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1 Environmental Studies:

(a) is an interdisciplinary academic field

(b) methodically studies human interaction with the environment

(c) includes the natural environment, built environment, and the sets of relationships between them

(d) all of the above

Correct Answer: (d) all of the above

2. Environmental Studies does not involve:

(a) psychology (b) demography

(c) ethics (d) literature

Correct Answer: (d) literature

3. An organism's environment is the surrounding conditions that affect that organism

(a) True (b) False

Correct Answer: (a) True

4. Political decision are made with respect to political jurisdictions, environmental problems

(a) often transcend these jurisdictions

(b) respect political boundaries

(c) often have little to do with regional economic decisions

(d) none of the above

Correct Answer: (a) often transcend these jurisdictions

5. Environmentalist who uses an ecosystem approach to comprehend environmental issues will take
Into consideration which of the following?

(a) human activity (b)the interaction between organisms

(c) geography (d)all of the above

(e) none of the above

Correct Answer: (e) none of the above

6. Abiotic environment does not include:

(a) soil (c) air

(b) water (d) plant

Correct Answer: (d) plant

7. Van Mahotsav is an annual tree-planting festival in India, celebrated on:

(a) 2 June (c) 1" December

(b)1st July (d)15th September

Correct Answer: (b)1st July

8. Biotic environment includes:

(a) producers (b) consumers

(c) decomposers (d) all the above

Correct Answer: (d) all the above

9. Outcomes of Rio Conference do not include:

(a) The UN Framework Convention on Climate Change

(b) The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)

(c) Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer

(d) Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD)

Correct Answer: (c) Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer

10. Which of the following follow the concept of sustainable development?

(1) Fishing the mature fish instead of the young fish.

(ii) Using wing power instead of burning coal to generate electricity.

(iii) The prohibition of trading endangered species.

(a) (1) and (2) only (b) (1) and (3) only

(c) (2) and (3) only (d) (1), (2) and (3)

Correct Answer: (d) (1), (2) and (3)

11. The evidence that the world is experiencing an environmental crisis is highly visible in many parts
of the world.

(a) True (b) False

Correct Answer: (a) True

12. The natural world uses resources efficiently, while humans tend to waste resources more.

(a) True (b) False

Correct Answer: (a) True

13. The Montreal Protocol, signed in 1987 and strengthened in 1990,

(a) attains the global optimal level of common property resource.

(b) relies on internationally tradable emission permits.

(c) minimizes free riders of public goods.

(d) reduces ozone depletion through the cutting of chlorofluorocarbon production.

Correct Answer: (d) reduces ozone depletion through the cutting of chlorofluorocarbon production.

14. The main outcome of the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development,
held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, was

(a) it produced a blueprint intended to guide development in sustainable directions.

(b) a global agreement on a framework for environmental legislation.

(c) a report entitled Our Common Future.

(d) it raised awareness of the need to preserve biodiversity in the Amazon River Basin

Correct Answer: (a) it produced a blueprint intended to guide development in sustainable directions

15 . The notion of environmental justice refers to

(a) grassroots activities that monitor environmental conditions and work toward equal

distribution of environmental impacts and benefits.

(b) rewarding those who work hard for environmental improvement, such as grassroots


(c) environmental racism, where waste sites and other hazardous facilities are more likely to be

located in nonwhite neighborhoods.

(d) prosecution of environmental offenders by government agencies.

Correct Answer: (a) grassroots activities that monitor environmental conditions and work toward
equal distribution of environmental impacts and benefits.

16. Which of the following global trends is of great concern for the future of our environment?

(a) degradation of fertile soils

(b) changes in the global atmosphere

(c) species extinction leading to the loss of biodiversity

(d) population growth and increasing per capita consumption of resources

(e) all of the above

Correct Answer: (e) all of the above

17 Introduction of chemicals into atmosphere is known as

(a) air pollution (b) radioactive pollution

(c)atmospheric pollution (d) dense pollution

Correct Answer: (a) air pollution

(18) Second highest layer of Earth's atmosphere is

(a) stratosphere (d) thermosphere

(c) troposphere (b) mesosphere

Correct Answer: (a) stratosphere

19. Re-processing material to make another product:

(a)Reduce (b)Reuse

(c) Recycle (d)Recovery

Correct Answer: (c) Recycle

20. Most recycling focuses on four major categories of products. Which one of these is NOT one of

(a) Chemicals (b) Paper

(c) Plastic (d) Glass

Correct Answer: (a) Chemicals

21. The following is an example of reusing:

(a) Using less napkins at eateries.

(b) Using waste plastic bags as garbage bags

(c) Bringing plastic bottles/bags at recycle facility

(d) Using again the plastic/cloth bags for shopping

Correct Answer: (b) Using waste plastic bags as garbage bags

22. The following is an example of reducing:

(a) Using less water while brushing teeth

(b) Using recycled plastic bags

(c) Bringing newspaper at recycle facility

(d) All of the above

Correct Answer: (a) Using less water while brushing teeth

(23) Which of the following items cannot be recycled?

