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rime is the continuation of business by other Ruffian Lore
means, and violence is its blood and breath.
Private entrepreneurs might strike out to grasp History DC 5: As the old saw goes, the tools of each trade
what's left in reach, but the core business of well-serve its opposite; firefighters and arsonists, shipwrights
crime is violence as service; peace is precious to and saboteurs, brigands and bodyguards, thief-catchers and
all, and those who clutch the reins of violence thieves. Perpetrators of all such crimes can be found with
control the supply of peace. No enterprise can some regularity among the ranks of those purporting to
survive without some violence to call upon, after all, and it is oppose them.
the rare city indeed where the sword of the law is sufficient to History DC 10: Ruffians, whether engaged in pursuits
the demands of its people. legitimate or otherwise, tend to favor weapons that are some
combination of cheap, concealable, disposable, and
Ruffian Tactics reasonable for an ordinary person to carry. Bludgeons tend to
be favored over blades, as it's difficult to pretend innocence
Street toughs, thugs, and enforcers will typically engage while soaked in blood.
socially before attacking, trying to make a show of force and History DC 15: The lines between criminal and legitimate
extort the largest fee they think their target will be willing to enterprise are rarely clean-cut, as no professional guild or
pay to avoid a fight. workman's union can expect to protect its interests without a
In combat, ruffians typically attack nonlethally, replacing measure of violence to call upon, and few organizations
one of their attacks with a grapple or shove whenever support themselves through illicit activity alone.
possible to make use of their Dirty Fighting, and ganging up Religion DC 10: It is a common misconception that the gods
on weaker foes to gain more opportunities to trigger their whose portfolios contain such dread domains as deception,
Beat Down, or opportunity attacks if the enemy tries to avoid thievery, and murder are primarily worshiped by malefactors
their Beat Down. seeking guidance and protection for their misdeeds.
If victorious, they will in some combination strip a fallen In point of fact, people of all kinds (liars, thieves, and
foe naked, scar them, carry them to another location for murderers included), make offerings to such powers
questioning, or kill them outright, depending on how much primarily to avert their ire, and malfeasants who find their
personal enmity the foe inspired over the course of the fight. hand aided by the divine are far more likely to do so because
of the god's attitude toward their intended victim rather
than toward them.

Orzhov Racketeers
David Palumbo
Instigator Gang
Greg Staples

Ruffian Street Tough

Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment

Armor Class 11
Hit Points 9 (2d8)
Speed 30 ft.


15 (+2) 12 (+1) 11 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) Ruffian Crews
While many groups of ruffians might operate with the open
Senses Passive Perception 10 sanction or complicity of local authorities, stories of heroic
Languages Common, Thieves' Cant fantasy are often concerned with those that operate in
Challenge M2 (90 XP) relative defiance of local authority.
Most such criminal groups are small, ephemeral bands that
Minion. If the ruffian takes damage from an attack crop up around a specific person or opportunity, and disperse
or as the result of a failed saving throw, its hit or are absorbed by another group within a couple years of
points are reduced to 0. If the ruffian takes damage
from another effect, it dies if the damage equals or
formation after suffering one of the many misfortunes to
exceeds its hit point maximum, otherwise it takes
which their precarious pursuit is vulnerable.
no damage.
Longer-lived organizations tend to be centered around
controlling one or more local industries, and survive through
Actions close connections with local leadership and any forms of law
enforcement that may exist, often being informally deputized
Belligerent Brawl (Group Attack). Melee Weapon in service of them at times.
Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 2
bludgeoning damage. Naming Your Crews
If two or more street toughs contributed to this Ruffian crews typically have descriptive names that reference
attack, this attack can target a second target that where they operate out of, where they originally came from,
each of them can reach. their leader's name, their preferred style of work, earlier
Smash Up. The ruffian destroys one consumable groups they split off from or work with, a formative event for
magic item or other breakable object carried by a the gang, religious affiliation, fashion preferences, insular
creature within 5 feet. slang, puns and literary references. Such names usually
A target that isn't prone or Incapacitated can
acquire menacing connotations after-the-fact, rather than
choose which of its items is destroyed.
being overtly threatening.
Sample Names. Ashrats, Bare-Evens, Butler Lane Pricks,
Reactions Brackbelts, Can-Town Batties, Catchenny Crew, Chokehill
Jacks, Deadleds, Fair-Damned, Fearemen, Friendlies,
Beat Down. When a creature within 5 feet stands Gigsgard Society, Gogs, Head-Veins, Hectors, Lockletter
from prone, the ruffian can deal 1 bludgeoning Boys, Low-Pulls, Kneebone's Getgots, Hullknock Mob, Mad's
damage to it. Actives, Mermaids, Mill Gilders, Muns Dozens, Nickers,
If two or more ruffians took this reaction, the target Peelies, Powderlarks, Red Gents, Roachguard, Roisters,
must succeed on a Strength saving throw with DC Ropeletters, Said Pretenders, Scourers, Shade Provision,
equal to 10 plus the damage taken or fall prone. Star-Eyes, Them Rowdies, Tragg's Lads, Trud Brothers Gang,
Ruffian Thug Ruffian Enforcer
Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment

Armor Class 11 Armor Class 12

Hit Points 37 (5d8 + 15) Hit Points 75 (10d8 + 30)
Speed 30 ft. Speed 30 ft.

16 (+3) 13 (+1) 16 (+3) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 15 (+2) 17 (+3) 14 (+2) 17 (+3) 15 (+2) 14 (+2) 15 (+2)

Skills Athletics +5, Intimidation +4 Skills Athletics +5, Insight +4, Intimidation +4
Senses Passive Perception 12 Senses Passive Perception 12
Languages Common, Thieves' Cant Languages Common, Thieves' Cant
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) Challenge 2 (450 XP)

Dirty Fighting. Whenever the ruffian successfully Dirty Fighting. Whenever the ruffian successfully
grapples or shoves a creature, it can make a melee grapples or shoves a creature, it can make a melee
attack with advantage as a Bonus Action this turn. attack with advantage as a Bonus Action this turn.

