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TYPES OF LIGHTING ‘Arita igiting's best examined according tothe function t performs, typically described ‘as ambient, accent, focal, of task lighting. Ambient lighting isthe general-purpose light in a ‘pace. Ideally the ambient light source comes from cifferent fxtures that can be individually conttolled and dimmed depending on the tie of day or amount of natural ign aval ing acts as a spotlight to iluminate a specific artwork, architectural deta or piece of furniture, Accent lights are yp ures that can be manually adjusted to focus on a particular object. To avod glare, the light source should be ata 30cegree angle to te object LUntike ambiont or accent lighting sources, chandeliers. wall scones. and lamps craw the eye to themselves. These glowing objects serve as focal its in afo0m and, in fact, are often referred to as fat glow. Most successful igting design solutions balance ambient it with fecal gow. “Tash lighting provides Ugh fora specific activity n atypical off space, the light levels are ‘evenly distributed by a grid of fuorescent fixtures. but are usually supplemented with task Tight over each desktop. Different tasks require cifferent lighting levels, for which there are gaveraTTECERNTTETETIONS. Lighting ovels can be described in footcanales, which measur how much light a it candle would theow on a surface that is foot away, The metric equivalent 's the ux RECOMMENDED LIGHT LEVELS eteatuant 219 LIGHTING BASICS Lighting is measured bythe amount of iminous ux on a surface, called luminance. tis ex. pressed either In foot candies luminance in a square fool) or in lux (luminance ina square ‘mete An artificial ight source s eterred to as a fap, Although lamps ave commonly ident ‘ied by their wattage, tis does not descrive the output of lignt. A watts the measurement of cenorgy consumption trom a particular ight source. So an incandescent lamp and a Nuores cent lamp can have the Same light output of foot.candles or lux, while ranging dramatically in wattage. As an example, a 60watt Incandescent lamip has the same light output ofa 15 watt Aluorescent lamp, Lip coming oma sige pit sou can, the drt sung, create dar ras of shadow around the po of 1g proves pont sore cal tenon tothe euros umnat intend nage ts Iverontererarterstes. Die igs ke tat on dou dy tt Chas ig every ad snot stong enuf to reste shows Wie is oven Bor gt mss gang wang seterMGN BSGRIE TIED) on De oe, can cen # Bk ht andlor te. ‘an unshaded lamp or poctly positioned fixture with an exposed lamp can cause extreme brighiness from alight source calle glare, While not measurable, glare is easily recognizable, Itcan impair vision and induce discomforts the eye usually squlnts to reduce the impact of ts harshness. Veling reflection is another type of gare that is caused by the brightness of alight source refectng off = shiny surface such as glass. A famTar example Might De The ection ofa bright window on a computer screen. The wellthought-out distribution and loca ‘lon of ight fxcures can reduce glare sign feanty, TYPES OF LAMPS Many types of lamps are avallole, each with specie characteristics for color endition, size, ‘energy consumption, and lamp life, Juggling al the variables can be complex. To specify lamps correctly, designers should know their efficacy rating 2 = lon/pocr, 5 = high/excelont) a5 wel as thelr correlated color temperature and color rendering index 2500-3500 4000-690K Le ERE Ti Color Rendering ex (CR) oot food 2 excelent 0230405070890 100 220 re wrEWOR DESIGN AEFERENE » SEEIEATION BOOK — A \ Fieaort we / Saas Transterme: incandescent Sera ovo Siam? a Lamp Lite: 2060-3000 hours Ballas Tansformer no “Tungsion Halogen etieaey 2 Lamp Life: 2060-4000 hours Ballas Tanslormer: yes — toner 8 a Fuorescent Tube ut neany instant Corr it is esa 7535 Lamp ite: 10.080-20.200 ours DBelas/Tanstoran yor StorttoFul Output near instore Ton coop ctesey 5 Lamp Le: 10000-20000 hours Balt Tanstormer yes Halise fd i reaey 5 Ballast Transformer yes High Pressure Sodium Stare Ful Outaut 3-5 minutes eaten 221 NEW LIGHTING TECHNOLOGIES [though fiberoptic and LED lighting technologies have been around fer awhile, they are now becoming more readily avaiable to designers. Both lighting types are more energy eficiont nan fluorescent lighting, but also much more cost prohibitive, As the market continues to focus on energy efficiency, however, cesigners will See these technologies advance further land become mre affordable, Fiber-Optic Lighting ‘Tis technology celes on strands of acyle cables to transmit light from the light source, Caled te illuminator, tothe ends of the cables. The illuminators simoly a box wit either @ tungsten halogen lamp or a metal halide lamp of varying wattages. Tungsten halogen lamps are more commen, while metal halide lamps are typically used fr large instaations. The fends of the aeryle cable are gathered in a bunale and placed in an aperture direct infront ‘of the lamp. The lluminators should e convenienty located fr easy access to relamp the fixtures. I's also important to note that the illuminators need ventilation to release the heat ‘that is generated by the lamp, Depending on the lighting design, there can be less than @ handful of acrylic cables or hun reds of cables. The length of the cables can vary per installation, but asa general rule they ‘should not exceed 50 feat (15 m) or igh transmission wil be comaromised. The advantage of tvs eystem is that multiole lignts can be located in ificultto access places, cantalled by a single lamp insice the luminator. LED Lighting Athough lent-emitting diodes (LEDS) use @ fraction of the electricity anc last up to ten times {slong as fuorescent lamps, they ate toa costly for use in general lighting. LEDS are available in high intensities of red, green, and blue light, and the combination ofall three colored lights Comparative Correlated Color Temperature rcondescent Tungsten Haoesn LowotageHslogen —— PuoraseantTobe-con! 222 re wrEWoR DESIGN AEFERENCE » SEEIEATION BOOK vields white light, Varying combinations of the three colors can produce a full spectrum of Color