Cherillyn Porter

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Book 248 The bookH1697 of SamuelH8050 the seer,H7203

whose name is the same as el (God), (280) 1680 = Lurk! Withdraw! Upon them, Pre-Millenial Restoration, You Are the Written Ones, Continuing Prophetic Office, Events Made Clear By Prophecy, Immortality and the Kingdom,
The book of Samuel the seer

(248) 1488 = Denying True Identity, Mystic Crown of the Sage, Matthew- Mark-Luke and John, Restoration Gods Way, Acts of the Holy Spirit, Abomination of Desolation, 828 = Lord of Lords,
shem-oo-ale' shem

(138) 828 = Priorities, He That Liveth, He That Hath an Ear, The Easter Seal, Man in the Sun, Lapis Lazuli, Queen of Heaven, Host of Heaven, , Spirit of God, The Angels of God, Identification, A Court Trial, (#61) Promethium, Zephyrus (West Wind), Synthesis, and whose she-mule (mirror using eternal light shemu'el is the moon under God) (272) 1632 = The Four Angels Were Loosed- When the Dying Birds Start, Mysterious Journey, Earths Internal Magnetic Field, Elohim in Spiritual Amnesia, Hes Obsessed With Numbers, Man Does Not Live By Bread Alone, Faithful to the Copyright, Soul Mates of the End of Days, His Royal Highness of Heaven, Holy Daughter of the Great I Am, Hand of Fate of All the Universe, Keep the Home Fires Burning, And the Bride Out of Her Closet, Moving of the Spirit of God, Having Fellowship With God, Baptized With Holy Ghost, I Am the Resurrection and Life, Time Tested Memorials of God, The Midst of the Paradise of God, The Temple Mount of Israel, Holy Family New Jerusalem, Remnant of the House of Judah, Joseph Meeting His Brethren,

Watchman (83) 498 = The Oddball, An Ensign, A Prodigal, Wisdom, Splendid, Prayer, Comment, South, Forest, Iridium (77th Element), porter (92) 552 = ADONIBEZEK - the Lord of lightning AZZUR, CAPERNAUM, COL-HOZEH, ELIPHELET, ELIZAPHAN, GINNETHO, Hear Ye Him, Magical Link, Sapphire, Ecstasy, Vigour, Laughter, Confound, Nations, Numbers, Stones, The Seeing, Beni- Elohim, Hermits, Electron, Emanation, Yeheshua, Rise and Shine the porter (125) 750 Jehovah-Poet = God of The gods, AIJELETH-SHAHAR, ANETHOTHITE, His Highness ASSYRIANS, GITTAH-HEPHER, Forsaking All, Demonology, His Right Hand, Buy of Me Gold, North Wind, One Spirit, Solar Order, Aeon of the Child, Spiritual, Mystery, Astral Sun, Unseen

