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Automate and Accelerate Time to Detection in your Environment


Every day, new threats are being discovered, EXISTING THREATS
which adds to the list of millions of known
Anomali developed the Real-Time Forensics
Indicators of Compromise (IOCs). This presents
(RTF) technology to conduct searches over vast
organizations with two primary challenges:
quantities of historical data, in seconds, instead
• As new threats surface, organizations need of hours/days. RTF is the foundation of Anomali
to be able to determine if the attackers have Match, providing security teams with instant
already targeted or breached their network. visibility across all the historical data.
This means being able to look over historical
data, going back a year, or multiple years, to STAYING ONE STEP AHEAD
identify indications of compromise.
Anomali Match is purpose-built to conduct
• Operationalizing threat data into actionable intelligence matching, and it is capable of
intelligence can be a difficult task for any processing millions of IOCs and billions of
security team. Sifting through millions of internal log entries. It operationalizes threat
IOCs to find what is relevant to the company data and automatically shows security teams
can be compared to finding a needle in a what is relevant to them, and which threat
haystack. Furthermore, the current security data are actionable intelligence. By positively
solutions are not designed around scaling to identifying the “indicators of interest,” the
the volume of data required for the visibility intelligence can be fed directly to the endpoints
of the emerging threats within a network. and firewalls, for blocking.
A new cyber threat is announced, and its details
are released and shared. Tina, a Threat Intel Tina, a Threat Intel Analyst is working
Analyst, is asked if their organization currently with hundreds of millions of IOCs stored
has (or has had) any activity associated with the within its organization’s massive security
threat actors, with the Indicators of Compromise data lakes. Handling this large volume
(IOCs,) or with the methods associated with it. of data makes it difficult to undertake
The challenge, with questions like this, is that the respective analytic steps in a timely
most tools are not designed to perform the manner, and to detect and solve the
required historical analysis. Most tools require threats.
around fifteen minutes, just to query the
database. During the wait time, Tina simply has
to make a decision to ignore incoming alerts. SOLUTION:
Anomali aggregates various threat
intelligence source and uses a machine-
SOLUTION: learning algorithm to automatically reduce
Anomali’s detection capability combines various false positives, to remove duplicates,
threat intelligence sources with Tina’s historical and to apply confidence scores to the
network traffic. Tina can uncover evidence of IOCs. Tina can then further enrich the
potential compromises and breaches by looking intelligence by carrying out investigations,
back at the historical data. The high-performance by creating new associations, and by
processing of Anomali’s Match engine allows Tina leveraging third-party sources, all from
to turn millions of data points into actionable within a single pane of glass.
threat intelligence, and to focus on the higher
priority threats to the organization.
Tina can work more efficiently than ever
CUSTOMER BENEFIT: before, while addressing more threats. The
Tina no longer ignores alerts, because of the time it takes to analyze a threat has been
long wait-times of search queries to other tools, reduced from hours, to a few minutes. This
and she focuses her attention on the highest time adds up, while investigating many
fidelity alerts. By pinpointing malicious activity malicious IOCs every week.
related to known threats, in a matter of seconds,
versus minutes or hours, it allows her to answer:

•  hether or not her organization is

being attacked?

•  ho is attacking them? and


•  ave the attacks been successful?

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808 Winslow St, Redwood City, CA 94063 USA
1-844-4-THREATS Copyright © 2020 Anomali

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