Soal Kelas 6 PTS

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Jalan Raya Cileungsi Jonggol RT 10/04 Mekarsari Cileungsi Bogor 16820


Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Hari/Tanggal : ………………
Kelas : 6 (Enam) Waktu : ………………
Nama Peserta : ……………… Nomor Peserta : ………………

Petunjuk Umum :
1. Berdoalah dahulu sebelum memulai mengerjakan soal !
2. Dahulukan mengerjakan soal yang kalian anggap lebih mudah !
3. Cetakan soal yang kurang jelas, dapat ditanyakan kepada Bapak/Ibu guru !
Bahasa Inggris
KD Nilai KD Nilai KD Nilai KD Nilai KD Nilai
Siswa dapat
memahami aspek
adverb yang ada
dalam teks
percakapan dan
narrative dan
Memahami memahami teks
menuliskan aspek
jenis alat deskriptif
adverb dengan
transportasi bergambar
3.1 tradisional 3.2 menggunakan 3.3 sederhana tentang
ragam bahasa
maupun berbagai
tulis secara akurat
modern pekerjaan/profesi
dalam konteks
seseorang secara
kehidupan sehari-
hari dalam teks

I. Choose the right answer by crossing (x) the option a, b, c, or d.

(Pilihlah jawaban yang benar dengan menyilang (x) huruf a, b, c, atau d)

1. Andini goes to Italy by …… 4. Rudi is the smartest student in the class.

a. Pedicab No wonder, he studies …..

b. Train a. Quickly
b. Loudly
c. Airplane
c. Diligently
d. Rocket
d. Slowly

2. Susi and Indah ….. to school.

5. They dance ……..
a. Walk
b. Jump
c. Run
d. Rolling

3. My family and I ride on a ….. from

a. Badly
Bandung to Jakarta.
b. Lazily
a. Bus
c. Beautifully
b. Helicopter
d. Diligently
c. Pedicab
d. Walk
6. A: Do you know what a hospital is? the way to the railway station. We had lunch at
a Padang Restaurant near the station. My
B: …………………
brother requested to have lunch there. After
a. It is a place where children go to that, we continued to our trip to the station.
The train departed from Gubeng Station
b. It is a place where sick people go to at 4 p.m. it was my first time to travel by train.
get treated. Unfortunately, the train was a night train, so i
c. It is a place to play many games. could not see the scenery. i only saw rice fields,
mountains and many other beautiful sunset
d. It is a place to eat and drink. sceneries before the night came.
We arrived at Gambir Station at 5 in the
7. A: Is Mr. Alvian a teacher? morning. it took more than two hours by car.
Finally, we arrived at his house. Aunt Raisa and
B: …………………. her daughter, Luna, had cooked special
breakfast for us. After we took a bath, we
enjoyed the breakfast together.
11. Who do you think the writer of the text is?
a. Dadang’s sister.
b. Raisa’s daughter.
a. Yes, he is a teacher.
c. Luna’s sister.
b. Yes, he is a pilot.
d. Luna’s cousin.
c. No, he is not. He is a doctor.
d. No, he is not. He is a fireman.
12. What did the writer and his family do after
they arrived at Gambir Station?
8. This person is very good with machines.
a. They walked to the exit gate.
He can fix motorcycles and cars. Who is
he? b. They went to a costumers service.
c. They looked for a taxi.
a. Fireman
d. They bought souvenirs.
b. Farmer
c. Bricklayer
13. How did the writer go to the station?
d. Mechanic
a. By train.
b. By car.
9. These people help everyone to learn. They c. By bus.
stand in front of the classroom and share
their knowledge. Who are they? d. By bicycles.

a. Pilots
14. They had their breakfast … they had a
b. Reporters
c. Teachers a. Before
d. Soldiers b. When
c. Because
10. I feel sleepy. I want to go to …. d. After
a. Kitchen
b. Dining room 15. After we took a bath, what are we doing?
c. Bathroom a. Playing badminton.
d. Bedroom b. Watching Tiktok video.
c. Enjoy the breakfast.
This text for question number 11-15. d. Enjoy the lunch.
My father drove us to the train station
before noon. It took only an hour and half to
reach the station. We stopped to have lunch on
16. Where is it? 20. What is it?

a. It is a fan.
a. Bedroom b. It is a brush.
b. Livingroom c. It is a soap.
c. Bathroom d. It is a pillow.
d. Kitchen

17. What is this?

a. This is a pedicab.
b. This is a car.
c. This is a bicycle.
d. This is a bus.

18. This person flys an airplane and tells the

passengers all things about the trip.
a. Postman
b. Tailor
c. Pilot
d. Chef

19. What is he doing?

a. Close the door.

b. Open the door
c. Open the window
d. Close the window
II. Draw a line to match the words

1. Doctor a. To fly airplanes

2. Bus b. The transportation runs on the railway

3. Teacher c. To cook delicious food

4. Airplane d. This person protects the country and

has a gun
5. Mechanic
e. This person helps many people to learn
f. It can bring many passengers on it and
6. Pilot
has a long body
7. Car g. To fix cars or motorbikes
h. To cure the patients
8. Chef
i. The transportation that can carry only 4-
5 passengers
9. Train
j. The transportation can take us to
10. Soldier another country or islands

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