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By Alessandra Zambrano/ Jose A. Inaudi/ Associate Member, ASCE, and James M. Kelly3

ABSTRACT: The modal strain energy (MSE) method is a technique for approximate analysis of structures
whose models in the frequency domain show frequency-dependent stiffness and damping matrices such as
structures containing viscoelastic dampers. In this paper, the concept of modal coupling in the frequency domain
is addressed and expressions for diagonalizable frequency-dependent stiffness and damping matrices are given.
The MSE method is described and the accuracy of this technique is investigated by computing the exact and
approximate mean square responses of structures subjected to random excitation. Closed-form expressions of
the mean square error are obtained for single-degree-of-freedom systems with linear hysteretic and Maxwell-
type damping and the accuracy of the MSE method in the estimation of response of multi-degree-of-freedom
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structures with nonclassical, hysteretic, and Maxwell-type damping is investigated using a simple base-isolated
model. Finally, the use of the MSE method for preliminary sizing of viscoelastic dampers is illustrated using a
moment-resistant steel frame.

INTRODUCTION deformation as in the case of fractional-derivative models for

The use of energy dissipation devices (EDDs) for vibration viscoelastic material (Kho and Kelly 1985).
reduction of structures has been considered in the literature The design of structures with EDDs involves defining the
and has already been realized in building structures (Mah- appropriate location of the EDDs in the structure, and pre-
moodi et al. 1987). Several types of EDDs have been proposed scribing the required dissipation capacity of the devices so as
for retrofit of existing buildings and for new construction to meet the desired reduction in deformation demand for the
(Whittaker et al. 1989; Aiken and Kelly 1990; Pall and Pall design loading condition. A trial-and-error technique based on
1993). Plastically deforming metals, friction devices, shape- analyses of the structure subjected to recorded ground motions
memory alloy materials, and viscoelastic dampers are among is a feasible, although expensive strategy. A cheaper and more
the most commonly proposed mechanisms for energy dissi- convenient approach is the use of response spectrum tech-
pation in civil-engineering structures (Hanson et al. 1993). niques. In a response spectrum, the maximum response of
Viscoelastic dampers have been utilized for reduction of wind- single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) oscillator is given as a func-
induced vibrations (Mahmoodi 1987) and have been recently tion of the period of the oscillator and its damping ratio. The
considered for earthquake-resistant design (Aiken and Kelly maximum response of a multi-degree-of-freedom (MDOF)
1990; Soong and Lai 1991; Makris 1992; Constantinou and structure can be estimated using the response spectrum by the
Symans 1992). superposition of modal contributions using an appropriate
Several viscoelastic materials, including polymers (Nashif combination rule (Der Kiureghian 1979, 1980).
et al. 1985) and viscous fluids (Makris 1992) have been used The response spectrum is typically given for linear oscilla-
to provide energy dissipation in dampers. A macroscopic ap- tors whose resistance schemes are modeled by a Kelvin ele-
proach is typically followed to model the constitutive relation ment, a linear spring in parallel with a linear viscous damper.
of viscoelastic materials. In this approach, differential or in- Therefore, when response spectrum techniques are applied for
tegral operators relate stresses, strains, temperature, and time. estimating the maximum response of a structure with visco-
At small strain levels and constant temperature, viscoelastic elastic dampers there is a necessity of defining the mode
materials exhibit linear behavior. Superposition holds and, shapes of the structure with their corresponding natural fre-
consequently, frequency-domain techniques can be used to de- quencies and damping ratios. However, if the storage and loss
scribe the relation between deformation and force in visco- moduli of the viscoelastic material are modeled by arbitrary
elastic dampers. functions of frequency, the structure cannot be considered as
The viscoelastic model most commonly used in structural a set of modal Kelvin SDOF oscillators and, in order to apply
dynamics is the Kelvin model, a linear spring in parallel with the response-spectrum technique, some approximations have
a linear viscous dashpot. When models other than the Kelvin to be made.
are used to model the viscoelastic behavior of the mechanical The modal strain energy (MSE) method has been proposed
elements of the system, a set of second order differential equa- for determining the mode shapes and modal equations that
tions is not a complete model of the system dynamics, because approximate the response of a structure with linear viscoelastic
the relation between the element forces and element defor- mechanical elements (Ungar and Kerwin 1962; Johnson and
mations or deformation rates is not memoryless. Moreover, Kienholz 1982; McFarland and Bronowicki 1989). In the con-
this relation may involve the whole past history of the element text of earthquake engineering, this technique has been used
by Chang et al. (1993) for the design of structures with vis-
'Visiting Scholar, Univ. of California at Berkeley, BERC, 1301 South coelastic dampers. In this paper, the accuracy of the MSE
46th St., Richmond, CA 94804. method is investigated by computing the exact and approxi-
2 Asst. Res. Engr., Univ. of California at Berkeley, EERC, 1301 South
46th St., Richmond, CA. mate mean-square responses of structures with three different
'Prof. of Civ. Engrg., Univ. of California at Berkeley, BERC, 1301 linear energy-dissipation mechanisms to random excitation.
South 46th St., Richmond, CA. Closed-form expressions of the mean-square error are obtained
Note. Associate Editor: John L. Tassoulas. Discussion open until De- for SDOF structures with linear hysteretic damping and Max-
cember I, 1996. To extend the closing date one month, a written request well-type damping; the concept of uncoupled modal coordi-
must be filed with the ASCE Manager of Journals. The manuscript for
this paper was submitted for review and possible publication on Septem- nates in the frequency domain is addressed; and the accuracy
ber 6, 1994. This paper is part of the Journal of Engineering Mechanics, of the MSE method in the case of multi-degree-of-freedom
Vol. 122, No.7, July, 1996. @ASCE, ISSN 0733-939919610007-0603- structures with nonclassical viscoelastic damping is investi-
0612/$4.00 + $.50 per page. Paper No. 9180. gated numerically.

