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22년도 고3 3월

2학년 영어1 (09) 2023학년도 2학기 빅토리 기말고사


* 선택형 : 9문항 각 5점
⑤ Considering the narrow pitch range of musical
* 서답형 : 2문항 각 10점 총 65점
instruments used at the time, it is believed that
* 전체 쪽수: 3쪽
ancient Greek music would have a very limited
* 답안 작성 시 주의사항
pitch range.
1) 선택형 답은 반드시 명확하게 체크할 것
2) 서답형은 또박또박 쓸 것

29. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것을 모두 고르시오. 29-2. 위의 밑줄 친 선지 중 어법상 올바르지 않은 선지

1) 를 모두 고르시오. 2)

①We don’t know how ancient Greek music

sounded, because there are no examples of it in
written or notated form, nor has it survived in oral 31. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적
tradition. Much of it was probably improvised 절하지 않은 것을 모두 고르시오. 3)

anyway, within certain rules and conventions. ②So

we are forced largely to guess at its basis from In the Indian language of pali, mettā means
the accounts of writers such as Plato and Aristotle, benevolence, kindness or tenderness. It is one of
who were generally more concerned with writing the most important ideas in Buddhism. Buddhism
about music than a philosophical and ethical recommends a daily ritual meditation (known as
exercise as with providing a technical primer on its mettā bhāvanā) to ① promote this attitude. The
practice. ③It seems Greek music was predominantly meditation begins with a call to think carefully
a vocal form, consisted of sung verse accompanied every morning of an individual with whom one is
by instruments such as the lyre or the plucked ② unlikely to get irritated or to whom one feels
kithara (the root of ‘guitar’). ④In fact, Plato aggressive or cold and — in place of one’s normal
considered music in which the lyre and flute played hostile impulses — to rehearse kindly messages like
alone and not as the accompaniment of dance or ‘I hope you will find peace’ or ‘I wish you to be
song to be ‘exceedingly coarse and tasteless’. ⑤ free from suffering’. This practice can be extended
The melodies seem to have had a very limited outwards ultimately to ③ embrace pretty much
pitch range, since the instruments generally span everyone on Earth. The background assumption is
only an octave, from one E (as we’d now define that, with the right stimulus, our feelings towards
it) to the next. people are not fixed and unalterable, but open to
④ accidental change and improvement. Compassion
① No document inscribed with a notation on is an ⑤ acquirable skill, and we need to direct it
ancient Greek music has been handed down to this as much towards those we are tempted to dismiss
day, so it seems impossible to get a sense of what and detest as to those we love.
it would have sounded like.

② In ancient Greece, music was composed within 31-2. 위의 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? 4)

certain rules, and there was a practice of playing

existing songs as prepared in advance.
① Medication for Hostile Impulses and Behavior
② Meditation: The Most Effective Sleeping Pill Ever
③ We can only guess at what ancient Greek music
③ Your Way of Feeling Influences Your Way of
sounded like based on the explanations of writers
such as Plato and Aristotle.
④ What Makes You Detest This Person, but Not
That One?
④ Plato considered sung verse accompanied by
⑤ Cultivation of Benevolence to everyone through
instruments such as flutes, which had a very
Buddhist Meditation
limited melody, to be crude.

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22년도 고3 3월
2학년 영어1 (09) 2023학년도 2학기 빅토리 기말고사

32. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? 5) ⑤ 오늘날의 역사가 중 많은 이들이 BC 600년경 고대의

When trying to understand the role of the sun in 여행이 실제로 이루어지지 않았다고 결론을 내리고 있다.
ancient journeys, the sources become fewer and
the journeys less well known. ①Herodotus writes
about an exploratory voyage commissioned by the 32-3. 위의 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 부분을 포
ancient Egyptian King Necho II in about 600 BC. ② 함하는 선지를 모두 고르시오. 7)
Necho II reportedly ordered a Phoenician expedition
to sail clockwise around Africa, starting at the Red
Sea and returning to the mouth of the Nile. They
were gone for three years. ③Herodotus writes that 33. 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은? 8)