Force, Saskatchewan, Time Travel, Go By The Book, Eternal Joy, North America, Angel of Music, Surprise, Three Chambers, Silver Cord, Divine Right, My Old Dutch, Lovely One, Paradise Earth, Is A Human Angel, Lord of Heaven, Interpret, Solution, Obliterator, Transcendence, Soul Mates, Grindstone, Workshop, From Joseph, Lover Come Back, Peace and Safety, Easter Rose, Building of God, the watchman called (153) 918 = Michael the Archangel, The Paradise of God, Father of the King, Appointed by God, The Third Pull, Son of Midnight, Thou Availest, Circle in the Middle, Path of the Sun, Causeless Cause, Medicine of Metals, Four Elements, Strange Drugs, Night-Blue Sky, Unconscious, A Purified Israel, The Hidden Code Facts, Open Figured Gate, Decode Irrefutable, The True Light, Desire the Keys, Desire Gate Keys, Mathematics Clue, Hidden Witness, Christ Engraved, Its So Amazing, Instrument, The Clear Beginning, Pure Points, Heavenly Formed, Heed the Realities, Men in Trust, True Religion, A Hidden Confirming, Heed My Dominion, The Last Language, Behold Now Watch, Letter Number, Fountain of Life, Spiritual Man, Test My Wine, Seek Decoded Number, Act on the Chords, Was Is and Will Be, Reveal the Bible Code, Time Calculator, Heed the Lords Day, the Holy Clues, Vital Secrets, Diamond Dominion, The Dominion Code, Transistor, And to Be Made Aware Of, Sign of Wisdom, The Diamond Word, The Ground Key, Made Them One Flesh, The Word Battle, The Magnified Coding, The Elijah Fish Gate, National Evidence, Galactic Federation, Reveal Holy Bible, In the Holy Place, Three Decisions, Sacred Lessons, Hearing Spirit, Manifesteth Seed, The Revealed Son, Twinkle Toes, Wisdom Proof, Voice of God Debut, Preach the Message, Father of Beauty, House of Mercy, the watchman and porter (227) 1362 = Looking Unto Jesus, Hearing - Receiving and Acting, Shepherd of the Sheep-Fold, The Angel and Three Pulls, Obey the Voice of the Angel, Complete Identification, Word Must Be Fulfilled, Leave What Was Started, Whom God Makes Strong, Whom Jehovah Has Exalted, (186) 1116 = THE BOOK of TITUS, Principles of Faith, He That Over-Cometh, Melchizedek in Amnesia, God Manifest in Flesh, Child of Thy Bowels, Grave Mysteries, Matter in Motion, Perfect of Numbers, And Behold A White Cloud, The One and Only One, The Highest Angel Bride, I Am That I Am And I Will Be, The Lord Is Rising, Is The Angel of Music, Is The Easter Rose, Walk the Humble Path, Everlasting Chains, God of Forgiveness, A Spiritual Teacher, On A Wing And A Prayer, Jesus Mathematics, The Time To Break Free, Infinite Database of God, A Ladder To Infinity, Childrens Covenant, Is A Handmaid of the Lord, Time Means Nothing, The Seventh Step, Hit the Nail On the Head, Circuit of the Lord, Light and Perfection (235) 1410 The Great Masterpiece Drama of God Hour of Full Assurance My Father in His Throne Father of Uprightness Letting Off Pressure Trample Down the Heathen Poet God Gives Shoar (Porter) Peace The Wine-Makers Daughter

Cherillyn Faye Porter Clothed In White Raiment Abbas Junction of Time: Faye Get A Grip On the Reality Last One in and Child Trained Give the Ten a Confession July Twenty Four , , the porter and the watchman Genesis One: One Two Three, (260) 1560 = ECCLESIASTES or the Preacher, The Stature of a Perfect Man, Church Choosing Law For Grace, His Wonders to Perform, The Great Warrior Joshua, A Sweet Savor to Christ, Roots and Sojourners, Crowned and Conquering Child, Fresh Fever From the Skies.

cherillyn faye porter (235) 1410 = Letting Off Pressure, Five Junctions of Time, The Negative Confession, If You See the Son of Man, Hour of Full Assurance, Get A Grip On the Reality, Clothed In White Raiment, My Father in His Throne, The Wine-Makers Daughter, July Twenty Four, Last One in and Child Trained, The Great Masterpiece Drama of God, Trample Down the Heathen, Prophet Gives Gods Peace. Father of Uprightness, cherillyn porter (198) 1188 = Communion Service, The Unpardonable Sin, The Resurrection, Divine Attributes, Wisdom and Knowledge, Eat My Flesh Fatness, This Gospel of John, Peace- Revelation of God, Father of Loftiness, Brother of the Father, Drink Sweet Wines, Talk Not Over Much, A Very Flame of Jehovah, One Equals Unity, The Birth of the Sun, After Our Likeness, His Actions Confess, Shekinah Returns, Doors Shall Be Shut, All Things Are Revealed, Calm Before the Storm, History Repeats, Wherein There Is Light, Service to the Lord, Solving Problems, I Created Everything, United Nations, The End Is the Beginning, The Resurrection, The Last Trumpet, Precious Stones, Make Love Your Goal, Whom Jehovah Guards, Whom God Enlightens, cherillyn faith porter (242) 1452 = THE GENERAL EPISTLE of JUDE, Why It Had To Be Shepherds, What Is the Holy Ghost, What Think Ye of Christ, Same Rhythm as Bro. Branham, God in and Through Christ, Foreknowledge Principle, Enoch The Seventh From Adam, Seven Golden Candlesticks, The Giver of All Good Gifts, That is The Resurrection of Jesus, Splendour and Rapture, Lighten the ways of the Ka, Existence is Pure Joy, William Wordsworth, Brother of Protection, May twenty fifth nineteen eighty two 2478 = The Flashing Red Light of the Sign of His Coming, The Bible is a Love Letter from God to