J. Eng. Mech. 1996.122:603-612.

Y(joo) = ~(joo) (6)
The modal strain energy technique is a procedure to deter- where ci» = real-valued matrix; and Q(joo) = Fourier transform
mine a set of real-valued mode shapes, natural frequencies and of lIlodal coordinates q/(t)l = I, 2, ... , N. Premultiplying (6)
damping ratios for linear structures with frequency-dependent by cl>T the following expression is obtained:
stiffness and damping matrices to approximate the dynamics
of those structures. In this approach, first suggested by Ungar S(joo)Q(joo) = ci»TLw W(joo) (7)
and Kerwin (1962) and analyzed by Johnson and Kienholz where
(1982) among others, the mode shapes and natural frequencies
of the approximate system are obtained by solving an eigen-
value problem that neglects the loss moduli of the elements
of the structure. Once the mode shapes and natural frequencies
have been obtained, the modal damping ratios of the approx-
imate system are computed (as it will be detailed later) equat-
ing the loss moduli of the elements of the structure at the
+j i:
L;IH /(oo)L/) ci»
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natural frequencies of the modes, to that of each modal equa- The matrix S(joo) will not be diagonal for any ci», unless C,
tion. ~z..1 L;RH/oo)L/ and ~~ L;IH,(oo)L, are classical for all OO. Fol-
Unless the model of structure in the frequency domain has lowing Caughey and O'Kelly (1965) S(joo) can be diagonal-
frequency-independent stiffness and damping matrices and it ized if
is classically damped, the set of real-valued mode shapes, nat-
ural frequencies and damping ratios obtained using the MSE
C =M 2: a/(M-IKi
-00 < 1< 00

method are approximate. Therefore, the estimated response of

the system obtained using this method will not be exact.
Consider a linear, damped N-degree-of-freedom structure 2: LfRH,(oo)L, = M 2: (M-1K)"X.. (oo)
~1 m
-00 < m < 00
containing linear energy dissipation devices described by

My(t) + CY(t) + Ky(t) +


2: Li.f;(t) 2: L;IH/oo)L, = M 2: (M-IK)"'Yn(oo)

1-1 n
-00 <n< 00 (9)
where X..(oo) and 'Yn(oo) = scalar functions of OO. If the expres-
= Lww(t); y(O) = Yo; y(O) = Yo (1) sions in (9) hold, the system can be uncqupled in the
f!equ~ncy domain Asince the transformation cI> that makes
where y(t) = vector of displacements; M, K, and C represent
cl>TK«I> and «I>TMcI> diagonal matrices, will diagonalize the
mass, stiffness and damping matrices, respectively; w(t) rep-
other terms of (8); S(joo) is diagonal in this case; and the
resents excitation; /;(t) = force in ith EDD; and N. = number
following equations could be written for the modal coordinates
of EDDs. In any linear time-invariant model of a mechanical
device, the force /;(t) can be expressed in the frequency do- ._
main as Q/(joo) = 4>fLs'.
I = I, 2, ... , N (10)

(2) The solution of (5) can then be obtained by solving N inde-

pendent "modal equations" (10) in the frequency domain us-
where F,(joo) = Fourier transform of/;(t); H,(joo) = frequency ing Fast Fourier transform (FFT) techniques, and compining
response of element; and the element deformation !i./ is given the modal coordinates using the transformation y(t) = cl>q(t).
by Note that although the elements of q(t) are referred to as "mo-
A/(joo) = L/Y(joo) (3) dal coordinates" herein, (10) is not necessarily a typical fre-
quency-response function with a denominator of the form
In the frequency domain (1) can be written (00; - 00 2 + j2~oo/oo) since, in general, the storage and loss
moduli RH/(oo) and 14(0) areAarbitrary functions of OO.
[(joo)2M + (joo)C + K]Y(joo) + 2: L;F,(joo) = L W(joo)
Consider now the vectors cf>/ and natural frequencies WI that
solve the following eigenvalue problem:

From (2) to (4)

w;M$1 = (K + i:
L;RHI(W/)L/) $/ I = I, 2, ... , N (11)

N solutions are assumed to exist for this eigenvalue problem.

This is not necessarily so for arbitrary RH/(oo). However, when
the functions RH.(oo) are nonnegative, nondecreasing, and
bounded as in th~ case of viscoelastic materials, N = number
of solutions of (11). The solution of (11) can be obtained using
(5) an iterative method by which a classical eigenvalue problem
is solved in each iteration by evaluating the storage moduli of
where RH (00) and I H .(oo) = real-valued storage and loss moduli the elements at the corresponding frequency obtained in the
of visco~lastic devices, real and imaginary parts of H,(joo) , previous interation; i.e., taking RH/(oo/) = RHJwln-1)], where
respectively. For a given excitation, the solution of (5) can be n = current iterlltion number.
obtained numerically using fast Fourier transform techniques. The vectors cf>/ obtained from the solution of (11) are not
Alternatively, the MSE method can be applied to obtain modal orthogonal with rl(spect to the mass matrix, Le., they do
equations that approximate the response of the system de- not satisfy cf>;Mcf>k = 0 for I *"
j unless the matrix
scribed in (5). ~f..'1 L;R,(i,(oo)~, is cl~sical [satisfies (9)].
The MSE method seeks a set of uncoupled modal equations Let «I> = [cf>1 ... cf>N]; then, neglecting the off-diagonal
for approximating the response of the system described in (5). *"
terms in (7) (Sil for I J), taking 00 =;. WI iO R H / (00) in the lth
Consider the following change of coordinates equation, and dividing equation I by cf>fMcf>I' we obtain

