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Md. Nazmul Hassan

ILEP Fellow (International Leaders in Education Program) MD. NAZMUL HASSAN
IREX & UAH (University of Alabama in Huntsville), USA
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Biology
M. Sc. (Botany) 1st CLASS 1st
B. Sc. (Hons) 1st CLASS 3rd
Ex-lecturer, Dept. of Biology
Assistant Professor in Biology
Examiner of Dhaka Board
Mob- 01819126578, 01534646108


(1.0) Animal diversity and classification:
Knowledge: ► Define: Species, nomenclature, identification, unit of classification, subspecies, extinct, endangered and rare
species(with example), Flora and Fauna, Coelom, acoelomate, coelomate, Pseducoelomate; binomial nomenclature, tunicate.

Understanding: ► “All vertebrates are chordates, but all chordates are not vertebrates” – Explain it. ►Differences
between chordate and non-chordata; Vertebrate and non Vertebrate ► symmetry (classification) / coelomate (classification)
► Basis of classification ►rules of binomial nomenclature.

Application & H.A.:► Write the names of the major phyla of animal kingdom sequentially and mention identifying
characteristics of each with examples. ► Write down the names of the classes of vertebrata sequentially and mention identifying
characteristics of each with examples.

(2.0) Type study: HYDRA:

Knowledge: ► Symbiosis, coelenterons, budding, locomotion, Internal digestion and external digestion;

Understanding: ► Aasexual reproduction (budding method) of Hydra. ► differences between coelom and coelenterons;
diploblastic and triploblastic animal ► Explain symbiosis with example. ► Explain division of labour found in Hydra.

Application & H.A.:► Structure and importance of different cells of both ectodermal and endodermal layer of Hydra ►
Describe the looping and somersaulting locomotion process. ►Describe cnidoblast (cnidocyte) cell of Hydra with different
types of nematocyst. ► Describe the degeneration of Hydra/ “Hydra never die”, explain.

Knowledge: ► Ommatidium, metamorphosis (complete and incomplete), coelom, haemocoel, classification of
Grasshopper; open and closed blood circulation.

Understanding: ► Describe the salivary glands of Grasshopper-MCQ. ► Describe the metamorphosis of

Grasshopper. ► Differentiate between:(a) malphigian tubule and malphigian body (b) simple eye and compound eye
(c) coelom and haemocoel (d) male and female Grasshopper. (e) trachea and tracheol

Application & H.A.:►Describe the excretory system and excretion process (main-malphigian tubules) of
Grasshopper. ► Describe the tracheal system of Grasshopper. ► Describe the vision of Grasshopper in bright and
dim light. ► Describe structure of ommatidium-MCQ

RUI FISH: Knowledge: ► Venous heart, streamlynd, circuly, cycloid scale

Understanding: ► Classification of Rui fish, external structure of rui fish; structure of scale and air bladder of rui fish.
Application & H.A.:► Description the structure and process of afferent and efferent bronchiole artery of Rui
fish (blood circulation process); ► structure of gills ► Relation between blood circulation with gills of rui fish ►
reproduction and conservation of rui fish. -MCQ
Knowledge: ► Digestion, dental formula, obesity, exocytosis, imalsification, gluconiogenesis, glycogenesis
Understanding: ► Differences between ilium and ileum; structure and secretion with functions of salivary glands,
liver, pancreas. ► MCQ-name, function, position of digestive glands with their secretion ►causes, abnormalities and
management of obesity;
Application & H.A.:► Human protein and carbohydrate and lipid food digestion and absorption.

md. nazmul hassan; Assistant Professor, dept. of biology; notre dame college, dhaka; 01534646108
Knowledge: ►blood, lymph, blood clotting, cardiac cycle, heart attack, heart failure, AVN, SAN, angioplasty,
angiogram, baro-receptor, pacemaker, heart Beat, high and low blood pressure, systolic and diastolic blood pressure.

Understanding: ►characteristics and functions of blood ► differences among the blood cells ►differences
between artery and vein. ►Blood clotting process ► functions of lymph ►structure and procedure of pecemaker.

Application & H.A.:► Describe the different step (Systolic and diastolic) of cardiac cycle in human body.
► Describe the complexities of blood pressure along with is preventive measures. ► causes, abnormalities and
prevention of heart attack, heart failure. (coronary bypass, angioplasty) ►MCQ-L.S. of human heart with description


Knowledge: ►Inspiration, expiration, sinusitis, otitis media

Understanding: ►differences between (a) internal and external respiration (b) inspiration and expiration.
► respiratory complications arising due to air pollution and their control measures.

Application & H.A.: ► Describe how O2 and CO2 are exchanged through blood (role of respiratory pigment);
► Describe the mechanism of absorption and removal of O2 & CO2 in alveolus. ► causes, abnormalities and
prevention of sinusitis and otitis media ► MCQ- Description of respiratory system. ► process of inspiration and
expiration (ventilation process) ► process and objectives of artificial respiration by mouth to mouth.


Knowledge: ► connective tissue, bone and cartilage, voluntary, involuntary and cardiac muscles

Understanding: ► Functions of skeletal system; ►For MCQ: Name, position and functions of bones of skeletal
system. MCQ: histological characteristics of- (a) stomach (b) liver (c) lung (d) pancreas (e) intestine (f) kidney
Show difference between: (a) bone and cartilage; c) voluntary, involuntary and cardiac muscles

Application & H.A.:►► Structure, characters and functions of muscular tissue ►Classification of cartilage;
►explain- Muscles contract and pull but do not push ► mechanism of skeleton and “Rods and Lever System” ►
Fractures of Bones, injury of bone-joint and their Primary Treatment.


Knowledge: ► 1st and 2nd law of Mendel, incomplete dominance, co-dominance, lethal gene, epistasis,
homozygous, heterozygous, test cross, back cross, sex linked inheritance, Rh factor, ABO blood group, universal
donor, universal receiver, Lamarckism, Darwinism, Neo- Darwinism

Understanding: ► Who was Mendel? Why was Mendel successful? Theory of Lamarck (Theory of natural
selection) and Darwin (origin of new species) with explanation, evidence and criticism

Application & H.A.: ► What is the law of segregation/ monohybrid cross? State and explain Mendel’s first law.
►What is the law of independent assortment /dihybrid cross? State and explain Mendel’s second law.
►Explain the ratio 2:1/ 1:2:1. ►Explain the ration (9:7) /(13:3) ► Explain with example-Sex linked inheritance.
► importance of Rh factor ► Classification of ABO blood group
Evolution-MCQ ► Theory of Lamarck’s and it’s limitation ►Theory of Darwinism and it’s limitation

md. nazmul hassan; Assistant Professor, dept. of biology; notre dame college, dhaka; 01534646108

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