His Bride,
the watchman called unto the porter (348) 2088 = Christ Is Revealed in His Own Word, Suffering

the Vengeance of Eternal Fire,

2Sa 18:26 the watchmanH6822 calledH7121 untoH413 the porter,H7778 H7778 shoer shoer sho-are', sho-are' Active participle of H8176 (as denominative from H8179); a janitor: - doorkeeper, porter. H8176 shaar shaw-ar' A primitive root; to split or open, that is, (literally, but only as denominative from H8179) to act as gate keeper (see H7778); (figuratively) to estimate: - think. H8179 shaar shah'-ar From H8176 in its original sense; an opening, that is, door or gate: - city, door, gate, port (X -er). H7121 qara' kaw-raw' A primitive root (rather identical with H7122 through the idea of accosting a person met); to call out to (that is, properly address by name, but used in a wide variety of applications): - bewray [self], that are bidden, call (for, forth, self, upon), cry (unto), (be) famous, guest, invite, mention, (give) name, preach, (make) proclaim (-ation), pronounce, publish, read, renowned, say. H7121 qara' BDB Definition: 1) to call, call out, recite, read, cry out, proclaim 1a) (Qal) 1a1) to call, cry, utter a loud sound 1a2) to call unto, cry (for help), call (with name of God)

1a3) to proclaim 1a4) to read aloud, read (to oneself), read 1a5) to summon, invite, call for, call and commission, appoint, call and endow 1a6) to call, name, give name to, call by 1b) (Niphal) 1b1) to call oneself 1b2) to be called, be proclaimed, be read aloud, be summoned, be named 1c) (Pual) to be called, be named, be called out, be chosen 2Ki 7:10 So they cameH935 and calledH7121 untoH413 the porterH7778 of the city:H5892 1Ch 9:21 And ZechariahH2148 the sonH1121 of MeshelemiahH4920 was porterH7778 of the doorH6607 of the tabernacleH168 of the congregation.H4150 H2148

z karyah zekaryahu zek-ar-yaw', zek-ar-yaw'-hoo From H2142 and H3050; Jah has remembered; Zecarjah, 11th in order of the minor prophets; and keeper of the north gate of the tabernacle of the congregation. one of the priests who accompanied the ark from the house of Obed-edom H1121 a builder of the family name - daughter, X of first, + firstborn, H3050 yahh yaw Contracted for H3068, and meaning the same; Jah, the sacred name: - Jah, the Lord, most vehement. Cp. names in -iah, -jah. Mar 13:34 For the Son of man is asG5613 a manG444 taking a far journey,G590 who leftG863 hisG848 house,G3614 andG2532 gaveG1325 authorityG1849 to hisG848 servants,G1401 andG2532 to every manG1538 hisG848 work,G2041 andG2532 commandedG1781 theG3588 porterG2377 toG2443 watch.G1127 G2377 thuro ros Thoo-ro-ros' From G2374 and ouros (a watcher); a gate warden: - that kept the door, porter. Joh 10:1 Verily,G281 verily,G281 I sayG3004 unto you,G5213 He that enterethG1525 notG3361 byG1223 theG3588 doorG2374 intoG1519 theG3588 sheepfold,G833 G4263 butG235 climbeth upG305 some other way,G237 the sameG1565 isG2076 a thiefG2812 andG2532 a robber.G3027 Joh 10:2 ButG1161 he that entereth inG1525 byG1223 theG3588 doorG2374 isG2076 theG3588 shepherdG4166 of theG3588 sheep.G4263 Joh 10:3 To himG5129 theG3588 porterG2377 openeth;G455 andG2532 theG3588 sheepG4263 hearG191 hisG846 voice:G5456 andG2532 he callethG2564 his ownG2398 sheepG4263 byG2596 name,G3686 andG2532 leadeth them out.G1806 G846

