555 Zion Rapture 555

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555 The Holy Sun Fire 555 555 The Lords Sun Day 555 Elisha Sun of Light / Gabriel Light of Sun/ Voice of Sun Light/ Sun Light of Love/ Sun of Sun Light

555 Mind of the Sun Flame/Flame of the Sun Robe 555

555 Secret Chariot Key 555

The Old Ship of Zion The Lord Himself, the Father, will see us there to board the ship - he will meet us some morning to send us with our tickets in our hand! He will step in the door and say, "Well, I just found something, and it has scientifically proven the truth of this message. One of these glorious days our great rapture ship, called Zion, will leave its space port docking harbour in a higher dimension yonder with its passenger manifest. The old Space-Ship of the Bride, Zion, will break through the mist of the dimension wall in its coming.

The Lord Jesus is the blessed Driver of this chariot, the Pilot of the old ship of Zion, the boat of Life, and it will be moving down through the building, speaking by the

manifestation of its ethereal appearance that His Presence is here.

Jesus the Son is now training Jewules Jeremiah Therion Zoon to take over The Captains Pilot Seat - as He has been so appointed therein, as it pleases the Father, and has been done with purpose, so that our Brother who is so recently deceased has been called forth to receive His glorified body the resurrection of form over the theophonic Light Body, glorified by all the Cosmic Vitamins and particles that are absorbed by travelling faster than Light Speed -forming a body around the person riding in circuit trail of the Old Ship. Rise Immortal oh Grand Heart who is a Grand- Father in deed, and declare unto the Lord from out of Zion the 500 Passenger Manifest of those who are sealed in to do this great Love Empire its feat of the impossible Paradox the end of time and the trumpet of God

The very Holy Spirit that raised the Son of God from the grave is here to pick us up in the Zion Ship and those getting picked up will see two glossy wings of the Holy Spirit

reaching across and over death and say, "Come, you blessed of My Father. And I know there's many waiting for the day that when the old ship of Zion shall come into the earth port and take up our souls into a higher dimension, and take us into the Presence of Him Who we love, and have pledged our love to.

The morning star will come down in the valley of death to light up the road. We'll hear the old ship of Zion blow when she comes dashing through that fog of the dimension wall in the room where we are gathered. Then we'll hear her blow, the Trumpet of God sounding forth, and well see the emblem of the old rugged cross standing there up in the atmosphere, and the winds a whipping the old grey banners as she moves through the fog of deathly clouds created by the volcanic ash of volcanic eruptions. Oh, I want to stand on the deck of the old space ship of Zion and raise my hands and say, "Amazing grace, how sweet the sound," or, "Oh, how I love Jesus." Hallelujah. God will take one in the field and one in the bed. The Ship of Zion will move right

down through that dimension to be visibly manifest at the bedside; and we'll step our feet on there, on the platform that physically appears, and when that platform starts to disappear, it will takes us into the land over yonder, in that Land where we'll never grow old. There's a ship coming by here, through the air just in a few minutes. And every one of you that wants to get on can get on. And it goes to a land, of this same earth, in a higher dimension... I just returned from there. "Just across there, just as soon as you step off on that other side, immediately you return back young. And I met people that'd been there for a millions of years, and they just look the same." And I think that's the way we all feel. And you know, that isn't just a story; that's the truth.

And the old ship of Zion is going to come down through the air one of these days, and load up with saints, and cross over, just go beneath the banner of the cross, and then we're home. Oh, that great time. And while the ship begins to ascend into a higher dimension wrinkles will leave the face (Hallelujah.); gray hairs will vanish away and

