Lesson Notes Answers - Unit P1-07

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Nees (Perecctle ee Unit P1-07 ~ Impulse and Momentum Lesson Notes i. Uc ke Pe = ky Bim. 424 Ss P1-07-i: Momentum and Impulse State the definition of momentum. State the symbol and the units. Produc4 of obe t's mesg velouty Pp =~ (/ Symbol sp arcs: Km of Ms Momentum is a vector quantity. Explain what this means. Momea tum has direction (game as direct toh o£ ohect's ve let) ‘Test Your Understanding: Momentum can be represented using a “momentum square diagram”, Fill in the following square diagrams based on the description A2kg toy carmoves | A4kg bowling ball | A 0.01 kg bullet travels | A 2000 kg car moves at 30 right at 3 m/s moves left at 2 m/s oe at 400 m/s ns to the west nis) V (10 mis) del 4 State the definition of impulse. State the symbol and units, Explain what impulse actually is, Action ob a fore Auwn nee One Cmpulse ~ charge 1h OM & Feaen Ap= At Symbol * SP (owe booky use) ibe M or komls Howds impulse due to a Constant force calculated? How is impulse due to a varying force calculated? [Multiply Price by Ph | Vayu Free (5 4 the th e Povek acts pepnegeatecl Fe by ‘yd 7G Ap= Fat |Ap> ened of € wv A State the Impulse-Momentum Theorem. Also state what law of physics the -M Theorem is the same as. ulge = Chompe i nonentim Fat =mav applied to OF -the oh a pupelsc chage mn PAIneartorL au ohec{ ) Derivation of the Impulse-Momentum Theorem: For each line of the derivation, explain what mathematically was done. The first line is done for you as an example. We start with the definition of acceleration, and the relationship between acceleration and force established by Newton’s Second Law. set acteleaton = @cceleetiah crass mul tyhy ime bi-t:) Asti bate ny, Ap = F,At Up-Me = henge 4 Momen Tarn be-t: = Ad Test Your Understanding: A toy car has mass 3 kg and initially moves with a speed of 4 m/s. Consider two cases: the ear makes a “gentle” stop, and the car makes an “emergency” stop. Show on the diagrams below what a “gentle” stop and an “emergency” stop might look like. Gentle Stop: Car's Initial Momentum i Impulse Applied to Car = Car’s Final Momentum a * =F/ At ha oeat + Emergency Stop: Car's Initial Momentum 4 Impulse Applied to Car — Car's Final Momentum Y Ep fa F ‘Test Your Understanding: A toy car has mass 2 kg and initially moves forward with a speed of 3 mis. Consider the following two cases. 1. The car erashes into a wall and stops as a result of the collision. 2. The car crashes into a wall and bounces backward with a speed of 3 m/s after the collision. In both cases, the car is only in contact with the wall for 2 seconds, Diagram these two situations and answer the questions that follow. Case 1 (Crash and stop): Car's Initial Momentum, + Impulse Applied to Car = Car's Final Momentum, ¥; : mn + t — Case 2 (Crash and Bounce) ial Momentum + Impulse Applied to Car = Car's Final Momentum Ye i FI — m Egg-and-Sheet Example: If your teacher took an egg and threw it as hard as they could against a wall, the egg would shatter and make a mess everywhere. Instead, your teacher takes an egg and throws it as hard as they can against a bedsheet that is held vertically. State what you observe. ‘Then explain why this happened using appropriate physical principles and vocabulary. 45 Ayesp break agains] sheet stated my observations 1 stated aw of physics hats always we eonneted the 1a of physics vo the specie ‘ieeumlancs ofthe situation __Teompored the two stations (stated what was the sme in bath eases) _ conrasted the Wo stations stated what was fret in bth eases) __Lsed physics vocabulary (omentum, mas, ores, velocity. speed, impulse tie) Car Crash Example: Cars in the 1950°s were made out of solid steel so that they bounced off of each other when they collided. Cars today are built out of plastic materials that erumple when they collide. The speed limits during both time periods were about the same, and people in both time periods had about the same mass (on average). During which time period were injuries from accidents worse? Answer the question and explain your reasoning in a well-organized paragraph, ‘Cheek answered the