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A Whole-Home Level Intrusion Detection System

using WiFi-enabled IoT

Yue Jin, Zengshan Tian, Mu Zhou, Senior Member, IEEE, Ze Li, Zhenyuan Zhang
Chongqing Key Lab of Mobile Communications Technology
Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Chongqing 400065, China,,,,

Abstract—The Internet of Thing (IoT) based applications systems, the wireless signal based techniques are promising
can provide various services and be widely applied in intelli- due to that widely installation of WiFi in various public places.
gent home. With the tendency of house safety protection, the Meanwhile, with the development of Internet of Thing (IoT)
detecting accuracy and privacy of intrusion detection system,
which detects the human motion in indoor environment, has in the past few years, almost every device, e.g., TV, refrigera-
become a continuing concern. Up to now, there are emerging tor, microwave oven, air conditioner and other smart devices,
many intrusion detection systems which employ different devices tends to connect WiFi network, resulting in rich wireless links
such as camera and infrared. However, the poor privacy and signals at home. Thus, employing WiFi-enabled IoT devices
deployment of specialized devices are mainly disadvantages of contribute to realizing a high level smart home. Usually, the
the afore-mentioned systems for deploying in home environment.
In this paper, we propose WLID, a whole-home level intrusion intrusion detection system has several Access Points (APs)
detection system based on RSSI (Received Signal Strength and Monitor Points (MPs). APs transmit WiFi signals and
Indicator) measurements of WiFi in indoor complex environment. then MPs collect measurements of received signals such as
In order to expand the area of human presence detection, Received Signal Strengthen Indictor (RSSI). RSSI have been
WLID cooperates with WiFi-enabled IoT devices such as smart used widely in many computing applications, e.g., localization
TV, air conditioner and other smart devices. The detection
system constructs a detection algorithm with the non-parametric [3] and gesture recognition [4], due to its availability in
statistical method by only using RSSI and realize whole-home commodity APs. Prior works [5, 6, 7] have proposed some
level real-time detection by using software implementation. The RSSI based intrusion detection algorithms, which consist of
experimental results show that WLID can achieve the consistent offline phase and online phase. In offline phase, the systems
detection rate close to 100% in a practical home environment. collect RSSI of each data stream when the area of interest
Index Terms—intrusion detection, RSSI, internet of thing, WiFi
has no human motion and then construct corresponding RSSI
characteristic profiles. In online phase, MPs collect RSSI data
to compare against the profiles constructed in offline phase in
order to determine whether there is human presence.
In the last years, there are emerging many smart applications Currently, the physical layer (PHY) information Channel
and the providing real-time context-aware information of those State Information (CSI) has obtained great attentions by re-
applications make home smarter. As a result, some intelligent searchers [8-11]. CSI describes how the signal traverses along
systems are proposed to detect human motion activity due to with physical paths between transmitter and receiver and also
the growing concern on home security [1, 2]. However, those is a fine-gained measurement compared with RSSI. Therefore,
systems require that human must carry a device participated in intrusion detection systems using CSI on commodity WiFi
detection process, so this requirement limits the deployment devices are more sensitive to changes in the environment and
of motion detection systems. Since users are not expected can achieve a high detection rate [12]. However, CSI cannot
to carry any devices the device-free technique is significant be obtained easily since recent works are all based on the
important for intrusion detection terms of expenditure cost. Up modified firmware of special WiFi Network Interface Cards
to now, vast device-free intrusion detection technologies are (NICs), e.g., Intel 5300 [8]. Also, most of them are not real-
developed, which are featured with different devices installed time systems and it is hard to collaborate with WiFi-enabled
at fixed location such as cameras and infrared sensors and can IoT devices for detecting in a wide range of practical home
provide detection capability. Whereas, the poor privacy and the environment.
deployment of special hardware are mainly disadvantages of Based on pervious works, we develop and release a home-
the afore-mentioned systems for deploying in home environ- level intrusion detection system, which is a pure software
ment. On the other hand, the presence of Non-Line-of-Sight scheme working on the commodity WiFi devices. Moreover,
(NLoS) propagation degrades the detection performance of the following requirements are satisfied:
them. For instance, the infrared sensors-based detection system 1. Be accurate in LoS and NLoS environments.
fails to work in NLoS environment and there are threats of 2. The special hardware is not required.
privacy leaking in cameras based system. Thus, among these 3. Be easy to install and maintain.