J. Eng. Mech. 1996.122:603-612.

Linear structure containing viacoe1attic energy di.lipation devices

+ W,2 ]Q,(jW)
X T X 1 = 1, 2, ... , N (12)
cI>, McI>,
By taking w = w, in the tenn 14w)/w in (12), the Ith modal
equation can then be transfonned back to the time domain in
the fonn of a second-order differential equation to yield

, 2 4»fLww(t)
q,(t) + 2wl~q,(t) + W, q,(t) = MMcI>l 1 = 1,2, ... , N
FIG. 1. Block-Diagram Repre. .ntatlon of Model of Linear
where the modal damping ratios, ~, are given by
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Structure with Viscoelastic Dampers and Corresponding Modal

Equations Obtained Using MSE Method
, 1 ~ T IH.(W,) )
cl>1 C+ L, ~ L, cl>1
AT ( A

~ = X X .£.J
1 = 1,2, ... , N (14) In this model, the force satisfies the following equation in
the frequency domain:
Therefore, the modes 4»" frequencies W" and damping ratios
~ obtained using the MSE method satisfy F(jw) = k(1 + j sgn(w)Tj)Y(jw) (17)
where k = stiffness of device; Tj = loss factor; and Y(jw) =
_ (,2
-2 + J'22~w,w
_ 00 I'\. - ) -
- o., Fourier transfonn of element defonnation. Consider now a
cl>fMcI>, SOOF system characterized by its natural frequency 00 and loss
factor Tj under support acceleration w(t). The equation of mo-
for w = W, 1 = I, 2, ... , N (15) tion in the frequency domain is
where the modal frequencies WI' given by the solution of (11), (-w 2 + 00 2 + j sgn(w)w2Tj)Y(jw) = -W(jw) (18)
where y(t) = defonnation of structure; 00 = its natural fre-

w: =
4»f ( K + t
quency; and Tj = loss factor.
If the ground acceleration is modeled as a zero-mean white
process with autocorrelation
cI>, McI>, E[w(t)w(t + T)] = V8(T) (19)
Fig. 1 shows a block-diagram representation of the model the mean-square defonnation 0'; can be obtained as (Crandall
of a linear structure containing viscoelastic dampers and the 1963; Inaudi and Kelly 1993)
uncoupled modal equations obtained using the MSE method.
As shown in the figure, the modal equations of the MSE
method in the frequency domain are characterized by transfer 0'2 = _V_
y V8w3Tj
(1 + ~)If2
+ 1 Tj2
functions of Kelvin oscillators.
Two approximations are made to get the modal equations Let us compare the exact mean-square response of a hys-
using the MSE method: (1) The modal equations are obtained teretic SOOF system with the approximate response obtained
neglecting the off-diagonal tenns SII(jW), i:F: I; and (2) the real using the MSE method. The differential equation of the ap-
part and the imaginary part of SI/ (jw) are forced to coincide proximate system is
with those of a Kelvin SOOF oscillator, so that a second-order
differential equation can be obtained' when transforming each ~(t) + 2~w~(t) + w 2,9(t) = -w(t) (21)
modal equation to the time domain. These two approximations
affect the accuracy of the method: the first one eliminates the The mean-square defonnation can be obtained from
interaction between the modal coordinates which are generally
2 V
coupled, and the second imposes changes in the dynamics of 0', = 4~W3 (22)
each modal equation by transfonning it into the equation of a
viscously damped oscillator with frequency-independent stiff- Applying the MSE method to obtain the expressions of & and
ness and damping coefficients. ~ it is found that & = W. IH(w) = w2Tj, so from (14) it follows
A Tj
In this section the accuracy of the MSE method in the es- ~=­ (23)
timation of the mean square response of linear SDOF systems
under broad-band excitation is evaluated. Two damping mod- The estimates of the mean-square response of the system can
els are considered: a hysteretic Kelvin element and a Maxwell now be obtained using (22) and (23) as
element. For a SOOF structure, a single modal equation de- .2 V
scribes the system and the approximation of the MSE method 0', = 2Tjw 3 (24)
results from imposing RH(w) = RH (w) and IH(w)/w = IH(w)/w
for all W. In other words, the MSE method seeks an equivalent The accuracy of the approximation is shown in Fig. 2. The
Kelvin oscillator to replace an oscillator with frequency-de- dimensionless ratio 10', - O'yl/O'y is shown in solid line as a
pendent stiffness and damping coefficients. function of the loss factor Tj. The computed error corresponds

J. Eng. Mech. 1996.122:603-612.

t:l","It:l>' 0.5 Consider now a linear SDOF system with mass m, natural
frequency W containing a viscoelastic damper subjected to a
1 0.4 .white-noise support excitation. The system satisfies

t:l<>'1 >.
, t:l 0.3 y(t) + w~(t) + f(t) = -w(t) (33)
The force f(t) in the damper is modeled using a Maxwell el-
'"c:0 ement
u 0.1
f(t) = --T1 f(t) + f3y(t) (34)
00 1.6

where T = relaxation time of viscoelastic material; and 13 =

Loss factor 'Ii
storage modulus of damper for 00 -+ 00. Defining 1 = flm and
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FIG. 2. Error In Estimation of Mean-Square Deformation of 002 = 131m we can write

