Activity 3 1

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Research for

Teacher Education
Activity 3
RE(ason)SEARCH : Writing the Rationale
and Statement of the Problem

Research Group:


2. Substance:
a. Your write up must answer at least the following questions:
✓ What is the specific controversy or issue that I need to address?
✓ Why is this problem important?
✓ What do we already know?
o Cite at least 5 related literature and studies (RLS) that will support the rationale of the study by
✓ providing statistical data showing the gravity of the issue or problem
✓ showing gaps in available findings and data
o integrating your personal experiences
✓ How will my study add to what we already know about this problem?
✓ What are your personal motivations in conducting this study?
✓ Who will benefit from what I learn about this problem?

b. Research literatures must be within the past ten (10) years expect for conceptual and theoretical citations.

c. End your Rationale with the general objective of the study.

d. Enumerate the STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM that were already suggested during the title defense.

3. Craft the DEFINITION OF TERMS which presents the operational definition of:
a. Important terms in the title
b. Variables of the study

4. Submit in written form using Yellow Pad (write only in the front side). Checking starts on April 22, 2024.

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