978-1-5386-2070-0/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE 494

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software scheme deployed in practical home environment
comparing to other academic researches, and it provides a
real-time intrusion detection service.
3) We evaluate WLID in a real home environment and
the experimental results demonstrate that it can achieve high
detection accuracy and effectively guarantee the privacy and
security of home environment.
We briefly outline the organization of rest of this paper. We
review related work in section II and system design is detailed
in section III. Section IV demonstrates the performance of the
motion detection through experiment evaluation. Finally, we
conclude the paper in section V.
The related work of indoor intrusion detection is vast and
can be mainly divided into the following categories.
Primer APs Slave APs Smart deices RSSI-based: Recent years, WiFi becomes very prevalent
over the world due to its low cost and ubiquitous infrastructure.
Fig. 1. An example of whole-home level human detection system in a practical Beyond communication, WiFi can be used for generalized
home environment. sensor networks and thus provide a potential for device-free
localization motion detection. The well-known RSSI based
indoor localization system Radar [3] first proposed to use
4. Be robust to changes in indoor environment. fingerprint-based method for estimating location of target.
5. Wide detecting range in home environment. Then, many RSSI based applications are developed. In [4,
In this paper, we propose WLID, an accurate and robust 5] the authors creatively introduced devices-free localization
whole-home level intrusion detection system using the existing technique, which can detect and track entity without carrying
WiFi signals. WLID proposes to use a prime AP, which any devices. In [7] the authors proposed a method that localiz-
collects RSSI measurement of all the data streams from slave ing human motion by employing change in standard deviation
APs as well as existing WiFi-enable IoT devices. As shown in of RSSI between AP and MP. Detecting and tracking multi-
Fig. 1, there are perhaps one prime AP, two slave APs and one person by using RSSI had been realized in [13]. The authors
smart device. As a result, the prime AP can monitor all slave [14] use joint learning method using multiple transmitter-
APs and each salve AP can monitor each other except itself. receiver pairs to detect various intrusion patterns such as
Moreover, the IoT devices can be monitored by slave APs as standing and moving. However, these detection methods using
well. Thus, there are multiple data streams formed and each RSSI need to arrange more WiFi device in home environment
data stream is sent to prime AP for further processing. The and only consider the fluctuation of RSSI but do not take the
main principle of the proposed system is that the motion of quality of wireless links into consideration.
human change the propagation of WiFi signal. Thus, the RSSI CSI-based: There are emerging some new systems by using
measurement show bigger variation comparing to the one col- CSI, which obtain great attentions in recent years. CSI is a
lected in silent environment. WLID employs non-parametric fine-gained measurement comparing to RSSI and is available
statistical method to compute Probability Density Function on off-the-shelf WiFi devices. In [15] the authors developed a
(PDF) for each data stream and then constructs corresponding CSI-based human motion detection system which can detect
RSSI characteristic profiles at the begin of deploying the and localize human precisely. Omni-PHDs, an omnidirectional
system. Furthermore, we design a robust detection algorithm detection system, leverage the capacity of capturing the char-
by combining all data streams. WLID can be evaluated in a acteristic of multipath signals to enhance motion detection rate
practical house which belongs to a typical home environment [16]. Further, they proposed a fine-gained detection system
including bathroom, living room and kitchen. The extensive PADS, which exploits the frequency diversity of Orthogonal
experimental results show that WLID can accurately detect Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) signals. It utilized
human motion at high accuracy of closing to 100%. the amplitude and phase of CSI to determine intrusion event
In summary, the main contributions of this paper are as and worked well with the dynamic speed of human [17].
follows. Different from the traditional detection systems, the authors
1) We design a whole home-level intrusion detection system in [18] extracted all CSI from available links which are
named WLID which uses commodity WiFi devices. As far constructed with existing WiFi APs and IoT embedded WiFi
as we know, WLID is the first system that proposes to use module. This system can identify no human motion, in-place
existing WiFi signals generated by IoT devices for improving and moving activity by constructing corresponding profiles
detection accuracy. beforehand. It is known to us that the human breathing can be
2) To the best of our knowledge, WLID is the first pure used to identify human presence regardless of whether moving