SDOF Structure with Hysteretic Kelvin Element

to stationary broad-band excitation; nevertheless, it can be
taken as a measure of the error to be expected in the case of
transient response in the case of broad-band excitation. Defining a state ZT = [y Y 1], (33) and (34) can be written
Let us compute the mean square error of the estimation. as
The error £y(t) = :9(t) - y(t) can be expressed in the frequency z(t) = Az(t) + Bw(t) (36)
domain as

=~J B=[~[} D=[-~' 0-IJ

where H.y (joo) is 0
A = [-;'
1 1 002
HeyU6» =
6)2 - 6>2 + j2~6)6> + w 2 - 6>2 + j sgn(6))'T]w 2
(26) (37)

The mean-square error can be computed as If the excitation is modeled by (19), the stationary mean square
deformation is (Inaudi and Kelly 1993)

O'~ = i~ IH./6>W 2~ d6> (27) 0'2= _

y 2w 3
w + W 3T 2
V _-:-_
6>2T (38)
Substituting (26) into (27) we obtain
An approximate solution for the mean-square response of a

O'~ = i~ '1'(6)) 2~ d6>

SDOF system with Maxwell-type damping can be obtained
(28) using the MSE method. For the Maxwell element, the storage
modulus R H (6)) and the loss modulus I H (6)) are given by
where, for w= W _ f36>2
2~w6>i RH(w) = -2 11 2 (39)
_ (sgn(6»1)w - w + T
'I'(w) = [(w2 _ 6>2)2 + 4~2w26>2][(W2 _ 6>2)2 + 'T]2W4] (29)
The integral of (28) can be expressed in the form

O'~ = 2~ (i~ '1'1(6)) d6> - 2 f '1'2(6)) d6» (30)

From (11) and (39), the natural frequency of the approximate
system can be obtained from
where the two integrands are 2 -2 W W
W - W + 6>2 + liT2=0 (41)
_ 'T]2W4 + 4~2w26>2
'l't(w) = [(w2 _ 6>2)2 + 4~2w26>2][(W2 _ 6>2)2 + 'T]2W4] (31) whose solution is

'I' - 4~'T]W36> &=

{[(6i -r + w2-r? - 26iV 1] 1/2+ 2w2-r +
+ 6i -r + w2-r - I}
2(W) = [(w2 _ 6>2)2 + 4~2w26>2][(W2 _ 6>2)2 + 'T]2W4] (32) V2'T
The first integral in (30) is solved using contour integration,
while the second is solved from tables (see Appendix I for The damping ratio ~ can be computed using (14) and (40)
details). as
The normalized root mean square deformation error O'ey/O'y A
is shown in Fig. 2 (dashed line) as a function of the loss factor. ~ = 2(6)2 + lI~)OOT
Naturally, the normalized errors increase with increasing 1). It
is worth noting that the error in the root mean-square response Estimates of the mean-square response of the system O'~ can
l<Ty - 0',1 is significantly smaller than that in the root mean- be obtained substituting Eqs. (42) and (43) into (22). In the
square error O'ey; O'y - 0', is negative for all 1); this means that numerical examples that follow, two SDOF systems with nat-
the MSE method overestimates the mean-square deformation ural frequency w = 'IT radls are considered; T is selected to that
of a linear hysteretic system. WT = 0.3 or WT = 1.0; and 00 is varied from 0 to Sw. Figs. 3

J. Eng. Mech. 1996.122:603-612.

and 4 show (in solid line) the normalized error in the mean MSE METHOD IN MULTI-DEGREE-OF-FREEDOM
square deformation as a function of the dimensionless param- (MDOF) SYSTEMS
eter w/w for WT = 0.3 and for WT = 1, respectively. In this section the accuracy of the MSE method applied to
Let us compute the mean-square error of the estimation. MDOF structures containing dampers modeled by linear op-
Defining a state vector iT = <:9 9), the dynamics of the ap- erators is investigated. Viscoelastic devices modeled by Max-
proximate system is described by well elements are considered. The concept of uncoupling in
the frequency domain is illustrated and the accuracy of the
2(t) = Az(t) + Bw(t) (44)
MSE method applied to 2DOF structures is analyzed numer-
where A and :A are ically.

A = [_~2 -~~w l :A = C~\] (45)

Consider the 2DOF structural model described in Fig. 5
subjected to support excitation. The masses m. = m2 = m. The
stiffness matrix is characterized by the parameters k l and k 2 •
Two Maxwell dampers are located in the model; both have
The dynamics of the exact system are given by (36). Defining
the same relaxation time T, and stiffnesses 131 and 132 at high
an extended state z~ = (iT ZT), the combined system dynam-
frequency [13; = RH;<oo)]. Defining
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ics can be written as

i.(t) = A.z.(t) + B.w(t) (46) (51)

