Info 3236 Predicting Job Placement Project

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Campus Recruitment -

Corporate India
Mason Morais, Quan Nguyen, Maryna Pashkevich
Indian Education System
● SSC: Secondary school (grades 8–10)
● HSC: Higher secondary school (grades
○ Specializations during their HSC
● Students in India study in different boards:
○ Central: Popular, comparable to U.S.
Public Schools
○ Others: Schools geared to certain
interests: sciences, arts…
■ Contains private and advanced
school boards.
Jain University
● Ranked among top universities in India consistently
● Most common majors - Teaching, Business, Biology and Chemistry
● 2,235 Students enrolled in 2023
● Private University
Why recruit from campuses

● Fresh Knowledge and skills

● Improved Retention Rate
● Saving on Salaries
● Easier to manage
● Enthusiastic New Hires
Research Questions

● What are the most important factors that influenced a person getting placed?
● Does early academic performance reflect future success (placement, salary, etc.)?
● Does gender affect placement?
● What degrees are most demanded by corporate India?*
Indian Dataset overview
Factors influencing job placement for MBA students at Jain University
● Gender
● Secondary school board and GPA: ssc_b and ssc_p
● Higher secondary school board, specialization, and GPA: hsc_b, hsc_t, and hsc_p
● Undergrad degree specialization and GPA: degree_t and degree_p
● Business Test (AMCAT) taken by college Seniors: etest_p
● Work experience post-undergrad: workex
● MBA Specialization: specialisation
● MBA GPA: mba_p
● Salary offers to the placed students
Data Collection: Visualizations
(Campus Recruitment
Analysis, n.d.)
Categorical Numerical Data
Data Collection Comparisons
(Campus Recruitment Analysis, n.d.)
Data Collection (Cleaning)


Values Nominal Data
Clustering Analysis

● MBA Percent has importance of 1

● 12th grade percentile next most important - .96
Decision Tree - Placement (SAS)
Status - Placed/Not Placed

Higher Secondary School GPA hsc_p

Secondary School GPA ssc_p

Logistic Regression


Statistically Significant P Values after rerun (SAS AND PYTHON):

● Undergrad GPA (degree_p)
● Higher SS GPA (hsc_p)
● MBA GPA (mba_p)
● Secondary School GPA (ssc_p)
● Work experience (workex)
Classification Evaluations: Accuracy

-Logistic Regression and

Random Forests have
consistently been the
most accurate.

We want to avoid False

Positives (Type 1 Errors);
let's look at Precision :)

Precision = TP/(TP+FP)
Classification Evaluations: Precision

Random Forest Precision: 0.838 Logistic Regression Precision: 0.882 Logistic Regression is
the WINNER!!!
Research Questions Answered

● What are the most important factors that influenced a person getting placed?
● Does early academic performance reflect future success(placement, salary, etc.)?
● Does gender affect placement?
● What degrees are most demanded by corporate India?*

Campus Recruitment analysis. (n.d.). Campus Recruitment Analysis | Kaggle.

Ltd., T. R. S. Pvt. (2022, March 14). Why your talent strategy must include campus recruiting. LinkedIn.

Roshan, B. (2020, April 11). Campus recruitment. Kaggle.

(University), J. (Deemed-to-be. (n.d.). Best University in Bangalore: Jain (deemed-to-be university). Site Name, i.e. Jain

You’re Hired! |Analysis on Campus Recruitment Data. (n.d.). You’re Hired! |Analysis on Campus Recruitment Data |

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