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Certification in Advanced

Excel, MIS Reports and Data

Trainer : Babita George
Mathematical Functions
Mathematical Functions
 SUM : Adds up a range of numbers.
 AVERAGE: Calculates the average of a range of numbers.
 MIN: Returns the minimum value from a range of numbers.
 MAX: Returns the maximum value from a range of numbers.
 COUNT: Counts the number of cells that contain numbers within a
specified range.
 ROUND: Rounds a number to a specified number of decimal places.
 ROUND UP: The ROUNDUP function rounds a number up to a specified
number of decimal places.
 ROUND DOWN: The ROUNDDOWN function rounds a number down to a
specified number of decimal places.
Date Functions
DATE Functions
 DAYS: DAYS function calculates the number of days between two
 TODAY: returns the current date
 NOW: returns the current date and Time
 NETWORKDAYS: The NETWORKDAYS function calculates the number of
working days (excluding weekends) between two dates, considering
Saturday and Sunday as weekends.
 NETWORKDAYS.INTL: The NETWORKDAYS.INTL function is an extended
version of the NETWORKDAYS function, allowing you to customize
which days of the week are considered weekends.
Logical functions
Logical Functions
 IF: Is a logical function that allows you to perform a test or comparison and
return one value if the test is true and another value if the test is false.
=IF(logical_test, value_if_true, value_if_false)

 AND: The AND function in Excel is a logical function used to check whether all
the specified conditions or logical expressions are true. It returns TRUE if all
the conditions are true, and FALSE if at least one condition is false.

 OR: The OR function in Excel is another logical function used to check

whether at least one of the specified conditions or logical expressions is true.
It returns TRUE if at least one condition is true, and FALSE if all conditions are
Database functions
Database Functions
 DSUM: The DSUM function calculates the sum of values from a column
in a database that meet specific criteria.

 DAVERAGE: The DAVERAGE function calculates the average of values

from a column in a database that meet specific criteria.

 DCOUNT: The DCOUNT function counts the number of records in a

database that meet specific criteria.

 SUBTOTAL: The SUBTOTAL function calculates a specified aggregation

(e.g., sum, average, count, etc.) for a range of cells, taking into
account only the visible cells if they are part of a filtered list.
Referencing refers to the process of referring to a cell or a range of cells
in a formula. Referencing in Excel is essential for creating dynamic
formulas that can be applied across multiple cells, perform calculations
using different data, and update automatically as the referenced cells
There are three main types of referencing in Excel:

 Relative Referencing
 Absolute Referencing
 Mixed referencing
Types of Referencing
There are three main types of referencing in Excel:

 Relative Referencing: When you create a formula and use relative

referencing, the cell references adjust automatically when you copy
or fill the formula to other cells.
 Absolute Referencing: Absolute referencing, on the other hand, keeps
the cell references fixed or constant, regardless of where you copy or
fill the formula. This is achieved by using the dollar sign ($) before
the column letter, row number, or both. For eg: $A$3
 Mixed referencing option, where you can fix either the column or the
row while allowing the other to adjust. For eg: $A3 , A$5
Complex Logical Formulas
Complex Logical Formulas
 IF and AND: The IF function in Excel allows you to perform logical tests and return
different values based on the result. The AND function, on the other hand, checks
multiple conditions and returns TRUE if all conditions are met, or FALSE if any of the
conditions are not met. These functions to create more complex logical tests using
the IF AND combination.
Eg: =IF(AND(L7>30,N7>0),"Bill is Due","NA")

 NESTED IF allow you to create more complex logical tests by incorporating multiple
conditions and outcomes within a single formula. With nested IF statements, you
can evaluate different scenarios and return corresponding values based on those
Eg: =IF(N7>0,"Unpaid",IF(N7=0,"Paid","Advance"))
Complex Logical Formulas (Contd…)

 IFS function in Excel is a powerful logical function that allows you to test multiple
conditions and return different values based on those conditions. It simplifies the
process of handling multiple nested IF statements or combining multiple conditions
within a single formula.
Eg: IFS(N7<=0,"Paid",N7>1000,N7)

 IFERROR: The IFERROR function in Excel is a useful function that allows you to
handle errors in formulas by providing an alternative value or action when an error
occurs. It helps you control how Excel handles error situations and prevents error
messages from appearing in your worksheet.
Eg: =@IFERROR(IFS(N7<=0,"Paid",N7>1000,N7),"Value<=1000")
Logical Formulas (SUMIF Function)
The SUMIF function in Excel allows you to calculate the sum of values in a range that meet specific criteria.
It helps you add up numbers based on a given condition or criteria.

