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THIS LEASE AGREEMENT is made on this the ________ day of February, 2024.
Dorbar Shnong Shangpung Moosyiem, West Jaintia Hills District
represented by its Headman, Secretary and Chairman hereinafter referred to as
the ‘Lessor’.
Smti. Maialang Langbang D/o (L) Smti. Pdiangbha Langbang R/o
Shangpung Moosyiem, West Jaintia Hills District Meghalaya hereinafter
referred to as the ‘Lessee’.
WHEREAS, the Lessor is the absolute owner and in possession of a land
situated at Shangpung Moosyiem Village, West Jaintia Hills District,
Meghalaya and which is more particularly described in the schedule hereunder
AND WHEREAS, the Lessee has approached and requested the Lessor to
grant her a lease of the above mentioned land for a period of 5 years subject to
renewal for the purpose of building a temporary house to stay therein and on
the following terms and conditions agreed upon between the parties.

NOW BY THIS DEED, it is hereby mutually agreed between the Lessor and
Lessee on terms and conditions hereunder contained:-
1) That subject to the period of lease of the said mentioned land will be for
5 years subject to renewal.
2) That the rent payable by the Lessee to the Lessor shall be Rs.1200/-
(Rupees One Thousand Two Hundred) only per annum.
3) That the Lessor can terminate this agreement at any time if the said land is
needed by the Dorbar Shnong of Shangpung Moosyiem.
4) That the Lessor will give a one month notice to the Lessee prior to the
termination of the agreement.
5) That the Lessee shall not sub-lease the above land to any other
party/parties or person/persons.
6) That the Lessee shall follow and obey the rules and regulations made by
the Dorbar Shnong Authority.
7) That in case of breach or violation by any of the terms and conditions
herein contained the parties shall be at liberty to approach the
competent Jurisdiction Court law for redressal of grievances or in case
of any dispute arising during the operating of the works the same will be
settled between themselves without any interference of any third party.
WHEREOF the parties to this lease agreement and WITNESS whereof of
both the parties put their hand and signature on the day, month and year
above written.


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