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Steven Ryder and Ethan Weiner


PROCESS 15 Discovery 23 Elderly, Pediatric, and Special
PRINCIPLES GUIDING THE Candidate Nomination for Populations 25
PROCESS 18 Development 23 Biologic Agents 26
Proof of Mechanism 24 Individual Assessment of Benefit-
DISCIPLINE- OR ACTIVITY-SPECIFIC Proof of Concept 24 to-Risk 26
GUIDANCE 21 Proceed to Confirmatory Clinical Orphan Drugs 27
Pharmaceutical Science 21 Trials 24
Nonclinical Safety SUMMARY AND
Registration 24 CONCLUSIONS 27
Assessment 21 Postapproval 24
Clinical Research 21

of deaths have occurred, even though the blood level has been
INTRODUCTION carefully controlled. Serious toxic side effects, such as exfoliative
Drug development is the process of translating drug discoveries into dermatitis, have occurred. The use of thiocyanates for therapy of
new medical treatments. It begins with the planning of the program hypertension is to be discouraged except as a research procedure.
that (i) will explore and study the drug candidate, (ii) will determine • The most powerful depressor substances belong to the Veratrum
whether it has the potential for becoming a new pharmaceutical treat- viride group of alkaloids. In the acute hypertensions (acute glo-
ment, (iii) provides the information allowing the entry of the drug into merulonephritis and toxemia of pregnancy), veratrum alkaloids
medical use, and (iv) continues to gather information on the drug have a real place in therapy. In chronic hypertension, on the other
product until it is superseded by a safer, more well-tolerated, or more hand, the dosage that lowers blood pressure is usually about the
effective treatment. The process builds information, and although it same as that which produces nausea and vomiting. Until this
has stepwise milestones, it is continuous. serious side effect can be eliminated, there is no indication for
This review discusses the principles guiding the process, their appli- their usage.
cation, and the ongoing improvement of the process. The chapter The text then goes on to describe dietary and surgical treatments in
discusses the development process for drug therapeutics (small mol- more lengthy sections.
ecules and biologic agents) and does not specifically discuss the devel- The reader is invited to compare this discussion with the treatments
opment process for medical procedures, devices or other nondrug currently available for hypertension, outlined in Chapter 27, Hyperten-
(e.g., herbal) agents. It should be noted that whereas small molecules sion, or the antihypertensive treatment paradigm outlined in the
and biologics share much of the development process, biologics also Seventh Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation,
have some specifically different issues, such as particular manufactur- and Treatment of High Blood Pressure (JNC 7) report.2 This report
ing issues or distinct issues around pharmacokinetics and pharmaco- emphasizes that systemic blood pressure must be aggressively con-
dynamics. The chapter restricts itself to the development process for trolled, which usually requires multiple medications from among
human therapeutics and does not discuss nonhuman (e.g., veterinary) the many classes of effective and safe antihypertensive drugs: thiazide-
drug development. type diuretics, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, angiotensin
The goal of drug development is to acquire and refine the information receptor blockers, calcium channel blockers, β-blockers, α-blockers,
necessary to determine the benefit-to-risk of using a potential new phar- and others. In addition, each of these classes of antihypertensive drugs
maceutical as a medical treatment. The ability to investigate and estab- includes many different individual molecular entities, each with a
lish the benefit-to-risk of a new medicine is at the heart of the development specific pharmacokinetic, pharmacodynamic, efficacy, tolerance, and
challenge, and the ability to effectively assess benefit-to-risk is directly safety profile. This remarkable change in the antihypertensive pharma-
linked to the ability to effectively plan, acquire, and analyze information. copeia, and the corresponding change in many therapeutic areas, was
This is true in both nonclinical and clinical areas of study. enabled and allowed because of a constantly improving drug develop-
A rigorous scientific drug development process has allowed the ment process—beginning in the 1950s with the general introduction
introduction of a remarkable number of drug treatments, with an of the controlled clinical trial paradigm and continuing to the present
increasing amount of information and increasing precision in the with new adaptive study designs and data capture innovations. Along
determination of benefit and risk. To exemplify the incredible progress, with these improvements in drug development, the response to the
it is worth reading the section from a 1951 medical text describing the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) epidemic, continued concern
medical treatment of vascular hypertension1: over personal safety and health, and a heightened awareness of drug
• Medical Therapy. ANTIHYPERTENSIVE AND DEPRESSOR withdrawals have increased the focus on drug development principles
AGENTS. Tissue extracts, vegetable extracts, vaccines, hormones, and many of its key issues.
nitrites, sedatives, pyrogens, phlebotomies, thiocyanates, and sym-
patholytic agents have all been administered for hypertensive
disease, only to be abandoned.
• Within the therapeutic dosage range, the depressor activity of Since the mid-20th century, the drug development process has become
thiocyanates in experienced hands has been dubious. A number more complex as understanding of the underlying biology has grown,

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