The syntax for the SUMIF function is as follows:

=SUMIF(range, criteria, [sum_range])

 The range argument represents the range of cells that you want to evaluate against the criteria. This
range should contain the values you want to sum.
 The criteria argument specifies the condition or criteria that the cells in the range must meet in order
to be included in the sum. It can be a number, text, logical expression, or cell reference.
 The optional sum_range argument represents the range of cells that you want to sum if they meet the
criteria. If you omit this argument, the function will use the same range as the first argument (range)
for the summation.

Eg: =SUMIF('Sales Invoices'!$B$7:$B$70,'Logical Formulas'!$B24,'Sales Invoices'!$J$7:$J$70)

Logical Formulas (COUNTIF Function)
The COUNTIF function in Excel allows you to count the number of cells within a range that
meet specific criteria. It helps you determine the count of cells that satisfy a given

The syntax for the COUNTIF function is as follows:

=COUNTIF(range, criteria)

 The range argument represents the range of cells that you want to evaluate against the
criteria. This range contains the values you want to count.
 The criteria argument specifies the condition or criteria that the cells in the range must
meet in order to be included in the count. It can be a number, text, logical expression, or
cell reference.

Eg: =COUNTIF('Sales Invoices'!$B$7:$B$70,'Logical Formulas'!B24)

DGET function
The DGET function in Excel is used to extract a single value from a database or table that matches
specified criteria. It allows you to retrieve a specific value from a database based on conditions you
The syntax for the DGET function is as follows:

=DGET(database, field, criteria)

 The database argument represents the range of cells that make up the database or table. It should
include column headers that define the fields.
 The field argument specifies the column header or field name that corresponds to the value you want
to retrieve.
 The criteria argument defines the conditions that the records must meet to be included in the search.
It can be a range of cells that contain the search criteria or a set of specific criteria in the form of
field/value pairs.

Charts in Excel are graphical representations of data that allow you to visualize
and analyze information more effectively. Excel provides various types of charts
that can be used to present data in different formats, including bar charts, line
charts, pie charts, scatter plots, and more. Charts in Excel help you identify
trends, patterns, and relationships within your data.

To create a chart in Excel, you typically follow these steps:

1. Select the data
2. Go to the "Insert" tab and click on the desired chart type
Type of Charts – Column Chart

A column chart in Excel is a type of chart that displays data in vertical columns,
with each column representing a different category or series. It is commonly
used to compare values across different categories or to show changes over time.


Budgeted Actual




















Type of Charts – Pie Chart
A pie chart is a circular chart in Excel that represents data as slices of a pie. Each
slice corresponds to a specific category or data series, and the size of each slice
represents the proportion or percentage of the whole.


Professional, Advertising,
Other, 5000 22000
Storage, 25000
Shipping, 6000 Travel, 23000

Legal fees, 18000 Software, 30000

and repairs,
Telephone, 31000

Interest, 8000
Postage, 25000
Insurance, 10000
Other, 14000

Utilities, 22000 Rent or

mortgage, 35000
Taxes, 30000 Sales expenses,
Type of Charts – Line Chart

A line chart in Excel is a type of chart that displays data points connected by
lines. It is commonly used to show trends, changes over time, or continuous data

% Change in Total Expenses



% Change

10% 5%

April May June
-10% -16%


Type of Charts – Pareto Chart
A Pareto chart in Excel is a useful tool for visualizing and analyzing data to
identify the most significant factors or categories that contribute to a particular
outcome. It combines a column chart and a line graph to display both the
individual frequencies or counts and the cumulative percentages of each
Type of Charts – Combo Chart
A combo chart in Excel is a type of chart that combines two or more chart types
into a single visualization. It allows you to display different types of data on the
same chart, providing a comprehensive view and facilitating comparisons
between multiple data series.
Combo Chart for Budgeted Vs Actual

30000 30000 31000 30000
28000 29000 3000025000
24000 25000
20000 2500022000 22000 2500022000
14000 16000 18000 22000
10000 16000 1500010000 15000 11000 15000
10000 12000 10000 10000 50006000 100005000 5000

Budgeted Actual
Type of Charts – Scatter Chart
The chart will display the relationship between the two sets of numeric data by
plotting points on the X-Y plane. You can analyze patterns, correlations, or
trends in the data based on the scatter chart visualization.