(a) Food item (c) Paper

(b) Plastic (d) Batteries

Correct Answer: (a) Food item

24. What is the term used to describe objects that are being washed and used again?

(a) Reduce (b) Reuse

(c) Recycle (d) Recovery

Correct Answer: (b) Reuse

25. What does it mean if an item is "biodegradable'?

(a) It means that it will eventually break down completely in nature

(b) It means that it is bad for the environment

(c) It means that it is perfect for composting

(d) It means that it can be eaten by vultures.

Correct Answer: (a) It means that it will eventually break down completely in nature

26. When did the Three Mile Island accident happen?

(a) March 11, 1979

(b) March 28, 1979

(c) May 04, 2011

(d) July 05, 1967

Correct Answer: (b) March 28, 1979

27. The Three Mile Island accident happened in Pennsylvania. The reactor had a number of
automated safety systems. Clearly, all did not go as the designers expected. What went wrong with
the automated safety systems?

(a) Generally, they worked as designed. However, the operators overrode several of these systems
and made the accident much worse than it would otherwise have been.

(b) There was a lightning strike at the plant and the electronic systems were fried.

(c) The designers did not account for a loss of feed water to the reactor so there was no backup
when that supply of water was cut off.

(d) The backup supplies of cooling water were insufficient to cool the nuclear fuel.

Correct Answer: (a) Generally, they worked as designed. However, the operators overrode several of
these systems and made the accident much worse than it would otherwise have been.

28. There was a lot of debate on the radiation releases from the accident at Three Mile Island. What
was the final conclusion on the magnitude of the public exposure?

(a) The public were not exposed to dangerous levels of radiation from the accident. No discernible
health effects occurred.

(b) Thousands of people were seriously exposed to high levels of radiation as a result of the accident
at Three Mile Island. While tracking deaths is difficult, it is estimated that hundreds died due to their

(c) The radiation exposure would have been very high since the releases were large. However, with
the prompt evacuation, no lethal exposures occurred.

(d) Hundreds of people were seriously exposed to high levels of radiation as a result of the accident
at Three Mile Island. While tracking deaths is difficult, it is estimated that more than ten died due to
their exposures.
Correct Answer: (a) The public were not exposed to dangerous levels of radiation from the accident.
No discernible health effects occurred.

29. How much response was there from the government and nuclear industry regarding the Three
Mile Island accident?

(a) Neither the government or industry did much as the event quickly fell out of the public eye.

(b) The government made a lot of serious proposals, but the nuclear industry largely ignored them.

(c) Both the government and the nuclear industry made fundamental changes in how nuclear power
was regulated and how plants were operated.

(d) The government was distracted by the Iran hostage crisis but the nuclear industry seeing the loss
of a huge investment took on a big effort to prevent future similar events.

Correct Answer: (c) Both the government and the nuclear industry made fundamental changes in
how nuclear power was regulated and how plants were operated.

30. Let's turn to the Chernobyl accident which happened in 1986. The Chernobyl power station had
four RBMK reactors. RBMK is a Russian acronym. The accident occurred in Unit 4, the newest of
those at the station. How much are the normal modern Western nuclear power reactors like the
RBMK reactors?

(a) They are very different.

(b) The Soviets stole from the French, the British, the America but not exactly like mix of all of these
and, therefore, alike in some ways to each but not exactly like any (

c) Since the Soviet Union stole the Western reactor designs, they are very similar.

(d) The Soviet design was unique and incorporated many advanced features not included in Wester

Correct Answer: (a) They are very different.

31. In addition to the lack of containment what other feature of the RBMK design magnified the
radioactive material releases from Chernobyl?

(a) Water shooting from broken pipes carried radioactive material away from the plant.

(b) The graphite caught fire and the thermal plume of the fire pushed radioactive material high into
the atmosphere.

(c) The other three reactors at the site were damaged by the event in Unit 4 and released additional
radioactive material

(d) The workers were afraid and did nothing to even try to contain the event.

Correct Answer: (b) The graphite caught fire and the thermal plume of the fire pushed radioactive
material high into the atmosphere.

32. The radiation releases from the Chernobyl accident are expected to be the major cause of death
in the surrounding population for years to come.

(a) True (b) False

Correct Answer: (b) False

33. Now the Fukushima reactors in Japan. How did the earthquake cause a loss of control of the
power level of the operating reactors?

(a) The earthquake jammed all the control rods out of operating reactors and they could not be

(b) It didn't. The reactors that were shutdown stayed shutdown. Those operating shutdown

(c) The automated systems tried to shutdown the reactors, but the operators, concerned for the
need for electricity after this national disaster, kept them running at full power.

(d) The earthquake caused the reactors at Fukushima to run up to very high power like the
Chernobyl reactor.

Correct Answer: (b) It didn't. The reactors that were shutdown stayed shutdown. Those operating
shutdown automatically

34. Why didn't the Fukushima plant systems which were designed to keep the nuclear fuel cool

(a) They were poorly designed and didn't have the necessary capacity.

