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13 SilifatAkinsanya Street/63 Martins Street, Off Omilani Street,

Ijeshatedo, Surulere, Lagos.
INSTRUCTION: Answer all questions in this section TIME APPROVED: 2RS

1. A trait that manifest in every generation is called _______

a. Dominant gene c. Homozygous gene
b. Recessive gene d. Heterozygous gene
2. In order to avoid teenage pregnancy, an adolescent girl should _____
a. Accept frequency gift from men
b. Mingle carelessly with men
c. Seek unnecessary favor from men
d. Dress decently at all time
3. Lack of protein in the body causes _____
a. Ricket c. Beriberi
b. Kwashiorkor d. Night blindness
4. Oil spillage is a good example of _____
a. Air pollution c. water pollution
b. Land pollution d. noise pollution
5. People living with HIV/AIDS should _____
a. Have unprotected sex
b. Regularly take their medication
c. Not be loved and cared for
d. Always donate blood to patient
6. In magnetism, _________
a. Unlike poles attract c. like poles attract
b. Like charges attract d. unlike charges repel
7. At puberty, it is important to _____
a. Keep good friends c. maintain personal cleanliness
b. Attractively dress d. be indiscipline
8. The part of a duck which enables it to survive on the land is a ______
a. Paired lungs c. oily feather
b. Sweet gland d. webbed foot
9. Drug abuse may be prevented among the youths through ______
a. Adoption of unhealthy lifestyle
b. Adoption of negative social interactions
c. Inculcation of life coping skills
d. Unselective friends hips
10. Aquatic animals respire with the aid of _____
a.Trachea b. lungs gills d. skin
11. The natural satellite of the earth is_____
a. Jupiter b. moon c. mars d. constellation
12. The following resources are obtained from decayed living matters
EXCEPT _____
a.Iron b. coal c. diesel d. methane
13. The light rays that strike the surface of the mirror is the
a. Normal ray b. refractive ray c. reflective ray d. incident ray
14. The entire outer part of a female pubic region is called ______
a. Uterus b. oviduct c. vagina d. vulva
15. The apparatus shown is called ______
a. Conical flask
b. Beaker
c. Bottle
d. Container
16. A body that absorbs light is said to be _____
a. Reflective b. refractive c. luminous d. opaque
17. The parts of the body that are responsible for movement are ____, _____
and jont.
a. Bone, muscle c. cartilage, muscle
b. Bone, cartilage d. skeleton, cartilage
18. Centre of gravity simply means _____
a. Centre at which the body balances its position to operate
b. Centre at which the body is heaviest
c. Point at which a body remains at rest
d. Point at which two or more bodies meet

The diagram above represents an/a _____ scale.

a.Acidity b. alkalinity c. neutral d. pH
20. The earth is the ____ planet to the sun
a. First b. second c. third fourth
21. The main source of energy supply comes from the
a. Stars b. moon c. sun d. food
22. Example of non-metals include these EXCEPT.
a. Iodine b. nitrogen c. oxygen d. sodium
23. Drugs can be used for ____ and ____ purposes
a. Medical, recreational c. medical, utility
b. Utility, recreational d. defense, acceptability
24. The nutrient gotten from protein food after digestion is_____
a. Acid b. citric acid c. fatty food d. glucose
25. The process of preparing food with the use of carbon dioxide and water in the presence of
sunlight and chlorophyll is called___ a.Respiration c. nutrition
b.Photosynthesis d. digestion
26. All these are microscopic organism EXCEPT_____
a. Spider b. bacteria c. fungi d. virus
27. The main nutrient found in maize plant is____
a. Protein b. fibre c. fats and oil d. carbohydrate
28. River blindness is carried by a vector (insect) called____
a. Mosquito b. tsetse fly c. black fly d. white fly
29. The blood that fights against germs in the body is____
a. A red blood cell c. white blood cell
b. Plasma d. platelets
30. The structure that protects the inner part of plant and animal cells is called______
a. Cytoplasm b. omnivores c. insectivores d. herbivores
31. All these are the activities of living things EXCEPT_____
a. Movement b. excretion c. photosynthesis d. respiration
32. One major difference between plant and animal is_______
a. Excretion b. reproduction c. respiration d. movement
33. Which of the following hormones is often referred to as Emergency hormones?
a. Adrenaline b. Estrogen c. Insulin d. Thyroxine
34. The residential electricity meter contains a fuse which prevents_____
a. Electric shock b. overloading c. illegal connection d. irregular reading
35. Water contamination can occur by any of the following EXCEPT___
a. Addition of chlorine c. oil spillage
b. Sewage d. industrial solution
36. The male sex cell is known as _____
a. Ovum b. ovary c. anthers d. sperm
37. The outer layer of the human skin I known as _____
a. Dermis b. epidermis c. sweat gland d. sweat pores
38. Work = Force × ?
a. Acceleration b. distance c. power d. length
39. Excretory organs include the following EXCEPT ___
a. Urethra b. skin c. kidney d. lungs
40. Power is equal to___
a. b. c. d.

Answer any 3 in this section question one (1) is compulsory
1a. Define an Acid and give three (3) properties of an acid
1b. What is a Base and also give two(2) properties of a base
2a. Give three examples of salt and its uses
2b. Define Resistance and enumerate the two type of connection with a well specified diagram.
3a. What is Reproduction
3b. Highlight three importance of sex education
4a. What is dominant and recessive traits and give their differences
4b. Highlight four economic importance of resources from living things

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