Plantilla Generica Trabajo 2021

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Nota para el estudiante:

El índice es una tabla de contenidos con la jerarquía de títulos que expresa la

estructura del informe.

Una vez que termines de armar tu ensayo, actualiza esta tabla haciendo clic derecho
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En esta sección corresponde que presentes y contextualices el tema de tu trabajo y

aportes antecedentes necesarios para comprender su objetivo o propósito.


En esta sección corresponde que abordes los requerimientos puntuales del trabajo
respecto al tema, en diferentes secciones, ámbitos o etapas, lógicamente ordenadas en
una secuencia que facilite su lectura y comprensión.

Es muy recomendado el uso de títulos y de una jerarquía de títulos (números o letras)

para presentar los subtemas. Esto te permitirá usar y actualizar el índice del trabajo de
manera automatizada.

In this report, we delve into a fictitious case within the realm of psychopedagogy,
focusing on the educational and psychological aspects of a student's behavior. Through
careful observation and analysis, we aim to understand the underlying factors
contributing to the student's challenges and propose interventions to support their
academic and personal development.

The subject of our case study is Alex, a 10-year-old student in a mainstream elementary
school. Alex's teachers have noticed a pattern of behaviors that impede their academic
progress and social integration. These behaviors include difficulty concentrating in
class, frequent restlessness, and emotional outbursts when faced with challenging

During our assessment, we discovered that Alex comes from a single-parent household
where the parent works long hours, leaving little time for consistent parental
involvement in Alex's education. Additionally, Alex has a history of learning difficulties,
particularly in the areas of reading and writing, which has led to feelings of frustration
and low self-esteem.

In analyzing Alex's case, it becomes evident that there are multiple factors contributing
to their academic and behavioral challenges. These include:

Environmental Factors: The lack of consistent parental support and supervision at home
may be contributing to Alex's difficulties in managing their behavior and completing
academic tasks independently.
Learning Difficulties: Alex's struggles with reading and writing may stem from an
underlying learning disability, such as dyslexia, which requires specialized intervention
and support.
Emotional Regulation: Alex's emotional outbursts suggest difficulties in regulating their
emotions, which may be exacerbated by feelings of frustration and low self-esteem
related to their academic struggles.
In conclusion, Alex's case highlights the complex interplay between educational,
psychological, and environmental factors in shaping a student's behavior and academic
performance. Effective intervention strategies must address these multifaceted issues,
including providing tailored academic support, fostering emotional regulation skills, and

engaging with the family to establish a supportive home environment. By addressing
these factors holistically, we can empower Alex to overcome their challenges and thrive
both academically and personally.


En esta sección corresponde que vuelvas sobre las ideas principales del desarrollo, de
manera resumida, destacando lo más relevante de tu trabajo, y que cierres con al
menos dos reflexiones personales sobre la generalidad del tema, su proyección, o bien
sobre tu experiencia de aprendizaje al realizar el trabajo.


En esta sección, declara las fuentes y autores sobre los que has basado tu ensayo,
siguiente el siguiente modelo de referencia bibliográfica acorde a la norma APA:

Apellido, Nombre del autor (año de publicación). Título. Ciudad, País de publicación:
Editorial, capítulo y páginas.


Gutierrez, R. M, (2013). El impacto de la sobrepoblación de invertebrados en un

ecosistema selvático . Revista Mundo Natural, capítulo 8, páginas 73-82.

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