(b) The reactors were so badly damaged that there were no pipes let to carry cooling water into the

(c) The operators, like those at Three Mile Island, misunderstood what was going on and they shut
down key all the key systems.

(d) Between the earthquake and the tsunami, all the sources of electrical power were compromised
and the cooling systems could not function.

Correct Answer: (d) Between the earthquake and the tsunami, all the sources of electrical power
were compromised and the cooling systems could not function.

(35) Which of the following is greenhouse gas?

(a) Carbon mono oxide (c) Acid fumes

(b) Carbon dioxide (d) Oxygen

Correct Answer: (b) Carbon dioxide

36. Which of the following is greenhouse gas?

(a) Sulphur dioxide (b) Methane

(c) Nitrogen (d) Oxygen

Correct Answer: (b) Methane

37. Which among the following can cause global warming?

(a) Fishing (b) Volcanic eruptions

(c) Mudslides (d) Plantation

Correct Answer: (b) Volcanic eruptions

38. What is greenhouse effect?

(a)Increased landslides (c) More Mudslides

(b) Extra Volcanic eruptions (d) Sea level rise

Correct Answer: (d) Sea level rise

39. What does a greenhouse gas do?

(a) It causes more heat to be kept out of the Earth

(b) It causes the sun's light to be kept out of the Earth

(c) It absorbs and holds in heat

(d) It causes acid rain.

