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Prepared by: GROUP 6

Definition of Global Security
Global security refers to the collective efforts to ensure the
safety, stability, and well-being of the global community. It
encompasses the protection of nations, populations, and
individuals from threats such as armed conflict, terrorism,
environmental degradation, and transnational crime.
1 Interstate Security 2 Human Security
Focuses on threats between nation- Emphasizes the security of
states, such as military conflicts, individuals and communities,
arms races, and geopolitical including protection from threats
tensions. like poverty, disease, and
environmental degradation.
Interstate Security
• Focuses on the security and stability between
nation-states, preventing wars and conflicts.

• Emphasizes the role of national sovereignty,

military power, and geopolitical rivalries in
shaping international relations.

• Aims to maintain the balance of power and

prevent any single country from dominating
Examples of Interstate Security

Civil War Ethnic Conflict

Human Security
1. Human security emphasizes the security of
individuals and communities, rather than the
security of states.

2. It focuses on protecting people from threats like

poverty, hunger, disease, environmental
degradation, and human rights abuses.

3. The goal is to empower people and build their

resilience, rather than relying solely on military
force for protection.
Examples of Human Security

Environmental Food Security Political Economic

Security Security Security
Realism is grounded in the belief that the
international system is inherently anarchic, meaning
there is no overarching authority to enforce rules or
norms. States are seen as the primary actors in
international relations, and their behavior is driven by
self-interest and the pursuit of power.
Key Concepts

Balance of Power Security Dilemma

Realists emphasize the importance The security dilemma arises when

of maintaining a balance of power one state's efforts to increase its
among states to prevent any one security are perceived as a threat
state from becoming too dominant, by other states, leading to a cycle
which could lead to conflict. of mistrust and arms races.
The Cold War between the
United States and the Soviet
Liberals believe in the potential for cooperation and
progress in international relations through diplomacy,
institutions, and the promotion of shared values.
Key Concepts

Democratic Peace Theory Interdependence

Liberals argue that democracies Liberals emphasize the

are less likely to go to war with one interconnectedness of states
another, suggesting that promoting through trade, communication, and
democracy can enhance global technology, which can foster
security. cooperation and reduce conflict.

The European Union (EU)

International Agreements

Asymmetric warfare or Symmetric warfare or

1 2
engagement engagement

is a type of war between two powers have

belligerents whose relative comparable military
military power, strategy, or power, resources, and rely
tactics differ significantly. on similar tactics.
The enormous amount of attention
that the threat of terrorism has
received since the 9/11 attacks. It
is the most unprecedented attack
in modern history.
Non-conventional security threats
such as environmental devastation,
climate change, displacement, and
disaster relief are now considered
part of national security issues.
Illicit trade is a transitional
organized crime. It represents
another difficult security
challenge. Many commodities are
traded in black markets today,
including people and human
organs, endangered species, drugs,
weapons, counterfeit goods, and
laundered money.
• Economic Stability - strengthens tolerance and
happiness as well as growth and development.
Improving access to social economic services will
curb violent tendencies, create jobs, reduce
poverty, increase government revenue, and
engender long-term inclusive growth.

• Political Stability - provides analysis that

helps policymakers understand political, military,
and economic trends around the world. Because
of global security, international organizations like
the United Nations and NATO are now in
diplomatic measures to ensure safety and

• Humanitarian Concerns - Enhances the

ability to address humanitarian crises, such as
natural disasters and conflicts.
• Environmental Protection: Helps
protect the environment by addressing
issues like pollution and climate change that
can threaten security.

• Public Health: Improves health outcomes

by addressing global health threats, such as
pandemics and bioterrorism.
• Technological Advancement:
Promotes the peaceful use of technology
and prevents the proliferation of weapons
of mass destruction.

• Social Well-being: Ensures the safety

and well-being of populations, reducing the
risk of violence and displacement.
Human Security and Globalization

• The concept of human security shows an expansion of the traditional notion of security.

• Human security has multiple facets: freedom from terrorism, food security, freedom
from environmental threats.

• The concept was often mentioned before 1994, but it was the UNDP’s Human
Development Report that made human security a common currency in the
contemporary world.
Human Security and Globalization
• Human security

o means that people can exercise choices safely and freely - and that they
can be relatively confident that the opportunities they have today are not
lost tomorrow

o Characteristics of human security include its focus on the individual or

people as the subject of security, its multidimensional nature
encompassing economic, political, social, and environmental aspects, and
its universal or global scope, applying to states and societies of the North
as well as the South.
Scope of Human Security, According to
Acharya (2008)
• Economic Security - an assured basic income for individuals, usually from
productive and remunerative work, or, in the last resort, from some publicly
financed safety net.

• Food Security - ensuring that all people at all times have both physical and
economic access to basic food.

• Health Security - guaranteeing a minimum protection from diseases and

unhealthy lifestyles.
• Community Security - protecting people from the loss of traditional
relationships and values, and sectarian and ethnic violence.

• Political Security - ensuring that people live in a society that honors their
basic rights and ensuring the freedom of individuals and groups from
government attempts to exercise control over ideas and information
•The core idea of human security is essentially that
the security of the person, interstate security, and
interstate security are fundamentally interconnected

any person in the world is unsafe, then nobody can be
safe either

•Inspite of the debate about the utility and scope of

human security, there is increasing acceptance of the
traditional notion of security, focusing on state
sovereignty, would no longer suffice, and the
international community must develop new
responses to ensure the protection of people from
transnational dangers in an era of globalization.

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