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Shakespeare present Macbeth attitudes towards the supernatural in

festination and ambition “given me the earnest of success” shows after

Macbeth receiving the witch’s prophecies title him Thane of Cawdor, which
confused Macbeth because that title wasn’t given to him yet. This makes
Macbeth uneasy about his placement role before it was even announced the
witch’s prophecies him to become king, gives and sense towards achievement
to Macbeth. The witch’s planting a seed of ambition to Macbeth heart leading
him to his downfall.

In contrast to Macbeth, Banquo attitudes towards the supernatural is sceptic

about the witch’s prophecies Banquo is uneasy about these prophecies and
how it can lead to “deepest consequence” and the witch’s trying to trick and
deceive them. Happy and over enjoyed about these prophecies there is a
feeling that it might not be true and leading them to consequences.

Supernatural in act one scene three has parts how the supernatural leads
towards the act in free will, ambition and consequences. Seeing the personality
traits towards Macbeth and Banquo.

Shakespeare uses language to create an atmosphere of unease and tension,

showing both traits of Macbeth and Banquo foreshadowing hinting that
Macbeth will become king but also leading the downfall for Macbeth as he
becomes consumed by his ambition.

In conclusion Shakespeare present the supernatural in an unease and tension

atmosphere leading Macbeth and Banquo being tricked into the witch’s

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