(47) (52)
'Y(w) = 002 + 11,-2
The error Ey(t) = J(t) - y(t) is given by the following can be written
Ey(t) = Lyz.(t); Ly = [1 0 -1 0 0] (48)
[ (jwiM + K + [131_+132132 -132]
The mean-square deformation error can be computed as
a~ = LyPt.L; (49) +j [131_~;2 -~2] 'Y(W)] Y(jw) = MrW(jw);
=E[z. z~] is the solution of
where the covariance matrix Pt.
the Liapunov equation M[mo 0]; K [k._+ k
= l
]; r= [=1]1 (53)
If 132/13. = k l /k 2 the system can be uncoupled into two modal
Figs. 3 and 4 show aey/ay in dashed lines for the models Maxwell-type equations since in this case we can write
analyzed. As can be observed in the figures, aey/ay is signifi- ~~=l L;L;RH;(w) = X(W)K13I/kl' and ~~_I L;LJH/W) = 'Y(w)K13d
cantly larger than lay - a~l/ay. This means that although the k1[see (9)]. If cI». and cl»2 diagonalize M and K, then they
correlation between the exact and the approximate responses diagonalize the other terms of (53).
is not good for large values of w/w, the estimation of the mean- Let cI». and cl»2 be normalized with respect to the mass ma-
square response is satisfactory. It is worth mentioning that trix, then for 132/13. = k./k 2 the following equations hold:
w/w < 1 for most structures with viscoelastic dampers. w/w >
1 implies that the stiffness of the viscoelastic dampers exceed ._) = Scf»iMr
Q; ( JW ( ._)
Wi( ._)
I = 1,2; S;; ( JW
= - -2
+ Wi
;; JW
that of the structure.
Other linear models for viscoelastic materials include par-
allel and series combinations of Maxwell and Kelvin elements.
Fractional derivative operators have also been proposed to
model rubber materials (Koh and Kelly 1985) and fluid damp-
ers (Makris 1992). Naturally, the estimation of the error of the As shown in (54), the equations of motion of the structure
MSE method in these cases could follow an approach similar can be uncoupled in the frequency domain since the conditions
to this developed here. described in (9) are satisfied in this case. Furthermore, if the

'oW~ I '0>- 0.8 0.8 .... -_ ...-..

"0 0.7
I '0>- 0.7
0.6 0.6

• '0>-
O.S '0<>-1 >-
• '0

'0>- 0.4 '0>- 0.4

0.3 0.3
'0 0.2 ',:2 0.2
::l ::l
&: 0.1 &: 0.1 co't=l
0 0
0 O.S 0
'" '"
Normalized damping factor ~ Normalized damping factor ~
co co
FIG. 3. Error In E.tlmatlon of Mean-Square Deformation of FIG. 4. Error In E.tlmatlon of Mean-Square Deformation of
SDOF Structure with Maxwell Damping (WT =0.3) SDOF Structure with Maxwell Damping (W'T 1) =

J. Eng. Mech. 1996.122:603-612.

-Mw2<1>1 + K [1 + ~II X(w)] <1>1 = 0 i = 1,2 (56)

for some w= WI' Using (55) and (56), we can write

( 1 + --!. x(w) -
2) = 0 i = 1, 2 (57)
kl Wi

And since 0 < x(w) < 1 for 0 < w < 00, the frequencies Wi


The solutions Wi of (57) can be obtained using (42) by taking

Gl = 13lwt /k 1 • For illustration purposes the following param-
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eters are selected: ml = m2 = m, kl/m = 200 1/s 2, k 2/m = 100

1/s 2, T = 0.1 s, 131/m = 100 1/s 2, 132/m = 50 1/s 2. The natural
frequencies and mode shapes of this undamped structure are
Support acceleration WI = 7.65 rad/s; <l>i = [0.383 0.924];
--l w (t) W2 = 18.48 rad/s; <l>r = [0.924 -0.383] (59)
FIG. 5. Model of 2DOF Structure with Viscoelastic Dampers The MSE method in this case yields the same mode shapes
Modeled with Maxwell Elements <I> I and <1>2' and

WI = 8.41 rad/s; ~I = 0.102; W2 = 21.97 rad/s; ~I = 0.067
-- Exact solution
The poles of the exact system are -0.955 ± j8.8.456, -1.523
2 - Error using the MSE method ± j22.11, -6.954, and -8.089, respectively. The two pair of
complex poles correspond to natural frequencies 8.50 rad/s and
22.16 rad/s and damping ratios 0.112 and 0.068, values close
8 to those obtained using the MSE method [see (60)]. The mean-
"u square displacements of the structure subjected to white noise
are given by 0";1 = 0.0013 V S3 and 0";2 = 0.0067 V S3 while
is -2 the estimated mean-square displacements using the MSE
~= 100 1Is2
method can be obtained as O"~I = 0.0011 V S3 and 0"~2 = 0.0060
V S3; this gives relative errors I( O"Y - O"YI )/O"y11 = 0.08 and
~=50 118
0 10
I(O"n - O"y)/O"y 2 1 = 0.054 for the deformations YI(t) and Y2(t),
15 20 25 30
Time [s]
To illustrate the accuracy of the MSE method in the case
4r---~---...,----~--~---~----, of transient excitation, a simple numerical example is devel-
oped. Fig. 6(a) shows the response of the structure to the
3 -- Exact solution
North-South component of the EI Centro earthquake (Imperial
2 - Error using the MSE method Valley, 1940). The figure shows the exact deformation Yl (t) of
the structure (dashed line) and the error between the estimation
obtained using the MSE method and the exact response (solid
line). The maximum error divided by the maximum response
is 0.08, which indicates a satisfactory level of accuracy. Fur-
-, thermore, this error is of the same order as that of the root
mean-square estimation. Table 1 shows the error for different
~= 100 11 82 levels of damping. The accuracy is measured by the ratio of
~=O the maximum error obtained using the MSE method divided
by the maximum displacement Yl (t). In this example 131/132 =
0 5 '0 '5 20 25 30
k l /k2 = 2 in all cases and the ratio 131/k 1 was varied between
Time [s] 0.1 and 2. The corresponding natural frequencies and damping
FIG. 6. Response of 2DOF Structure with Maxwell Elements
Subjected to EI Centro Earthquake: Exact Solution y, (t) and Er- TABLE 1. Accuracy of MSE Method in 2DOF Structure Sub-
ror 9, - y, (t) Obtained Using MSE Method: (a) Classical Damp- jected to Transient Excitation Classically Damped Structure
ing; (b) Nonclassical Damping (l~,'k, = 1l2'k,,)