Correct Answer: (c) It absorbs and holds in heat

40. The Taj mahal is affected by

(a) Soil Pollution (c) Air Pollution

(b) Water Pollution (d) Fog

Correct Answer: (b) Water Pollution

41 How to prevent Acid Rain:

(a) By increasing the emission of S02, and NO2,

(b) By decreasing the emission of SO2, and NO2,

(c) By increasing the emission of HCL and Phosphate

(d) By decreasing the emission of HCL and Phosphate

Correct Answer: (b) By decreasing the emission of SO2, and NO2,

42. The appropriate way to reduce the effect of acid rain on soil...

(a) By adding hydrochloric acid to the soil

(b) By adding limestone to the soil

(c) By adding nitrogen to the soil

(d) By adding oxygen to the soil

Correct Answer: (b) By adding limestone to the soil


1. The world environment is derived from French word

(a) Environner (b) Environnering

(c) E-Environner (d) Envo

Correct Answer: (a) Environner

2. As per the French word ENVIRONNER means

(a) atmosphere (b) earth and sun

(c) encircle and surround (d) earth and energy

Correct Answer: (c) encircle and surround

3. World Environment day is on

(a) June 5 (b) June 11

(c) July 5 (d) July 11

Correct Answer: (a) June 5

4. World day of water is on

(a) April 22 (b) March 23

(c) March 24 (d) March 22

Correct Answer: (d) March 22

5. Earth day is on

(a) January 22 (b) February 22

(c) March 22 (d) April 22

Correct Answer: (d) April 22

6. Ecomark of our country is

(a) Earthen pitcher (b) Water drop

(c) Sun (d) Ashoka tree

Correct Answer: (a) Earthen pitcher

7. Environmental friendly products are given ISO certification called ISO

(a) 12000 (b) 13000

( c)14000 (d) 15000

Correct Answer: c)14000

8. Nobel peace prize in 2004 for contribution towards environmental conservation was awarded to

(a) Ratan Tata (b) Wangari Maathai

(c) S. D. Bush (d) Dr. Manmohan Singh

Correct Answer: b) Wangari Maathai

9. Earth summit, the conference on Environment and Development held at Ric de Janeiro in

(a) 1892 (b) 1992

(c) 2012 (d) 2011

Correct Answer: (b) 1992

10. World summit on sustainable development held at Johannesburg in

(a) 2001 (b) 2002

(c) 2003 (d) 2004

Correct Answer: (b) 2002

11. He is popularly known as the Green judge.

(a) Mr. Manmohan Singh (b) Kuldeep Singh

(c) Mangal Singh (d) Mr. Jethmalani

Correct Answer: (b) Kuldeep Singh

12. He is known as Green Advocate.

(a) Mr. K. P. Raghav (b) Mr. P. Chidambaram

(c) Mr. S. D. Rao (d) Mr. M. C. Mehta

Correct Answer: (d) Mr. M. C. Mehta

13. He is known for his 'Chipko Movement'.

(a) Atal Bihari Bajpeyi (b) Anna Hajare

(c) Sundarlal Bahuguna (d) Pandit Nehru

Correct Answer: (c) Sundarlal Bahuguna

14. He got the Magsaysay award for water conservation effort.

(a) Rajender Singh (b) Ashok Singh

(c) Nana Patekar (d) Anil Agrawal

Correct Answer: (a) Rajender Singh

15. Wild life week is celebrated in the period of

(a) 1-7th October (c) 1-8th March

(b) 11-18th November (d) 1-8th April

Correct Answer: (a) 1-7th October

16. World Forest day is on

(a) 11 March (c) 13 March

(b) 12 March (d) 21 March

Correct Answer: (d) 21 March

17. Edaphic means

(a) Related to water (c) Related to air

(b) Related to soil (d) Related to sun

Correct Answer: (b) Related to soil

18. The environment which has been modified by human activities is called

(a) Natural environment (b) Modern environment

(c) Anthropogenic environment (d) Semi-natural environment

Correct Answer: (c) Anthropogenic environment

19. The term Ecology was introduced by

(a) Haeckel (b) Newton

(c) S. S. Rao (d) Tansley

Correct Answer: (a) Haeckel

20. The ecological factors related to soil and substratum are called factors.

(a) Edaphic (b) Somatic

(c) Air-borne (d) Egis

Correct Answer: (a) Edaphic

21. The inter governmental conference on environmental education in 1977 was held in

(a) Tbilisi (USSR) (c) Albita

(b) Delhi (India) (d) Newyork (USA)

Correct Answer: (a) Tbilisi (USSR)

22.Abiotic components are.

(a) non-living (c) artificial

(b) living (d) earth living

Correct Answer: (a) non-living

23. CFCs that contributes to the depletion of.

(a) ozone layer (c) SO2 layer

(b) cartoon layer (d) methane layer

Correct Answer: (a) ozone layer

24. The major green house gases are

(a) CO2,CH4,N2O (c) CH4,CH3,CH5

(b)CO2,O2,SO2 (d)CO2,CO3,O2

Correct Answer: (a) CO2,CH4,N2O

25. Greenhouse gases are regulated under the UN framework convention on climate change and the

(a) Tokiyo protocal (c) Mumbai protocal

(b) Kyoto protocal (d) Narvey protocal

Correct Answer: (a) Tokiyo protocal

26._____________are animals that have no backbone and are visible without magnification

(a) Micro (c) Macro invertebrates

(b) Mini (d) Non-macro invertebrates

Correct Answer: (c) Macro invertebrates

27. Montreal protocol is related to

(a) Deplete of ozone layer (c) SO2layer

(b) Cartoon layer (d) Sulphur layer

Correct Answer: (a) Deplete of ozone layer

28. __________are the most common cause of viral gastroenteritis in human.

(a) Noroviruses (c) Fungi

(b) Bitaviruses (d) Yeasts

Correct Answer: (a) Noroviruses

29. OCED stands for.......

(a) Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

(b) Organisation for Environmental Company and Development

(c) Organisation for Environmental Company and Department

(d) Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Department

Correct Answer: (a) Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

30. ......on cryotic soil is soil at or below the freezing point of water 0°C (32°F) for two or more years.

(a) Permafrost (c) Primefrost

(b) Frost (d) Thermofrost

Correct Answer: (a) Permafrost

31. Area in the interface between land and river or stream is called as..............

(a) spring (c) forest

(b) riparian (d) forest land

Correct Answer: (b) riparian

32. Developments that meets the need of present without compromising the ability of future
generation to meet their own needs is called as.............

(a) sustainable development (c) future development

(b) stable development (d) natural development

Correct Answer: (a) sustainable development

33. Van Mahotsav is an annual tree-planting festival in India, celebrated on.

(a) 1st March (c) 1st July

(b) 2nd March (d) 2nd July

Correct Answer: (c) 1st July

34. The scientific method of dating based on the analysis of patterns of tree-rings is called as

(a) Dendrochronology (c) Expost

(b) Ecosystem (d) Ecology

Correct Answer: (a) Dendrochronology

35. Place or type of site where an organism or population naturally occurs.

(a) Habitat (c) Biotop

(b) Collapse (d) Biosphere

Correct Answer: (a) Habitat

36._________ is called as area which is interface between land and river or stream.

(a) Riparian (c) Biotop

(b) Biosphere (d) Habitat

Correct Answer: (a) Riparian

37. The lowest layer, the troposphere, is only kilometers thick.

(a) 1 (b) 2

(c) 12 (d) 20

Correct Answer: (c) 12

38. The stratosphere is. _________ kilometer thick.

(a) 1 (b) 2

(c) 50 (d) 100

Correct Answer:(c) 50
39. The stratosphere contains a layer of which is instrumental in the formation of rain.

(a) sulphates (b) CO₂

(c) 0 (d) CO₂ + O2

Correct Answer: (a) sulphates

40. Stratosphere contains layer of.

(a) 0 (b) carbon

(c) ozone (d) water

Correct Answer: (c) ozone

41. Layer of ozone absorbs known to cause cancer.

(a) Ultra violet light

(b) Beta violet light

(c) Bright light

(d) Super light

Correct Answer: (a) Ultra violet light

42. The accumulation of carbon dioxide and other gases cause. global warming phenomenon. in the
atmosphere that is leading to

(a) light effect

(b) green house effect

(c) yellow light effect

(d) solar effect

Correct Answer: (b) green house effect

43) Lithosphere provides us the soil for

(a) rain water harvesting

(b) wild life

(c) agriculture

(d) non-agriculture

Correct Answer: (c) agriculture

44. There are. types of lithosphere

(a) four (b) six

(c) eleven (d) two

Correct Answer: (d) two

45.The biosphere is also called as

(a) zone of life on earth (c) life in environment

(b) zone of wild life on earth (d) life on earth and moon

Correct Answer: (a) zone of life on earth

46. The biosphere is postulated to have evolved at least some billion years ago.

(a)1.5 (c) 3.5

(b) 2.5 (d) 4.5

Correct Answer: (c) 3.5

47. By their percentage contribution to greenhouse effect on earth, the four major gases are water
vapor, carbon dioxide, methane and............