Machine Vs Temprature Vs Accuracy


60% M8, 10, 60% M3, 20, 60%

M6, 25, 55%
50% M8, 5, 50% M7, 20, 50% M4, 25, 50%
M2, 10, 45% M4, 20, 46%
M7, 10, 42%
40% M5, 10, 40% M6, 20, 40% M3, 30, 40%

30% M7, 5, 30% M4, 10, 30% M1, 20, 30%

M2, 5, 25%
20% M5, 5, 20% M1, 10, 20%

10% M1, 5, 10% M5, 30, 10%

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Data Cleaning techniques
Data Cleaning Techniques
Excel provides several data cleaning techniques that can be applied to
manipulate and clean data. Here are some common data cleaning techniques in
 Changing Text Case:
1. You can use functions like UPPER, LOWER, or PROPER to change the case
of text in cells.
2. For example, to convert all text in cell A1 to uppercase, you can use the
formula "=UPPER(A1)".
 Identifying Error and Blanks
1. Using Home -> Find & Select -> Go to Special Option to identify formula
errors and Blanks in Data (Use Ctrl + Enter to insert New Data in Errors or
Data Cleaning Techniques (Contd..)
 Identifying and Removing Duplicates
1. Go to the "Data" tab and click on "Remove Duplicates."
 Dividing data from single column
1. Go to the "Data" tab and click on "Text to Columns."
2. Choose the delimiter that separates your data (e.g., comma, space) and
follow the wizard to split the data into columns.
 Concatenate function is used to combine multiple strings or cell values into a
single string.
=CONCATENATE(text1, [text2], [text3], ...)
 Find and Replace: Go to Home -> Find & Select -> Replace - Find the data and
replace is with what u want.
Data Cleaning Techniques (Contd..)
 Substitute function: The SUBSTITUTE function in Excel allows you to
replace specific instances of a text string within a larger text string.
SUBSTITUTE(text, old_text, new_text, [instance_num])
 Replace function: The REPLACE function in Excel is used to replace a specified
portion of a text string with new text. It allows you to replace characters or
words at a specific position within the text.
REPLACE(old_text, start_num, num_chars, new_text)
 The TRIM function in Excel is used to remove leading and trailing spaces from
a text string
Data Cleaning Techniques (Contd..)
 The LEFT, RIGHT, and MID functions in Excel are used to extract specific
portions of a text string based on the number of characters or the position
within the string.
 The LEFT function extracts a specified number of characters from the left side of a
text string.
LEFT(text, num_chars)
 The RIGHT function extracts a specified number of characters from the right side
of a text string.
RIGHT(text, num_chars)
 The MID function extracts a specified number of characters from a text string,
starting from a specified position.
MID(text, start_num, num_chars)
Named Ranges
Named Ranges
 Named ranges in Excel allow you to assign a name to a specific cell or range
of cells. Instead of referring to cells by their cell references (such as A1, B2,
etc.), you can use a meaningful name to refer to the data. Named ranges
make formulas and functions easier to read and understand, and they also
provide flexibility when working with data.
 Go to the "Formulas" tab and click on "Define Name" in the "Defined
Names" group.
LOOKUP functions
VLOOKUP function
 VLOOKUP is a powerful Excel function that stands for "vertical lookup." It
allows you to search for a value in the leftmost column of a table and retrieve
a corresponding value from a specified column within the same row.
VLOOKUP(lookup_value, table_array, col_index_num, [range_lookup])
1. lookup_value: This is the value you want to search for in the leftmost column of the
2. table_array: This is the range of cells that represents the table containing the data. The
leftmost column of this range will be used for the lookup.
3. col_index_num: This is the column number within the table_array from which you want
to retrieve the result. It is counted from the leftmost column of the table_array.
4. range_lookup (optional): This parameter determines whether you want an exact match
or an approximate match. If omitted or set to TRUE or 1, an approximate match will be
performed. If set to FALSE or 0, an exact match will be performed.
Match function
 The MATCH function in Excel is used to find the position of a specified value
within a range or an array. It returns the relative position of the value in the
range, which can be used in conjunction with other functions for further
calculations or lookups. The MATCH function can perform exact or
approximate matches.
MATCH(lookup_value, lookup_array, [match_type])

INDEX and MATCH functions

The INDEX function returns the value of a cell within an array based on its row
and column numbers. The syntax is as follows:
INDEX(array, row_number, [column_number])

In Excel, INDEX and MATCH are powerful functions that allow you to retrieve
values from a table based on specific criteria. They are often used together to
perform lookups when the VLOOKUP function may not be suitable, such as when
you need to search for data in columns other than the first one.

XLOOKUP function
XLOOKUP is a new and powerful lookup function introduced in Excel 365
XLOOKUP combines the functionalities of lookup functions, such as VLOOKUP,
HLOOKUP, INDEX-MATCH into a single, more versatile function.

