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Central Processing Unit (CPU) Alternately referred to as a processor, central processor,

or microprocessor, the CPU (pronounced sea-pea-you) is the Central Processing Unit of the
computer. A computer's CPU handles all instructions it receives from hardware and software
running on the computer.

- The CPU is often referred to as the brain of the computer.

- - When referring to your computer or monitor, it is proper to refer to them as
either the "computer" or "monitor" and not a CPU. The CPU is a chip within the

3 Basic components of a processor

1. I/O – Input/output Unit

2. CU – Control Unit
3. ALU – Arithmetic Logic Unit

Input/output Unit – manages data and instructions entering and leaving the processor.
The Control Unit – manages all activities inside the processor itself.
The Arithmetic Logic Units – does all logical comparisons and calculations.

2 Manufacurers of Processor

1. Intel - is an American multinational corporation and technology company

headquartered in Santa Clara, California (colloquially referred to as "Silicon
o Is the world largest manufacturer of Microprocessor.

2. AMD - is an American multinational semiconductor company based in Sunnyvale,

California, United States, that develops computer processors and related
technologies for business and consumer markets.

Pin Grid Array vs Land Grid Array

- PGA(Pin Grid Array) is AMD cpus the pins are on the cpu
- LGA (LAN Grid Array) is Intel chips where the Pins are in the motherboard socket

Note: thats the only difference otherwise they both serve the same purpose.

(LGA) Pinless Processor (PGA) With Pins Processor

Property of: Iloilo Vocational Technical School, Inc

Edited by: Mr. Ivan Anrhony P. Talco
Classifications of Processor

1. Single Core Processor

2. Dual Core Processor
3. Multi Cire Processor

Single-Core Processors

It is a processor that has only one core, so it can only start one operation at a
time. Originally all processors were single core.

Dual-Core Processors

Dual-core processors include two processor cores in the same physical package. Dual
cores processor provides faster performance in a multitasking environment.

AMD Processor INTEL Processor

Diagram of a generic dual core processor

How a single-core processor (left) and a dual-core processor (right) handle multitasking

Property of: Iloilo Vocational Technical School, Inc

Edited by: Mr. Ivan Anrhony P. Talco
Dual Core Processor vs. Single Processor


 Single core processors perform a single task until completion and then move on to
another one. Dual core processors contain two processors on the chip, allowing it to
perform two operations at once.


 To perform tasks faster, single core processors need to get faster. As single core
CPU's get faster, they generate increasing amounts of heat. Dual core allows two
CPU's on one chip, without needing a separate socket for each processor.


 Besides giving a computer more processing power than a single core processor, dual
cores are less stressful to an operating system. With a dual core processor, a
system can dedicate one core to a program, such as a game, and one to normal
computing. On a single core, the OS has to constantly direct processing power to
different tasks.


 In general, single core processors offer almost no benefit over a dual core
processor, save for a small price advantage. Most modern games and video editing
software need at least two cores to run optimally.

Multi-Core Processors

A multi-core processor is simply a single chip that contains two or more cores that
operate at the same frequency, but independently at each other. Each core is a logical
processor which contains two ALUs; therefore each core can process two instructions
A CPU using a multi-core processing can have two cores (Dual core supporting 4
instructions) three cores (Triple core supporting 6 instructions) four cores (quad core
supporting 8 instructions) or eight cores (octo core supporting 16 instructions at once).

Quad-core processing with L1, L2, and L3 cache and the memory controller within the
processor housing

Property of: Iloilo Vocational Technical School, Inc

Edited by: Mr. Ivan Anrhony P. Talco

A memory cache is RAM that holds data and instructions. The memory controller anticipates
the processor will need next. Using a cache improves performance because the controller
does not have to make as many calls to RAM on the motherboard to fetch data or

CPU caches are small pools of memory that store information the CPU is most likely to need

Processor frequency - is the speed at which the processor operates internally.

Over clocking

For most motherboards and processors, you can override the default frequencies by
changing a setting in BIOS setup. Running a motherboard or processor at a higher speed
than the manufacturer suggests is called overclocking and is not recommended because the
speed is not guaranteed to be stable.
Also, know that running a processor at a higher-than-recommended speed can result in
overheating, which can damage the processor. Dealing with overheating is a major concern
when overclocking a system. And warranties for the motherboard or processor are sometimes
voided when they are overclocked.
All things considered, some folks still consider overclocking a great hobby and are
willing to take the risk with their gaming computers. In a business environment, however,
never overclock a computer.

AMD processors

K6-2 Sempron Turion 64 Phenom X3 Athlon II

K6-III Athlon 64 Athlon 64 X2 Athlon 6-series E2 series

Athlon Mobile Athlon 64 Turion 64 X2 Athlon 4-series A4 series

Duron Athlon XP-M Phenom FX Athlon X2 A6 series

Athlon XP Athlon 64 FX Phenom X4 Phenom II A8 series

A10 series

Intel processors

4004 Pentium Pentium 4 Pentium Extreme Edition Core i3

8080 Pentium w/ MMX Mobile Pentium 4-M Core Duo Core i5

8086 Pentium Pro Pentium D Core 2 Duo Core i7

8087 Pentium II

8088 Celeron

80286 (286) Pentium III

80386 (386) Pentium M

80486 (486) Celeron M

Property of: Iloilo Vocational Technical School, Inc

Edited by: Mr. Ivan Anrhony P. Talco
Property of: Iloilo Vocational Technical School, Inc
Edited by: Mr. Ivan Anrhony P. Talco

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