question deat. I sated a a of ysis thats always te Heonnete theta of physics to the specie ‘ircumstances ofthe situation —Veompaed the to situations (stated what was ‘the same in bth eases) contrasted the to situations (tated what was ferent in both cases) used pss vocabulary rent, mas, Fore, Neloety, sped mpi, time) Example: A 0.03 kg falling ball reaches the floor moving with speed 5 m/s, When the ball is in contact with the floor, the net force acting on the ball increases linearly from zero to 8 N for 0.02 seconds, then decreases linearly back to zero for the next 0.04 seconds. The ball then leaves the floor with speed v. You ate to determine the rebound speed v using the momentum square diagrams and F vs. ( graph below. Ball’s Initial Momentum + = Ball’s Final Momentum, p= -O04dS kemis ) (@) Draw the square diagram forthe initial momentum of the ball (remember the ball’s direction). (b) Draw the graph of F'vs. r described in the second sentence of the paragraph above. Then calculate the impulse applied to the ball.-< 9.9. (/5 (©) Draw the square diagram for the final, meu of the ball and calculate the rebound speed of the ball pyet Ap=m 0.27 0.2 (0.030-9) + 0,24 = C2) uP yen 9s 0.15 £0-24< DOVE 7 (@) What would happen if the net force applied to the ball was twice as ee and applied for half as much te? Ane of Pus 7 Qe af, wou lh fe Ste, Sane (mpuGe, Game frur yet L ball Wou lA rise uy io. hecght : Example: A 0.5 kg basketball is dropped from rest 1 250 mabove the ground. The force that the ground exerts on the ball is shown below as a function of time when the ball bounces once off of the ground. ano 2 =18 7; * z How fast is the ball moving when the vd reaches the Yysor8 150 floor? = Energy kemematc Foo Me @® ee je Vy Dax 1g - U Ng 2 y2=2C4slI) a 2 cv - meccneitemenn ste 274 sea ete te 4a = (see ve4.tie Waring What impulse is applied to the ball? | How high does the ball go after bouncing? Creetef shpe ouTot Hots ; “ay Y fake anceq of shape! Lm] #5 4 (oe )toatl) =1% (3) On’ How fast does the ball move when the ball leaves the _| International basketball regulations indicate that a floor? | basketball is properly inflated if the basketball | bounces back up to between 53% and 64% of its drop | height. Is this basketball properly inflated, under Explain your answer. bourne up TO 66° uhch 5 moe Fhan 6yh vy, Me : y thls a Ns Myp =n tAP (osyvee 09 CH] ) OSve = Pay 2.144 0 Sve = 1.6 5 Vp 43.6% | | Conservation of Momentum Ap 5 Te A é ‘What does it mean for a system of objects to be “isolated” so that momentum can be conserved? Hint: It has to do with “internal” and “external” forces, Mo #unbelancecdl extemal fore acts Lor a Aoticahle amoury of T1WE, A car of mass m initially moves to the right with speed v. If'the car brakes to a stop, where does its momentum mv go? The Earth me has Moment y (fricton Lycee came Lyon, arf ) State the Law. fons ‘of Momentum as an equation, Momentum before = Morn tum Atter NV tae HM Vip t+ Ver ‘What would the Conservation of Momentum equation look like if we had three objects in our system? MV tony: Mage — MVeMy et -ths yy Fill in the table of “types of collisions”, aa Relationship Between Relationship Between eanase Word Description Initial and Final Kinetic Initial and Final Energ; Momentum. Gam KE Leon aaotll Explosion Pry, of. trey a, KEK, collisyrh 7 bape Total mete thegy / - 7 Elastic | ah ter ly Sale ag sk = Lk Sp - Ze otal Kt befsre befve of TG During He collision ~ : : Inestic | Some KE becomes Sk >Sk, y ert = SPs 3 | Astipa CA MY Y nef we ects stick Kreme) Totally ee 4 Seoul? of Wie re > NG epi Spi Inelastic alles 9r. _ bef “pte lose Mort KE TO eccee FOE ~o Pr 6 ave (t si Cl conserve mh mentee) Test Your Understanding: A 2000 kg car and 4000 kg truck travel in opposite directions with speeds of 30 ms. ‘The car moves right and the truck moves left. Ifthe two vehicles collide and lock together, how fast and in which direction will the wreckage be traveling? Make diagrams below to answer the question. Car's Initial Momentum + _‘Truck’s Initial Momentum = System’s Final Momentum «10 mis) Vp; 0-10 mis) often, ee see est ees j=—] 20090 ke-m/s peas 66050 keris Now use a conservation