XLOOKUP(lookup_value, lookup_array, return_array, [if_not_found],

[match_mode], [search_mode])
1. lookup_value: The value you want to find within the lookup_array.
2. lookup_array: The range where you want to search for the lookup_value.
3. return_array: The range from which you want to return the result based on the match.
4. if_not_found (optional): The value to return if the lookup_value is not found in the
5. match_mode (optional): This argument specifies the type of match you want. It can be
0 (Exact match - default), 1 (Exact match or next smaller item), -1 (Exact match or
next larger item), or 2 (Wildcard match).
6. search_mode (optional): This argument specifies the search direction. It can be 1
(Search from top to bottom - default) or -1 (Search from bottom to top).
HLOOKUP function
HLOOKUP is a lookup function in Excel that stands for "Horizontal Lookup." It is
similar to the VLOOKUP function, but instead of searching for a value in the first
column of a table (vertical search), HLOOKUP searches for a value in the first
row of a table (horizontal search).

HLOOKUP(lookup_value, table_array, row_index_num, [range_lookup])

1. lookup_value: This is the value you want to search for in the leftmost column of the
2. table_array: This is the range of cells that represents the table containing the data. The
leftmost column of this range will be used for the lookup.
3. row_index_num: The relative row number in the table_array from which you want to
retrieve the result.
4. range_lookup (optional): This parameter determines whether you want an exact match
or an approximate match. If omitted or set to TRUE or 1, an approximate match will be
performed. If set to FALSE or 0, an exact match will be performed.
LOOKUP function
The "LOOKUP" function in Excel is a legacy function that was used for
approximate matching in older versions of Excel.

LOOKUP(lookup_value, lookup_vector, [result_vector])

 lookup_value: The value you want to find within the lookup_vector.
 lookup_vector: The range or array where you want to search for the
lookup_value. The values in this vector must be in ascending order.
 result_vector (optional): The range or array from which you want to return the
result. If omitted, the function returns the corresponding value from the
lookup_vector. However, the result_vector must have the same number of
elements as the lookup_vector.

Data Protection
Data Protection

 Protect Sheet:

Protecting a sheet in Excel allows you to control what users can do with
the data and elements within that particular sheet. You can prevent
users from making changes to the sheet's content, formatting, and other
elements like cells, rows, columns, and charts.

To protect a sheet
Go to Review > Protect Sheet
Data Protection

 Allow Edit Ranges:

"Allow Edit Ranges" is a feature in Excel that allows you to define specific
ranges on a protected sheet where users can make changes while the
rest of the sheet remains protected. It's a way to give selected users or
groups the ability to edit certain cells while maintaining protection for
the rest of the worksheet.

To do so
Go to Review > Allow Edit Ranges
Data Validation
Data Validation

Data validation in Excel is a useful feature that allows you to control the
type and format of data entered into a cell or range of cells. By setting
data validation rules, you can minimize errors and ensure data
consistency in your spreadsheets.
To do so
 Select the range of cells to apply validation
 Go to Data > Data Validation
Data Validation
The "Data Validation" dialog box will appear.

 In the "Settings" tab of the dialog box, you can specify the validation

 Input Message: You can provide a custom message that appears when
the user selects the cell. This message can guide users on what data
to enter.

 Error Alert: This allows you to define an error message that appears if
the user enters data that doesn't meet the validation criteria. You can
choose from different error styles (Stop, Warning, Information) and
customize the error message.
Sorting & Filtering
Sorting and Custom sorting
 Sorting in Excel is a powerful feature that allows you to organize and
arrange data in ascending or descending order based on specific
 Go to the "Data" tab in the Excel ribbon.
 Click on the "Sort A to Z" to sort in ascending order or "Sort Z to A" to sort
in descending order
 Sorting a custom list in Excel allows you to arrange data based on a
specific order you define.
 Filtering in Excel allows you to display only the data that
meets specific criteria, while temporarily hiding the rest
of the data.
 Go to Data > Filter
 Advanced Filter provides more sophisticated filtering
options, allowing you to use complex criteria and even
copy the filtered data to another location.
 Go to Data Advanced
Conditional Formatting
Conditional Formatting
 Conditional Formatting in Excel is a feature that allows you to
automatically apply formatting to cells based on specified
conditions or rules
 Go to Home > Conditional Formatting
1. Highlight Cells Rules: Allows to apply Greater Than, Less Than,
Between, Equal To, Duplicate Values etc… rules
2. Top/Bottom Rules: With this option, you can highlight the top
or bottom values in a range.
3. Data Bars are a visual representation of the values in a range
of cells using colored bars. The length of each data bar is
proportional to the value it represents, making it easy to
compare values at a glance.
4. Icon Sets apply icons (e.g., arrows, symbols) to cells based on
predefined conditions.
Consolidate feature
Consolidate Feature

In Excel, the Consolidate feature combines data from multiple

worksheets or workbooks into a single worksheet. This can be useful
when you have data spread across different sheets or files and you want
to bring it all together for analysis or reporting.