options. LEDS have the addtional advantage of procucing no heat. Currently, LEDS are sed in interior design to create desited effects such as accenting.a reveal or washing a wal with colored ight. As the technology acvances, i will Become more atfordable ana eventually be applied to general purpose lignting. LIGHTING TERMINOLOGY Ballast: Small device that controls the flow of current by providing the required starting vohage and then roducing the current during operation Corolated Color Temperature (CCT) Spectral characteristic of align source, measured in fetvns aluze. the warmer the (yellon/red) tones; the higher the temperature, the cooler the (blue) tones. Sunlight st dawn has a color temperature of 1500K. hile @ uniform overcast sly is 6527. Color Rendering index (CRI): Scale from 7 to 100 that descrives the affect of alight source on an objector surface. The higher the indo, We Tre natural and vibrant the object appears Dimming Ballast: Device used with fuorescent lamps to vary the outeut of light by the use ofa donner contro Ettcacy, or Luminous Eteacy: Eticiency in which electrical power is converted ta light. Efficacy measures the numberof lumens emittes per watts consumed (mW). Low-voltage Lamp: Incancescent lamp that operates with low voltage, ranging fom 6 10 12 vot. Transformer: Device designed to raise or lower electric voltage. PuoescentTabe-womn Compact Puoestent etal Haide ign Pressure Sosy testo 223 Chapter 15: Invisible Systems The intangible comforts of a room, including temperature, alr quality, and humid ity, ae taken for granted if successfully designed, but become the source of many complaints if they prove inadequate or off-kilter. In addition, the paraphernalia of comfort—dliffusers, giles, thermostats, lights, receptacies—can easily obtrude on 2 space with their ubiquitous offthe-shelf character. Given these challenges, itis important for designers to select the best mechanical and electrical engineers and to begin coordination early in the design process. Central to a successful interior design project Is a full accounting of all the accou- trements of control for mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems. Designers ‘must incorporate light switches, receptacles, and vents in the earliest interior ot vations. Once accounted for and drawn, it will be far easier to find smart solutions for making these everyday elements less obtrusive. The mechanical diffuser, for Instance, can provoke an entire ceiling design concept, with lineer diffusers hidden away in the offset between two ceiling planes, and thus define the character of the space. THE BASICS OF BUILDING SYSTEMS Basie bullaing systems include heating, cooing, and ventilation (HVAC); electrical; and plumbing systems, Other systems lke fie protection and secunty ae not discussed here, but should ‘also be considered when designing a room. Engineers are responsible for desighing the bulling systoms, while architects and designers coordinate the integration of the systems. Consequently, designers need to have a conceptual understanding of the full ange of bulcing systems, For example the light fatures, supply and return aitfusers, Me-safety devices, anc ‘such are located ona reflected celling plan and coordinated withthe engineering drawings by the designer 1 MECHANICAL SYSTEMS. ‘Thermal comfort can be provided by ar, water, or electricity, each option having advantages or isadvantages for a particular situation, Ducted at systems can provide bot heating and cooling. Hydronic systems are economical for heating, but are not ideal for cooling. Eleccal systems are very expensive to operate, but do not ental alot of equipment. 2224 re wrEWo DESIGN AEFERENCE » SEEIATION BOOK Ducted-Alr Systems Various types of alr systems are used o provide heat In bulcings, the most common of which are described below, ‘Single Zone Syatem | This system eats the entire bulding as a single zone, controlled by ‘one thermostat and one airnandling unt. tis eommon in residertiat ‘and small ulldngs. slighty more complex system includes multile ‘subzones that incorporate thermostatle controls inside the duets that ‘eed different zones. While the temperature can be controled within the various areas, al of the zones have to be on the same mode of ‘either heating or cooing Muttzone System | This system produces both hot and cold al from a central controller. ‘The airis then cistrbutec by ducts to cifferent zones that are thermo- statically controlled. Unik the single zone systems, this system can produce hot and cold temperature simultancousiy. The cisadvantage ‘of this amount of fesoltyis that It erives up energy consumption, ‘Single-Duct Reheat | This system forces very cold air into single duct that feeds the System entire building. Reheat coils at the ends ofthe duct run aqust te air to the desires temperature. This system is best used where constant Climate control is prefered. Because it cools the air and then reheat itat each zane, the system Is not energy ecient. Variable Air Volume | This system controls the temperature by varying the amount of ar (VAY) System ‘ow ina zone trough adjustable dampers inthe ductwork. As the ‘temperature lowers, the dampers close to reduce the amount of ar Mow: asthe temperature rises, the dampers open to release more a. This aystem is very common for medium to large bullaings because of its high energy efficiency. The disacvantage is thatthe system ether heats or cools and eannat do both at once, Locating Dittusers Air systems require difusers, registers, o giles atthe ends of duct runs. Depending on the design ofthe space, the ducts can be exposed or concealed above a cropned ceiling. None: less, difusers should be positioned evenly and close to the perimeter wall where either heat gain or loss is of mast concem, Since warm ar rises, the supply airs typically mounted in the ceiling or righ on a wall Retur ar draws warm anc stale alr ftom a room and should be located away from the supoly ai, Relurn-ale diffusers, registers, and giles can be positioned on celings, walls, or foors Invensys 225

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