Unit1 - SB - Reading - pp.12,13

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School: ……………………………………….. Date:…………………………………..

Class: ……………………………..................... Period: 12

UNIT 1: True Stories

Reading (pages 12-13)

1. Objectives
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to…
1.1. Language knowledge/ skills
- learn and use vocabulary: echolocation, obstacle, position, visual, mobility, technique.
- practise reading for specific information.
- practise making notes of specific subjects.
- practise summarising.
1.2. Competences
- improve Ss’ communication, collaboration, analytical, critical thinking skills, and reading skills.
1.3. Attributes
- be a good and responsible citizen.
- develop their kindness, sympathy, willingness.
2. Teaching aids and materials
- Teacher’s aids: Student’s book and Teacher’s book, class CDs, i-Solution – Phần mềm tương
tác trực quan, projector/interactive whiteboard /TV (if any), PowerPoint slides.
- Students’ aids: Student’s book, Workbook, Notebook.
3. Assessment Evidence
Performance Tasks Performance Products Assessment Tools
- Discuss questions about disabilities. - Ss’ answers. - Observation.
- Skim the text to find necessary - Ss’ answers. - Observation.
- Decide if the statements are true or false - Ss’ answers. - Observation.
and correct the false statements.
- Make notes about things and people - Ss’ answers. - Observation.
mentioned in the text.
- Write sentences about specific subjects. - Ss’ answers. - Observation.
- Write a summary of the text. - Ss’ answers. - Observation.

4. Procedures
A. Warm up: 5 minutes
a. Objectives: to brainstorm the topic.
b. Content: public life for people with disabilities.
c. Expected outcomes: Ss can think about the topic.
d. Organization
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
- Write Paralympics on the board and show a - Look at the word and the picture.
picture of athletes in the Paralympics.
- Elicit a definition of Paralympics from the class - Answer the teacher.
- Write phrases ‘being disabled’ and ‘people with - Look and think.
- Have Ss discuss in small groups what public life - Talk in groups about what life is like for
is like for those with disabilities (e.g., at work, at people with disabilities. Think about life in
school, using transport, etc.) school, at work, or when using public
- Elicit ideas from the class and write them on the - Answer the teacher and observe.
board. Suggested answers:
Ss’ own answers.

B. Pre – reading: 10 minutes

a. Objectives: to present some key words and help Ss have general ideas about the text.
b. Content: task 1 and vocabulary.
c. Expected outcomes: Ss can read for gist and have some general ideas about the text.
d. Organization
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
Task 1: In pairs, discuss these questions.
1. Do you know anyone who is blind?
2. What things are difficult if you can’t see?
3. Could you cycle or play football with your eyes
closed? Why/Why not?
- Get Ss to answer these questions in pairs. - Discuss these questions in pairs.
- Set time and monitor.
- Elicit ideas from the class. - Give the ideas.
Ss’ own answers.
+ echolocation
+ obstacle
+ position
+ visual
+ mobility
+ technique
- Ask Ss to read the text and underline the words - Read the text and underline the words.
- Get Ss to try to guess their meanings in the - Try to guess their meanings in the context.
context first.
- Explain the meanings of the words. - Listen to the teachers and take notes of the
- Ask Ss to listen and repeat chorally and meanings of those words.
individually. - Listen and repeat chorally and
- Check if Ss remember the words. individually.
- Answer the teacher.

C. While – reading: 15 minutes

a. Objectives: to help Ss have some ideas about Daniel Kish background and improve Ss’ scanning
b. Content: task 2, task 3, and task 4.
c. Expected outcomes: Ss can read for specific information and have some information about how
Daniel Kish overcome his weakness.
d. Organization:
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
Task 2: Read the text quickly to find out the
amazing things these people can do.
- Ask Ss to look at the pictures in the text and - Try to name things blind people can do.
elicit from the class what blind people can do.
Write some ideas on the board.
- Get Ss to skim the text in two minutes and - Skim the text and find out the amazing things
underline the amazing things these blind people these blind people mentioned in the text can do.
can do.
- Ask Ss to exchange their answers with their - Compare answers with friends.
- Check Ss’ answers.
They can go mountain biking and tree
climbing, ride a scooter, do skateboarding and
play basketball and soccer. They can also take
part in slaloms.