Actions Actions
Multiattack. The ruffian makes two attacks, each of Multiattack. The ruffian makes two attacks, each of
which it can replace with a Grapple or Shove which it can replace with a Grapple or Shove
attempt. attempt.

Knuckle-Duster Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, Five-Copper Cosh Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) bludgeoning reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (2d4 + 3) bludgeoning
damage. damage.
On a critical hit, the target is knocked prone. On a critical hit, the target is knocked prone and
Stunned until the beginning of its next turn.
Low Blow. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5
ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) bludgeoning Kick Head. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5
damage. ft., one prone target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) bludgeoning
If this attack was made with advantage, the target
gains disadvantage on the first attack or check it This attack deals an additional 3 (1d6) bludgeoning
makes before the end of its next turn. damage to a Stunned target.
Smash Fingers. The ruffian attempts to break the
Reactions fingers of a grappled and prone creature within 5
Beat Down. When a creature within 5 feet stands feet, forcing it to make a DC 13 Constitution saving
from prone, the ruffian can deal 1 bludgeoning throw.
damage to it. On a failure, the target takes 14 (4d6) bludgeoning
If two or more ruffians took this reaction, the target damage and has disadvantage on attacks made with
must succeed on a Strength saving throw with DC that hand until it completes a Long Rest, or takes
half as much damage on a success.
equal to 10 plus the damage taken or fall prone.
Beat Down. When a creature within 5 feet stands
from prone, the ruffian can deal 1 bludgeoning
damage to it.
If two or more ruffians took this reaction, the target
must succeed on a Strength saving throw with DC
equal to 10 plus the damage taken or fall prone.
Ruffian Rakehell Tactics
Ruffian Rakehell Rakehells are much more likely to operate alone or in pairs
than other ruffians, and typically fight lethally even when
Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment
assisting allies that are not doing so. Typically they make
Armor Class 14 (Makeshift Shield) their first attack against a target with their Cloak-Wrapped
Hit Points 115 (14d8 + 52) Fist, then follow up with their Ratchetlock Greatrazor,
Speed 30 ft. afterwards replacing one of their attacks with their Tear
Wound whenever they have a valid target available.
They typically reserve their reaction for their Trap Blade or
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA opportunity attacks when alone, but in groups of two or more
18 (+4) 17 (+3) 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) will use whichever of their reactions first becomes available.
Skills Athletics +6, Intimidation +5, Stealth +5 Ruffian Enterprises
Senses Passive Perception 12
Languages Common, Thieves' Cant
In addition to any more mundane forms of illicit goods and
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)
services, ruffians in a fantasy setting might be involved in
such pursuits as:
Dirty Fighting. Whenever the ruffian successfully Breeding or Poaching magical creatures to sell,
grapples or shoves a creature, it can make a melee weaponize, or use as distractions.
attack with advantage as a Bonus Action this turn. Securing a monopoly on rare spell components.
Death-Eager. The ruffian has advantage on Wisdom Scribing scrolls of forbidden or otherwise unsafe magic.
saving throws while within 5 feet of a Bleeding Plundering magic relics from graves and replacing them
creature. with Magic-Aura-shrouded counterfeits.
Exorcising spirits that might share embarrassing or
Actions incriminating information.
Brokering trades of art and treasure on behalf of dragons.
Multiattack. The ruffian makes two attacks, one of
which it can replace with a use of its Tear Wound.
Using information extracted from the dead to blackmail or
defraud the living.
Ratchetlock Greatrazor Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to Devising and constructing deadly traps.
hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (1d10 + 4) Paying or extorting genuine prophets to deliver false
slashing damage. prophecies.
If this attack was made with advantage, the target
Helping shapechangers establish new identities.
begins Bleeding (1d6, Save Ends at end of turn). Manufacturing memories to help fool zones of truth.
Providing guidance and assistance to those looking to
Cloak-Wrapped Fist. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to initiate a warlock pact.
hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d4 + 4)
bludgeoning damage and the target is grappled
(escape DC 14).
Tear Wound. The ruffian claws at a wound of a
creature within 5 feet that is Grappled and
The target takes 7 (2d6) bludgeoning damage, then
must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving
throw or have its Bleeding value increase by 1d6.

Beat Down. When a creature within 5 feet stands
from prone, the ruffian can deal 1 bludgeoning
damage to it.
If two or more ruffians took this reaction, the target
must succeed on a Strength saving throw with DC
equal to 10 plus the damage taken or fall prone.
Trap Blade. When the ruffian takes 5 or fewer
piercing or slashing damage, it can reduce that
damage to 0 and trap the attacker's weapon
(remove DC 14).
Until the weapon is freed, attacks with it have

La Navaja
Joseph Saint-Germier
Ruffian Cherrycat Unfasten (2nd Level Spell). The ruffian magically
unfastens the armor of a creature it can see within 30
Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment
Armor Class 17 (Mage Armor) The target must succeed on a DC 14 Dexterity saving
Hit Points 127 (17d8 + 51) throw or have the AC bonus offered by its armor
Speed 40 ft. reduced by a cumulative 2 until the target takes an
action to adjust it.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Armor reduced to an AC of 10 falls off entirely until
donned again.
15 (+2) 18 (+4) 17 (+3) 17 (+3) 14 (+2) 11 (+0)
Glazier's Ace (2nd Level Spell). The ruffian smashes a
Saving Throws DEX +7, INT +6 bottle, window, or similar glass object it can reach,
Skills Arcana +6, Perception +5, Stealth +7 sending shards flying in a 15 foot cone.
Senses Passive Perception 15 Each creature in the area must succeed on a DC 14
Languages Abyssal, Common, Thieves' Cant Dexterity saving throw or be Blinded and Bleeding
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP) (1d6) for the next minute (Save Ends at end of turn).