we'll have a body like His Own glorious Body. We shall see Him as He is, and meet our loved ones in that happy land. Give them courage. The gate's open now; the tickets are free. Won't you come? Step aboard the old ship of Zion; she's going moving out. Let's go. You'll be the old ship of Zion! You'll be the glossy Wings, You'll be the Morning Star that lights up the valley of the shadow of death you will be the One that will pack us over the river of Space, into that great Promised Land. We are satisfied of that, Lord. Oh, but what will it be when I hear the old ship of Zion blow the trumpet that morning and I see the banners of His epic picture a-waving on grey clouds! When the battle's over and the victory's won, hallelujah! And we're coming Home, where death, sin and hell is conquered; and there's no more sin, no more death, no more sorrow. I can just hear the whistle blowing! Oh, we're nearing the City. Yes, sir. The breakers are coming in and the old ship's moving into her place. God, help us to live for that hour! God, let know that someday we're going out of this tent, this dwelling place, the tabernacle of our humiliation, and we're going to be changed, step over on another land where it's purity. And when our feet first touches that blessed land, when the old ship of Zion blows for landing, we rush out, it's going to be all over then. Sickness, and cripples, and afflictions, and everything will be gone. Old age, death, sorrow, all these natural things that was caused by the curse will be gone forever more. And now the great chariot of God will back up to the door someday, and we'll go home to live with Him. All records are destroyed; we can't be judged no more; burn them up, He put them in the sea of forgiveness and remembers about it no more. No wonder we can sing, someday, when our great Chief Captain shall come, Who armored us, Who give us the armor of God, the Holy Ghost, give us His Word to fight with, stand out there; when our great Chief Captain comes riding in, I want to step up on the chariot and ride up home with Him and start walking down through those paradises of God, and the Angels filling the air with anthems above like that; talk about a celebration. And when the battle is over we shall wear the crown. Oh, my. Oh, soldiers of the cross, this morning, pull that arm of faith out here and get a hold of this Weapon. Now, we cannot be simply confrontational for the sake of being confrontational. Thats not it. There are lives to be saved, therere obligations to be fulfilled. There is a testimony to be given and there is strength to be received by the exercise of faith in the Word that has been manifested as correct. The Holy Ghost says the "water" means thickness and multitudes and people. And here's One in white linen, waving Himself up and down upon the waters with His hand up to heaven, swearing by Him that lives forever and ever, when these things happen, time shall be no more. Hallelujah. We see these nations breaking and things taking place like the LA quake the mystery of God's already accomplished and ready for projection! God in you, the hope of glory shining forth, the baptism of the Holy Spirit! God is taking and putting His robe upon each one and giving them an invitation to the Wedding Supper. And the great High Priest, Melchisedec will come someday and we'll eat the communion anew with Him in the Kingdom of God one of these great, glorious days. Yes, sir. Some great day, some marvelous day time shall be no more. Christ rises up His hands and swears by Him that lives forever and ever, that time shall be no more, at the finishing of that time that he had told him, this dividing of time that we're living in now. At that time the mystery of God should be finished. And the world

groaning, waiting today, people don't know the mystery of God. You must know the mystery of God. No man can reveal it to you but the One that had the Book. And the Bible said, "No man can call Jesus the Christ, only by the Holy Ghost." This grand, old Holy Ghost church is going to come out one of these days and shine like you've never seen. When the rainbows of our Message on the Clouds are sweeping through the skies, and the fires are falling, and the Sputniks have dropped their bombs - the handwriting's on the wall. Having come down this road before we know that there was one split second and that there will be millions times millions in the New England States that will be swept outside of eternity without a chance to be sealed in. So a rescue operation was mounted for the lost millions by those in Eternity willing to be cut off from the Spirit of God living then on borrowed time of whatever energy reserves could be drawn upon to enact the rescue within a set time period. Remember, He who speaks tonight, the Spirit knows what truth is. Come- gather now your crew that was assembled and shine the reflection of Christ into the darkness and pull earth from the rim of the pit to the doors of new creation and purpose- Amen Refuse not him that speaketh from the clouds. For if they escaped not who refused him that spoke on earth, much more shall we not escape if we turn from him that speaks from heaven in the demonstration of the Word in power, Whose voice then shook the earth: but now promised, Yet once more I shake not earth only, but heaven, for all shall bear witness. With the Los Angeles earth-quake there won't be one stone left upon another. Oh, to think, Lord, that we'll go home, then it's all over, that glorious event. (It is what I already said. The earthquake itself is not the glorious event, but the rapture is, and the clouds caused by the Volcanic Ash will surround the earth, and the Image of Christ will possibly be projected onto that therein lies the glorious event! He says we will go home then, after the earthquake strikes to meet him in the air of the higher dimension!) You know, God, before He does any major thing on this earth, He always sends a forerunner of it. He always does. Those volcano clouds cover the earth in that darkest of hours, in that time when all hopes are gone, and then grace comes pouring through, saying, "I have given you a Saviour, a Messiah." Oh, it's a wonder how God could ever do it. O God, restore to us this understanding, Lord. Give unto us the great satisfaction that we long for, that we one day shall hear the sounding of the Angels as they break forth in a "Hallelujah Chorus" in the skies, and Jesus shall appear yonder and the church will be caught up. His Coming will be as the lightning shineth from the east even into the west, so shall His Coming be - you see, for He is the driver of that Old Ship Zion, which will set in the higher dimension of the earth and act as the Movie-Projector Palace. I watched them set their dramas, and I thought, "Oh, we are standing way yonder on the tower far above anything in this world (in a higher dimension). And we're watching two of the greatest things: the running out of time, and the coming of the Lord in the clouds." The antichrist, he has his subjects setting there. He has the communism; he has the different "isms." He has everything set to make a great show.

