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Worksheet 1

I.put the correct form of the word.

1.I (do )…. aerobic every morning.

2.The Moon ( orbit )….around our planet.

3. My brother always ( water)…. his garden because he ( love) …. his beautiful

garden a lot.

4.A:what .. you often (do) …in your free time ?

B: Sometimes I (go ) shopping ,sometimes I ( do) the gym and so on.

5.Whenever I have time ,I ( play ) football with my friends in the nearby yard.

6.My dad (walk ) to the office everyday ,but today it’s raining outside. So , he (drive )
his car to work.

7. She (be) student at Quang Trung high school.

8. My sister (work) ________ in a hospital.

9.Cat (like) ________ fish.

10.She (live)________ in California.

11.It (rain)________ almost every morning in London.

12.My mother (fry)________ eggs for breakfast everyday.

13.The museum (close)________ at six o'clock.

14.Peter (try)________ hard in class, but I (not think) ________ he'll pass.

15.Jessica is so smart that she (pass)________ every exam without even trying.

16.My life (be)_____ so boring. I just (watch)________ TV everyday.

17.My girlfriend (write)________ to me two times a week.

18.You (speak) ________ French?

19.He (not live) ________ in HoChiMinh city.

20.He( go) to the sport centre three times a week.

21. Why are all these people here? What (happen)..........?

22. At present, he (compose)............ a piece of music

23. We (have)............. dinner in a resataurant right now

24. Look! The car (go) so fast.

25. Listen! Someone (cry) in the next room.

26. Your brother (sit) next to the beautiful girl over there at present?

27. Now they (try) to pass the examination.

28. It’s 12 o’clock, and my parents (cook) lunch in the kitchen.

29. Keep silent! You (talk) so loudly.

30. I (not stay) at home at the moment.

31. Now she (lie) to her mother about her bad marks.

32. At present they (travel) to New York.

33. He (not work) in his office now.

34.My sister usually (go ) shopping at weekend .But this weekend she ( listening )…..
to music at home.

35….she (run)… in the park?

36. My dog (eat) now.

37. What …you ( wait)…. for?

38.Listen! Why someone (make)…. noise in this temple?

39.A: do you know where is Shina?

B: He ( eat) … breakfast in the dining room.

40.My mom ( do ) the laundry at present .


a.I like …..

(My hobby is….)

I often/usually/sometimes /….

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6

III.đọc hiểu
The first reason why many families do volunteer work is that they feel satisfied and proud.
The feeling of fulfillment comes from helping the community and other people. In addition,
volunteering is a great way for families to have fun and closer. But many people say they
don’t have time to volunteer because they have to work and take of their families. If that’s the
case, try rethinking some of your free time as a family. You could select just one or two
projects a year and make them a family tradition. For instance, your family can make and
donate gift blankets for the old homeless people on holidays. Your family can also spend only
one Saturday morning a month collecting rubbish in your neighborhood.

1. How do people often feel when they volunteer?


2. How can your family benefit from doing volunteer?

3. Why don’t some people have time to volunteer?


4. How can your family help the old homeless people?


5. Is collecting rubbish in the neighborhood an example of volunteer work?



Exercise 4: Fill each blank with a word/ phrase in the box

go chess camping cooking music
gymnastics books dolls bottles fishing
1. I like ____________. I usually play against my brother. I also play against other people on
the Internet
2. My younger sister likes collecting ____________. Now she has more than 50.
3. I'm interested in ____________. My idol is My Tam.
4. My girl friend likes doing ____________, so she has a nice body.
5. I never____________ skiing.
6. My father like reading ____________. His favorite writer is Van Cao.
7. My hobby is ____________ with my friends when I have some days off.
8. My family usually goes ____________ on weekends.
9. He likes collecting ____________, especially glasses.
10. My mother likes ____________. She can cook lots of delicious dishes.

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