LAB

CNN Structures

from: Fei-Fei Li, Justin Johnson, and Serena Yeung, http://cs231n.stanford.edu

69 Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AIS) LAB

CNN Structures

from: Fei-Fei Li, Justin Johnson, and Serena Yeung, http://cs231n.stanford.edu

70 Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AIS) LAB

CNN Structures

from: Fei-Fei Li, Justin Johnson, and Serena Yeung, http://cs231n.stanford.edu

71 Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AIS) LAB

CNN Structures

from: Fei-Fei Li, Justin Johnson, and Serena Yeung, http://cs231n.stanford.edu

72 Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AIS) LAB

CNN Structures

from: Fei-Fei Li, Justin Johnson, and Serena Yeung, http://cs231n.stanford.edu

73 Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AIS) LAB

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