Objective 1

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Personal characteristics of nurses in terms of age, sex, civil status, length of service,

educational attainment, position, and spirituality.

Nurses Characteristics f %


Younger (45 and below) 88 62.0

Older (46 and below) 54 38.0

Total 142 100


Male 22 15.5

Female 120 84.5

Total 142 100

Civil Status

Single 34 23.9

Separated/Widowed 3 2.1

Married 105 73.9

Total 142 100

Length of Service

5 years or less 20 14.1

6-10 years 47 33.1

11-15 years 30 21.1

16 years and above 45 31.7

Total 142 100


Once a week 6 4.2

A few times a week 22 15.5

Once every day 45 31.7

Multiple times a day 66 46.5

Only when I feel I need 3 2.1

Total 142 100


Staff Nurse 90 63.4

Head Nurse/Team Leader 23 16.2

Supervisor 18 12.7

Chief Nurse 11 7.7

Total 142 100.0

Educational Attainment

College 125 88.0

Masters 14 9.9

Doctorates 3 2.1

Total 142 100.0

The table presents a comprehensive overview of the personal

characteristics of a sample of 142 nurses, capturing key demographic and
professional attributes including age, sex, civil status, length of service,
spirituality, position, and educational attainment.

Age-wise, the nursing workforce is relatively young, with 88 nurses (62%)

aged 45 or below, while the remaining 54 nurses (38%) are 46 years old or
above, indicating a more tenured employees.

The sex distribution is predominantly female, with 120 nurses (84.5%)

being women, compared to 22 male nurses (15.5%), reflecting the conventional
gender makeup of the nursing profession.
Civil status varies within the sample, with a large proportion of nurses
being married (105 nurses, 73.9%). Single nurses make up a considerable
segment (34 nurses, 23.9%), and a small number are either separated or
widowed (3 nurses, 2.1%).

In terms of length of service, the nurses exhibit a range of experience, a

significant number of individuals have dedicated 16 years or more of their lives in
service. (45 nurses, 31.7%). Other service brackets include 11-15 years (30
nurses, 21.1%), 6-10 years (47 nurses, 33.1% combined with the previous
service bracket), and 5 years or less (20 nurses, 14.1%).

Spirituality is a significant aspect of their lives, with the majority engaging

in spiritual activities multiple times a day (66 nurses, 46.5%) or once every day
(45 nurses, 31.7%). Some participate a few times a week (22 nurses, 15.5%),
while a few do so once a week (6 nurses, 4.2%) or only when they feel the need
(3 nurses, 2.1%).

The positions held within the nursing staff show that most are Staff Nurses
(90 nurses, 63.4%), followed by those in leadership roles such as Head Nurse or
Team Leader (23 nurses, 16.2%), Supervisor (18 nurses, 12.7%), and Chief
Nurse (11 nurses, 7.7%).

Lastly, the educational attainment of the nurses is high, with the majority
holding college degrees (125 nurses, 88%). A smaller number have completed
master's degrees (14 nurses, 9.9%), and a select few have obtained doctorates
(3 nurses, 2.1%).

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