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School: Malaybalay City National Science High School Grade Level: Grade 7

Teacher: Sarah Jane P. Cambal Learning Area: Health

Date: January 6, 2023 Quarter: 3


A. Content Standard
The learner demonstrates understanding of guidelines and principles in exercise
program design to achieve personal fitness.
B. Performance Standard
The learner modifies the individualized exercise program to achieve personal
Learning Competencies: At the end of the lesson the students must have:

1 identify mental and emotional health;

2 draw a heart map of situations describing the factors of good mental health; and
3 value the importance of promoting good mental health through accomplishing a

II. Subject Matter:

A. Content: Factors of good mental Health

B. References: 1. Teachers guide pages

2. Learner’s Material pages339-346
3. V5 Grade 7 modules pages 7-15

C. learning Materials: 1. PowerPoint presentation

2. chalk and board

D. Teaching strategies: lecture, paper and pencil test (quiz), and brainstorming

III. Procedure:

Teacher's Activity Learner's Activity

Greetings Student’s response
Prayer Student lead the prayer
Checking of attendance Student’s say present

Before we begin our class, identify the following

habits if it is good or bad
( showing picture-scenario through PowerPoint (the students giving response/answer to the given
presentation) picture-scenario)

Reviewing previous lesson:

Before we proceed to our today’s topic, may I ask
you if you still remember our first grading topic in Yes ma’am

Good! So what was our topic in health during first

quarter? The 6 dimensions of health,

Very good! So what are the 6 dimensions of Mental, emotional, physical, moral-spiritual,
intellectual, and social health ma’am
Very good! You really still remember our topic in
first quarter.

Lesson Proper:

Today, our topic is all about the factors of good

mental health.
So do you still remember what is mental health?
Yes Iver?

That’s right Iver. Very good!

So mental health refers to your ability to
process information. It affects on how you
think, feel, act, and deal with life. It is also
the ability to function comfortably in

How about emotional health? Yes Rafael?

You got it Rafael!

Emotional health on the other hand, refers to
your ability to express feelings which are
based upon the information you have
So, if you are depressed or
nervous, for example, this can then cause
wrong responses because those
responses are based upon incorrect
thoughts. Mental and emotional health
work together, one affects the other.
According to (Manitoba, nd) a
person with good mental and emotional
health often possesses:

1. self-confidence
2. ability to care for others
3. sense of well-being and satisfaction
4. ability to enjoy life, to laugh, and to
have fun
5. ability to deal with life’s stresses
and to bounce back from difficulty
6. capacity to change, grow, and
experience a range of feelings, as
life’s situations change
7. participation in life to the fullest
extent possible, through meaningful
activities and positive relationships
8. self-care that attends to the needs
of the whole person – mind, body,
spirit, creativity, intellectual
development, health, and so on
9. sense of balance in own life
between solitude (being alone) and
sociability, work and play, sleep and
wakefulness, rest and exercise, and
so on.

So these are the Factors that affects

Mental Health

First, Heredity , what is heredity?

Yes John?

Very good John!

Hereditary Refers to the
traits acquired from parents to
offspring. An example is bipolar
disorder, which in some cases, was
found to be a result of genetic

Second, Environment. Why environment

affect your mental health?
Yes princess, you’re rasing your hand.

Very good princess!

environment dictates how you feel and
act. The environment contributes to a
depressive disorder which may include
death of a loved one, separation with a
partner, and financial problems.
And Physical Illness. How physical
illness affect your mental health?
Yes Chad?

Very good!
Individuals with recurrent
(repeated) illnesses are at high risk
of mental illness like depression.
Depression may follow heart attack
or stroke. Medication may also
result in depression.

V. Evaluation:
Get ¼ sheet of paper and lets have a short quiz.

VI. Agreement:
Watch in advance the single sinawali in youtube.

VII. Reflection:

A. No. of learners achieve 80%:

B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation:
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
D. No. of learners who have caught up the lesson:
E. No. of learners who continue to require remediation:
F. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?
G. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve?
H. What innovation or localize materials did I used/discover which I wish to share with other

VII. Remarks

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