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Reading Comprel

Choose the best answer.

1. What is the main idea of the reading?

a. Where the world's deserts are

b. How people iive lh deserts

Why some deserts are growing

. How cows can stop deseris Irom growing

Where are deserts found?

a. Africa and South America

b. The United States and China

C. On useful land

d. All around the world

. Which is NOT a cause ot desert growth?

No wind
D. Using land too much

d. Many animals

No rain

4. How do humans cause desert growth?

b. By eating only vegetables

a By causing pollution

C. By planting trees

d. By moving sand

5. How can humans stop desert growth?

a. By using bicycles less

C. By cutting down trees

b. By raising more coWs

d. By having fewer children

Tdiomatic Expressions
Find these idioms in the reading.

all over

Teverywhere; covering the surlace

There is milk all over the floo

as well (as) also

am scared of snakes as well as spiderS.

to make taster

You should speed up your work it you want to finish early.

speed up

Fil in the blank with one of the above idioms. Change its form if necessary.

1. This program wil

-your computer

2. 1 love chocolate cake

ICe creattl.
3. The baby has food

her face.


Fill in the blanks with the correct worob



s all around the world. Deserts are getting bigger n Some pla s

farmland. Not only


nce oeserts can 2

People can cause to0 much

ure, but also people can cause desers0

uton, which 1 maices weather houe

ir p

Lalge numbers ofpeople can

utting down too many rees can


nake the soll lose water People


the land

better if they want to stop desert



The Wall of Trees

Listen to the dialog and cho0se the best answer.

1. What countiry are they discussing

b. The United States




wnat 1s the name or the wall of trees?

aThe Yellow Wall

The oreen



. The Great wall


3. Why 1s the government buliding the wall?

a. So it will be the longest wall

revent the desert tro pad d Do it will spread to other countries

To pro

Cfo preent tie desert from spreading d So it e desert

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