(a) oxygen (b) sulphur

(c) ozone (d) H₂S

Correct Answer: (c) ozone

48. The global temperature has increased. degree Celsius in last 100 years.

(a) 100 (b) 200

(c) 0.74 (d) 11.72

Correct Answer: (c) 0.74

(49) Acid rain is caused by emissions of carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide and

(a) nitrogen oxides (c) oxygen

(b) ozone (d) CO, ozone

Correct Answer: (a) nitrogen oxides

50. ODS stands for

(a) Ozone depleting substances

(b) Oxygen depleting substances

(c) Oxygen deposit substances

(d) Oxygen developing substances

Correct Answer: (a) Ozone depleting substances

51. Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster took place on April 26,

(a) 1986 (c) 2000

(b) 1900 (d) 2001

Correct Answer: (a) 1986

52.WHO stands for

(a) World Health Organisation

(b) World Human Organisation

(c) World Human Operations

(d) Whole Health Organisation

Correct Answer: (a) World Health Organisation

53. During the World War II, USA conducted two automic bombs against cities of Japan, Hiroshima

(a) Fuketu (c) Tokiyo

(b) Fukeshima (d) Nagasaki

Correct Answer: (d) Nagasaki

54. USA dropped bomb in Nagasaki on. 1945,

(a) August 6

(b) August 9

(c) August 11

(d) August 1

Correct Answer: (b) August 9

55. USA dropped bomb in Hiroshima on. 1945.

(a) August 1

(b) August 6

(c) August 9

(d) August 11

Correct Answer: (b) August 6


(1)Which one of the following is an example of non-renewable resources?

(a) Wind (c) Coal and minerals

(b) Vegetation (d) Water

Correct Answer: (c) Coal and minerals

2. Which of the following is a renewable resource?

(a) Wind (c) Flora and fauna

(b) Water (d) All the above

Correct Answer: (d) All the above

3.Which gas in stratosphere does provide protection to our life?

(a) Argon (c) Oxygen

(b) Nitrogen (d) Ozone

Correct Answer: (d) Ozone

4. The life supporting gases such as O, CO, and N, are chiefly concentrated in the.......

(a) Troposphere (c) Homosphere

(b) Exosphere (d) Stratosphere

Correct Answer: (a) Troposphere

5. Floods can be prevented by

(a) afforestation (c) cutting the forests

(b) removing the top soil (d) tilling the land

Correct Answer: (a) afforestation

6.) Biogas generation is mainly based on the principle of

(a) anaerobic degradation (c) putrefaction

(b) aerobic decomposition (d) none of the above

Correct Answer: (a) anaerobic degradation

7.Which one of the following is not a fossil fuel?

(a) Petroleum (c) Natural gas

(b) Coal (d) Uranium

Correct Answer: (d) Uranium

8. The death of the last individual of a species is called.......

(a) extinction (b) endanger

(c) neither nor (d) diversity

Correct Answer: (a) extinction

9. Atomic energy is obtained by using ores of

(a) copper (b) uranium

(c) lead (d) crude oil

Correct Answer: (b) uranium the major raw material for biogas.