Task 3: Read the text again and decide if the

sentences below are true or false. Then correct
the false sentences.
1. Daniel Kish is blind and deaf.
2. He acted in a Batman film.
3. He created a way for blind people to ‘see’ using
4. He has been blind all his life.
5. He can move around like a seeing person.
6. When he echolocates only the hearing part of
his brain lights up.
- Ask Ss to read the statements and underline - Read the statements and underline important
important words and words that help them to scan. words
- Elicit key words for each statement from the - Answer the teacher.
- Get Ss to scan the text and decide whether these - Scan the text, find the information to prove
statements true or false. Ask Ss to underline the these statements are true or false.
information in the text that proves their answers. - Check the answers
- Check Ss’ answers (using the IWB).
1. False. He’s blind.
2. False. He uses the same system as bats in
order to ‘see’.
3. True.
4. False. He became blind when he was a baby.
5. True.
6. False. When he echolocates, only the visual
part of his brain lights up.

Task 4: Read the article again and make notes

about these things and people.
World Access for the Blind
Juan Ruiz
Juli Schweizer
Sebastian Mancipe
- Ask Ss to scan the text to find where those - Scan the text for those words.
names and terms are.
- Tell Ss to read the information around these - Read around the scanned words and choose
words and pick up related information to write in related information to write on notes.
the notes.
- Elicit some ideas from the class. - Answer the teacher.
Ss’ own answers.

D. Post – reading: 10 minutes

a. Objectives: to help Ss to recycle the language and express ideas using their own language.
b. Content: tasks 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9.
c. Expected outcomes: Ss can write sentences using information from the reading text and write a
summary of the text.
d. Organization
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
Task 5: Write sentences about Daniel
Kish and echolocation.
- Have Ss go over the text, underline the - Read the text again and underline lines with
information that is related to Daniel Kish information about Daniel Kish and echolocation.
and write sentences about him and
- Tell Ss not to include information that they - Delete unnecessary information.
have already written in their notes in
exercise 4. - Exchange the sentences with a partner and
- Get Ss to check their sentences with a check if there is unnecessary information.
partner in order to cross out unnecessary Suggested Answer:
information. Ss’ own answers.

Task 6: Work in groups. Use your

sentences from exercise 4 and 5 to write a
short summary of the article.
- Get Ss to small groups, probably three - Sit in groups of three.
students per group.
- Assign a role for each student in the - Take given roles.
groups. One student will read sentences; one
student will dictate; the other student will
observe and check what will be written.
- Have Ss discuss in 2 minutes and then start - Discuss in groups and work on assigned roles.
working on their roles.
- Set time and monitor.
- Invite two representatives from two - Read the summaries.
different groups to read their summaries.
- Give feedback. - Listen and take notes (if any)
Ss’ own answers.

Task 7: Read Word Zone. Then find

other examples of like in the article.
- Point out that like used in this sense
doesn’t change. It means ‘in the same way - Listen and take notes if any.
as’, but that when it follows verbs such as be
or become it means ‘similar to’. Take a few
examples of like. Example: Hearing
becomes like seeing.
- Ask Ss to read the article and underline - Read the article and find other examples of
other examples of like. like.
So Daniel can identify buildings, cars and even
trees, just like a seeing person. (paragraph 1)
Hearing becomes like seeing. (paragraph 2)
Now he does risky things, like riding a mountain
Task 8: Complete the quotes with these bike on mountain trails. (final paragraph)
words then write a quote of your own.
- Read the quotes and guess the meaning of like
- Have Ss read the quotes and ask them in those quotes.
which meaning of like is used in the quotes. - Choose a given word for each blank in each
- Ask Ss to read the given words and put quote.
them in the appropriate banks in the quotes.
- Check Ss’ answers. - Check the answers with the teacher.
Life is like the sea. It can be calm or stormy. But
it’s always beautiful.
Life is like an artist’s canvas. Every day you add
a different colour.
Life is like a book. Every page has a new
Life is like a mirror. If you smile, it smiles back.
Life is like riding a bike. To stay on, you have to
Task 9: Have the class vote on the best keep moving.
- Ask Ss to write their quotes on the board
and ask the class to vote for the ones they - Write the quotes on the board.
like best.
- Tell Ss that their vote should be based on
the truth and originality of the quotes. - Votes for the one that is most interesting.
Students’ own answers.
E. Consolidation and homework assignments: 5 minutes
- Vocabulary: echolocation, obstacle, position, visual, mobility, technique.
- Reading: practice skimming and scanning skills.
- Do the exercises in WB on page 11 and page 12.
5. Reflection
a. What I liked most about this lesson today:
b. What I learned from this lesson today:
c. What I should improve for this lesson next time:

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