Dark Gleam. Creatures within 10 feet of the ruffian can Bonus Actions
see in Dim light or Darkness as though it were Bright Charm Wall (2nd Level Spell). The ruffian touches a
Light. nonmagical wall or floor and teleports to the nearest
Dirty Fighting. Whenever the ruffian successfully unoccupied space on the opposite side of it.
grapples or shoves a creature, it can make a melee Power Word: Hush (1/Day, 3rd Level Spell). One creature
attack with advantage as a Bonus Action this turn. the ruffian can see within range drops to 0 hit points if
Burner's Break (1/Day). When the ruffian fails a saving it has 10 or fewer hit points. A creature with more than
throw against a spell or magical effect, it can choose to 10 hit points is unaffected.
succeed instead. If it does, it can't cast spells on its Quash Magic (1/Day, 3rd Level Spell). The ruffian targets
following turn. a space or creature it can see within 30 feet and
suppresses the effect of one spell of 7th level or below
Actions affecting it until the beginning of the ruffian's next
Multiattack. The ruffian makes three attacks, one of turn.
which it can replace with its Unfasten or Glazier's Ace.
Shrouded Awl Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5
ft., one target. Hit: 9 (2d4 + 4) piercing damage. Beat Down. When a creature within 5 feet stands from
prone, the ruffian can deal 1 bludgeoning damage to it.
Any hit with this weapon that is made with advantage
becomes a critical. If two or more ruffians took this reaction, the target
must succeed on a Strength saving throw with DC
Darting Bolt (1st Level Spell). Ranged Spell Attack: +6 to
equal to 10 plus the damage taken or fall prone.
hit, range 30 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (3d6) force
damage. Tip Turn. When a Medium or smaller creature misses
the ruffian with an opportunity attack, the ruffian can
If this attack misses, the ruffian can immediately make
grapple it (escape DC 12) or make a Shrouded Awl
a second attack against another creature it can see attack against it.
within 10 feet of the first target.

Ruffian Cherrycat Tactics Ruffian Ringleader Tactics

Cherrycats typically will begin a fight from range as long as While ringleaders have a ready source of advantage, they
their allies can keep melee combatants occupied, replacing prefer to attack with their Knucklecutter Chive, trying to
one of their attacks with Unfasten each turn against a heavily make a foe drop its spell focus or weapon, then snatch it or
armored combatant. kick it away, using their Deft Touch to wield any stolen magic
If the ruffian has a ready source of advantage, they close to items.Without a ready source of advantage, they replace their
melee and attack with their Shrouded Awl. If locked in melee first attack with a use of their Makeshift Rig, then try to shove
without a source of advantage, they replace their first attack an enemy into it with their Filchman's Club.
with Glazier's Ace, or intentionally provoke an opportunity They try to get and stay stuck-in with enemy spell casters
attack to make use of their Tip Turn and Dirty Fighting. and other ranged attackers to make use of their Stifling Clout
Most turns, they do not use their bonus actions; they and Eye Gouge. With their Legendary actions, they typically
primarily use their Charm Wall and Quash Magic to aid in an alternate between their Eye Gouge and Tavern Bludgeon, but
escape, and their Power Word: Hush only after they see an will use Swap In to reposition themself next to a spellcaster if
enemy with 0 hit points receive magical healing. they use their reaction early in the round.
Ruffian Ringleader Filchman's Club. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach
5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (2d4 + 5) bludgeoning
Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment
damage and the target is pushed up to 5 feet away.
Armor Class 17 (Studded Leather Armor) Makeshift Rig. The ruffian smashes a breakable object
Hit Points 187 (22d8 + 88) within 5 feet, creating a deadly hazard.
Speed 30 ft.
The first time a creature would be pushed into that
object's space, it takes 14 (4d6) piercing damage and
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA falls prone, and the hazard is destroyed.
19 (+4) 20 (+5) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) Reactions
Saving Throws DEX +9, CON +8, INT +7 Beat Down. When a creature within 5 feet stands from
Skills Athletics +8, Deception +8, Intimidation +12, prone, the ruffian can deal 1 bludgeoning damage to it.
Perception +6, Stealth +9 If two or more ruffians took this reaction, the target
Senses Passive Perception 16 must succeed on a Strength saving throw with DC
Languages Common, Thieves' Cant, Undercommon equal to 10 plus the damage taken or fall prone.
Challenge 9 (5,000 XP)
Stifling Clout. When a humanoid creature within 5 feet
Dirty Fighting. Whenever the ruffian successfully begins to cast a spell, the ruffian can make a Filchman’s
grapples or shoves a creature, it can make a melee Club attack against it.
attack with advantage as a Bonus Action this turn. On a hit, the target additionally has the wind knocked
out of it and is Choking until the beginning of its next
Deft Touch. The ruffian can use magic weapons as turn.
though it were attuned to them.
Evasion. When the ruffian makes a Dexterity saving Legendary Actions
throw, it takes no damage on a success, and half The ruffian can take 2 legendary actions, choosing
damage if it fails. from the options below.
Legendary Resistance (2/Day). If the ruffian fails a saving
throw, it can choose to succeed instead. Eye Gouge. The ruffian jams its thumb into the eye of a
creature within 5 feet, forcing it to succeed on a DC 17
Actions Constitution saving throw or take 5 (2d4) bludgeoning
damage and be Blinded until the end of its next turn.
Multiattack. The ruffian makes three melee attacks,
each of which it can replace with a Grapple or Shove Swap In. The ruffian and one friendly creature it can see
attempt, or with a use of its Makeshift Rig. within 30 feet each can move up to half their speed or
regain their reaction.
Knucklecutter Chive. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, Tavern Bludgeon. The ruffian grasps a Small or smaller
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 12 (2d6 + 5) slashing unattended object within 5 feet and smashes it against
damage. a creature within 5 feet.
On a critical hit, the target must succeed on a DC 17 The target must succeed on a DC 16 Strength saving
Constitution saving throw or lose a finger and drop one throw or take 13 (2d8 + 4) bludgeoning damage and
item it is wielding. fall prone.