(a) Tree leaves (b) Grass

(c) Cow dung (d) Waste from kitchen

Correct Answer: (c) Cow dung

11. In the atmosphere, the layer above the troposphere is......

(a) exosphere (c) stratosphere

(b) mesosphere (d) thermosphere

Correct Answer: (c) stratosphere

12.Both power and manure are provided by

(a) hydroelectric plants (c) nuclear power plants

(b) gobar gas plants (d) thermal plants

Correct Answer: (b) gobar gas plants

13. Which of the following is not considered to be a natural resource?

(a) soil (c) scenery

(b) river (d) climate

(e) all of the above are examples of natural resources

Correct Answer: (e) all of the above are examples of natural resources

14. Total earth's surface covered by water is..

(a) 75% (b) 80%

(c) 60% (d) 65%

Correct Answer: (a) 75%

15. Biotic component of biosphere is not constituted by

(a)producer (b)photosynthesis

(c) consumer (d)air

Correct Answer: (d)air

16. An increase in carbon dioxide content in the atmosphere wld not cause

(a) more heat to be retained by the environment

(b)increase in photosynthesis in plants

(c) global warming

(d) abundance of desert plants

Correct Answer: (d) abundance of desert plants

17.Oxygen is returned to the atmosphere mainly by

(a) respiration (b)fungi

(c) photosynthesis (d) burning of fuels

Correct Answer: (c) photosynthesis

18. Among the given options, which one is not correct for the use of large amount of fertilisers and

(a) They are eco-friendly

(b)They turn the fields barren after some time

(C)They adversely affect the useful component from the soil

(d) They destroy the soil fertility

Correct Answer: (a) They are eco-friendly

19. Which rays are stopped by ozone layer in stratosphere?

(a) UV rays (c) X-rays

(b) Infrared (d) Gamma rays

Correct Answer: (a) UV rays

20. Atmosphere not uniformly heated by the sun does not cause

(a)air flows (b)variations in climate

(c)rainfall (d)tides

Correct Answer: (d)tides

21. Which is not true?

(a) Lithosphere includes the crust and the uppermost mantle

(b) Lithosphere is underlain by the asthenosphere

(c) Lithosphere provides timber

(d) lithosphere is broken into tectonic plates

Correct Answer: (c) Lithosphere provides timber

22. Which is false about biosphere?

(a) It is the global sum of all ecosystems

(b) It can also be called the zone of life on Earth

(c) It does not contain microbes

(d) It has evolved at least some 3.5 billion years ago

Correct Answer: (c) It does not contain microbes

23 Natural resources do not include.

(a) water (c) air

(b) refined oil (d) wood

Correct Answer: (b) refined oil

24. Demand for a resource does not change with the change in

(a) idea (c) technology

(b) need (d) economy

Correct Answer: (a) idea

25. A renewable resource is a resource which is replaced........

(a) naturally (c) by animals

(b) by human (d) all of the above

Correct Answer: (a) naturally

26. Which is true?

(a) Oxygen content may not get reduced if forest cover is not sufficient on the earth

(b) Forests can be said to behave like non-renewable resources if not overused.

(c) Fishes are capable of reproducing at the rate at which they are being caught.

(d) None of the above

(e) All of the above

Correct Answer: (d) None of the above

27. Non-renewable resources, once used____

(a) remain on earth in a different form

(b) become waste material

(c)are recycled

(d) all of the above

(e) none of the above

Correct Answer: (b) become waste material

28. Which of the following is a better definition for natural resources conservation?

(a) protection of wildlife (c) efficient use of natural resources

(b) environmental activism (d) preservation of natural resources

Correct Answer: (d) preservation of natural resources

29. What was the approximate world population of humans in the year 2008?

(a) 667 million (c) 6.67 billion

(b) 66 billion (d) 6.67 million

Correct Answer: (c) 6.67 billion

30. Which of the following is a renewable resource?

(a) salmon population that is farm raised

(b) sulfur

(c) light sweet crude oil shipped from Saudi Arabia

(d) iron ore that is commercially mined

Correct Answer: (a) salmon population that is farm raised

31 Which option below is not an example of pollution?

(a) smog in Delhi (c) overpopulation

(b) nuclear waste (d) untreated sewage

Correct Answer: (c) overpopulation

32. Fertile soil is always a renewable resource.

(a) True

(b) False

Correct Answer: (b) False

33. Progress that meets the needs of the present to meet their own needs is without compromising
the ability of future generations

(a) the tragedy of commons (c) net primary productivity

(b) sustainable development (d) the impossibility theorem

Correct Answer: (b) sustainable development

34. Biodiversity

(a) includes genetic, species, ecosystem, and functional diversities.

(b) refers to diversifying earth's non-renewable resources.

(c) refers to reconstruction of tropical rainforests.

(d) refers to biological effects on commercial plantation.

Correct Answer: (a) includes genetic, species, ecosystem, and functional diversities.

35. The greenhouse effect is the phenomenon by which

(a) biological diversity is dominant in agricultural production.

(b) the globe's water pollution affects plankton.

(c) the earth's atmosphere traps infrared radiation.

(d) climatic changes occur naturally in the forest

Correct Answer: (c) the earth's atmosphere traps infrared radiation.

36. Of given below, which is the non-conventional source of energy?

(a) Sun (b) Coal

(c) Wood (d) Diesel

Correct Answer: (a) Sun

37. Percentage of total water found as fresh water is.

(a) 87.5% (b) 2.5%

(c) 97.5% (d) 75%

Correct Answer: (b) 2.5%

38. Mining depends upon

(a) Concentration of mineral only

(b) Ease of extraction

(c) Nearness to the market

(d) All of the above

Correct Answer: (d) All of the above

39. Ideally cover of forest should be of the total area of a country.

(a) 23% (b) 30%

(c) 33% (d) 40%

Correct Answer: (c) 33%

40.Thia area has no permanent roads or settlements and is maintained primarily for its primitive
character and non-motorized recreation. It is a ____