max[ly,(t) - y,(t)1l
MSE method is applied to this problem and <1>1 and <1>2 are the 13,/k, max[l y, (t) I] W, 102 ~, ~2
eigenvectors of the problem (1 ) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
0.1 0.02 7.80 19.19 0.023 0.019
(55) 0.5 0.08 8.41 21.97 0.102 0.067
1.0 0.14 9.25 25.23 0.171 0.092
and <1>1 and <1>2 solve the eigenvalue problem of the MSE 1.5 0.20 10.16 28.22 0.213 0.101
2.0 0.24 11.10 30.98 0.236 0.104
method (II):

J. Eng. Mech. 1996.122:603-612.

TABLE 2. Accuracy of MSE Method In 2DOF Structure Sub- estimation of this displacement. The maximum error divided
Jected to Transient Excitation Nonclasslcally Damped Structure by the maximum response is 0.17, significantly greater than
(132 = 0) that obtained in the case of classical damping (0.08). Table 2
max[l91(t) - y,(t)11 shows the error obtained using the MSE method for different
13,/k, max[l Yl (t) II 00, ~ ~1 ~ ratios I3I/kl and 132 =O. Again, the induced damping ratios and
(1 ) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) frequencies are shown in the table to allow comparison with
0.1 0.03 7.72 18.84 0.011 0.010 the results in Table 1.
1.0 0.29 8.25 22.17 0.0668 0.0715 The modal equations computed using the MSE method in
1.5 0.32 8.47 24.01 0.0764 0.0884 the nonclassically damped structure considered have been ob-
2.0 0.36 8.65 25.80 0.0792 0.0982 tained by neglecting the off-diagonal terms of S(jw) that cou-
ple the equations of motion in the coordinates q/(t) [see (13)].
m A comparison between the results shown in Tables 1 and 2
shows that for comparable damping ratios, the error in the
classically damped structure is significantly smaller than those
k in the structure with coupled modes. This is due to the modal
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coupling being neglected in the case of nonclassically damped


In this section the accuracy of the MSE method applied to
m the estimation of the response of base-isolated structures sub-
jected to support acceleration is investigated. Multistory (N =
2, 4 and 8) shear buildings (Fig. 7) are considered. The mass
matrix is characterized by the basement mass and floor masses
m Damper model: Viscous (I) m. The stiffness k of each story of the building is selected to
Linear hysteretic (ll) give a desired period Tfb to the first mode of the fixed-base
DamperrQ--J v
l~ Maxwell (lll)
structure which is taken as Tfb = (N - 1) 0.1 s. The isolation
FIG. 7. Model of Base·lsolated Structure Used In Numerical
Examples TABLE 4. Accuracy of MSE Method Applied to MDOF Base-
Isolated Structures Subjected to White Noise (Model II)
TABLE 3. Accuracy of MSE Method Applied to MDOF Base-
Isolated Structures SUbjected to White Noise (Model I) CTy - CTf CT'y
Co CTy - CTt CT'y
(1) (2) (3) (4)
N 2Nmw. CTy CT y
2 0.1 0.002 0.038
(1 ) (2) (3) (4) 2 0.6 0.058 0.261
2 0.1 3.e-l0 3.e-04 2 0.8 0.095 0.348
2 0.4 5.e-09 0.001 2 1.2 0.174 0.506
2 0.8 2.e-08 0.002 2 1.4 0.214 0.577
4 0.1 2.e-07 0.003 4 0.1 0.002 0.039
4 0.4 2.e-06 0.012 4 0.6 0.058 0.262
4 0.8 l.e-05 0.023 4 0.8 0.093 0.350
8 0.1 l.e-05 0.015 4 1.2 0.172 0.507
8 0.4 2.e-04 0.060 4 1.4 0.211 0.578
8 0.8 7.e-04 0.113 8 0.1 0.002 0.041
8 0.6 0.054 0.270
8 0.8 0.088 0.359
ratios obtained using the MSE method for each case are shown 8 1.2 0.160 0.517
in the table to illustrate the level of damping induced and the 8 1.4 0.195 0.587
shift in frequencies achieved with the addition of viscoelastic
dampers. TABLE 5. Accuracy of MSE Method Applied to MDOF Base-
Let us now consider a case of a structure with modal cou- Isolated Structures SUbjected to White Noise (Model III)
pling. Let the mass and stiffness matrices of the structure be
the same as that of the previous example, let T = 0.1 s, 132 = CTy - CTf CT'y
0, and 131/m = 100 1/s2. In this case the vectors 4»1 and 4»2 that N
(1 )
WOO. ~, ...... CTy CTy
diagonalize M and K do not diagonalize (53) because the con- (2) (3) (4) (5)
ditions in (9) are not satisfied. The MSE method yields the 2 0.5 0.036 0.010 0.015
following mode shapes, frequencies, and damping ratios 2 1.0 0.147 0.041 0.615
2 2.0 0.605 0.170 0.256
cf»i = [0.342 0.94]; WI = 7.98 radls; ~I = 0.045; 2 3.0 0.469 0.381 0.570
2 5.0 0.297 0.617 0.877
AT 4 0.5 0.035 0.010 0.015
~2 = [0.952 -0.305];