But I'm so glad that there's a Father in heaven who has His characters set too for this great drama. When the antichrist takes them into this decrease of everything, even to time, God is ready in His drama to lift His church into eternity into the bless-full realms of the eternal with God Himself, when these old vile bodies will be changed and made like unto His own glorious body, and this corruption shall take on immortality, and in His likeness we will stand forever. Look. The time has come now where you've got to make a decision. I put this challenge to anybody to accept God's Word, no matter what's wrong with you, if you'll make your heart right with God, and promise God that you'll serve Him, and then take Him at His Word. Don't pay any attention to the results you get, just believe, and God will bring it to pass. Give ear, (oh, here is his song) give ear, O Heavens, (he speaks a song.) My doctrine shall drop as the rain, (that's the Word of God--is rain) my speech shall distil as the dew, as the small rain upon the tender herb, and as the showers upon the grass: In other words, the Word of God absolutely is like water and it does the work it needs to do. And no matter how it needs to be done, like dew, like rain, whatever. Because I will publish the name of the Lord: ascribe ye greatness unto our God. And in this manner does the Lord pour out His Spirit upon all flesh and are our hands wiped clean of the blood of all men, for we did not fail to declare the whole testimony of God unto the world, and the preaching of the blood. At this time the mystery of God should be finished to the people of the world, Who God is, and how He was made manifest; how when that seal was opened, how we begin to understand now how that He was the Son of God; He was God Himself made flesh; and the revelation of Who He is; that should be finished before this Angel can put His feet upon the land and sea and swear that there'll be time no more when this time comes. And every eye shall see Him, every knee shall bow, and every tongue shall confess Him. Redemption is over, but His Holy Spirit remains here to deal with Israel. You can't play with this Gospel. It's not to be played with. It must hit the tack ten times out of ten. It's got to be perfect or it isn't right and it won't work. It's got to be perfect. And He said at this time the mystery of God should be finished: Who God is, and how He was made manifest; how when that seal was opened, how that He was the Son of God; He was God Himself made flesh; and the revelation of Who He is; that should be finished before this Angel can put His feet upon the land and sea and swear that there'll be time no more when this time comes. We're right in that front yard of it right now. Time has run out; redemption is over; now He comes in as the Lion of the tribe of Juda. And when he had taken the book the four and twenty elders fell down before the Lamb, having every one of them harps, and golden vials full of odours and prayers of the saints. Now, this is the time when everything must worship. Now, remember, how appropriate. Now, don't let us miss this now. Listen close. When all the mysteries of the church age are finished, when all the

mysteries of the plans of redemption are unveiled, right immediately after those Seven Seals are opened by the Lion of the Tribe of Judah it's time for everything in heaven and everything on earth to worship God. Now, watch what takes place. And they sung a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou was slain, and has redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred,... tongue, and people, and nation; And Thou has made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth. And every creature which is in heaven and on earth, and underneath the earth, and such as are in the sea, and all that is in them, heard I John saying, Blessings,... honor,... glory,... power, be unto him that set upon the throne, and to the Lamb for ever and ever. John must've really had a Pentecost of his own. He said, "Every creature in heaven, every creature in the earth, every creature beneath the earth, every creature that was in the sea, heard me saying, Amen, glory, honour, power, and blessings, be to Him that sets upon the throne, that Lamb." It is a time of worship. Amen. How did they do it? Here's His Word. You know what you are to do and they will all hear it!.

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