(a)wilderness area (b)primitive recreation area

(c)national park (d)national forest

Correct Answer: (a)wilderness area

41. Where will the water sit the longest (longest renewal time)?

(a) atmosphere (b) freshwater lake

(c) glacier (d) ocean

(e) groundwater

Correct Answer: (c) glacier

42. Which one is not a disadvantage of a big dam?

(a) extremely expensive

(b) flooding of prime arable land

(c) electric energy generated from hydropower

(d) blocking upstream migration of salmon

(e) water loss with evaporation

Correct Answer: (c) electric energy generated from hydropower

43. Which of the following sources provides the least energy for industrialized countries?

(a) petroleum (c) coal

(b) nuclear fuels (d) gas

Correct Answer: (b) nuclear fuels

44. Which of the following energy sources provides a substantial amount of the energy needs for
developed countries?

(a) hydropower (c) solar

(b) wood (d) charcoal

Correct Answer: (a) hydropower

(45) Which of the following is a highly exploited natural resource?

(a)Water (b) Air

(c) Soil (d) None of the above

Correct Answer: (a)Water

46. What are called "Pastures of the sea"?

(a) Estuaries

(b) Antarctic divergence

(c) Coastal water

(d) All of the above

Correct Answer: (d) All of the above

47. Which inhibits the native plant life on Antartica from flourishing?

(a) Temperature (c) Drought

(b) Volcanoes (d) Ice

Correct Answer: (c) Drought

48. Soil containing many single soil called

(a) Pedon (c) Regloith

(b) Poly pedon (d) Profile

Correct Answer: (b) Poly pedon

49. Ground water is depleting at the rate of

(a) 10 cm/Year (c) <10 cm/Year

(b) >10 cm/Year (d) <5 cm/Year

Correct Answer: (c) <10 cm/Year

50. India is going to be wate. stressed country in 2025 and the water availability is going to be
between 1000 to 1700 cu. m per person predicted by


(b) UNDP (d) EPA

Correct Answer: (c) UNEP

51. Method which increases the amount of land used for cultivation on steep slope and mountains
and reduces erosion is

(a) Gully control (c) Terracing

(b) Zero Tillage (d) Contour farming

Correct Answer: (c) Terracing

52. Only % of total water resources is available for human use

(a) 0.2% (c) 6.12%

(b) 2.5% (d) 6.5%

Correct Answer: (a) 0.2%

53. Resources which are not reproducible are called

(a) Non reproducible resources (c) Renewable Resources

(b) Non renewable resources (d) Cyclic resources

Correct Answer: (b) Non renewable resources

54. Soil fertility is an example for resource

(a) Non reproducible resources c) Renewable Resources

(b) Non renewable resources (d) Cyclic resources

Correct Answer: (b) Non renewable resources

55. Which one of the following is a passive factor affecting soil formation

(a) Topography (c) Parent material

(b)Time (d)All of the above

Correct Answer: (d)All of the above

56. Drought is caused due to

(a) Variability in rainfall (c) Duration of the break in monsoon

(b)Delay in onset of monsoon (d)All of the above

Correct Answer: (d)All of the above


1.The main driving force of ecological system is

(a) wind energy (c) solar energy

(b) water energy (d) earth energy

Correct Answer: (c) solar energy

2. Oxygen is an example of

(a) Renewable resources (b) Non-renewable resources

Correct Answer: (a) Renewable resources

3. Coal is an example of

(a) Renewable resources (b) Non-renewable resources

Correct Answer: (b) Non-renewable resources

4.Coal, petroleum and natural gas are called as

(a) non-fossil fuels (c) semi-fossil fuels

(b) fossil fuel (d) transparent fuel

Correct Answer: (b) fossil fuel

5. Minerals rocks, salts and chemical are termed as

(a) abiotic resources (c) semi-transparent resources

(b) biotic resources (d) falling resources

Correct Answer: (a) abiotic resources

6. Mineral resources are the natural resources.

(a) Yes (b) No

Correct Answer: (a) Yes

7. The resources which are inexhaustive and can be regenerated within a given span of time are
called as

(a) Renewable resources (c) Solar resources

(b) Non-renewable resources (d) Non-solar resources

Correct Answer: (a) Renewable resources

8. As per the Ecological uses, a typical tree produces commercial goods worth about.

(a) 100 (c) 3000

(b) 1000 (d) 30,000

Correct Answer: (d) 30,000

9.The trees are called as, Earth's

(a) Heart (c) Lungs

(b) Brain (d) Beli

Correct Answer: (c) Lungs

10. The main greenhouse gas is absorbed by the forests as a raw material for photosynthesis.

(a) O₂

(b) CO₂

(c) SO₂

(d) 03

Correct Answer: (b) CO₂

11. About million species are found in the tropical forest alone.

(a) 5

(b) 10

(c) 7

(d) 100

Correct Answer: (c) 7

12. As per MOEF Annual Report (2005-06), in India total forest area is about

(a) 68,000,000 ha (c) 10,686,800 ha

(b) 10,000,000 ha (d) 20 ha

Correct Answer: (a) 68,000,000 ha

13. Chhota Nagpur is famous for

(a) Sugar (c) Rose gardens

(b) Tea gardens (d) Rice mill

Correct Answer: (b) Tea gardens

14. About % of the Earth's surface is covered by water.

(a) 10 (c) 90
(b) 100 (d) 75

Correct Answer: (d) 75

(15) Out of the total water reserves of the world, about is salty water (marine) and only- water is