~ = 20.31 radls;

~2 = 0.044 (61) 4 1.0 0.143 0.040 0.061

4 2.0 0.574 0.165 0.251
The poles of the exact system are -0.3637 :t j8.04, -0.915 4 3.0 0.434 0.363 0.555
:t j20.35, -7.44, and -10.0. The two pair of complex poles 4 5.0 0.241 0.590 0.867
correspond to natural frequencies 8.05 radls and 20.37 radls 8 0.5 0.031 0.009 0.015
and damping ratios 0.0452 and 0.0449. Fig. 6(b) shows a com- 8 1.0 0.127 0.035 0.060
parison between the exact displacement (in dashed line) Y. (t) 8 2.0 0.447 0.137 0.238
of the structure subjected to EI Centro earthquake, and the 8 3.0 0.306 0.287 0.502
8 5.0 0.129 0.483 0.825
error (in solid line) obtained using the MSE method in the

J. Eng. Mech. 1996.122:603-612.

system is modeled by a linear spring leo in parallel with linear
dampers. The dampers are modeled as follows: (I) a linear
viscous element with parameter co; (II) a linear hysteretic el-
ement with loss factor 1]; and (III) a Maxwell element with §
relaxation time T = 0.1 s and stiffness J3 =GlNm. The isolation ~ YJI}
system stiffness is taken as leo = Nmw~, where W a represents
an approximate value of the natural frequency of the first mode ~ Yil } Uo

of vibration of the base-isolated structure, which is assumed
as W a = '1T radls. The excitation is modeled as a white-noise ~ Y,(t}
process. The exact root mean-square deformation (jy of the
isolation system, the root mean-square estimate (MSE method)
(jg of the deformation of the isolation system, and the root
mean-square estimation error (j. y are computed to assess the
accuracy of the MSE method.
The results obtained for model I are shown in Table 3 for

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N = 2, 4, 8 and co/(2Nmw a ) = 0.1, 004, 0.8. As indicated in Viscoelastic damper (h. A)

the table, excellent accuracy is obtained using the MSE FIG. 8. Moment-Resistant Steel Frame with Supplemental
method in the estimation of the mean-square deformation of Viscoelastic Dampers Used In Numerical Example
the isolation system even for high values of Co (note that col
2Nmwa represents an approximate value of the damping ratio TABLE 6. Sectional Properties of Columns and Girders
of the first mode of vibration of the isolated structures). The Area Second moment of area
results obtained for model II are shown in Table 4 for N = 2, Column (cm2 ) (cm4 )
4, 8 and the isolation systems with 1] 0.1, 0.6, 0.8, 1.2, 104. (1 ) (2) (3)
Again, the accuracy in the estimation of the root mean-square (a) Columns
deformation of the isolation system is good, especially for loss
factors smaller than 0.50 (most common in values in struc- W14 X 193 366.4 99,895.5
W14 X 132 250.3 63,683.4
tures). The mean-square error of the estimation, however, takes W14 X 99 187.7 46,201.7
large values for high loss factors. For example, for N = 8 and
1] = 1.4 the root mean-square error (j. normalized by the exact
(b) Girders
value of the root mean-square defo'rmation (jy is 0.59. The W30 X 116 220.6 205,202.1
results obtained for model III are shown in Table 5. The W27 X 102 193.5 150,675.8
W27 X 84 160.0 118,625.9
amount of damping provided by Maxwell dampers is param- W24 X 84 159.4 98,646.8
eterized by wlwa • The damping ratio ~Iexact in the first pair of W24 X 68 129.7 76,170.4
complex poles of the structure is computed for all values of
Nand w considered and shown in the second column of Table
5. As in the previous cases, the error (jy - (jg in the estimation TABLE 7. Storage and Loss Moduli of Polymer Used In Nu-
of the root mean-square deformation of the isolation system merical Example
and the root mean-square error (j.Y of the estimation, increase Frequency G' G"
with the increase in the damping parameter, and (jy - (jg is (HZ) (MPa) (MPa) TJ = GI//G'
much smaller than (j.y. (1 ) (2) (3) (4)
0.1 0.429 0.489 1.14
MSEMETHOD 1.0 1.417 1.928 1.36
2.0 2.053 2.771 1.35
To illustrate the application of the MSE method in design 3.0 2.550 3.359 1.32
of supplemental viscoelastic dampers for structures, consider
the moment resistant frame shown in Fig. 8. Two frames like
the one in the figure constitute the lateral resistance of the six- storage and loss moduli of the polymer (Scotchdamp 109)
story building considered. Viscoelastic dampers connected to used in the dampers. The data corresponds to a temperature
the frame using diagonal braces are to be installed in the frame of 24°C and shear strain of 20%.
in the two center bays as illustrated in the figure to augment The stiffness matrix of the undamped frame associated to
the damping in the structure. the lateral motion of the floors was computed as
The structure is a six-story moment-resistant steel frame.
The sectional properties of the columns and girders are shown 3.2577 -2.3593 0.3111 -0.0320 0.0030 0,0017]
in Table 6. The following mechanical properties were assumed -2.3593 3.6952 -1.7966 0.2657 -0.0256 0.0027
K= 0.3111 -1.7966 2.9236 -1.6224 0.2250 -0.0211 10' kNt
for the steel: Young's modulus E = 20,000 kN/cm 2 and Pois- -0.0320 0.2657 -1.6224 2.4810 -1.2766 0.1818 em
son ratio v = 0.25. The viscoelastic dampers are assumed to [ 0.0030 -0.0256 0.2250 -1.2766 2.0671 -0.9925
be shear type devices with bonded layers of acrylic polymer. 0.0017 0.0027 -0.0211 0.1818 -0.9925 0.8267
This type of damper has been developed by The 3M Company (63)
and used to structures subjected to wind and earthquake ex-
citation (Chang et al. 1993). The following linear model is Assuming a lumped mass model for the building, half of the
used for the dampers floor mass is lum~d in each diagonal term of the mass matrix
mil = 2.555 kN s Icm, I = I, 2, ... , 6.
F(jw) = ~ [G'(w) + jG"(w)]I1(jw) (62) The first three undamped natural frequencies of the model
h are
where F(jw) = Fourier transform of damper force; A = shear WI = 4.54 radls; W2 = 12.5 radls; W3 = 21.5 radls (64)
area of damper; h = thickness of viscoelastic layer; G'(w) =
storage modulus of material; G"(w) = loss modulus of material; The design objective is to achieve modal damping ratios of
and l1(jw) = deformation across damper. Table 7 shows the approximately 10% in the first three modes of vibration. For