Malik, Grim Manipulator

Joshua Raphael
Cant Spells
Charm Wall Glazier's Ace
2nd-level conjuration 2nd-level transmutation
Casting Time: 1 bonus action Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch Range: 15 ft.
Components: S, M (a key copied without its owner's Components: S, M (a bottle, window, or similar glass object
knowledge worth at least 1 sp) worth at least 1 cp, which the spell consumes)
Duration: instantaneous Duration: instantaneous
Requires proficiency in Thieves' Cant. Requires proficiency in Thieves' Cant.
You touch a surface of nonmagical stone or wood and are You smash the glass object used in the spell's casting,
drawn through it to the nearest unoccupied space directly sending shards flying in a 15 foot cone.
opposite that surface within 20 feet. Each creature in the area must succeed on a Dexterity
If no valid space exists within range, you are instead saving throw or be Blinded and Bleeding (1d6) for the next
expelled from the surface at the same point you entered. minute. An affected creature repeats this saving throw at the
Spell Lists. Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success.
At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell
Dark Gleam slot of 3rd level or higher, the size of the cone increased by 10
1st-level illusion feet for each slot level above 2nd.
Casting Time: 1 action Spell Lists. Artificer, Bard, Ranger
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M (a blind person's tears worth at least 1 Greasebody
gp, which the spell consumes) 2nd-level transmutation
Duration: 1 hour, concentration Casting Time: 1 action
Requires proficiency in Thieves' Cant. Range: 30 ft.
You touch a nonmagical light source, twisting the light Components: V, S, M (sweat collected from a dying person
produced by it. For the duration, the light produced by the worth at least 1 gp, which the spell consumes)
enchanted source can be seen only by creatures within 10 Duration: 1 minute, concentration
feet of it, and provides no illumination for other creatures. Requires proficiency in Thieves' Cant.
Spell Lists. Druid, Ranger, Wizard You cause a creature or an object you can see within range to
grow unnaturally slick. If the target is unwilling, it can make a
Darting Bolt Constitution saving throw. On a success, the spell has no
1st-level evocation effect.
Casting Time: 1 action If the target is a creature, it gains the following effects:
Range: 30 ft. The target can attempt to escape from grapples and other
Components: S, M (A bat's tooth worth 1 cp, which the spell forms of restraint as a bonus action.
consumes) If the target expends its last 5 feet of movement on its
Duration: instantaneous turn, it continues moving in the same direction for up to
Requires proficiency in Thieves' Cant. 10 additional feet.
You flick the bat's tooth used in the spell's casting and send When the target is hit with an attack, it is pushed up to 10
it darting chaotically toward a target in range. Make a ranged feet from that attack's source.
spell attack. On a hit, the target takes 3d6 force damage. If the target is an object, a creature holding that object
If this attack misses, you can make a second attack roll must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw at the beginning of
against another creature you can see within 10 feet of the each of its turns or throw it 10 feet in a random direction.
original target. Spell Lists. Artificer, Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard
Spell Lists. Artificer, Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard
Power Word: Hush Unfasten
3rd-level enchantment 2nd-level transmutation
Casting Time: 1 bonus action Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Range: 30 ft. Range: 30 ft.
Components: V, M (a fresh lily worth 5 cp) Components: S, M (a key copied without its owner's
Duration: instantaneous knowledge worth at least 1 sp)
Requires proficiency in Thieves' Cant. Duration: instantaneous
You utter a word of power that can compel one creature you Requires proficiency in Thieves' Cant.
can see within range to drop unconscious. If the creature you You magically unfasten the armor of a creature you can see
choose has 10 hit points or fewer, it is reduced to 0 hit points. within range.
Otherwise, the spell has no effect. The target must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or
If the creature would make death saving throws, it does so have the AC bonus offered by its armor reduced by a
as normal. cumulative 2 until the target takes an action to adjust it.
Spell Lists. Bard, Druid, Ranger, Wizard Armor reduced to an AC of 10 falls off entirely until donned
Quash Magic Spell Lists. Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard
3rd-level abjuration
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Range: 30 ft.
Components: V, S, M (the remnants of an expended spell
scroll worth at least 1 sp, which the spell consumes)
Duration: 1 round, concentration
Requires proficiency in Thieves' Cant.
You suppress one spell of 7th level or below affecting a space
or creature you can see within range, negating its effect until
the beginning of your next turn.
Spell Lists. Bard
Spell Cheat
1st-level divination
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 ft.
Components: V, S
Duration: instantaneous
Requires proficiency in Thieves' Cant.
You cast a spell of 1st level or below that you saw cast within
range since the end of your last turn, using your own Spell
Attack Modifier and Spell Save DC, if applicable.
Spell Lists. Artificer, Bard