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or stationary, so the new scheme [19] utilized the feature of Algorithm 1 : Profile building algorithm
breathing signal to detect human motion even the chest motion. Input: Network connection topology diagram and the profile
of every device
III. S YSTEM D ESCRIPTION Output: Data streams profile M
A. System Overview 1: Function IterateOperation (node)
WLID is a real-time human motion detection system and 2: if the connected devices of node is not null then
consists of multiple components. The WILD mainly consists 3: create a null list L;
of the following phases: network configuration, profile train- 4: construct a set Q = {connected devices of node};
ing and target detection. First, the user send a initialization 5: for each s ∈ Q do
configuration command from the mobile terminal to WLID 6: if s is an AP then
that works on software platform, and then WLID implement 7: set its parameter “isRouter” to true;
inquiry of available devices and receive feedback of network 8: add s to L and then do IterateOperation(s);
information including network connection topology diagram 9: else
and the profile of every devices with IP and MAC address. 10: set its parameter “isRouter” to false;
Next, WLID does an iterative algorithm to obtain a monitor 11: add s to L;
profile that contains all available data streams. Especially its 12: end if
profiles are configured in advanced by user in previous work. 13: end for
In the phase of profile training, WLID sends monitor profile 14: add L to M
to the kernel driver of the prime AP. Then, the prime AP 15: end if
collects all RSSI readings from all data streams for building
silence data profile via non-parametric method. Finally, WLID
RSSI measurement fluctuated. However, the RSSI measure-
detects whether there are any human motions by comparing
ments suffer from burst noise interferences, which make much
against silence data profile with current RSSI readings and
false alarms. So, we utilize median filter to preprocess raw
then returns detection result to mobile terminal in real time.
RSSI measurements. Fig. 2(a) shows the fluctuation of RSSI
B. Building Monitor Profile collected in silent environment and the noise interferences can
be eliminated effectively using median filter as shown in Fig.
Prior researches configure data links in advance and do not
involve other smart devices except for APs. Thus, the coverage
The influence of human motion on RSSI measurement is
of these data streams for passive human detection is not
the key feature to classify silence and intrusion condition.
sufficient. Our study demonstrates that the existing IoT devices
From Fig. 3(a) and (b), which depict RSSI measurement under
can also be employed to capture changes in the variance
silence and intrusion conditions, respectively, The fluctuation
of RSSI. First, WILD finds all available data streams from
of RSSI measurement is increased sharply when there are
network information including network connection topology
human motions. There are many statistical parameters of RSSI
diagram and the profile of every device with IP and MAC ad-
such as mean and variance, and the selected statistic will affect
dress. Network connection topology diagram, which describes
detection rate. As known in [4], the variance of sample RSSI is
connection relation among network nodes, is assembled in the
more robust and sensitive than mean when sensing the changes
kernel driver according to current network status. We propose
of environment. Similarly, let rj,t be the RSSI of data link j
an iteration algorithm to find every available data stream with
at time t (t = 1, 2, · · · , K). We consider the RSSI changes of
corresponding connection profile using network information.
a sliding window Wj,t with size l that ends at time t, i.e.,
Specially, every device in this Local Area Network (LAN)
Wj,t = [rj,t−l+1 , rj,t−l+2 , · · · , rj,t ]. The data in every sliding
denotes a node. The IoT devices can be only monitored by
window can be used to calculate a variance vj,t .
APs and those APs can monitor each other, i.e., there are two
data streams for each AP pairs. First, we get devices which P 2
(rj,t−l+i − r̄j,t )
connect to the prime AP that we call root node. Next, we use i=1
L0 = (node1 , · · · , noden ) to denote the list of n connected vj,t = (1)
devices of ith node (the index of root node is 0), which is static where r̄j,t is the mean RSSI of Wj,t . We calculate the variance
device for detecting human motion. Then, we do the same values of the sliding window over the collected RSSI readings
operation for all network connection devices iteratively. If the for each data link. After that, we use non-parametric kernel
current connection device of one node is AP, we add this node density estimation to obtain the distribution of sliding window
as well as its existing connection list of connection devices. We based RSSI variance for each data link. First, let f (x) be
summarize the profile building algorithm by iterative method the probability density function (PDF) with respect to RSSI
in algorithm 1. variance vk for jth data link at time k and the PDF can be
C. Data training and detecting described as
In this paper, the main principle is that the motion of human 1 X x − vk
f (x) = V (2)
can affect the propagation of multipath signals, and thus makes Kh h