(a) 97%,3% (c) 1%,99%

(b) 3%, 97% (d) 2%, 98%

Correct Answer: (a) 97%,3%

16. A layer of sediment or rock that is highly permeable and contains water is called

(a) aquifer

(b) spring

(c) glasier

(d) seepage

Correct Answer: (a) aquifer

17. Diamond is the non-metallic minerals.

(a) True (b) False

Correct Answer: (a) True

18. Graphite is the non-metallic minerals.

(a) True (b) False

Correct Answer: (a) True

19. FAO stands for

(a) Food and Agriculture Organisation

(b) Food and Agro Operations

(c) Frequent Agriculture Organisation

(d) Flood and Agriculture Organisation

Correct Answer: (a) Food and Agriculture Organisation

20. When the concentration of nitrates in water health hazard called.......... exceeds 45 mg/L, they
become the cause of a serious

(a) Luckemia (c) Cancer

(b) Blue baby syndrome (d) Paralysis

Correct Answer: (b) Blue baby syndrome

21. CNG stands for

(a) Cooling Natural Gas (c) Compound Natural Gas

(b) Compressed Natural Gas (d) Critical Natural Gas

Correct Answer: (b) Compressed Natural Gas

22. It is a mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen.

(a) CNG (c) GCN

(b) SNG (d) NGS

Correct Answer: (b) SNG

23. SNG stands for

(a) Synthetic Natural Gas (c) Sulphuric Natural Gas

(b) Systematic Natural Gas (d) Silver Nitrogen Gas

Correct Answer: (a) Synthetic Natural Gas

24. During photosynthesis trees produce

(a) Oxygen (b) CO₂

(c) CO (d) Nitrogen

Correct Answer: (a) Oxygen

25. Forests prevents soil erosion by binding soil particles by their

(a) steams

(b) leaves

(c) roots

(d) buds

Correct Answer: (c) roots

26. Wood pulp is used for making

(a) lumber (b) paper

(c) chipboard (d) gum

Correct Answer: (b) paper

27. About 20 species of all pests are known which have become immune to all types of pesticides arl
known as

(a) super kill (c) value pests

(b) super pests (d) suprim peats

Correct Answer: (d) suprim peats

28. Per capita use of water is the highest in

(a)USA (b) India

(c) Indonesia (d) Kuwait

Correct Answer: (a)USA

29. Blue baby syndrome (methemoglobinemia)

(a) Sulphur

(b) Arsenic

(c) Phosphates

(d) Nitrates

Correct Answer: (d) Nitrates

30. In a food chain, accumulation of non-biodegradable materials is called

(a) Biomagnification (c) Detoxification

(b) Buffer (d) Alter

Correct Answer: (a) Biomagnification

31. The minimum time required for the formation of one inch of top soil is

(a) 10 years (b) 5years

(c) 100 years (d) 200 years

Correct Answer: (d) 200 years

32. The forest cover of India in 1980 was around. of the total land mass.

(a) 22.7 (b) 32.7

(c) 42.7 (d) 52.7

Correct Answer: (a) 22.7

33. As per environmentalists we should ideally have. cover of forest.

(a) 33% (b) 43%

(c) 53% (d) 63%

Correct Answer: (a) 33%

34.___ % of the water on the earth is salt water.

(a) 97 (b) 87

(c) 77 (d) 67

Correct Answer: (a) 97

35. The framework for allocating water resources to water users is known as

(a) water problems (c) water conflicts

(b) water rights (d) water solutions

Correct Answer: (b) water rights

36. The combined mass of water found on, under and over the surface of planet is known as.

(a) hydrosphere (c) hydro cycle

(b) water cycle (d) earth sphere

Correct Answer: (a) hydrosphere

37. The total mass of the Earth's hydrosphere is about......

(a)1.4x10^18tonnes (c) 16.4 x 10 ^18tonnes

(b) 16x10^18 tonnes (d) 100 x 10^8 tonnes

Correct Answer: (a)1.4x10^18tonnes

38. The total mass of earth hydrosphere is about.......% of the earth's total mass.

(a) 1 (b) 0.081

(c) 0.023 (d) 0.001

Correct Answer: (c) 0.023

39. Surface date is._____ % of the fresh water.

(a) 0.3 (b) 0.9

(c) 1.1 (d) 11

Correct Answer: (a) 0.3

40........% of fresh water is entrapped in icecaps and glaciers.

(a) 1.1 (b) 2.8

(c) 68.7 (d) 98.2

Correct Answer: (c) 68.7

41. The Himalayas, which is often called as

(a) The roof of the world (c) The cover of the world

(b) The top of the world (d) The shield of the world

Correct Answer: (a) The roof of the world

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