Tapping Cheat
cantrip transmutation
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Range: self (5 ft. radius)
Components: M (a melee weapon that deals bludgeoning
damage worth at least 1 sp)
Duration: 1 round, concentration
Requires proficiency in Thieves' Cant.
You twirl the weapon used in the spell’s casting, deftly
manipulating its weight. Until the beginning of your next turn,
the weapon counts as having the Finesse property, and adds
both your Strength and Dexterity modifiers to its damage on
a hit, rather than just one of those.
At Higher Levels. At 5th level, a creature hit with the
weapon used in the spell's casting is pushed 5 feet away. This
distance increases by 5 ft. at 11th level (10 ft.) and 17th level
(15 ft).
Spell Lists. Artificer, Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard
Thieves' Cant Glossary Bellyful. A beating sufficient to make the target surrender.
Bellwether. Someone leading an angry mob.
Abram, or Sham-Abram. To pretend sickness or madness. Bess and Gleam. Housebreaking tools. Prybar and dark
Academy. A brothel. lantern.
Acorn, or Acorn-Horse. Gallows Bilk. Cheat.
Adam Tiler. A thief who robs their associates. Bill of Sale. Mourning clothes.
Admiral of the Blue. A landlord or politician; Someone who Bingo. Strong liquor.
advertises his profession. Bingo Boy/Bingo Mort. Heavy drinker.
Admiral of the Narrow Sea. A drunk who vomits in another Bit. Money.
bar patron's lap; A criminal who loses their nerve mid-job. Bite. Cheat or steal.
Affadavit Men. People willing to attest as witnesses for hire. Black and White. In writing.
After-Clap. Adding fees or other charges after already taking Black Art. Lockpicking skills.
payment for a service. Black Book. In the black book; someone known to be of poor
Air and Exercise. Beating; Whipping. character.
Algate. A draught from a dry pump; A debt owed by a person Blackfly. Tax collector.
with no property. Blackleg. A gambler.
All Hollow. Doomed; Outmatched Blast. To curse.
Alls. Civilians; Honest workers Bleaters. People angry after being cheated.
Altitudes. Intoxicated; "This fellow's in his altitudes." Bleeding Cully. Someone easily parted from their money.
Ambidexter. Someone who will do their job badly for a fee, Blessing. Something given for free.
particularly a defense lawyer. Blind. A feint.
Ames Ace. Bad luck, lowest roll. Blind Harper. Someone that feigns blindness.
Amuser. Someone who keeps sand in their pocket to throw Blood for Blood. Barter.
in peoples' eyes. Blue as Razors. Frightened.
Anchor. To keep within the letter of the law. Blunt. Money.
Anglers. Thieves who steal through open windows using a Bolt. A hiding place.
long stick with a hook at the end. Book-keeper. Someone who borrows things without
Apothecary. Someone who confidently uses dense, returning them.
nonsensical jargon to assure others of their qualifications. Both-Ear. To confuse a person by having a person talk at
Armored. Drunk. them from each side.
Articles. Weaponry. Boughs. Enraged; Up in the boughs.
Aunt. Experienced female criminal. Bowse. Alcohol.
Backed. Dead; Killed; Laid on one's back. Breaking Shins. Borrowing money.
Badge. Brand or tattoo marking one a criminal. Breeches. Efforts to hide evidence.
Badger. Desperate, unpredictable person. Bridge. To skip one's turn.
Bag of Nails. Wary; Eyes looking in every direction. Brother of the [Tool]. A friendly workman.
Balsalm. Money. Brush. To run away.
Bandbox. A tool unsuited to the purpose for which it is Bubble. Someone who has been cheated.
offered. Bucket. To die.
Bandog. Guards, Watchmen. Budge. Burglar.
Banging. Excellent. Bulk and File. Paired pickpocket grift where one bumps into
Bargain. A counterfeit. the target and the other robs them.
Barking Iron. Firearm. Bully Cock. Someone who provokes fights in order to rob
Barnacles. Unguarded valuables. the quarrelers.
Baste. Assault. Bully Trap. Someone stronger than they look.
Bawdy Basket. A salesperson that robs their customers. Bummed. Arrested.
Bear. Someone who sells something he hasn't yet acquired. Burner. Magic user; person of extraordinary abilities.
Bear the Bell. To lead a group. Butcher's Dog. Someone loyal to a fault.
Beater Cases. Boots. Butcher's Meat. Something borrowed.
Beaunasty. Well dressed but dirty. Butter a Bet. To double a bet.
Bed. Dead; Put to bed with a mattock and tucked in with a Buzza. Drinking contest.
spade. Cabbage. Material stolen from one's employer.
Bedawbed. Richly dressed; robbable. Cackle. To blab.
Beef. To be in a person's beef; to stab between a person's ribs. Cackle Tub. Meeting spot for plotting.
Beggar-Maker. Bartender. Cack-Handed. Awkward or undexterous.
Beggar's Benison. To be known and trusted by local Cagg. To promise a set period of sobriety.
beggars. Cakey. Foolish.
Bell, Book, and Candle. A curse. Canters. Criminals.
Canting Orders. Rufflers, Uprights, Anglers, Rogues, Wild Cole. Money.
Rogues, Prancers, Palliardes, Fraters, Jarkmen, Whip Collector. Robber.
Jackets, Drummerers, Drunken Tinkers, Swadders, Abrams. Come. To lend.
Glimmers, Baskets, Morts, Autem Morts, Walking Morts, Commission. Shirt, or clothing.
Doxies, Delles, Kinching Morts, Kinching Coes. Confect. Counterfeit.
Captains' Crew. A group of criminals where leadership is Content. Killed; Dead.
disputed. Corporation. Belly.
Captain Podd. Puppeteer. Costard. Head.
Caravan. A large sum of money. Cove. A rogue or reprobate.
Carrier. Lookout. Court Water. Empty promises.
Carry Witchet. A trap or puzzle. Crag. Neck.
Catch Penny. A lie to solicit contributions from the public. Crash. To kill.