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−8 −40


RSSI (dBm)

RSSI (dBm)
−14 data stream 1
−55 data stream 2
−16 data stream 3
data stream 4

−20 −65

−22 −70
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (s) Time (s)

(a) The raw RSSI collected in the silent environment. (a) The RSSI measurement under the silence condition.
data stream 1
−40 data stream 2
data stream 3
data stream 4


RSSI (dBm)
RSSI (dBm)

−14 −55



−20 −75

−22 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Time (s)
Time (s)

(b) The RSSI measurement under the intrusion condition.

(b) The RSSI preprocessed by median filter.
Fig. 3. The RSSI measurement of four data streams under the silence and
Fig. 2. The raw and preprocessed RSSI measurement in silent environment.
intrusion conditions. (a) The RSSI collected under silence condition has
(a) The RSSI have burst noise interference resulting in false alarm. (b) The
small fluctuation. (b) The RSSI measurement fluctuate strongly when walking
finer RSSI measurement demonstrate stable in the silent environment.
activity happens.

where V is the kernel function and h is the bandwidth de- Hence, if the likelihood ratio above than 1, the intrusion
scribed in [20]. Then, an intrusion is identified if the variance hypothesis is chosen, and if otherwise, the silence hypothesis
vk is above a threshold vth . To find the threshold vth we is chosen. Since there are many data streams we jointly
introduce a parameter α as did in [4]. Assuming that Fj is the implement a hypothesis with multiple PDFs.
CDF of distribution in (2), then we have vth =Fj−1 (1 − α)
as the upper bound of RSSI variance in silence condition. IV. E XPERIMENTAL E VALUATION
At begin of deploying this system, we simply detect human A. Implementation
motion by comparing against the optimal threshold with the We use three Huawei Honor commodity WiFi APs for
variance of sliding window. We consider that there may be wireless networking, and one of them is the prime AP and the
anomalous when the RSSI variance of sliding window of any remaining are slave APs. WLID is implemented on the prime
data streams is above the optimal threshold. In order to adapt AP in the form of a plug-in and is a real-time motion detection
to environment changing, we store and then update RSSI system comparing to former RSSI or CSI based detection
profiles for both silence and intrusion conditions. When the system. As shown in Fig. 4, the testbed is a practical living
stored RSSI samples of all anomalous streams are enough, we house which consists of three bedrooms, one kitchen room,
estimate the PDFs of RSSI variance under intrusion condition one studying-room and one sitting-room. We place the prime
and also update the PDF of the RSSI variance for silence AP in the sitting-room and two slave APs both in bedroom 1
condition. Let f0 (v) and f1 (v) be the PDFs of the RSSI vari- and bedroom 3.
ance of sliding window under silence and intrusion conditions,
respectively. Then, for those data streams using two PDFs in B. Evaluation Metrics
both conditions we consider the following likelihood ratio tests We mainly focus on two metrics for evaluating WLID: 1)
with silence condition with H0 and intrusion condition with the true positive (TP) rate: The fraction of cases where the
H1 . intrusion condition is detected correctly for all intrusion cases.
2) false positive (FP) rate: The fraction of cases where the

f0 (v)/f1 (v) ≤ 1, H0
(3) silence condition is identified for intrusion cases.
f0 (v)/f1 (v) > 1, H1

