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Production function shall have the vision to be a centre of manufacturing excellence with people
as its core enabled by Best practices, Social Orientation, Technology & Infrastructure.

To achieve the vision stated above, Manufacturing Function shall emulate the best practices of
Lean Manufacturing with focus on Waste Elimination in Product & Information Flow
(through Process Mapping & Value Stream mapping), Continuous Improvement,
Autonomous Maintenance, Visual Factory, Customer Orientation & Partnering Vendors
(Concept of “extended” enterprise) by Self-Managed Groups of Multi-Skilled people using 5S
processes, Kaizen events with emphasis on Process Quality & Product Integrity (utilizing
Quality Circle, TQM, SPC & Six-Sigma Concepts by the help of QC Team) supported by a
Point of Use Storage, that provides parts/materials on a just-in-time (JIT) basis.

The production processes shall be streamlined using Supervisory Control systems like
“Manufacturing Execution System (MES)” in the facility directly linked to the machines,
which is interfaced with ERP system with a single-point centralized control room for the
whole facility having high-speed networks and state-of-the-art communications facilities. All
the data (e.g. process variables) required to generate reports periodically (Hourly, Shift-wise,
Daily, Weekly) shall be captured online through IT enabled technology (e.g. Data acquisition
systems for centralized monitoring ala SCADA) & interface between the data capture system
and ERP, (i.e. no manual data entry) to ensure data integrity & better monitoring of Key
Performance Indicators.

To enable the above, the Manufacturing Facility shall employ Contemporary technologies with
full-scale process automation with hard link-ups between the processes to have continuous single-
piece flow of product /material, to enhance process & product quality, to minimize the risk of
exposure to dust, heat & noise, to eliminate/reduce repetitive jobs & push-pull activities; and to
augment Technology enabled information & data flow). The Raw Material flow from warehouse
to the shop floor and Finished Goods flow from Shop floor to warehouse shall be accomplished
by Automatically Guided Vehicles or Conveyors.

Factory/Shop floor layout shall have unidirectional, unhindered product flow without criss-
cross movements, Internal segregation of man & material movement, Separate access for
men/material entry and exit, Availability of input material, information tools, spares &
services at the point of use, Minimal total movement of the product, Appropriate access for
Cleaning and Maintenance & Ease of material handling

Core belief
Practice continuous improvement in eliminating/minimizing all forms of waste.
Espoused Values
Deliver superior value to customer, Productive engagement of people, Conserve nature and its
A. Adopt prevention at source & re-use/recycle policy for waste reduction.
B. Use Visual & Digital management systems on key performance areas (QCDS&M) in order to
have correct information at the right time & place to the right person
C. Practice continuous elimination of Non Value added activities (VSM, PPC, Kaizen
methodology) & integrated sub processes for continuous improvement in process/product
quality & Waste-Quality-Output ratio.
D. Have Design led architecture, Engineering excellence, right mindset and work ethos for
Energy efficiency
E. Create and adhere to SOPs & improve the same continuously based on learning & experience
for a clean & clutter-free factory
People Processes
The business imperatives as above would call for an aligned employee who is aware of
business goals. The theme of the people processes shall focus on Alignment of people’s
personal goals with the organizational goals, capability building to meet market requirements
& employee engagement. For the mental & emotional engagement of employee, he/she must
work with ‘I am the owner of my area’ attitude & he/she synergizes his/her universe with the
organization, only then business imperatives are fructified. So, it is extremely important to
cultivate a culture, which helps the entire employee to thrive & perform. Certain core beliefs
of the organization nourish corresponding espoused values, which would be visible in certain

Core belief – ‘People are differentiators’

Espoused Values
• ‘I am the owner of my area’
• Long-term capability building
The artifacts linked with the above core belief are as below:
A. To achieve individual goal aligned with organizational goals, we need to have clearly defined
career progression plans for all employees, process based workstation/offices (& not
department-wise) & appropriate performance metrics.
B. To enhance Capability Building, organizations shall 'investment' in people continuously all
managers shall have sub-ordinate development as key result area.
C. To improve Employee Engagement, a fair, objective and transparent performance
management system, common uniforms & appropriate recognition systems shall be in place.
In addition, individual functions should have complete process ownership of one's area with
active interface with upstream and downstream processes. All managers shall play
appropriate roles & no differential treatment shall exist.
In order to reduce trade-union related hassles, a “Non-Unionized” & flat organizational
structure can be maintained by recruiting only skilled personnel (Diploma Holders in
management cadre) and eliminating & outsourcing all unskilled jobs.

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