Cat-Back. Tense and aggressive. Crib. "To fight a crib"; to stage a fake fight.
Chalkers. Knife-fighters. Cribbies. Blind alleys.
Chapped. Poor or ungenerous. Crimp. Kidnapper.
Charm. Someone who picks locks. Crockers. Someone who forestalls the arrival of enemies.
Chates. Gallows. Crop. Money.
Cheats. Clean outerwear to cover dirty or damaged clothing. Cropsick. Hung over.
Cherry-Cat. A black cat or unscrupulous magic user. Crow. To boast.
Cherry-Colored. Black. Cruisers. Eavesdroppers.
Chaunter-Cull. Bard, musician, or storyteller. Cry. "The more you cry the less you'll piss"; Unsympathetic
Chicken Turtle. A traveler that has just returned home with a saying.
lot of money. Cuff. An old man.
Chitty-Faced. Young-looking. Cull. A person.
Chive. A knife or file. Cunningman. Someone who returns stolen goods to their
Choke. "Choke away, chicken, more are hatching"; a saying original owner for a finders fee.
signifying a lack of sympathy. Cunning Shaver. Someone who cheats ingeniously.
Choke-Pear. A rhetorical question. Cup-Shot. Drunk.
Chop-and-Change. To conduct business quickly and without Cupboard Love. Pretended friendship for the sake of
distraction. exploitation.
Chouse. To cheat or trick. Cutty-Eyed. Suspicious.
Chub. Easy target. Dab. An experienced or talented person.
Civility Money. Money paid to attackers to avoid seriously Daddles. Hands.
injuring you. Daggers. "at daggers"; enemies.
Clammed. Starving. Damned Soul. Accountant.
Clanker. A big lie. Damper. A snack.
Clay. Money Clear. Very drunk. Dancers. Stairs.
Clerked. Imposed upon. Darbies. Restraints.
Cleric's Cough. Any disease likely to be deadly without Davy. Affidavit.
magical treatment. Dawb. Bribe.
Click. A blow or strike. Daylights. Eyes.
Climb. To be executed; ascend the gallows; "climb three trees Dead Cargo. Disappointing rewards.
with a ladder" Dead Men. Empty bottles.
Clinch. To agree with a stranger's lie. Deep-One. A slow and careful criminal.
Cloak Twitchers. Thieves that wait in dark allies for Degen. Sword.
passersby. Devil. An empty pocket.
Cloth Market. Bed; Sleeping. Devils' Book. Card games.
Cloven Foot. A sign of trickery. Devilish. Very.
Clout. A blow or strike. Dice Bale. Loaded dice.
Clout-Shod. Iron-tipped. Dilly. Hard-working.
Clover. Wealth; Luxury. Dimber. Pretty.
Cloy. Steal. Dimber Damber. Gang leader.
Club Law. Winning an argument by beating your opponent Dining Room Post. Burgling a house by pretending to be a
with a stick. delivery person.
Clunch. A foolish person. Dip. To borrow from a shared supply.
Coach Wheel. A coin. Dipped. Pawned or mortgaged.
Cob. Money Cobble. A small boat. Disguised. Drunk.
Cobbler. A translator; a shoemaker. Dished Up. Totally ruined.
Cock-Shut. Nightfall. Dispatches. A warrant for arrest.
Cod. A lot of money. Do. To rob, cheat, or assault.
Cold Iron. A cutting or stabbing weapon. Doctors. Loaded dice; to cheat; "put the doctors on them".
Cold Cook. Someone who disposes of dead bodies.
College. Prisons.
Dog Shop. A salesman solicitor that proclaims their goods in Fork. Pickpocket.
inns and alehouses. Fortune Teller. A judge.
Dose. Burglary. Foist. To pick a pocket.
Double. "To tip the double"; to leave town while in debt. Frummage. Strangle, choke.
Downhills. Loaded dice. Fun. Trick, cheat.
Drag. "Go on the drag"; to follow a group with the intent to Gallipot. An apothecary.
rob them. Gammon and Patter. Jargon.
Draw-Latch. Burglar. Gelt. Money.
Dripper. Untrustworthy person. Gigg. Nose.
Drop-a-Cog. To drop something with the intent of drawing Gigger. A lock; a door.
attention, usually money. Gilt. A lock-picking thief.
Dub. Lockpicking tools. Gingerbread. Money.
Dub Lay. Robbing houses by picking their locks. Gingerbread Work. Decorations.
Dub the Gigger. Open the door. Ginny. A hook for prying up window bars.
Dudders. Salesmen of cheap goods who pretend they are Glazier. Someone who breaks windows and display cases.
stolen or smuggled to enhance the perceived value. Glimmer. Fire.
Duke of Limbs. A tall person. Glimmerer. People who commit insurance fraud.
Dust. Money; "Down with your dust"; Show your money. Gloves. A bribe.
Earnest. A partial payment. Gluepot. A cleric.
Easy. Dead; "to make easy"; to kill. Goldfinch. Someone who customarily carries a lot of gold.
Equipped. Rich. Goodish. Foolish.
Evil. Restraints. Gravedigger. A busy person.
Execution Day. Washing day. Grease. To bribe.
Face Out. To persist in lying after being confronted. Gudgeon. A gullible person.
Facer. A full glass. Gullion. A bastard's bastard.
Faithful. Generous, trusting. Gutfoundered. Extremely hungry.
Fam Lay. Robbing a jeweler while pretending to shop. Half Seas Over. Almost drunk.
Fambles. Hands. Hallow. Assured.
Famble Cheats. Heavy rings or weighted gloves. Hatches. Under the hatches; To be in trouble.
Fan. To beat. Heave. To rob.
Fastner. A warrant. Hedge Creeper. Someone who climbs over hedges.
Fat Cull. A rich person. Hell. A place where stolen goods are stored.
Fators. Diviners. Here and Therian. A traveler without any set place of
Feeder. Silverware. residence.
Fence. A receiver of stolen goods. Hobbled. Confused.
Fencing Ken. A warehouse where stolen goods are hidden. Hobby-Horsical. Preoccupied with idiosycratic concerns.
Fetch. A trick. Hobson's Choice. A choice with only one option.
Fib. To beat. Hocking. Cutting someone's Achilles tendon.
Fiddle. A warrant. Hog Grubber. A stingy person.
Fidlam Ben. Thief. Hogo. Smell or flavor.
Figging Law. The skill of picking pockets. Holy Water. "Loves him as a devil loves holy water"; A