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Detection Rate 00:00-04:00 04:00-08:00 08:00-12:00 12:00-16:00 16:00-20:00 20:00-00:00

TP 0.969 0.986 0.998 0.987 0.992 0.982
FP 0.021 0.028 0.035 0.048 0.046 0.028

2.46 m 1.90 m 3.17 m 3.07 m

1 0.95


3.26 m

Kitchen Bedroom 1 Studying-room 0.85



0.97 m
Sitting room 0.7
0.2 20
0.15 15
ram 0.1 10 w size
3.28 m rα 0.05 5 slid

Bedroom 2
Bedroom 3
(a) True Positive Rate

3.73 m 2.83 m 4.04 m


Fig. 4. The experimental testbed. In the testbed deploying one prime AP, two
slave APs and some smart IoT devices. 0.4


C. Impacts of Parameters on Detection performance 0.2


Since the window size l and the parameter α are employed 0.1

to calculate the RSSI variance and detection threshold of each 0.1

0 0
data stream, respectively, we need to investigate the effect 20
15 0.1 0.05

of the two parameters on the detection performance. Fig. 5 sliding

5 0.2
m eter
demonstrates the experiment results, and we can find that
the too short window size will introduce low detection rate, (b) False Positive Rate
i.e., the variance of RSSI is more sensitive to human motion
Fig. 5. The effect of sliding window size l and the parameter α on the
activity when the corresponding time of the window size detection performance.
is comparable to the step-time of human motion. Moreover,
too large window size will introduce high FP rate. When
increasing α, the TP rate and FP rate both increase slightly. V. C ONCLUSION
In this paper, we propose, WLID, an accurate and robust
D. Impacts of Different Period
whole-home level intrusion detection system cooperating with
The RSSI variance can be affected by noise interference of WiFi-enabled IoT devices. We first use the non-parametric to
entity motion from ambient environment. As depicted in Table estimate the PDF of the sliding window based RSSI variance
1, in addition to the two parameters discussed above, the TP of each data stream in silence environment. Then, in order
and FP are also affected by different period of day. From the to detect human motion by collaborating with multiple data
Table 1, the moving detection rate of the period during daytime streams, we also store RSSI data to estimate the PDF of
when there are more human motions comparing to night, the sliding window based RSSI variance under the intrusion
e.g., 08:00-12:00, are increased due to the movement of long condition. After that we construct a detection method by
duration or many people, whereas the performance of silence combining multiple PDFs in the both conditions. We evaluate
detection rate degraded slightly due to wireless environment WILD in a practical home environment consisting of several
complexity. In real scenarios, we are more concerned about rooms and smart devices. The experimental results show that
whether human motion can be detected or not and the FP value WILD can reach a 98% true positive rate and 3.8% false
is within the allowable range. Hence, the WLID can realize positive rate. At the same time, WILD is a pure software
real-time and robust whole-home level instruction detection in solution, which can be easily implemented on the existing off-
practical house. the-shelf WiFi devices and it has better privacy and security

Authorized licensed use limited to: Universitas Airlangga. Downloaded on January 15,2024 at 01:20:34 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
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Networking, 2014, pp: 617-628.
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ence Foundation of China(61771083, 61704015), the Program on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 33, no. 11, pp: 2329-2342,
for Changjiang Scholars and Innovative Research Team in May 2015.
University (IRT1299), Special Fund of Chongqing Key Lab- [20] D. W. Scott, “Multivariate density estimation: theory, practice, and
visualization,” John Wiley & Sons, 2015.
oratory (CSTC), Fundamental and Frontier Research Project
of Chongqing (cstc2017jcyjAX0380, cstc2015jcyjBX0065,
cstc2015jcyjBX0085), and University Outstanding Achieve-
ment Transformation Project of Chongqing (KJZH17117).

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