J. Eng. Mech. 1996.122:603-612.

i~ '1'1 (w) dw = 2-rrj(rl + r
convenience all dampers are assumed to have the same ge-
ometry, that is, the same thickness h and same area A. Assum- 2 + r3 + r4) (68)
ing a maximum shear deformation of 50%, and a maximum
interstory drift ratio of 0.005, the thickness h of viscoelastic
dampers can be taken as
where r/ =residues corresponding to following poles of inte-

0.005H ~ < 3 cm = h (65) WI = oov'1 - ~2 + 2~~;

W2 = -oov'1 - 2~2 - 2~~;
where H = story height; and a = angle of brace attaching
damper to frame. W3=oo~; W4=-oo~ (69)
The shear area A of the dampers has to be obtained. For
this purpose we use the MSE method and iterate in the value The residues are computed as
of A until the design objective is met. To simplify the analysis,
we neglect the effect of the vertical component of the damper r/ = '1'1 (w)(w - w/)I",_",/ i = 1,2,3,4 (70)
braces in the dynamical response of the model. This is done To solve the second integral in (30), we define x = (w/oo)2,
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to avoid having to specify inertia to vertical degrees of free- then

dom of the nodes to which braces are connected; in this way,
we can work with the 6-DOF model described previously. The
computed value of A was
r __ = 72~1)[ [(1 -
Jo '1'2(00) doo 0 X)2 +
4~2x][(1 _ X)2 + 1)2] dx
2 (71)
A = 1523 cm (66)
Eq. (71) can be written as
The following natural frequencies and damping ratios were
obtained for these parameters using the MSE method 2~1) (
Jo x2
a + bx dx c + dx
+ (4~2 - 2)x + 1 + Jo x 2 - 2x + 1 + 1)2
dx) r
W, = 4.96 rad/s; ~I = 0.107; W2 = 13.8 rad/s; (72)

~ = 0.120; W3 = 23.5 rad/s; ~3 = 0.107 (67)
which realizes the design objective.
16~2 - 8~2 + 1)2 .
CONCLUSIONS - (16~2 + 16)~4 - 81)2~2 + 1)4'
The concept of modal coupling in the frequency domain has b= --::---...,....::---::-::--~
been addressed and sufficient conditions for a structure with (16~2 + 16)~4 - 81)2~2 + 1)4'
linear frequency-dependent stiffness and damping matrices to 4~2 - 1)2
be uncoupled in modal equations have been given. C = .
Closed-form expressions have been obtained for the mean- (16~2 + 16)~ - 81)2~2 + 1)4'
square error of the estimation of the stationary response of 4~2
SDOF oscillators subjected to white-noise excitation. This er- d=
(16~2 + 16)~4 - 81)2~2 + 1)4 (73)
ror can be used to estimate the error that can be expected in
the case of broad-band transient excitation. The accuracy of From tables we obtain
the MSE method in the estimation of the transient respense of
structures using viscoelastic dissipation devices to determin-
istic excitation, and mean-square response to random excita- [ 'l'2(W) dw = 2~; [(a - ~) I.
tion has been assessed. It was demonstrated that the error in
the estimation of the response is significantly smaller in the
case of structures with classical damping (uncoupled modes in
+ (c - .!!l!...)
2A h
I -
2A I h
the frequency domain).
The MSE method is a valuable tool for the design of struc- II' 12 , and 13 are given by the following expressions
tures containing viscoelastic dampers since it allows the esti-
mation of the response of these structures using response spec- I - 2 (-rr- - tan- I B ).
1- Y4AC - B2 2 Y4AC _ B2 '
trum techniques through the definition of mode shapes, natural
frequencies and damping ratios. Considerations on the location
within the structure and sizes of viscoelastic dampers can be 12 = 2 (-rr- - tan- I Bh ) .
done with great ease using the MSE method in combination Y4A h Ch - B~ 2 Y4A h Ch - B~ ,
with the design response spectrum. 13 = log( 1 + 1)2) A = 1; B = 4~2 - 2; C = 1; Ah = 1;
This research has been developed at the Earthquake Engineering Re-
search Center of the University of California at Berkeley with the finan- APPENDIX II. REFERENCES
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