Figure Dancer. Counterfeiter. hateful thing.
Filch. Thief; Steal. Honest Man. A dishonorable knave.
File. Pickpocket; To rob; To cheat. Honey. Close friendship.
Finger Post. A pardon of crimes. Hooked. Over-reached; tricked; caught.
Fire Priggers. People who rob burning buildings under the Hoop. To beat.
guise of assisting the residents. Hop the Twig. To run away.
Fizzle. To escape, retreat. Horse's Meal. A meal with no alcohol.
Flam. A lie. Hubble-Bubble. Confused.
Flash Ken. A house that harbors thieves. Hug. To carry a deadly weapon.
Fleece. To rob. Hugger Mugger. Stealthily.
Flicker. To grin or laugh at someone in a threatening or Hulky. Musclebound, clumsy.
combative manner. Humbug. A joking lie or prank.
Fling. To trick or cheat. Hum. A particularly religious person.
Flush. Full of money. Hunch. To jostle, to shove.
Flux. To over-reach. Hunting. Drawing unwary passersby into a grift or game.
Fly-Slicer. Someone who draws a blade often and without Hurly Burly. A riot; chaos.
need. Hush. Murder.
Flying Porters. Cheats who obtain money by pretending to Iron. Money.
have been robbed. Jack of Legs. A tall person; a giant.
Fob. A cheat or trick.
Four Cautions. Beware an ass ahead, a beast behind, a cart
sideways, and a cleric always.
Jammed. Hanged. Milk the Pidgeon. To work at an impossible task.
Jaw Work. A job that requires a good liar. Mill Lay. To break a door down.
Jibber the Kibber. Lure a ship into running aground at night Miller. A murderer.
with a light so as to rob it. Mint. A large sum of money.
Jig. A trick. Mischief. Complications.
Inching. Encroaching; offending. Mobility. An inverse to nobility; the mob.
Jolly Nob. Head; "I'll lump your jolly nob for you." Moonrakers. Conjurers.
Jumpers. People who rob the upper stories of buildings by More-ish. Excellent; Habit-forming; Addictive.
climbing in through the windows. Moveables. Sellable items.
Kate. A lockpick. Mouth. A noisy person.
Kelter. Order. Muck. Money.
Ken. A house. Mum. An interjection insisting on silence.
Kencracker. A housebreaker. Murder. Angry; "Looked like murder."
Ketch. A hangman. Music. Watchword signifying one rogue to another.
Kidney. Sense of humour; moral principles. Muzzle. A beard.
Kill-Devil. Strong liquor. Myrmidons. Allies that can be called upon for a fight.
Kitchen Physick. Good food. Nacky. Ingenious.
Kiddle-Pitchering. Repeatedly interrupting a story as a joke. Natural. A fool.
Knack Shop. A toy shop. Nim. To steal.
Knave in Grain. An extremely evil person. Nip. To cheat.
Knight of the Rainbow. Someone who works for several Nipper. A cutpurse.
different employers. None-such. The best, frequently ironic.
Knight of the Road. A robber. Nose-bag. A legal job.
Knight of the Trencher. A great eater. Nostrum. Fake medicine.
Knot. A gang. Nubbing. Hanging.
Knowing Ones. Gamblers said to know how a match is Nurse. To cheat.
rigged. Nuts. Disagreeable.
Knowledge Box. The head. Nutcrackers. The pillory.
Knuckles. Pickpockets who work in the nicer parts of town. Oak. A person that is rich and reliable.
Lace. To beat. Oar. "To put in one's oar"; to give an opinion unasked for.
Laid on the Shelf. Pawned. Odd-Come-Shortlys. Eventually.
Lamb. To beat. Ogles. Eyes.
Land. The current situation. Oil of Gladness. A beating.
Lap. The best portion of a score; cream. Old. Ugly.
Latch. To let in. Old Gory. Gold.
Laugh. "laugh on the other side of their mouth."; to cry. Oschive. Bone-handled knife.
Law. A chance of escape or success. Ottomy. Skeleton.
Lay. Enterprise, pursuit. Ottomized. To be dissected. "You'll be scragged, ottomised,
Leaf. A hanged person. and grin in a glass cafe."; you'll be killed, dissected, and
Leaky. Unable to keep a secret. displayed.
Leggers. People who sell ordinary things that they pretend Oven. A big mouth.
are rare and smuggled. Overseer. A person in the pillory.
Lickspittle. A hanger-on; an informer. Out at Elbows. A bad situation that is getting worse.
Lift. A favor. Owlers. Smugglers.
Light-Heel. Someone good at escaping. Packet. A false report or affidavit.
Lock. A purchaser of stolen goods. Pad. A robber.
Lock-Up House. An informal or unofficial prison. Pallaver. To flatter.
Long. Excellent. Panny. A house.
Low Water. Empty pockets. Palm. To steal.
Lully Priggers. Thieves who steal drying laundry. Pay. To beat.
Lumber. Soldiers on board a ship. Peach. To inform upon someone.
Lump. To beat. Pedlar's Pony. A walking stick; a club.
Lurch. A place where one is abandoned. Peepy. Drowsy.
Lurries. Sellable treasures. Peer. To be circumspect.
Mace. A robber that presents themselves as a wealthy Persuader. Spurs; knives.
aristocrat. Phoenixmen. Firefighters.
Made. Stolen. Picking. Stealing.
Maggotty. Whimsical, Capricious. Pickthank. A troublemaker.
Magistrate. A feast; a well-paying job. Picture Frame. Gallows.
Married. Chained together. Pigeon. Someone weak-willed and easily imposed upon.
Mauled. Drunk; Beaten. Pink. To stab with a short blade.
Meggs. Money.
Melt. To spend.
Piss Prophet. A healer or physician. Ruffles. Handcuffs.
Plant. To hide. Rug. Safe; secure.
Plate. Money; Prize. Rum. Excellent, Good, Valuable.
Plumb. A large sum of money. Sack. A pocket.
Poke. A punch. Sad Dog. A dangerous and cruel person.
Poker. A sword. Sapskull. Fool.
Polish the Lord's Iron With One's Eyebrows. To be Scab. A villain.
imprisoned. Scamp. A robber.
Pop. To sell; to kill. Scandal Broth. Tea.
Pop Shop. A pawnbroker; a fence; an arms dealer. Scheme. A party.
Prating Cheat. A tongue. Sconce. Head.
Prey. Money. Scoundrel. A person without honor.