of momentum equation to answer the question (show an equation with symbols, then plug-ins, then algebraic work, then the answer). (2o00y 30) + “(4 Y 0) )(—)= (xD) le a MV Hy ye = (meting Ve 7 60000-40700 = 600 yp, ‘Test Your Unitersteading A.20 ke child skates forward with speed 6 m/s crashes into his 60 kg mother who is initially at rest and also on skates. The child pushes off of his mother so that the child now moves backward with speed 6 m/s, How fast and in what direction does the mother move after the interaction? Child’s Initial . Mom’s Initial _ Child's Final . ‘Mom's Final Momentum Momentum, Momentum Momentum Ving pa='20 kem/s mw =) keels Now use a conservation of momentum equation to answer the question. he Ve; Tee Yap p Cale) = (22)(-6)+ CMe Vape 1% How do you without making any calculations, that this collision is an “explosion”? Child has sane sams bofsre taf 0 Ae - cHllisian, child has” same ICE- - fr As eC, Von Vest Td & sting 7 ae GAAS loos goes Let Feed CeCe ans LE What law of physics is Conservation of Momentum the same as? Newton Third on, Derivation of Conservation of Momentum: For each line of the derivation, explain what mathematically was done. The first line is done for you as an example. We start with Newton’s Third Law, which states that the force that 1 exerts on 2 is equal and opposite to the force that 2 exerts on 1 [leg in Fema on both ales plug ah Aekimtion 4 acrdemtin! a= At's ae same, cance ( Datrbate m,'5 t M2!s my, my, = my MT, add each, 2D ten % Oe ALE ‘Test Your Understanding: Answer each yes/no question and then EXPLAIN YOUR REASONING. (a) Is it possible for a snl object 7 be moving and yet have zero kinetic energy? Vo Ké-dme2% cif vEO ther K4O (b) Is it possible for a system of toall be moving and yet the system has zero total kinetic energy? h, C7 FIVE Uy (CE can only be 2%, Ps i 4um of & burch of LE umbers caw be 2/9 (©) Isit possible for a single objet to be moving and yet have zero momentum? Mo p= mv so 1£ TAO then pro (a) Is it possible for a system of ee to all be moving and yet the system has zero total momentum? VES L all the mometiyens a@/e th UfLetr7 (i ie toes they Miectiong can Make f'5tcleg Example: A car traveling at 30 m/s forward strikes a barrier head-on and bounces backward moving at {0 m/s. %6 ‘The driver is 100 kg. Tf the éar was in contact with the barrier for only 0.5 seconds, how much force was _ applied to the driver during the coll (Show a solution using forces and motion, then show a solution using.” > impulse and momentum.) Forces ad Motion Solu Fema Ve Vet @ € my. +Fat = “Ve ego) 79. 30249) | omy ay + F05) = (12K) (alo —4) =@ (5) 70 +05sF <-fOOd _ F 2600 a> 60 M%/5* O05 = ~Yor [BoA per Colliding Super Carts Example: Consider a 2 kg bullet shot with initial speed of 6 ms at a4 kg cart, The cart has frictionless rollers. The bullet collides —_ with the cart in a different way in each of the following cases: —_ L J The bullet goes through the cart, and the bullet has a final speed of 4 m/s after it emerges from the eart. The bullet embeds itself in the car, so that the bullet and cart become a single object. The bullet strikes the cart and drops to the floor. The bullet bounces back off of the cart so that the bullet's final speed is 2 m/s. Rank these cases according to which one has the cart moving fastest after the collision. My Hypothesis Cart moves Tard fistest Cat moves Foard slowest Complete the diagrams on the following two pages. ‘Then come back to this page and put the correct ranking for the cart’s final speed after the collision. 