Arch 325 Abc Thought Paper

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Republic of the Philippines


City of Ilagan, Isabela

May 2, 2024

Section 3A: TBA
Section 3B: TBA
Section 3C: TBA

Subject: ARCH 325 Professional Practice 1: Laws Affecting the Practice of Architecture

Activity: Thought Paper


The assignment asks the student to turn in a 250–300 word thought piece regarding BP 344 Accessibility
Law. Look for a structure you believe is missing or violating BP344, take a picture, and offer your thoughts
on how the structure should designed appropriately. (e.g. Establishment that has no ramp, PWD toilet
that is not in compliance with the provision)

In addition, in your own words, how important is the implementation of Accessibility Law if you are to
design that structure?

Task Requirements:
1. Print your RSW in the prescribed format
2. Write your thought paper in the specified sections on the second page, which you should print
on A4 bond paper.

Refer to the rubrics as a guide in doing your activity

Content (substance) 7
Following Instruction 2
Presentation 1
Total 10 pts.
*Each day that a late submission is received, two (2) points will be deducted.

God bless future Architects!

Name: Score:
Activity: Thought Paper
Deadline: Year and Section:

Instructor comment/s:

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