the Phoenicians, upon returning from their heroic

expedition, reported that after sailing south and ①Gordon Allport argued that history records many
then turning west, they found the sun was on their individuals who were not content with an existence
right, the opposite direction to where they were that offered themselves little variety, a lack of
used to see it or expect it to be. ④Contemporary psychic tension, and minimal challenge. ②Allport
astronomical science was simply not strong enough considers this normal to be pulled forward by a
to fabricate such an accurate, fundamental and yet vision of the future that awakened within persons
prosaic detail of where the sun would be after their drive to alter the course of their lives. He
sailing past the equator and into the southern suggests that people possess a need to invent
hemisphere. ⑤It is this that lead many of today’s motives and purposes that would consume their
historians to conclude that the journey must have inner energies. ③Similarly, Erich Fromm proposed a
taken place. need on the part of humans to rise above the
roles of passive creatures in an accidental if not

① The Role of the Sun : Essential of Ocean Travel random world. To him, ④humans are driven to
transcend the state of merely having created;
② The Earth's Orbit around the Sun : Changeable
instead, humans seek to become the creators, the
or Not?
active shapers of their own destiny. ⑤Rising above
③ Ancient Astronomical Science : Comparable to
the passive and accidental nature of existence,
Up-to-date Technology
humans generate their own purposes and thereby
④ The Sun’s Position change : Evidence to Back provide themselves with a true basis of freedom.
up Phoenician Exploratory Voyage
⑤ Endlessly Repeated Conflicts between Ancient
① Man never goes against his fate.
Egyptian Historian and Modern Astronomical
② Humans live as passive beings in their lives.
③ Humans actively create their own lives, not
maintaining the state of being created.
35. 위의 글의 내용과 일치하는 것은? 6)
④ Humans nourish all their talents to give
① 고대 여행에서 태양의 역할을 이해하려 할 때, 자료는
themselves freedom.
충분하지만, 알려진 여행은 적다.
⑤ Humans are psychologically unstable beings
② Herodotus는 BC 300에 고대 그리스 왕 Necho 2세
because they are not content with themselves.
가 의뢰한 탐험 항해에 대해 기록한다.
③ Necho2세는 Phoenician 원정대에게 홍해에서 출발해
나일강 하구로 돌아오도록 아프리카 주위를 시계 반대 방
향으로 항해하라고 명령했다고 한다. 33-2. 위의 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 부분을 포
함하는 선지를 모두 고르시오. 9)
④ BC 600년경 천문과학은 적도를 지나 남반구로 항해한
후 태양이 어디에 있을지에 대해 그렇게 정확하고 기초적
이지만 평범한 세부사항을 꾸며낼 만큼 결코 충분히 뛰어
나지 않았다. <객관식 끝! 주관식으로 넘어갑니다>

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22년도 고3 3월
2학년 영어1 (09) 2023학년도 2학기 빅토리 기말고사

[서술형32] 위의 32번 지문을 읽고 <보기>의 단어들을

이용하여 지문을 한 문장으로 요약하시오. 10)

1. <보기>의 제시된 단어를 모두 사용
2. 1단어 변형, 추가 없음

not / the sun’s position / developed / it /
happen / astronomical / change / must /
, nor / the ancient journey / science / could /
that / have / , proving / enough / was /

è Phoenicians’

[서술형33] 위의 33번 지문을 읽고 <보기>의 단어들을

이용하여 지문을 한 문장으로 요약하시오. 11)

1. <보기>의 제시된 단어를 모두 사용
2. 변형, 추가 없음

satisfied / of / conforming / to / beings / true
freedom / the state / but / toward / are / their
/ with / be / who / to / a creator / not / what
/ of passively / strive / are / is given / own life

è Humans

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22년도 고3 3월
2학년 영어1 (09) 2023학년도 2학기 빅토리 기말고사

< 정답 >
1) ②④

2) ②③
②than과 뒤as 자리 바꾸기
③consisted -> consisting

3) ②④

4) ⑤

5) ④

6) ④

7) ③⑤
③see it or expect -> seeing it or expecting
⑤lead -> leads

8) ③

9) ①②④
① themselves -> them
② this -> it
④ having created -> having been created

10) Phoenicians’ astronomical science was not

developed enough, nor could it fabricate the
sun’s position change, proving that the ancient
journey must have happened.

11) Humans are beings who are not satisfied with

the state of passively conforming to what is
given, but strive to be a creator of their own
life toward true freedom.

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