3 2 ede Cat moves Tad Fastest, a cart nove Fra slowest Ina paragraph-length response, give physical reasons why the ranking of the cases is this way. Check 7 answered the question directly tae aa of physics tha aleays toe nected the aw of physics othe specie rumstances ofthe station, __eompared the situations tated what was the same ial aes) __Teontaste the situations stated what was ‘fret inal eases) 1 se physi voeabolary (momentum, mas, ores, velocity, speed, inpulse, tine) Case 1: The bullet goes AS, 6 mi 1s , through the cart, so that the co hs amis bullet has a final spe of4 - a ee m/s alter it emerges from the > cart 2kg akg akg 2kg Bullet’s Initial . Cart’s Initial _ Bullet’s Final + Cart’s Final Momentum Momentum Momentum Momentum Vez ns) 6 {satel w= | L_kgms pa=_O_kgmis What type of collision is this? _//1€ (5 TC (lose ler) Evidens - Initial KE F(2Nb)* | Pinel IE: LOUD SQ)” a a Bl «+2 Case 2: The bullet embeds 6m rest’ ™, itself in the cart, so that the = = 3" bullet and cart become a —~ single object. ke the at Bullet’s Initial Cart’s Initial z aan cote ies Renee + ees = Combined System’s Final Momentum. ‘What type of collision is this i Y 610 C (they eticks, Ose 24 . Evidence: 4 2 vrtial KE +(e Bey Rr wo Case 3: The bullet strikes the cart and drops to the floor 2% > tt 2ke tke Bullet’s Initial es Cart’s Initial - Bullet’s Final 7 ‘Cart’s Final Momentum Momentum, Momentum, Momentum Vop ton) Heh ESEESRSEGESS Vc) 6 35 Subibist Whattype ofcollisionisthisy (helastic (Case 7 of envy) idence = 5 eran (CE Eine KEL O #24 (40) oT (8) Case 4: The bullet bouncés aan : ; 4a back off of the cart so that the Ce) 2mis 4 > < bullet's final speed is 2 m/s. - —. - 2kg akg 2kg 4kg Bullets tnitial Carts Initial _ Bullet’s Final x Cart’s Final Momentum Momentum Momentum Momentum IS dbbobbos What ype of olson his? KLa strc Tarte KE | Fanel KE * 2 (ey) EON? 36J Yo 32 = 367 ul Example: You want to measure the speed v that a bullet emerges from a gun. However, the bullet moves so fast that you cannot use meterstick-and-stopwatch or video analysis directly on the bullet. In fact, the only equipment you have is a meterstick and an electronic balance. ae Vie (nel! ye@ (a) Suppose that you set up the following situation: A block ° is set on the edge of a frictionless table. You plan to fire =~ [| the bullet horizontally into the block so that the bullet embeds itself in the block and the bullet and block become a projectile. i, What measurements would need to be made so that the speed v could be caleulated? List each measurement as descriptive words and a letter symbol (perhaps with ‘a subscript). (ass of bullet =m Honcontal dlisterce b look ges vc (Maes of blsek =M HHeght fF table =g ji, Using your symbols, show how the speed v can be calculated. Write a narrative, which means explaining in words what you are doing and then showing the math for what you are doing. O) Use y 2tge* th sowwe he @ 4 x Feb farce is slope of p us € paps, Cnet on Up ko =20 V Eine on Fokg ~ -YON (c) Use the net external force acting on the two-object system to calculate the acceleration of the s center of mass. a a0 x Fag = Meme Fem g = 0.24% —j0 = 70 Gem - (@) Use the net external foree acting on the two object system to calculate the coefficient of kinetic friction p. stem’s Epon socy — Feonviry = Macey "emg ~{0DjA =-20 png = hg = (70)(-029) Y 50,2 yc zedo — fu-vo/lo ~20 eee (©) Use the value of anid one of the net forces found in part (a) to determine the force that the spring is exerting on each object. @ 5 -f Ha Fz-F0=20 F — mg Ble 0M) = (000 Feel 02) (4000) = 20 st Your Understanding: Consider a 1000 kg ear and a 2000 kg truck. They collide, and as a result of the collision they stick together as a single object. (a) If the car is moving at 30 m/s and hits the truck which is at rest, how fast does the car-truck combination move afier the collision? Show work. Car’ 30%; -7 10%; 1200)(30) 2 (low#20o) VF Vip = 10% oe ou ° Track! 05-7 O14 (b) If the truck is moving at 30 m/s and hits the car which is at rest, how fast does the car-truck combination move after the collision? Show work, «OMG 9 20%; a Cart G > (2000)(32) = (90042002) VE Vip =20°Vs . 1.60000 = 3072 ve Track 139°? 2g (c) Who is more injured: The truck driver when the car hits the tr ruck, or the car driver when the truck hits. the car? (Hint: Injuries occur because of the sudden change in velocity undergone in a collision.) Car driver changes bfdek by JreaTer : Ve loe!Ty a molay (d) Who is more injured: ‘The car driver when the car hits the truck, or the car driver when the truck hits the car? (Same hint as before!) Same (Ajurg C(ther ay jion of Momentum in 2D ‘What two equations express Conservation of Momentum in two dimensions? My, my.

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