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Request for Proposals (RFP):

Wastewater Treatment System

Design and Implementation
Issue Date: NOVEMBER 30, 2023
Submission Deadline: DECEMBER 10, 2023

1. IntroducƟon
Shi Energy Japan and MKG Japan are seeking proposals from experienced and qualified wastewater
treatment firms to design, supply, and implement a wastewater treatment system for our biomass
gasifica on site located in Gunma, Japan. The system must effec vely treat wastewater to meet
environmental standards before being discharged into a nearby dam.

2. Project Background
Our biomass gasifica on site generates approximately 4 cubic meters (m³) of wastewater per day. The
wastewater characteris cs are as follows with a goal of the following achieving the regula ons applicable
for the area:
 Hourly Flow Rate: 0.170 m3/h
 Daily Flow Rate: 4.080 m3/day
Estimated gasification Gunma Japan Combined Regulations Shimonita Dam
wastewater values Regulation Regulation for Gunma and Japan Water Analysis
n-Hexane 18 mg/L 30 mg/L 30 mg/L <30 mg/L N/A
pH 7.8 5.8 ~ 8.6 5.8 ~ 8.6 5.8 ~ 8.6 7.5
N 1,100 mg/L 120 mg/L 120 mg/L <120 mg/L 1
P 7.1 mg/L 16 mg/L 16 mg/L <16 mg/L 0.006
Iodine Consumption 6,900 mg/L 220 mg/L 220 mg/L <220 mg/L N/A
Phenol 430 μg/L 1 mg/L 5 mg/L <1 mg/L N/A
DO **Unknown** B: 5 mg/L B: 5 mg/L >5 mg/L 9

Waste water volume Maximum daily limit:

Above 30 m : 25 mg/L 160 mg/L
BOD 3,970 mg/L 3
<120 mg/L <0.5
10 to 30 m : 60 mg/L Average daily limit:
Below 10m3: N/A 120 mg/L

Waste water amount Maximum daily limit:

Above 30 m : 50 mg/L 200 mg/L
SS 95 3
<150 mg/L <1.0
10 to 30 m : 70 mg/L Average daily limit:
Below 10m3: N/A 150 mg/L

Waste water amount Maximum daily limit:

Above 30 m : 25 mg/L 160 mg/L
COD 9,900 mg/L 3 <120 mg/L 1.4
10 to 30 m : 60 mg/L Average daily limit:
Below 10 m : N/A 120 mg/L
3. Scope of Work
The selected contractor will be responsible for:
 Designing a wastewater treatment system that can handle the specified water quan ty and
quality while priori zing energy consump on and low running costs.
 Ensuring the treated water meets local environmental standards for discharge as detailed above.
 Dra poten al impact on the local water ecosystem a er treatment.
 Supplying and installing all necessary equipment and infrastructure.
 Providing training for our staff on system opera on and maintenance.
 Offering post-installa on support and warranty services.

4. Proposal Requirements
Proposals should include:
 Company profile and experience in similar projects.
 Detailed methodology and approach for the project.
 Technical specifica ons of the proposed treatment system.
 Project meline and implementa on plan.
 Compliance strategy with Japanese environmental and industrial regula ons (JIS).
 Cost breakdown and payment schedule.
 References from previous clients.

5. EvaluaƟon Criteria
Proposals will be evaluated based on:
 Technical feasibility and innova on.
 Experience and track record.
 Cost-effec veness.
 Compliance with environmental standards.
 Quality of a er-sales service and support.

6. Submission Guidelines
Proposals must be submi ed by December 10, 2023 to Ricky Simpson ( and
pmteam@shi All proposals should be comprehensive and presented in a clear,
organized manner.

7. Contact InformaƟon
For any inquiries regarding this RFP, please contact:
Phone: +81 092-409-9607
Phone: +81 092-409-9607
This RFP is intended to find a partner who can deliver a high-quality, efficient, and cost-effec ve solu on
for our wastewater treatment needs. We look forward to reviewing your proposals and finding the right
partner for this crucial project.

Shi Energy Japan KK and MKG Japan KK

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