Psa 127:1 A SongH7892 of degreesH4609 for Solomon.H8010 ExceptH518 H3808 the LORDH3068 buildH1129 the house,H1004 they labourH5998 in vainH7723 that buildH1129 it: exceptH518 H3808 the LORDH3068 keepH8104 the city,H5892 the watchmanH8104 wakethH8245 but in vain.H7723 H8104 watchmanH8104 shamar BDB Definition: 1a) (Qal) 1) to keep, guard, observe, give heed 1a1) to keep, have charge of 1a2) to keep, guard, keep watch and ward, protect, save life 1a2a) watch, watchman (participle) 1a3) to watch for, wait for 1a4) to watch, observe 1a5) to keep, retain, treasure up (in memory) 1a6) to keep (within bounds), restrain 1a7) to observe, celebrate, keep (sabbath or covenant or commands), perform (vow) 1a8) to keep, preserve, protect 1a9) to keep, reserve 1b) (Niphal) 1b1) to be on ones guard, take heed, take care, beware 1b2) to keep oneself, refrain, abstain 1b3) to be kept, be guarded 1c) (Piel) to keep, pay heed 1d) (Hithpael) to keep oneself from Isa 21:6 ForH3588 thusH3541 hath the LordH136 saidH559 untoH413 me, Go,H1980 setH5975 a watchman,H6822 let him declareH5046 whatH834 he seeth.H7200 H7200 ra'ah BDB Definition: 1) to see, look at, inspect, perceive, consider 1a) (Qal) 1a1) to see 1a2) to see, perceive 1a3) to see, have vision 1a4) to look at, see, regard, look after, see after, learn about, observe, watch, look upon, look out, find out 1a5) to see, observe, consider, look at, give attention to, discern, distinguish

1a6) to look at, gaze at 1b) (Niphal) 1b1) to appear, present oneself 1b2) to be seen 1b3) to be visible 1c) (Pual) to be seen 1d) (Hiphil) 1d1) to cause to see, show 1d2) to cause to look intently at, behold, cause to gaze at 1e) (Hophal) 1e1) to be caused to see, be shown 1e2) to be exhibited to 1f) (Hithpael) to look at each other, face H5046 nagad BDB Definition: 1) to be conspicuous, tell, make known 1a) (Hiphil) to tell, declare 1a1) to tell, announce, report 1a2) to declare, make known, expound 1a3) to inform of 1a4) to publish, declare, proclaim 1a5) to avow, acknowledge, confess 1a5a) messenger (participle) 1b) (Hophal) to be told, be announced, be reported Isa 21:12 The watchmanH8104 said,H559 The morningH1242 cometh,H857 and alsoH1571 the night:H3915 ifH518 ye will enquire,H1158 enquireH1158 ye: return,H7725 come.H857 Eze 33:6 But ifH3588 the watchmanH6822 seeH7200 (H853) the swordH2719 come,H935 and blowH8628 notH3808 the trumpet,H7782 and the peopleH5971 be notH3808 warned;H2094 if the swordH2719 come,H935 and takeH3947 any personH5315 from amongH4480 them, heH1931 is taken awayH3947 in his iniquity;H5771 but his bloodH1818 will I requireH1875 at the watchman'sH6822 hand.H4480 H3027 Eze 33:7 So thou,H859 O sonH1121 of man,H120 I have setH5414 thee a watchmanH6822 unto the houseH1004 of Israel;H3478 therefore thou shalt hearH8085 the wordH1697 at my mouth,H4480 H6310 and warnH2094 them fromH4480 me. Eze 9:3 And the gloryH3519 of the GodH430 of IsraelH3478 was gone upH5927 fromH4480 H5921 the cherub,H3742 whereuponH834 H5921 he was,H1961 toH413 the thresholdH4670 of the house.H1004 And he calledH7121 toH413 the manH376 clothedH3847 with linen,H906 whichH834 had the writer'sH5608 inkhornH7083 by his side;H4975 Gen 17:15 And GodH430 saidH559 untoH413 Abraham,H85 As for SaraiH8297 thy wife,H802 thou shalt notH3808 callH7121 (H853) her nameH8034 Sarai,H8297 butH3588 SarahH8283 shall her nameH8034 be.

Gen 17:16 And I will blessH1288 her, and giveH5414 thee a sonH1121 alsoH1571 ofH4480 her: yea, I will blessH1288 her, and she shall beH1961 a mother of nations;H1471 kingsH4428 of peopleH5971 shall beH1961 ofH4480 her.

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