 Go to Data > Consolidate

Pivot Tables
Pivot Tables

Pivot Tables are a powerful feature in Microsoft Excel that allow you to
summarize, analyze, and manipulate large datasets quickly and
efficiently. They are especially useful when you have a lot of data and
want to gain insights, perform calculations, and create visualizations
without writing complex formulas.

 Go to Insert > Pivot Tables

 Select the Data Range and the Destination to create a Pivot table
Designing Your Pivot Table

The Pivot Table Field List will appear on the right side of the Excel
window. Here, you can design your Pivot Table by dragging fields into
different areas:
 Drag the fields from your data into the "Rows" area to use them as row
labels in your Pivot Table.
 Drag fields into the "Columns" area to use them as column labels.
 Drag fields into the "Values" area to perform calculations, such as
sum, average, count, etc., on the data.
 Drag fields into the “Filter" area to use them as Filter
Pivot Chart

A Pivot Chart in Excel is a graphical representation of data that is derived

from a Pivot Table. It provides a visual way to analyze and present
summarized data, allowing you to easily identify trends, patterns, and
insights. Pivot Charts are dynamic, meaning they update automatically
when you make changes to the underlying data or the Pivot Table.
 Click on any cell within the Pivot Table
 On the "PivotTable Analyze" tab, click on "PivotChart" in the "Tools"
 Choose the Chart Type and Click OK
Power Pivot
Power Pivot

Power Pivot is a powerful data analysis tool in Microsoft Excel that allows
you to create data models, perform advanced calculations, and analyze
large datasets. Power Pivot comes as a Add-in. To enable Power Pivot

1. Go to File > Options

2. Click on Add-Ins" in the left-hand menu
3. Choose COM Add-ins and click Go
4. Check the Microsoft Office Power Pivot box
Power Pivot: Data Model

Power Pivot enables you to create relationships between multiple tables

of data:

1. Add the tables to Data Model by clicking on Power Pivot > Add to Data
2. Go to Diagram View and then drag and drop common field from one
table to another to create a relationship.
3. Click on Pivot table to create a Pivot table from multiple tables
Power Query
Power Query

Power Query is a data transformation

and data connection technology that
is part of Microsoft's Power BI, Excel,
and other Microsoft products. It allows
users to easily connect to various data
sources and perform data
Go to Data > Get Data > Folder
Key features of Power Query

 Data Connection: Power Query provides a user-friendly interface for

connecting to various data sources. Users can connect to databases,
online services, files, and other data storage systems.
 Data Cleaning: Power Query provides tools to clean and reshape data.
This can involve removing duplicates, handling null values, splitting or
combining columns, and more.
 Merging and Joining Data: Power Query allows users to combine data
from multiple sources by merging or joining tables based on common
 Reusability: Power Query queries can be saved, reused, and shared
among different users or projects, promoting consistency and
efficiency in data transformations.
The Excel Dashboard provides an overview of metrics and other data
points in one place. In simple terms, dashboards are visual
representations of data. They mostly consist of charts and graphs,
thereby grabbing the user's attention
 Macros in Excel refer to a set of recorded actions or VBA (Visual Basic
for Applications) code that automate tasks within Microsoft Excel.
Macros allow you to perform repetitive tasks quickly and efficiently by
recording a series of actions or writing custom VBA code to automate
those actions
 Enable Developer Tab: The "Developer" tab contains tools for creating
and managing macros. Go to the "File" tab, choose "Options," select
"Customize Ribbon," and then check the "Developer" option.
 Save the File as an Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook.

To record a Macro
Go to Developer > Record Macro
What-if Analysis
What-if Analysis

"What-If" analysis in Excel refers to a set of tools and techniques that

allow you to explore different scenarios by changing one or more input
variables and observing how they affect the outcome.

 Goal Seek: Goal Seek is used to find the input value needed to achieve
a specific result.
 Scenario Manager: The Scenario Manager lets you define different
scenarios with varying input values
 Data Table: Data tables allow you to create a table of results by
varying one or two input variables.
 Solver: Solver is a more advanced tool that allows you to optimize a
formula's result by changing multiple input variables while adhering to
certain constraints
The Forecast Sheet feature in Excel is a tool that allows you to create

Upper Confidence Bound

predictive forecasts based on historical data.


Lower Confidence Bound


Forecast sheet









Thank you all for attending training and giving
valuable insights.

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