Prig. A thief. Scour. To wear, particularly restraints or armor.
Prignapper. A thief-taker. Scragged. Hanged.
Prinking. Overdressed. Screw-Jaw. Wry-humored person.
Provider. Someone who is robbed. Scrip. A marked debt.
Puddings. Guts. Scull. The head of a household.
Puffing. Bidding at auction with the intent of raising the final Secret. "In the grand secret"; dead.
sale price. Seedy. Poor.
Pursenets. Overpriced goods. Set. A scheme.
Purser's Pump. Someone easily robbed. Settle. To knock unconscious.
Quag. A dangerous situation. Shake. To gamble.
Quire. A lifelong criminal. Sharper. A cheat.
Quiz. A mage. Sharper's Tools. A fool and false dice.
Quota. Wage. Shaver. A skilled cheat.
Rack Rent. High fees. Shirk. To escape.
Rag. Money. Shool. To skulk.
Ragwater. Liquor. Shoulder-Clapper. Guard.
Rammer. Arm. Shoveled. Dead.
Ramshackled. Broken. Silence. To knock unconscious; to intimidate.
Rank. Excellent; Extreme; Stinking. Simples. Curatives.
Rank Rider. A robber. Skin. Temper.
Rap. To swear a false oath. Sky Farmer. A person who lies about where they're from.
Rapper. A big lie. Sky Parlor. Top floor.
Rare Show. Magic. Slam. A trick.
Rascal. A villain. Slap-Bang Shop. Someone who will not accept credit in
Rattle. To leave; to flee. payment.
Rattle-Pate. Someone unpredictable and wild. Sleeping Partner. Someone who lends their name to a
Rattle-Trap. Complicated machinery. rogue, without being involved in crimes themself.
Rattler. A carriage. Sleepy. Worn out.
Rattling Cove. A carriage driver. Smear Gelt. A bribe.
Reader. A pocketbook. Smiter. An arm.
Reader Merchant. Pickpocket. Smoky. Curious.
Ready. Money. Snack. A share; A partnership.
Reckon. To make erroneous judgements in one's own favor. Snakesman. Someone who squeezes through a small
Recruit. To acquire a fresh supply of money. passageway to open the way for confederates from the inside.
Red Lane. Throat. Snip. A tailor.
Red Rag. Tongue. Snudge. To hide under a bed.
Repository. A prison; a stable. Snuff. To take offense.
Resurrection Men. People who steal and sell dead bodies. Soak. To drink.
Reversed. Beaten unconscious and robbed. Sop. A bribe.
Ribbon. Money. Sorry. Vile; Worthless.
Ribroast. To beat. Spanking. Large.
Ridge. Gold. Speak With. To rob.
Ridge Cully. Goldsmith. Spill. A small reward or gift.
Rig. A game; a trick. Squeeze-Wax. A good-natured fool.
Rigging. Clothing. Stop. Kill.
Rocked. Foolish. Spoil-Iron. A smith.
Rook. A cheat. Stall. To ordain into an order of rogues, thus permitting them
Round Dealing. Honest dealing. to cant without fear of reprisal.
Round Sum. A large amount.
Row. A fight.
Rub. To run away; a problem.
Stalling Ken. A shop that receives stolen goods. Vineyard. A sword.
Stargazer. A nervous horse. Waggish. Fun; Humorous.
Star the Glaze. Break into and rob a jeweler's shop. Warm. To beat.
Starched. Stiff; Formal. Waterpad. One that robs river ships.
Stick Flams. Gloves. Whip Jacks. The tenth order of a canting crew.
Stone Doublet. Prison. Whipster. A sharp and subtle person.
Stoop-Nap. Time spent in the pillory. Whistling Shop. A prison that serves alcohol.
Stop Hole. Primary meeting place of a crew of rogues. White-Friar's A place where pursuers will not follow, either
Stretching. Hanging. out of fear, disgust, or custom.
Stranger. Money. Widows Weeds. Mourning clothes.
Strike. A large sum of money. Wild Rogues. Rogues raised to steal from birth.
Strommel. Straw. Wind. Money.
Stubble It. Shut up. Wipe. A blow.
Sturdy Beggar. Robbers that steal through intimidation. Wiredraw. To refuse to get to the point.
Sunburnt. Beaten. Witcher. Silver.
Sunshine. Prosperity. Wood. A bewildering situation.
Surveyor of the Pavement. Someone in the pillory. Woolbird. Sheep.
Suspended. Hanged. Worm. To learn secrets.
Swaddle. To beat with a stick. Yes and No Man. A person of few words.
Sweet. Expert; Dexterous; Clever.
Sweeteners. Decoys; Lures.
Swigmen. Traveling rogues without local connections.
Swivel-Eyed. Suspicious.
Tail. A sword.
Tally Men. Those who rent fine clothes to people who only
need them for a short period.
Tantony. Smallest pig in a litter; A well-liked weakling.
Tap. A blow.
Temple-Divers. Pickpockets who work in temples; clerics
that seek excessive alms.
Ten-in-the-Hundred. A moneylender.
Thorns. "Upon thorns"; A state of unease or impatience.
Three-Legged Mare. Gallows.
Tickrum. A license.
Tilt. To attack furiously.
Tilter. A sword.
Toad Eater. Low status magic user.
Tooth Music. Chewing.
Top. To cheat, to trick; to insult.
Topping Cheat. Gallows.
Topping Cove. Hangman.
Touch. To get money from; To arrest.
Towel. A wooden cudgel.
Transmography. Magic; Healing.
Trap. Thief-Taker.
Traveler. Storyteller.
Trim. Cheat; Rob; Beat.
Trooper. Murdered person; To die with one's boots on.
Trumps. Changes of fortune.
Trusty. A close friend.
Tucked In. Dead.
Turned-Off. Hanged.
Twig. To observe.
Twisted. Executed.
Two-Handed. Large.
Vamp. To pawn something.
Vardy. Verdict; Opinion.
Vinegar. A cloak.
Understrapper. Someone of low rank.
Untwisted. Ruined; Betrayed.
Uppish. Liable to take offense.
Upright Person. Leader of a crew or gang.
Used Up. Killed.
Art Credits You Found the Free Books!
Orzhov Racketeers by David Palumbo "Chokehill Jacks" blatantly stolen from Dael Kingsmill
Instigator Gang by Greg Staples Thieves' Cant Glossary adapted from A Classical
La Navaja by Joseph Saint-Germier Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue by Francis Grose
Bisk, Goblin King by Rae Elderidge

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