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Long Batch Test-08

Organized by: Latifur’s Focus Writing

Answer Sheet
Time: 1 hour 10 min Full marks: 100
1. Write a focus on ‘Sustainable Eco-tourism in Bangladesh: The Ultimate Way
to Preserve Nature’ 35

-See sheet
2. Write down the General Knowledge: 8*2+1=17
a) In the context of the Russia-Ukraine War, several Russian banks are banned
from SWIFT. What is the full form of SWIFT?
Ans: SWIFT stands for the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial
b) Which country is the home of the largest area of forest? Name the largest
Mangrove Forest of the earth.
Ans: Russia is the home of the largest area of forest. Sundarbans is the largest
mangrove forest of the earth.
c) Bangladesh gained independence and Pakistan’s Military surrendered on
December 16, 1971. What are the countries that recognized Bangladesh’s
Independence even before December 16, 1971?
Ans: India and Bhutan (December 6, 1971).
d) Football world cup final took place on December 18, 2022. Name of the
Stadium where the final match played? Who is the Golden Boot winner of the
world World Cup 2022?
Ans: Final match was played Lusail Iconic Stadium, Qatar and Golden boot winner
is Kylian Mbappe
e) Jute is known as a “Golden Fiber”. What are the top two producer of jute in
the Globe?
Ans: Top two producers of jute in the globe are- India & Bangladesh.
f) The United Nations serves as a global Forum. In which year United Nations
was founded? Who is the current Secretary General of United Nations?
Ans: The United Nations was founded in 24 october, 1945. The current Secretary
General of UN is Antonio Guterres (Portugal).
g) In which year, Bangladesh has become a full member of the United Nations?
Ans : 17 september, 1974; Bangladesh became the 136th member of UN.
h) In which year the World Trade Organization (WTO) was founded?
Ans : 1 January, 1995
i) ‘Bidrohi’ was included in Kazi Nazrul’s first collection of poems. What is the
title of the book (collection)?
Ans : Agnibeena
3. Answer the following mathematical problems: 3*6=18
a) A and B working separately can do a work in 9 and 12 days respectively. If
they work for a day alternately, Abeginning, in how many days, the work will
be completed?

b) 2 men and 3 boys can do a piece of work in 10 days while 3 men and 2 boys
can do the same work in 8 days. Then, 2 men and 1 boy can do the same work
in how many days?
c) X can travel from village to school at 3 kmph and return at 2 kmph. The total
time taken is 5 hours. Calculate the distance from village to school?

4. Translate into Bangla 10

Bangladesh is known for its warm weather, characterized by a tropical monsoon
climate. The country experiences three main seasons: a hot and humid summer, a
mild winter, and a monsoon season with heavy rainfall. During the peak of summer,
temperatures can soar up to 40°C in some areas. The warm climate influences
various aspects of life in Bangladesh, from agriculture and daily routines to cultural
practices and festivities. Despite the heat, the country's lush landscapes and fertile
lands thrive under the nurturing warmth, making it a unique and vibrant destination.

বাাংলাদেশ তার উষ্ণ আবহাওযার জন্য পরররিত, এটি একটি গ্রীষ্মমন্ডলীয মমৌসুমী জলবায়ু দ্বারা রিরিত। মেশটি
রতনটি প্রধান ঋতু অনুভব কদর: একটি গরম এবাং আর্দ্র গ্রীষ্ম, একটি হালকা শীত এবাং ভারী বৃরিপাত সহ একটি

বর্াকাল। গ্রীদষ্মর সদব রাচ্চ সমদয, রকছু এলাকায তাপমাত্রা 40 রিরগ্র মসলরসযাস পর্ রন্ত বাড়দত পাদর। উষ্ণ জলবায়ু
বাাংলাদেদশর জীবদনর রবরভন্ন রেকদক প্রভারবত কদর, কৃরর্ এবাং দেনরিন রুটিন মেদক শুরু কদর সাাংস্কৃরতক িিা র এবাং
উৎসব পর্ রন্ত। তাপ সদেও, মেদশর সদতজ ল্যান্ডদেপ এবাং উব রর জরমগুরল এই উষ্ণতার অধীদন উন্নরত লাভ কদর,
এটি একটি অনন্য এবাং প্রাণবন্ত গন্তদে পররণত হয।
5. Read the Comprehension and answer the questions 4*5=20
a) How does Bangladesh plan to achieve lasting economic prosperity through
Ans.: Bangladesh aims to achieve lasting economic prosperity through
industrialization by implementing data-backed planning, targeted policies, and
effective implementation. The government's commitment to addressing
infrastructure gaps, streamlining bureaucratic procedures, and creating an attractive
investment climate demonstrates its determination to drive industrial growth and
economic development.
b) How has the ready-made garment (RMG) industry impacted Bangladesh's
Ans.: The RMG industry has played a crucial role in Bangladesh's industrial success
by employing over 4 million workers and establishing more than 4,500 garment
factories. As the world's second-largest apparel exporter after China, the RMG sector
contributes approximately 84% to the country's total exports, making it a major
driver of foreign exchange earnings.
c) Which industries have shown promising growth in Bangladesh's industrial
Ans.: The pharmaceutical industry has witnessed substantial growth in Bangladesh,
with exports reaching $211 million in 2021, according to the Export Promotion
Bureau. Additionally, the information technology sector has experienced remarkable
expansion, attracting investments and creating employment opportunities for skilled
professionals, thus further diversifying the industrial base beyond textiles and
d) What challenges does Bangladesh face in its journey of industrialization
Ans.: While Bangladesh is making strides in diversifying its industrial base beyond
textiles and garments, challenges remain. Infrastructure limitations, such as power
shortages and inadequate transportation networks, continue to hinder progress.
Despite these challenges, Bangladesh's commitment to innovation and sustainable
practices bodes well for its continued industrialization and economic growth.

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